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It was the day of fireworks, independence, the day that every pony was going to celebrate.

was a month over when Discord and Trek was working together and Discord has betrayed the
one he loved most, Fluttershy.

He couldn't sleep, he couldn't focus, he couldn't think. The words “I thought we were friends”
kept going in his head. He wished that had never happened. He was afraid if she really didn't
accepted him for what he did wrong. But ever since that day, he could stop thinking about her.
He couldn't stop looking at her.

Something was wrong with the Lord of Chaos.

Oh come on Discord! Stop thinking about her, stop thinking about her!

He thought as he kept slapping himself. He couldn't have been in love with this mare…..could

“It's no use. Am I in love with her?” He gagged from the thought. “ I must certainly stop thinking
in ‘such’ things. Maybe I might supposed have therapy.” His crazy senses said.

By the snap of his fingers, he had cloned himself as a therapist and a couch so he can lay on.
“So tell me, do you think about her?”

“Yes, I don’t know why tho”

“Do you like her as a friend?”

“Well is depends on what mood I'm on”

“Ok, delusional….” He whispered as he wrote on his small note book.

“Oh please, I'm not delusional! The last thing I know is that you’re the stupidest version of me.”
He rolled his eyes at him.

“Alright, now I will be showing you some drawings, so what does this look like?” It looked alike a
black smear, but for Discord it reminded him of Fluttershy.

“That's Fluttershy and her gorgeous mane-” He stopped himself. “Cruse my brain.” He said as
he cut his head and replaced his brain with a new one. “Mmmmm ...very drunk” He wrote down.
“I AM NOT!!!” He calmed down and layed back down.

Maybe I am….oh well

“Um ok then, next one!” He pulled out another picture and it was same one as the other one.
“Oh that one is…” He looked at it and it looked like Fluttershy looking at him all loving like with
her bunny, Angel. “That's Fluttershy with those beautiful teal eyes and her soft cotton candy
pink mane….” He sighed as he looked at Angle. “ But the real thing that disturbs me is her evil
ugly bunny, ‘Angle’ ! Why is he called Angle even tho he doesn't look like an Angel! He should
be called, ‘Loner bunny’ and get livin’ in the sidewalks holding a sign that says, ‘ I hate you all
and leave me alone you hoe!”

“DISCORD SUCH LANGUAGE!!!???” Therapists Discord said. “This is a kid friendly show!” He
whispered.“Alright this is what I got, ‘you're in love and you need some serious help cause the
lord of chaos can never be loved’, the end! Now will you excuse me I need my morning tea!”

“Oh please, you're out of your mind! I do not love or like her! And it's not even morning! Its
seriously night out! What therapist you are!” Discord argued with himself.

“I know it's not morning douchebag! But I might not be wrong about you liking the mare. Like it's
very obvious don't you think? I mean you can't stop thinking about her, so why not just talk with
her but you don't have to confess your feelings just yet! Just listen to me just once!” Before
Discord and talk back he snapped his fingers so he could be gone and the couch as well.

“Oh you idiot! You such granny when it comes to love and blah blah blah! And I am so not in
love with her!” As he talked to himself, he looked at the picture of him and Fluttershy. He sighed
and thought about her and him laying down together and cuddling and snuggling and-

“Oh my, I am in love with her…..”

He thought as he accidentally dropped the picture.” No! I'm the Lord of Chaos! The
draconequus that everyone fears! The Lord of chaos can never feel such love!” He picked up
the picture and he looked at Fluttershy and he felt him smile, but immediately his smile turned
into a frown.

“Oh no….Don’t tell me I'm Love”

“Hey Flutters, want to come to the watch the fireworks at the park with us? It'll totally rock!”
Rainbow Dash ask.

“Oh no, I can’t go… I need to uhh….feed Angle! He's very hungry and so are my other animals.
I can't just leave them starving.” Fluttershy said trying her best not tell them that she has a fear
of fireworks.

“Well alright, but darling stop trying to stop hiding your fears!” Rarity's words surprised
Fluttershy. “How do you guys know?”

“Oh sugar cube we’re friends aren't we?”AppleJack replied

“Yeah Fluttershy we understand you have some fears that you rather not attend to” Twilight said
wisely as wise as herself.

