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myNotes from mySAP Learning

Flow of Data in mySAP BW (Business

Information Warehouse)
The data flow in mySAP BW (Business Warehouse) begins with the transfer of data from the
source system to the Persistent Staging Area (PSA) using InfoPackages. The data is stored in the
PSA using tables, which are based on prior defined DataSources. After that the Data Transfer
Process (DTP) transfers the data via transformation into an InfoSource and then to a Data
Storage Object (DSO), which is the base for the following queries.

Persistent Staging Area (PSA)

The PSA is the inbound storage area for data from the source systems in the BI system. The
requested data is saved, unchanged from the source system. Request data is stored in the transfer
structure format in transparent, relational database tables of the BI system in which the request
data is stored in the format of the DataSource. The data format remains unchanged, meaning
that no summarization or transformations take place, as is the case with InfoCubes.
For further Information, see SAP Help

Info Package

Before data can be processed in BI, it has to be loaded into the PSA using an InfoPackage. In the
InfoPackage, you specify the selection parameters for transferring data into the PSA.

In BI, the metadata description of the source data is modeled with DataSources. A DataSource is
a set of fields that are used to extract data of a business unit from a source system and transfer it
to the entry layer of the BI system or provide it for direct access.
For further Information, see SAP Help

Data Transfer Process (DTP)

You use the data transfer process (DTP) to transfer the data within BI from one persistent object
to another object, in accordance with certain transformations and filters. Possible sources for the
data transfer include DataSources and InfoProviders; possible targets include InfoProviders and
open hub destinations.
For further Information, see SAP Help


Using the transformation, data is copied from a source format to a target format in BI. The
transformation process thus allows you to consolidate, cleanse, and integrate data. In the
transformation, the fields of a DataSource are also assigned to the InfoObjects of the BI system.
For further Information, see SAP Help


An InfoSource is a non-persistent structure consisting of InfoObjects.

You use InfoSources if you want to run two (or more) sequential transformations in the data
flow, without storing the data again or if you want to assign two different DataSources to one
If you do not have transformations that run sequentially, you can model the data flow without
InfoSources. In this case, the data is written straight to the target from the source using a
For further Information, see SAP Help

Info Objects

InfoObjects are the smallest units of BI. They are known as business evaluation objects. You
map the information in a structured form that is required for constructing InfoProviders.
InfoObjects are divided in characteristics, key figures, time characteristics and technical
For further Information, see SAP Help

Info Provider

InfoProviders are persistent data repositories that are used in the layer architecture of the Data
Warehouse or in views on data. They can provide the data for analysis, reporting and planning.
Typical InfoProviders are InfoCubes and Data Storage Objects (DSO).
For further Information, see SAP Help

Data Storage Object (DSO)

A DSO serves as a storage location for consolidated and cleansed transaction data or master
data on a document (atomic) level.
A Data Store Object contains key fields (for example, document number/item) and data fields
that can also contain character fields (for example, order status, customer) as key figures. Unlike
multidimensional data storage using Info Cubes, the data in DataStore objects is stored in
transparent, flat database tables. The system does not create fact tables or dimension tables. This
data can be evaluated using a query.
For further Information, see SAP Help

Transfer Rules

When you have maintained the transfer structure and the communication structure, you use the
transfer rules to determine how you want the transfer structure fields to be assigned to the
communication structure InfoObjects. You can arrange for a 1:1 assignment. You can also fill
InfoObjects using routines, formulas, or constants.
For further Information, see SAP Help

Update Rules

Update rules specify how the data (key figures, time characteristics, characteristics) is updated to
data targets from the communication structure of an InfoSource. You are therefore connecting an
InfoSource with a data target.

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