"Questionnare Used For Servey" Dear Sir/Madam

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Dear Sir/Madam

Name of Respondent: …………………………………………

Area of Respondent: …………………………………………

Age: …………………………………………………………

Income: ……………………………………

Do u like to have energy drinks : YES / NO …………. If yes.

1. Which kind of dinks would you preferred, when you thirsty? (Can you choose more than
 Water/Mineral Water
 Fruit Juice
 Milk
 Energy Drink

2. Have you ever drunk Energy Drink?

 Yes
 No

3. When talking about energy drink, which brand do you think first? (Choose only one)
 Redbull
 Monster
 Tzinga

4. Which is your favorite brand?

 Redbull
 Monster
 Tzinga

5. How do you come to know about URZZA?

 T.V
 Newspaper
 Hoarding
 Others

6. Where you saw this product?

 T.V
 Retail Shop
 Super Market
 Promotion activity

7. Have you ever purchased URZZA?

 Yes
 No
8. How do you feel this Product?

 Good
 Tasty
 Bad
 Not Bad

9. What factors do you consider while buying/purchasing the URZZA?

 Price
 Quality
 Brand
 Availability

10. Did you drunk any other Energy drink before URZZA?

 Yes
 No

11. The important factors 12. What do you

for drinking Energy expect from Energy
drink? drinks?
4 3 2 1 Factors 4 3 2 1
1. Quality of product

2. Reasonable price

3. Advertising

4. Famous of brand

4= Agree, 3= Neither, 2= Agree partially, 1= Do not agree at all.

13. What is your view on URZZA as a brand?

 Very good
 Good
 Neither
 Bad

14. What do you associate the brand URZZA with?

Rank according to your opinion:

Agree Neither Agree Do not agree

partially at all
High quality

15. How does a brand’s sponsorship affect your attitude towards the product?

 Very much
 A lot
 Neither
 A little

16. Do you know what URZZA sponsors?

 Sports
 Music
 Traveling
 Shopping
17. Which of the following activities are you most interested in?

 Sports
 Music
 Traveling
 Shopping

18. How does this affects your view of the brand?

 Positively
 Negatively
 Motivate

19. How would you rate the following aspects of URZZA?

 Excellent
 Satisfactory
 Good
 Average

20. Are you satisfied with the standards/Quality of URZZA?

 Yes
 No

21. Suggestions if any, for improvement of URZZA product?

 Advertising
 Quality of product
 Taste
 Reasonable price.

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