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Cardiovascular Research 38 Ž1998.


Fifteen years experience with finger arterial pressure monitoring:
assessment of the technology
Ben P.M. Imholz , Wouter Wieling a , Gert A. van Montfrans a , Karel H. Wesseling b

Department of Internal Medicine, F4-222, Academic Medical Center, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, Netherlands
TNO-Biomedical Instrumentation, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Received 27 June 1997; accepted 3 March 1998


We review the Finapres technology, embodied in several TNO-prototypes and in the Ohmeda 2300 and 2300e Finapres NIBP.
Finapres is an acronym for FINger Arterial PRESsure, the device delivers a continuous finger arterial pressure waveform. Many papers
report on the accuracy of the device in comparison with intra-arterial or with noninvasive but intermittent blood pressure measurements.
We compiled the results of 43 such papers and found systolic, diastolic and mean accuracies, in this order, ranging from y48 to 30
mmHg, from y20 to 18 mmHg, and from y13 to 25 mmHg. Weighted for the number of subjects included pooled accuracies were
y0.8 ŽSD 11.9., y1.6 Ž8.3. and y1.6 Ž7.6. mmHg respectively. Subdividing the pooled group according to criteria such as reference
blood pressure, place of application, and prototype or commercial device we found no significant differences in mean differences or SD.
Measurement at the finger allows uninterrupted recordings of long duration. The transmission of the pressure pulse along the arm arteries,
however, causes distortion of the pulse waveform and depression of the mean blood pressure level. These effects can be reduced by
appropriate filtering, and upper arm ‘return-to-flow’ calibration to bring accuracy and precision within AAMI limits. For the assessment
of beat-to-beat changes in blood pressure and assessment of blood pressure variability Finapres proved a reliable alternative for invasive
measurements when mean and diastolic pressures are concerned. Differences in systolic pressure are larger and reach statistical
significance but are not of clinical relevance. Finger arteries are affected by contraction and dilatation in relation to psychological and
physical Žheat, cold, blood loss, orthostasis. stress. Effects of these phenomena are reduced by the built-in Physiocal algorithm. However,
full smooth muscle contraction should be avoided in the awake patient by comforting the patient, and covering the hand. Arterial state can
be monitored by observing the behaviour of the Physiocal algorithm. We conclude that Finapres accuracy and precision usually suffice for
reliable tracking of changes in blood pressure. Diagnostic accuracy may be achieved with future application of corrective measures.
q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Finapres; Technology assessment; Accuracy; Precision; Tracking ability

1. Introduction With the increasing acceptance of the technique, a

substantial number of comparative and methodological
The measurement of the arterial pressure waveform at studies was published mainly dealing with accuracy Žaver-
the finger with Finaprese Žfor FINger Arterial PRESsure. age discrepancy with the reference pressure. and precision
was introduced in the early 1980s. Because the method Žstandard deviation of the average discrepancy..
enabled for the first time a reliable measurement of the In this review we will focus on the place finger arterial
beat-to-beat blood pressure signal in a noninvasive man- pressure measurement has achieved in clinical practice and
ner, it was welcomed as a long-awaited step forward in the the cardiovascular laboratory. First, the principles of opera-
measurement of blood pressure w1x. tion of Finapres are discussed, then the data of the various
comparative studies are summarised. Third, specific prob-
lems in relation to the peripheral site of the measurement
Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Internal
Medicine, TweeSteden Ziekenhuis, Locatie Waalwijk, P.O. Box 90107,
5000 LA Tilburg, Netherlands. Tel.: q31 Ž416. 682222; fax: q31 Ž416.
342220. Time for primary review 25 days.