“YEAH!! And we can give you some pics of the fireworks!

IT’S.GONNA.BE.THE.MOST.AMAZING. THING.EVER!!!” The cray- cray Pinkie Pie herself said
making Fluttershy a little jealous just because of her stupid fear.

“Well we better get going. I CAN’T WAIT!!!” Rainbow Dash Dashed out of the room and flu up to
the park.

“Dashie wait for meh oh I mean us!” Pinkie jumped out of Fluttershy’s house.
“You know the only reason why Rainbow Dash wants to go is to see her ‘friend’ Soarin!” Rarity
smiled at the fact that maybe Rainbow can have her first crush.I know, she isn't really that type
of person that are in to lots of stallions. Mostly when she doesn't know him.

“You know Fluttershy it won't be the same without you, but if it's your fear then we understand.
Just give come to us if anything happens ok?” Twilight said as if she's afraid if she leaves her

“Of course darling! Oh look at the time! Girls we better start moving are we will miss the
marvelous show! Toodles!” Rarity said as she puts her nose up and heads to the door.

“You know if you feeling lonely, you can always come to us.”AppleJack said with her frown on
her face.

“I'm fine by being alone. I have my animals with me. You girls have a lovely time.” Fluttershy can
take care of herself now that she's older than before, and stronger. “Ok Fluttershy, we know you
can handle it. Bye!” Twilight and AppleJack leaves her house and closes the door.

“So Angle want some carrots? Or bunny food? Ooh! I some salad.” Her hooves are covered
with all sorts of salads, carrots, but Angle looked a little bit….scared?

“What's the matter Angle?” Angle has gotten nuts. He ran as fast as he can to the
backyard.Then when she was at the door she saw a shadow. She turned around and saw….

“Discord! Oh I'm so glad you're here! We haven't talked in a while! But why are you here?” She
looked concerned. He couldn't stop looking at her. He was standing there like an idiot. Then he
lost focus and returned to answer the question.

“Oh right, well like you said, it's been a very very long time!” Discord said as he smiled at her.
“Oh ok, will you like some tea?” Fluttershy said sweetly. “Well of course! But wait, why aren't
you with your friends? You guys should been watching the fireworks by now.” Fluttershy didn't
want to answer it, he might think that she's such a baby.
“Umm well you see...I am scared fireworks….” She said as he hid her face in her mane. He
loves it when she does that. “Oh Fluttershy you don't have to tell me, I already know!” He acted
so surprised but the only one that's really surprised is Fluttershy. Since when my friends knew a
lot about me? “You know what?”

“That your afraid of fireworks of course.”

“Did you go in my mind?”

“No, maybe, yes? I don't know answer that one yourself.”

She stared at him concerned. Did he make her mad? That's when Discord tried to lighten up the
mood. “Oh Fluttershy i was just joking. But you know, why are you afraid?” She was scared of
the noises. It was time to tell him the truth, he interrupted her. “Oh right, I already know.” This
time she really got all up on him. “Discord!” She made a mad face. He messed up. He grabbed
Fluttershy to a tight embrace.

“I'm so sorry Fluttershy, I didn't mean to make you mad! Can you forgive me?” Discord didn't
want to lose her again. “Oh Discord of course I forgive you! I can never get mad at you for too
long! Oh Discord….” she hugged him tight not wanting to let go. As she hugged him, she
nuzzled his chest. He blushed a little but not for long. “Oh Discord want to help me feed the
animals?” As he heard her sentence, he snapped his fingers and all the food bowls were full of
all sorts of food. “Done!”

She thought of something else to do in the meantime. Well I do have a lot of strawberries.

“Discord, want to help me with baking a strawberry pie and maybe some cupcakes to go along it
as well!” She tried to avoid to go outside and hear the booms and whistles of the fireworks. “
Well we can always use my magi-” Fluttershy cut him off. “ I want to make this homemade.” He
wanted to do anything for her. “Alright. So what is the first thing first?” He said as Fluttershy
pushed herself more closer to Discord. He has gotten nervous.

