COMSATS University Islamabad: What Are The Impacts From Natural Calamities On Agricultural?

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COMSATS University Islamabad

HUM111 Pakistan Studies

Second Sessional Examinations
SP21 Hybrid Course

Time: 1 Hour Total Marks: 30

Student Name: Sardar Badar Saghir

Registration Number: SP19-BCS-022 Campus: ABBOTTABAD
Moderator Name: MUNEER AHEMED

Short Question

Question 1 (5 marks, CLO2-A3)

What are the impacts from natural calamities on Agricultural?

The Impact of natural calamities on Agricultural and its solution are

The agriculture sector – including crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry – absorbs approximately
22 percent of the economic impact caused by medium- and large-scale natural hazards and disasters
in developing countries

The high impact of natural hazards and disasters on agriculture calls for has limited sources but still
it has to resolve the pollution or environmental problems at priority bases.

Flooding Pakistan raised serious concerns over the increased frequency of massive floods and urged
the government to reduce the impacts of environmental hazards through better management of flood
plains. Encroachments on floodplains for agricultural purposes and housing settlements are
regarded as the main reasons for the increasing devastation caused by heavy rains and floods.
Enhanced main streaming of disaster risk reduction and resilience building within the agricultural
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There are major data gaps on the impact of natural hazards and disasters on the agriculture sectors
in developing countries. This sector-specific data must be systematically collected and included in
national and international disaster loss databases to better inform appropriate risk reduction policies
and investments for and within the sector

When disasters strike, they have a direct impact on the livelihoods and food security of millions of
small farmers, pastoralists, fishers and forest-dependent communities in developing countries.
Agriculture employs over 30 percent of the labour force in countries

Humanitarian aid and official development assistance to the agriculture sector is small when
compared with the economic impact and needs in the sector. More investment is needed in disaster
risk reduction to build resilient livelihoods and food production systems

The agriculture sectors need to be mobilized as proactive implementation partners for the delivery
of the post-2015 framework on disaster risk reduction so as to enhance local action and build
resilience of the most vulnerable, which are often also the most food insecure.

Question 2(5 marks, CLO3-A1)

What should be the objective of the Pakistan’s foreign policy while defending the Kashmir
case in United Nations?

The most important state was Kashmir naturally connected with Pakistan. The population inclined
towards Pakistan,but the Hindu ruler declared to join India. The people continued their struggle for
independence and India promised to finally settle the matter with reference to the people under the
UN Resolutions.

Foreign Policy objective Of Pakistan In UN on Kashmir:

Pakistan upholds the right of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to self-determination in accordance
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with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. These resolutions of 1948 and 1949
provide for the holding of a free and impartial plebiscite for the determination of the future of the
state by the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

The basic points about the UN resolution are that:

1. The complaint relating to Kashmir was initiated by India in the Security Council;
2. The Council explicitly and by implications, rejected India's claim that Kashmir is legally
Indian territory;
3. The resolutions established self-determination as the governing principal for the settlement
of the Kashmir dispute. This is the world body's commitment to the people of Kashmir;
4. The resolutions endorsed a binding agreement between India and Pakistan reached through
the mediation of UNCIP, that a plebiscite would be held, under agreed and specified

Long Question

Question 3 (10marks, CLO1-A1)

State features of the resolution in detail about Aims and Objectives of the Constitution.

The first big step in the framing of a constitution for Pakistan was taken by the Constituent
Assembly on 12 March 1949, when it passed a resolution on the 'Aims and Objectives of the
Constitution', popularly known as the Objectives Resolution. It laid the foundation of the
constitution and indicated the broad outline of its structure. Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime
Minister of Pakistan, moved the resolution.

Main Aims and Objectives of the Constitution:

Following were the main features of objective Resolution.

1. Sovereignty belongs to Almighty Allah alone

2. Authority delegated by Him through the People to be exercised within the limits permitted
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3. Constitution is to be framed for Sovereign Independent Pakistan

4. Power will be exercised through elected Representatives of People.

5. Democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and Social justice will be as dictated by Islam.

6. Enabling Muslims to live in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

7. Minorities will have total freedom to profess and practice their religion and develop their

8. Safeguarding the legitimate interests of minorities, backward and depressed classes.

9. Pakistan shall be a Federation with autonomous units. State’s sovereignty and territorial
integrity will be protected.

10. People of Pakistan should prosper and attain their rightful place in the comity of nations and
make contribution towards international peace and progress and happiness of humanity

Question 4(10marks, CLO1-A1)

Make comparison of 1st and 3rd constitution of Pakistan.

Following are some difference between 1956 and 1973 constitution

1. All the Islamic provisions of the previous constitutions of 1956 were included in the
Constitution of 1973. Some more Islamic provisions were also added

2. 1973 constitution introduce paralimany system instead of federal system in 1956

Parliamentary System

3. The constitution 1956 provided three lists: Federal, Provincial and Concurrent. There were
two Provinces in the federation of Pakistan while 1973 constitution Two lists are given in
the constitution: Federal list and Concurrent list. Residuary powers belong to provinces

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4. National Assembly was the only house of the parliament having a membership of 300 plus
10 women seats in 1956 constitution while in 1973 Bicameralism was introduced in the
country including Upper and Lower houses

5. At the provincial level there was elected Assembly. The Parliamentary System under the
nominal headship of Governor. The real powers were given to Chief Ministers and his
cabinet in 1956 constitution while in 1973 constitution The President on the advice of the
PM appointed provincial Governors .Elected Chief Minister exercises executive powers.
Parliamentary system was introduced in the provinces.

6. Civil and Political Rights were given to the people of Pakistan 1973 constitution.

7. Title of the state is Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The objectives resolution was the preamble
in 1973

8. Pakistan will be a welfare state, and the government will try its best to eliminate the poverty
& illiteracy from the country in 1956 which was still the part in 1973 constitution

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