0008-6363r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 0 0 8 - 6 3 6 3 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 0 6 7 - 4
606 B.P.M. Imholz et al.r CardioÕascular Research 38 (1998) 605–616

of blood pressure are discussed, and finally we consider ‘Finapres’, enabling the measurement of continuous finger
the future place of finger arterial pressure measurement. arterial pressure in clinical settings w8–10x. They con-
tributed numerous technical adjustments and improve-
ments with respect to the finger cuff, the use of a stabilised
infrared light-emitting diode ŽLED., of a fast bi-directional
2. Finapres principles of operation proportional valve and a high speed servo system of at
least 30 Hz bandwidth w4,7,9x. Most important was the
The method is based on the development of the dy- development of the dynamic servo setpoint adjuster, i.e.
namic Žpulsatile. unloading of the finger arterial walls the search procedure and criterion for the automated deter-
using an inflatable finger cuff with built-in photo-electric mination and periodic adjustment of the arterial unloaded
plethysmograph. A fast pneumatic servo system and a volume ŽPhysiocal procedure. w10x. The start-up procedure
dynamic servo setpoint adjuster assure arterial unloading at is shown in Fig. 1. With standardised increments in cuff
zero transmural pressure and consequent full transmission pressure ŽFig. 1, trace I. pulsations in the plethysmogram
of arterial blood pressure to cuff air pressure w2–4x. The ŽDC. increase to reach a maximum and subsequently
principle of unloading has been described in detail w5–7x, decrease again ŽFig. 1, trace II.. The cuff pressure at

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and will not be addressed here. From the finger pressure maximal pulsations together with criteria to avoid the
waveform, heart beats are detected and systolic, diastolic locking on to venous pulsations produces the best estimate
and mean pressure and pulse rate are output in a beat-to- of the unloaded state of the finger arteries assumed to
beat mode. reflect mean arterial pressure w3,7x. Once this state is
˜´ needed personal exper-
The original apparatus of Penaz established the Physiocal procedure is applied ŽFig. 1. w10x.
tise to establish the unloaded state of the finger arteries At regular time intervals of up to 70 beats Žor approxi-
and therefore the technique was not easily transferable. mately 1 min. the set-point is checked during the brief
Wesseling and coworkers of TNO-Biomedical Instrumen- interruptions of the blood pressure recordings. If needed,
tation converted the volume clamp method of Penaz ˜´ into the set-point is adjusted ŽFig. 1, trace III, c..

Fig. 1. Finapres start-up and physiocal adjustments. The three simultaneous traces show from above, finger cuff pressure, infrared plethysmogram Žmore
transmitted light plotted upwards., and total amount of infrared light passing through the finger. The initial square wave has a 1 volt or 100 mmHg
calibration. Next, the cuff pressure is increased stepwise and held constant until one beat is detected per step level. The plethysmographic amplitude and
the total infrared increase with increasing cuff pressure since blood is pressed out from under the cuff with consequent reduced absorption of incident
infrared and greater tissue transmission. At Ža. the largest plethysmogram is detected and its corresponding pressure level is set upon completion of the up
staircase. At this pressure, several further plethysmograms are analyzed for wave shape and the servo setpoint adjusted accordingly at Žb.. The servo loop is
then closed and finger pressure is measured. After ten beats the loop is opened and cuff pressure is set at a level half way between systolic and diastolic
and further plethysmograms examined for waveform. At Žc. the loop is closed at a slightly higher setpoint, corresponding to a further reduction of blood
under the cuff and increased transmission. Intervals between Physiocal interruptions are gradually increased until 70 beats elapse, or about 1 min.
B.P.M. Imholz et al.r CardioÕascular Research 38 (1998) 605–616 607