“First is to add some flour.” He snapped his fingers and a big bowl and a bag of flour appeared.

“Then you add a cup of flour.”

“Why don't we just use all the flour?” He opened the bag a almost dumps it in. Fluttershy sees
him almost puring it in.

“Discord no!-” He didn't listen and the flour got on their faces, the counter,and the floor. They
both looked at their faces and they laughed.

“Discord haha you face!” She continued to laugh.

“Well what about. Your face?!” He laughter harder and so did she. They stopped to catch their
breath. “Oh my! Almost got a teary eye!” He wiped his eye. “Uh maybe we should use your

“Point taken” he snapped his fingers and all the food supplies are there and they can move. “I
always love your Chaos.” She said as she moved closer but he moved his head away and
interrupted her. “Fluttershy no more umm stalling. I think you should see how umm beautiful the
fireworks are!” He took her hoof and dragged her to the door. “Discord you know that I'm afraid
of fireworks!” She said backing away from the door. “Do you trust me?” He said serious like.

“Of course I trust you just that the fireworks..” He looked deep into her eyes. “You'll be safe as
long I'm here with you.” He said as he pushed her bangs from her eyes. She blushed.
“Umm...O-ok….” she said. Discord opened the door and they were walking to her backyard and
then a firework came. Whistle, boom

“AHHH!” She screamed and hid behind Discord. “Oh aren't you a sweetheart when you get
scared.” He made her blush more. They sat down next to each other. Another firework came. By
now, Fluttershy can't even breathe by all her screaming. “AHHHHHHHHHH!” As she screams
more birds fly away from their trees. There was a big firework coming…3…..2…..1. “AHHHHH!”
She went closer to Discord and went to his chest. “Oh come on Fluttershy, it's time to face your
fears! Don't you want to overcome your-” Before he could talk more he stared at her and see
how adorable she looked.

She started to stare up at him and saw him staring at him. She looked away and blushed. She
laid her head on his shoulder and he looked at her and blushed. He wrapped his tail around
her.Then another big firework came, Discord snapped his fingers and when the firework
exploded in the air, it was picture of Fluttershy. This time, Fluttershy didn't flinch and looked at
the firework of herself. She gasp and stared at Discord and saw him smile which made her
blush more. She hid herself in her mane so he couldn't see herself blushing. He couldn't give up
that easily. He put his paw underneath her chin and made her head face him. “Anything for you,
dear.” She blushed and their was no hiding it.

“I see that blush missy!” Discord teased. “What!? I wasn't blushing...the fireworks are making
you color blind Discord.” She teased back. “Oh yeah? Then how come did you try attempting
hiding your face the third time?” She gasped and blushed. “Oh ….got me……” She
blushed more as she said those words. She also knew that it was getting colder for her….even
tho it's summer. “You know Discord, maybe I've overcome my fear now.” She said as they both
started at the fireworks. “Because you helped me, your a good friend.” She said which made
him blush.

One day Fluttershy, maybe we can be more than friends…

“Now who's blushing!” Fluttershy interrupted him in his thoughts. “Hey! Oh yeah! ‘The fireworks
are making you color blind Discord.’” He joked as he made his face look like Fluttershy. She
laughed at his joke. “Oh Discord, your so classic! Your so funny.” She said as she tries to stop

Discord touches her mane and puts her bangs back. They both stare at each other. “You know
Discord, I just can't believe your're just to kind, funny, and such a sweetheart. Like
talk about the firework…” she leaned closer to him and so does he. “ Speak for yourself, you've
grown to the most beautiful mare in equestria.” He smiled. “You might be talking to Rarity.…”
she said looking away from him. He moved her face to face him with his claw underneath her
chin. “I'm starting at beauty right now.” They blushed as they keep leaning closer to each other.
They closed their eyes and….

“EEK!” She screamed as she jumped on Discord making him fall back. And she's back of being
scared of fireworks…

“I guess I'm scared of fireworks again...hehe…” He got up and they both heard a bell. “Oh the
pie is ready!” Fluttershy said as she walks to the house. She stops and looks back seeing
Discord laying down and staring at her. She moves her head making the sign saying ‘you

He gets up and teleports next to her and the door. “Ladies first!” He said bowing and his arms
facing the door. He entered after her and they can already smell the scent of strawberries.
Fluttershy opened the oven and with a oven mit, she took the pie and the cupcakes out.
“Perfect! Oh and my favorite part, the frosting! Discord snapped his fingers and a bag of pink
frosting and cutted strawberries appeared. His mouth was watering. Fluttershy frosted the
cupcakes and place a cutted strawberry in each cupcake. “We should eat them outside. So we
can still see the fireworks.” Discord snapped his fingers so there was a picnic blanket and some
plates. He holded the cupcakes on a plate and the pie.

Fluttershy cutted the pie in 7ths and gave a piece to Discord and one to herself, as well as a
cupcake. They took a bite and all hell broke in. It was the definition of delicious. “Wow Discord,
I'm very impressed at the baking crew, I can't believe I'm about to say this but, they taste better
than sugarcube corners cupcakes!” Even Discord was surprised. “Don't tell Pinkie!” She
whispered which made both of them laugh. “ Well what can I say? Do never under rest a mate
the Lord of Chaos!”

“Oh Discord, your not the Lord of Chaos in my eyes.”

“Is that supposed to be a good thing or…?”

“Of course it's as good thing! Your the most sweetest stallion I know! Besides Big Mac… but
don't you see? You've grown to the Lord of Chaos and look at you know! You changed to the
sweetheart I know.” She said hugging him as he returned the hug. He felt her shivering of
“Fluttershy how could you be cold in the summer?”

“I don't k-know..” she said getting closer to his chest. “Your so warm….” She said as she
nuzzles his chest. She squeaks whenever a firework came and came closer to his chest. He
couldn't help but hug her. He laid down and so did she. She laid down with him and moved
closer to him to get some warmth. He moved his tail close to her to make her more warmer. He
snapped his fingers and their was a blanket around her and him. “Thank you..” She said as she
snuggles closer to him. He blushed and whispered, “ You're so precious.” But not too quiet for
her to hear. She blushed at what he whispered.

Your such an idiot! Why did you say that?! Now she might know! Discord thought.

Fluttershy took more bites of the pie and cupcake until she finished. Discord finished 29 minutes
ago. She turned her body so she can face him. He laid his head on the ground and played with
her hair. She gotten more closer to him and put her 4 hooves on him. All his fur went up and she
nuzzled his chest. He shivered. And the biggest and loudest firework was coming to end the
firework show in 3….2…..1! Whistle and booms

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” That was the loudest scream that Fluttershy made. It was loud
enough for Canterlot. After that she felt so guilty and embarrassed that she made 106 birds fly
away throughout the whole show. “ it over…?” She tucked his fur. “Yes… maybe I
don't know really.” He tickled her nose with his tail. “Discord! ….stop!...” she laughed.

“Oh my! That is the most beautiful fire-” Rarity said but stopped until she heard a familiar

“Girls that's Fluttershy!!!” Twilight panicked. “Something wrong is going on! Lets go! Oh I hope
she's ok!”

“Rainbow Dash!? Where's Rainbow Dash?” Rarity said and found her. “ Rainbow! No time to
spend with your “colt friend” Soarin!” She smiled at her. “Rarity he's not my colt friend! Your just
making it awkward!” They both blushed. “But other than that, what's the rush? Why we leaving
so early?” Rainbow Dash looked confused. “We heard Fluttershy's scream! She in TROUBLE!
Would you rather help Fluttershy or hang out with your colt friend?” She teased. “OH COURE
FLUTTERSHY! Sorry Soarin for making it AWKWARD!!” She started at Rarity when she said
awkward. “No worries and maybe we can meet at sugarcube corner. Oh and I'll pay.” He said.
When she heard the word “ pay” yeah that triggered her. “You think I don't have all MY money?
No no no I’LL pay!” She said pointing at him. “ Um ok so cya soon!” Soarin waved.

“Fluttershy we came as fast as we can-” the girls gasp. They didn't see Fluttershy in her house.

“The bathroom?” Twilight panicked.

“Nope” AppleJack said worried.

“The living room?” Twilight panicked more.