The practical design of the Penaz-method as imple- finger and more central blood pressures are by and large
mented in the Finaprese and the ambulant version the similar in appearance as shown in Fig. 2.
Portaprese devices, includes an inflatable finger cuff which We review all 43 selected evaluation studies published
comprises an infrared plethysmograph and a small box until March 1997. For each study average accuracies be-
attached to the wrist enclosing a fast servo-controlled tween finger and the reference techniques wFinger-Refer-
pressurising system for the continuous adjustment of cuff encex are taken. When averages are not reported we calcu-
pressure according to changes in the plethysmographic lated them from the individual data. From these data the
output w10–12x. The cuff and wrist-box are connected to a accuracy of finger blood pressure among studies was
main unit which holds the air pump, electronics and a calculated as weighted mean with the total number of
computer. patients as weights w55x. Possible influences of confound-
The performance of Finapres by comparing finger arte- ing factors on the accuracy were identified.
rial pressures with intra-radial, intra-brachial and indirect The weighted accuracy of finger arterial pressure mea-
oscillometric or Riva–Rocci–Korotkoff as reference tech- surement among these studies comprising a total of 1031
niques has been reported in a large number of studies subjects was y0.8 " 11.7 mmHg wrange y48 to 30 mmHgx
w8,11–53x. We address two questions in the following for systolic pressure, y1.6 " 8.5 mmHg wrange y20.1 to

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section; how well do finger arterial pressure values corre- 18.5 mmHgx for mean pressure and y1.6 " 7.7 mmHg
spond with reference values in terms of average discrep- wrange y13.4 to 25 mmHgx for diastolic pressure ŽFig. 3A,
ancy Žaccuracy. and their standard deviations Žprecision., left panels..
and how well does the device follow changes in these Several factors can influence the outcome of compari-
reference blood pressures during a certain period of time son studies.
or a manoeuvre that perturbs circulatory stability.
3.2. Physiological conditions

3. Finapres for measurement of blood pressure levels Fig. 3A shows average values per study in the operating
theatre ŽO.Th; middle panels. versus the cardiovascular
laboratory ŽCVL; right panels.. Overall similar discrepan-
3.1. Physiological background cies are seen ŽTable 1.. If from all data only resting
—steady state— values are selected similar scatters are
Arterial waveforms in the finger and more central arter- seen in the operating room and in laboratory conditions
ies differ, since the shape of the pressure wave on its way ŽFig. 3B, Table 1..
to the periphery is changed by reflection and by a pressure The effect of age as an independent variable for the
gradient along the arterial tree w54x. Peripheral reflection difference between finger and invasive pressure was inves-
results in amplification of the pressure wave and increases tigated in an earlier report w56x. The main finding was that
systolic pressure; the amplification is frequency- and thus correlations between differences in finger and invasive
heart rate-dependent w20x. The pressure gradient causes pressures versus age were not significant Ž r s y0.24,
mean and diastolic pressure to be lower w12x. Nevertheless, y0.27 and y0.14 for systolic, mean and diastolic pressure

Fig. 2. Typical intra-arterial and finger arterial pressure registrations during the Valsalva manoeuvre Žleft. and standing-up Žright.. Pressure changes in
intraarterial pressure are followed closely but finger pulse pressures are systematically greater in this subject. ŽFigure is a composition of original tracings
published elsewhere w25,27x..
608 B.P.M. Imholz et al.r CardioÕascular Research 38 (1998) 605–616

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Fig. 3. Average differences between finger and reference blood pressure: The left panels ŽA. show all differences documented in 43 studies Ž N s998. and
differences obtained in the operation theatre ŽO.Th; N s699. and laboratory conditions ŽCVL; N s 299. separately. The right panels ŽB. show a similar
break-down with all data from resting steady-state conditions Ž N s924. and differences obtained in the operation theatre ŽO.Th; N s 277. and laboratory
conditions ŽCVL; N s647. separately.

differences, respectively. ŽFig. 4, left panel.. In the present 3.3. Methodological factors
review, the 43 studies cover an age range of 5 to 76 years.
In this group, correlations of the average finger-to-invasive Choosing a particular reference certainly bears upon
pressure differences with average age also were not signifi- these comparative studies that are based on intra-radial,
cant with values of y0.15, y0.24 and 0.09 for systolic, intra-brachial and indirect oscillometric or Riva–Rocci–
mean and diastolic pressure differences, respectively ŽFig. Korotkoff measurements. These different groups are shown
4, right panels.. in Fig. 5A. On average, Finapres underestimates mean and

Table 1
Average finger–reference blood pressures ‘accuracy’ and standard deviation ‘precision’ ŽmmHg.
Condition Systolic Mean Diastolic
Accuracy Precision Accuracy Precision Accuracy Precision
All w8,11,23–29,31–41,44,45,47,49–51,53x y0.8 11.9 y1.6 8.3 y1.6 7.6
All-CVL w11,12,14–28,34,35,41,44,45,47,49–51,53x 0.6 12.5 y3.8 8.3 y2.2 7.4
All-O.Th w8,13,29,31–33,36–40,42,43,46,48,52x y5.9 8.4 1.3 7.2 0.7 7.9
Rest w8,11,13–29,31–41,44,45,47,49–51,53x y0.5 8.8 y1.6 7.7 y2.5 6.0
Rest-CVL w11,12,14–28,34,35,41,44,45,47,49,50,53 x 0.6 9.3 y5.6 7.2 y4.1 5.0
Rest-O.Th w8,13,29,31–33,36–40,42,43,46,48,52x y3.0 7.8 2.0 7.3 1.7 6.8
Rest-I.Brach w11,12,14,16,17,20,23–25,27,28,35,44,45x y0.0 8.9 6.2 7.6 y3.9 5.6
Rest-I. Rad w13,15,26,29,31–34,34,36,37,40,42,43,46–49,52x y5.3 6.8 0.5 6.4 1.3 5.4
Rest-RRK w8,18,19,21,22,38,39,41,50–52x 0.8 9.4 y1.6 5.6 y4.9 5.0
Rest-F.Proto w8,37,38x 7.0 3.3 y3.7 5.2 y9.5 4.5
Rest-F.P45 w8,11,16,20,21,24–28,40,44x 1.3 8.5 y7.0 10.7 y2.8 7.1
Rest-F.Ohm w17–20,22,23,29,31–34,39,41–43,45–49,52,53x y1.3 9.0 y0.1 4.1 y2.0 5.1

Values are given as subgroup of the database containing 43 studies, and calculated from average accuracies among studies.
Accuracies are given as weighted means for the number of subjects participating in the study.
CVL s cardiovascular laboratory; O.Th s operating theatre; I.Brach s intra-brachial artery pressure; I.Rad s intra-radial artery pressure; RRK s
auscultatory pressure; F.Proto s use of all kinds of TNO-prototypes; F.P45s use of TNO-prototypes 4 and 5 only; F.Ohm s use of Ohmeda Finapres
B.P.M. Imholz et al.r CardioÕascular Research 38 (1998) 605–616 609

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Fig. 4. Finger-to-reference differences related to age: A: Individual systolic, mean and diastolic differences in N s109 subjects investigated between 1988
and 1995 in Amsterdam. B: Systolic, mean and diastolic differences and average age per study investigated in the review.

diastolic pressures as recorded in the brachial artery, For systolic pressures average differences were not differ-
whereas such differences tend to be positive in the radial ent; no relation between finger-to-reference difference and
artery ŽTable 1; Rest-I.Brach vs. Rest-I.Rad; p s 0.05.. measurement technique was found.

Fig. 5. Panel A: Average differences between finger and reference blood pressure selected per reference technique: Rad refers to intra-radial artery pressure
Ž N s 357.; bra refers to intra-brachial artery pressure Ž N s 202. and RRK refers to indirect auscultatoryroscillometric techniques Ž N s 404.. Panel B:
Average differences between finger and reference blood pressure selected per Finapres apparatus: P4.5 refers to TNO-Finapres prototypes 4 and 5
Ž N s 211., Ohm refers to the use of the commercial Ohmeda 2300 NIBP monitor Ž N s 787..
610 B.P.M. Imholz et al.r CardioÕascular Research 38 (1998) 605–616