“No darling…!” Rarity panicked as well.

“Her room?!”

“Not a single hair!” Rainbow Dash said frowning.

“THE KITCHEN?!” Twilight had a panic attack.

“Nopey dopey Lopey!” Pinkie laughed and smiled. The 5 mare just stared at her. “what?”

“Wait...the backyard!” They ran to the backyard and slammed the door open. They all stared in

“DISCORD?!” They all said at the same time. “What did you do to Fluttershy?!” He stared at
them. “What do you mean? She right here.” She moved out of the way and saw Fluttershy doing
fine. “Fluttershy!” They all said calmly and hugged her tightly.

“Fluttershy we heard your scream, was something wrong?” Fluttershy got embarrassed for a
moment and stared at Discord. While they were still laying down there and staring at each other,
Discord made a face that said ‘what are you waiting for? Go tell them.’ She took a breath and
told them. “Well the big firework came and it was loud…and I screamed...I was scared…” She
said nervously.

“But why is Discord here?” Rainbow questioned as she gave the stink eye on Discord and
pointed at him. “Oh he came here to keep me company. Oh! And we have strawberry pie and
cupcakes if you would like.” Pinkie pie immediately digged in. “Hey why du thise cupcakes
wtaste better than sugarcube mmmm…. corners?!” She tried to speak with all her food in her

Discord and Fluttershy stared at each other and started laughing. Oh she's such an adorable-
UGH not again Discord!

They finished laughing and Discord stroked her mane. “So girls girls how was the fireworks?”
Fluttershy said ready to see if they saw birds flying often.

“Well the fireworks were fabulous darling, but I hardly think that Rainbow Dash even saw a
single firework over her friend Soarin.” Rainbow Dash blushed. “We're just freakin friends! Like
what the fu-”

“HAHA OK RAINBOW, HOLD YOUR HORSES!!!” AppleJack was shock enough that Rainbow
would use SUCH language! AppleJack covered Rainbow Dashes mouth with her hoof and let
good of her. “What I was TRYING to say was, don't you have any relationships with
FancyPants?” Rarity blushed and looked away. “I have no idea what your talking about darling.”
They all looked at her, including Discord. They all know that Rarity can easily fall for a charming
stallion. “Ok maybe a small crush, hahaaaaa!” She said turning to her friends and squishing her
face with her hooves.

“He's sooo charming!” She thought about him and twirling her long piece of hair. “So what
about you Twilight?”

“What do you mean me?”

“You know, you and Flash?”

“Oh...uh,mm…” She blushed as she smiled akwardly. “Come sugarcude! We know that you
have a special some pony!” AppleJack elbowed Twilight on her hoof. “Well…”

“Ooh! Yay! Learning everyone's special some pony! Oh this should be fun! And I promise, I
won’t say a peep!” Discord zipped his mouth and put his hand over his heart and his other
hand sticking up. “We know Discord.” They all said except Fluttershy. “So umm about Flash twi”
AppleJack said with a grin. “Well, we've been talking a lot at the firework show, and he also said
if we would want to meet tomorrow! It'll be so fun!”

“Omg same! Soarin told me if we have hang out at sugarcube corner!”

“So what bout ya Pinkie?” AppleJack said waiting for the name.

“Oh you mean Cheese Sandwich? Yeah is cool and all. And CRAZY! Like me!” She laughed
alittle but not showing it. AppleJack in her mind is saying ‘yesss!’.

“And you AppleJack?” Rarity saying.

“Oh I have no pony in mind.” Cause her special some pony is not a pony.

“Oh ok Well, hopefully you'll find your special some pony.” Twilight reasureing her with her hoof
on her shoulder.

“So now it's time for Fluttershy!” They all smiled at her, mostly Discord. “Come on Fluttershy you
can tell us.” Discord grinned. “Oh umm...well I umm…” she said hiding her face in her mane.

“Well I think it's ‘very’ clear that we know that her special ‘somepony’ is laying right next to her.”
Rarity flapped her eyes at her. Fluttershy thought who was laying next to her which
meant...Discord. She blushed flusteredly and looked away still looking at discord.