Jones et al. investigated the first Ohmeda 2300, a w25,26x.. These differences were usually small as compared
commercially manufactured Finapres device, and the later to the magnitude of the responses ŽTable 2. and therefore
updated version Ž2300 e . and detected a significant im- not of clinical relevance w12,25,27x. As such, the specific
provement of its accuracy w48x. At comparison of the information that is contained within these blood pressure
performance of TNO prototypes and commercial devices responses w65x is always secured w12x. Second, minute-to-
the TNO prototypes show an underestimation for mean minute changes in some conditions ŽTable 2, head-up
and diastolic pressures ŽFig. 5B.. This may be largely tilting ŽHUT. w14–16,28x. show increases in differences for
attributed to the fact that in 8 of the 12 studies intra-brachial all pressures, i.e. systolic, mean and diastolic. Although
artery pressures were used which caused the expected the true origin of these differences is unknown, it has been
underestimation of brachial mean and diastolic pressures attributed to changes in local tissue turgidity w66,67x. Third,
ŽTable 1.. in addition to changes of pulse wave amplification —as a
result of modification of heart rate and left-ventricular
3.3.1. Conclusions ejection time w20x — different responses in systolic refer-
Although the accuracy of finger blood pressure in our ence and finger measurement can occur, such as during the
review showed considerable scatter, the weighted accuracy continuous infusion of phenylephrine and exercise. In such

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of finger blood pressure among the 43 studies investigated circumstances changes in mean finger pressure are reliable
remain within the 5 mmHg limit of the American Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Medical Instruments w57x. The For the investigation of blood pressure variability Om-
precision is too low for systolic and mean pressures and boni et al. reported comparisons of finger and intra-arterial
does not meet the acceptable limit of the 8 mmHg SD of brachial variabilities in terms of standard deviations and
the AAMI recommendations w12,57x. Although for dias- specific time-domain and frequency-domain components
w64x. As far as the standard deviations were concerned
tolic pressure the accuracy and precision values are within
the AAMI limits the overall performance does not permit similar values were obtained from finger and invasive
finger blood pressure measurements for assessment of recordings for mean and diastolic pressures. Systolic stan-
absolute blood pressure levels in individual patients. dard deviations were larger in the finger. For assessment of
power spectral analysis the comparison in low frequency
ŽLF; 0.025–0.07 Hz., midfrequency ŽMF; 0.07–0.14 Hz.
and high frequency ŽHF; 0.14–0.35 Hz. identified similar
4. Finapres for tracking of blood pressure responses LF, MF and HF powers of diastolic and mean finger and
brachial arterial pressures. For systolic pressures similar
The availability of the continuous blood pressure signal values in finger and brachial powers were found for the
enables the device to be used in situations where assess- HF band, and significant overestimation intra-arterial sys-
ment of sudden transient changes in the circulation is the tolic MF and LF powers in the finger trace w64,68x.
primary goal w12,58–60x. At the time of introduction, the
method was considered a major step in non-invasive 4.1. Conclusion
cardiovascular monitoring w61x and initial evaluation stud-
ies predominantly concerned anaesthetized patients in the For the assessment of beat-to-beat changes in blood
operation theatre ŽTable 1.. Although the outcome of this pressure and assessment of blood pressure variability Fi-
initial work was promising, the use of finger arterial napres proved a reliable alternative for invasive measure-
pressure in the operation theatre did not become routine ments when mean and diastolic pressures are concerned.
practice w61x. In recent years continuous finger blood pres- Differences in systolic pressure are larger and reach statis-
sure has established its place in the field of the investiga- tical significance but are not of clinical relevance. As such,
tion of patients suspected to suffer from autonomic dysreg- the ability of the technique for tracking blood pressure
ulation and syncope w58–60,62,63x. Furthermore, the abil- responses is established in clinical practice for the assess-
ity to relate beat-to-beat blood pressure with RR-interval ment of syncopal attacks, the investigation of disabling
provided an accurate way to investigate blood pressure orthostatic hypotension. Furthermore the device is crucial
variabilities w64x. in the routine cardiovascular laboratory for assessment of
The ability of Finapres to follow sudden changes in blood pressure regulation investigated by standard reflex
blood pressure is summarised in Table 2. The table shows tests and variability measures.
the deviations of finger blood pressure responses from
simultaneously measured intra-arterial pressure responses
during various cardiovascular reflex tests. Several conclu- 5. Operational aspects of finger arterial pressure mea-
sions can be drawn: First, second-to-second changes in the surement
reference blood pressure were reliably followed in the
finger; although occasionally statistically significant differ- In our database of 43 studies, in seven studies it was
ences were obtained ŽTable 2; Standing up w27x, Valsalva reported that in a total of 33 subjects out of the overall
Table 2
Tracking ability of finger arterial pressure

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Ref Author Test Response Deviation from ref. resp.
Sys ŽmmHg. Mean ŽmmHg. Dia ŽmmHg. Sys ŽmmHg. Mean ŽmmHg. Dia ŽmmHg.
w23x )
Imholz Bicycle ergometry 67 35 13 18 1 5
300 Watts supine
w27x Imholz Standing up
Trough y30 y28 y20 3 1 2
Overshoot 29 17 21 2 y6 ) y5 )

B.P.M. Imholz et al.r CardioÕascular Research 38 (1998) 605–616

30 s 18 9 13 1 y3 ) y3 )
120 s 14 13 17 y7 ) y3 ) y4 )
Head-up Tilt 708 2 min
Time trough 4.6 2.6 3 6.4† 1.7 1
Time overshoot 8.1 6 8 5.8 ) 0.4 y1
30 s 11.3 9.6 10.8 1.3 y1.4 y1.9 )
120 s 11 10 13 y4 ) y2 ) y2 )
w17x Imholz Phenylephrine 5 min infusion
1.6 mgrkgrmin 47 15 y13 ) y33 )
w25x Imholz Valsalva Hypertensives
instant a 24 20 17 2 2) 3)
instant b y17 6 y9 y9 0 y1
instant c y10 18 y1 y7 2) 0
instant d y39 3 y20 2 0 0
instant e 38 12 14 y8 ) 7) 7)
w16x Jellema Head-up Tilt 708 30 min
last min of tilt – – – 7† 7† 6†
w26x Parati Valsalva
phase I – – 4 0
phase II – – 4 0
phase III – – 1 0
w15x Petersen Head-up Tilt 608 45 min – – – 7.5 – 7.4
w14x Friedman Head-up Tilt 608 60 min y57 – y21 y1 – y2
w28x Rongen Head-up Tilt 608 15 min
30 s y3.5 y2 0.9 1.4 y2.8 ) y2.5
10 min 0 2.2 8.2 7) 4.4 ) s
Indicates p- 0.05, † indicates p- 0.01 ŽStudent’s t-test..

612 B.P.M. Imholz et al.r CardioÕascular Research 38 (1998) 605–616

total of 1031 it was impossible to obtain finger pressure differences in 16 subjects overall differences between fin-
w18,35,40,41,43,51,52x. These were associated with techni- gers were 1.1 mmHg for systolic, 2.4 mmHg for mean and
cal problems in early prototype devices Ž N s 7. w35x, with 3.3 mmHg for diastolic pressure w11x. In contrast in studies
the inability to apply appropriate cuff sizes in the very investigating two-finger differences from simultaneous
young Ž N s 5. w18,51x, with perioperative cold temperature measurements large differences were unusual w17,22,51x.
Ž N s 11. w40,41x, or were unexplained Ž N s 10. w43,52x. Whether or not differences in cuff application are involved
Sometimes the impossibility to measure the plethysmo- may need further clarification.
gram in the finger was due to the combination of vascular
disease and ambient cold temperature Ž N s 3. w41x.
Arteriolar vasoconstriction can interfere with measure- 5.3. Warming of the hand
ment of the plethysmogram w8,17,20,50x. Vasoconstriction
was initiated experimentally by vasoactive agents w17,20x The beneficial effect of heating on finger pressure
or ambient cold temperature in patients known with spastic measurement was investigated systematically by Hilde-
problems of the arteries w8,41,51x. If graded vasoconstric- brandt et al. w22x and Tanaka and Thulesius w50x. Hilde-
tion with phenylephrine is performed measurement contin- brandt showed that during isometric exercise the systolic