“WHAT?! What do you mean Discord?! He hurted ponyvil! Every Pony!” Rainbow snarled at
Discord. “Hey! That's very offensive thank you very much!” He stared at her.
“Or maybe we should be asking Discord…!” Rarity grinned at Discord which made him
uncomfortable. At least Fluttershy felt relieved at they skipped her. “Then we'll go back to
Fluttershy.” Or maybe not…

“Oh please you guys think that I'll have a special some pony! Everyone still fears me for no
good reason and plus if I likes any mare they might even runaway if I confess my feelings!” He
made his point.

“But Discord you're not evil anymore, remember what I think told you? Just look at you now!
You've been nice to every pony just to have your friends back and I'm really proud.” She said as
she still nuzzles him forgetting that everyone is still there staring at her being like ‘ Mm hmm!’
She got more cold so she nuzzled him more. Until she finally opened her eyes seeing everyone
staring at her and Rainbow Dash's eyes open.

“I think we know the answer girls!” Rarity said heading to the door. Discord gulped. “Y-you do?”
He mumbled. “Yes, maybe we should leave and leave the two of you alone. Come on girls we
have better things to do anyways.” She lied.

“Yeah! Totally!” Pinkie said jumping to the door and kept the lie going.

“Umm? We do?” Dashie and AppleJack are confused. Then twilight kicked AppleJacks leg.
“OH!! Uhhh yeah we totally do!” AppleJack is bad at keeping secrets since she's the element of
honesty so she starts to sweat. Rainbow Dash nods and follows them to the door as well.

“Wait girls! Don't leave me here!” Discord calls out and they all stare at him. “On come on
darling, Fluttershy won't bite.” Rarity she lets out a big smile. “Have fun!” They all left and
slammed the door.

Discord and Fluttershy just stare at each other until Fluttershy stopped the silence. “So um
Discord...I- i was just wondering if you would want to have a tea party tomorrow since today is
night. But I understand if you have better things to d-”

“I would love to.” Discord shhed her by putting his finger on her mouth. She nuzzled him and he
put his lion arm on her and she blushed. He stroked her mane and she went closer to him.
“Your so warm.”

You can come more closer is you want….

He thought as he was the one who came closer. He nuzzled her mane while she nuzzled him.

Angel went to find more carrots and saw the beast with Fluttershy. Angel was in complete shock
and got up and hopped to Discord. He went to Discords head and
pulled his ear. “ OW!”
Angel jumped down, thumped his leg and crossed his arms. “Oh Angel! Where are your
manners? Oh Discord are you alright?!” She asked her while she looks at his ear. “Oh you poor

“No Fluttershy it's really ok.”

“No it isn't. Angel that was not very nice of you. But I forgive you.” She said which made Angel
stare in shock. Angel hopped away back to his tree.

“Oh I al sorry that happened! I guess my animals aren't use to you yet but still, I'm just so sorry!
I promise that'll never happen-”

“Really Fluttershy its ok. I'm not hurt.” He stopped when she gave him a big bear hug on the
side. “I'm glad your ok.” She nuzzled him. “ *Yawn* You know what it's getting really late…” she
nuzzled him until she stopped nuzzling him.

Has she fallen asleep?

He took a closer look and saw her breathing and didn't open her eyes. She looked so peaceful.
He couldn't move because he didn't want to wake her up from her beauty sleep, but he was
feeling a little tired as well. It was bad enough that he couldn't move, but he couldn't sleep with
her too! They're just friends….right?

He felt him yawn and went closer to Fluttershy and rested his head under her head. He closed
his eyes. And couldn't help but not open his eyes. He felt her go more closer to him and
snuggling him as if he was her pillow. They both accidentally went to sleep.

The door quietly opened as the 5 mares stared at the 2 friends. They all were like “aww!” While
Rainbow Dash in the other hand is all like “eww!”

Rarity got one of Fluttershy's pillows and put it underneath Discords head so his head can rest
because Fluttershy's head is on top of his.

“We have to do something!”

“Oh come on Rainbow Dash, leave them be, and plus that'll be you and Soarin one day.

“Hey! Come on! We talked about this!”

They left the house and everyone slept peacefully, mostly Discord and Fluttershy.

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