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ues to be possible w17,20x. Cold fingers during initiation of overestimation as compared to RRK decreased by 10
the measurement can interfere with proper measurement of mmHg, by applying 448C temperature to the fingertip
the plethysmogram and even result in no outcome w41x. distal to the cuffed finger w22x, and suggested that vasodila-
However, the induction of cold temperature, as in open tation had lowered the pressure pulse amplification, lead-
heart surgery w40x, with finger pressure measurement oper- ing to lower systolic pressures in the finger. Tanaka re-
ative can cause the plethysmogram signal to decrease ported the effects of cooling and the disparate effects of
substantially but it remains possible to perform measure- local Žfinger. versus central Žtruncal. heating w50x. Finger
ment w8x, even in Raynaud patients w50x. It is only upon cooling showed a tendency towards higher systolic and
reaching a state of full arterial constriction that physiocal diastolic finger pressures with lower temperature w8x. Local
is no longer able to establish a setpoint and measurements heating returned these trends towards pre-cooling values,
stop w10x. but only after truncal heating these values were actually
reached. It appears that feeling cold is worse than only
‘cold hands’.
5.1. Cuff application

According to the user manual the correct selection of 5.4. Assessment of the Finapres signal output
cuff size and application of cuffs is crucial. Just as with the
auscultatory technique, the proper application of finger Barras in 1973 used a micropuncture technique to actu-
cuffs can affect outcome; Jones et al. found a decrease in ally measure intra-arterial digital pressure. He found a
accuracy when cuffs were applied too loose w49x. His study waveform similar to the radial waveform; having a steep
does not mention specific alterations of the finger wave- systolic pressure increase and deep dicrotic notch w70x.
form, but in our experience oscillations are more frequent Another study compared finger artery aplanation tonome-
in case of loose cuffs. try with Finapres at adjacent fingers w4x. The waveforms
appeared similar, suggesting an adequate pneumatic servo
system bandwidth w4,10x.
5.2. Selection of fingers Low gave practical advice for obtaining adequate finger
blood pressures in the AAN newsletter w71x. If the cuff is
According to the Ohmeda users manual middle or annu- snugly applied, Finapres signals were considered accept-
lar fingers are preferred. The basis for this is experimental able when the signal was Ža. large in size, Žb. sharp in
rather than anatomical or physiological. From the time shape having a distinct dicrotic notch, and Žc. within
early prototypes were developed studies in the operation reasonable agreement with brachial ŽRRK. recordings. In
theatre described the use of the thumb using prototype addition the patient had to feel warm, and a temperature
thumb cuffs; however this proposal was never fully devel- controlled muff is used in order to warm actively the
oped to reach success w29,39,40x. fingers at 428C. These suggestions largely agree with our
Finapres users sometimes switch the site of finger mea- own experiences w72x. However, the major criteria for
surement until finger pressure values correspond close accepting the Finapres output should be that it is consid-
enough to auscultatory reference values w51,69x. This sug- ered stable. This is the case when the periods between
gests that finger pressures differ between fingers of one servo self adjusts ŽPhysiocals. are above 30 beats magni-
hand. With Portapres during 24-h recordings using middle tude ŽTable 3.. As a second criterion the fall in steepness
and annular fingers in alternation at 30 min interval, nearly of the pressure wave in case of increasing vasomotor tone
similar finger pressures were seen in 8 subjects but due to can be used w72x.
B.P.M. Imholz et al.r CardioÕascular Research 38 (1998) 605–616 613

Table 3
Optimal measurement conditions for finger arterial blood pressure measurement
Clinic ambient temperature ) 228C
Outclinicrambulant hand covered with clothing
Children no specific guidelines
Vascular disease
Site: Temperature hands warm hands if cold
Position of hand always at heart level
Cuff: Type finger digit III en IV, do not use thumb
Signal: Stable measurement beyond 5 min, interval between physiocal ) 30 beats
Physiocal onroff minute-to-minute measurement: ON

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Within measurement do not re-applicate finger-cuff
Between measurements use same finger and cuff

5.5. Hydrostatic errors w75x. Additional, unpublished, observations were made in

pregnancy. Using a TNO-Finapres as reference, variations
The relative level of the finger to the heart affects the of finger pressures with repeated cuff applications re-
mean blood pressure value at the finger. Therefore the mained within 5 mmHg.
finger must be kept at heart level. This can be achieved
using a fixed position in the anterior axillary line w60x, and 5.6.1. Conclusions
when subjects are supine wHUTx by abduction of the arm Finger blood pressures can be obtained in almost all
so that the finger cuff is 10 cm below the cardiac apex subjects; even in vasospastic or severe artherosclerotic
w71x. If not, a near linear relation is observed between the
disease w28x. Since conditions of peripheral vasoconstric-
hydrostatic level and the error w73x. This relation is used in tion limit the use of Finapres, ‘feeling’ or subjective cold
the height correction system of Portapres w11x. Although is best avoided and ambient temperature should be above
mean pressures are adjusted correctly when finger pres- 228C. In outclinic conditions the hand should be protected
sures are measured at different heights, pulse pressures are w11x. Clinical practice suggests the benefit of active heating
still higher with the arm and hand below heart level. of the hand. Cuffs are best applied to the middle and
Correct systolic and diastolic pressures are not guaranteed annular fingers. If a height corrections system is used the
due to the change in pressure waveform, and the finger is hand should still be held near heart level ŽTable 3..
best kept at heart level w11,60x. For accepting Finapres output, measurements must be
without obvious artifacts and considered stable; guidelines
5.6. Reproducibility of finger blood pressures are indicated in Table 3. Reproducibility of finger blood
pressure also depends on cuff reapplication; if measure-
Finapres enables measurement of continuous blood ments are continued without reapplication finger blood
pressure tracings fairly unrestricted, and thus repeated pressures are highly reproducible w11,74x. With proper
measurements can be performed on different occasions or reapplication of cuffs reproducibility appears similar to
within one recording session by switching fingers each 30 invasive techniques, but definite studies are lacking thus
min as currently advocated with the Portapres device w11x. far.
Switching the measurement onroff in one finger during
a measurement session gives highly reproducible mea-
sures; In our study with Portapres, average differences
between finger and brachial artery pressures were constant 6. Recent developments
in one finger w11x.
The data concerning the reproducibility of Finapres We have reviewed fifteen years of experience with
with reapplication of finger cuffs are limited to the study finger arterial pressure monitoring, including age groups
of Lal who investigated different fingers at one time w51x. not easily subjected to invasive recordings w76,77x. For
In a recent study the reproducibility of the 24-h Portapres measurement of continuous blood pressure responses the
BP profile is reported to be less than 10% w74x. This figure technique is now an established alternative for invasive
is similar to the reproducibility of conventional techniques techniques as evidenced by many papers in various leading
614 B.P.M. Imholz et al.r CardioÕascular Research 38 (1998) 605–616

journals w78–80x. Diagnostic accuracy is achieved only the underlying blood pressure changes w86x. In addition,
after application of corrective measures. the above mentioned measures of cardiac output applied
on the non-invasive finger pressure waveform supports its
6.1. Adjustments of finger blood pressure leÕels potential as a key-hole to the circulation.

6.1.1. ConÕentional adjustments

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