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1. a) What is an algorithm? Explain its characteristics in detail.

b) What is asymptotic notation. Explain different types of asymptotic notations with


2. a) Give the algorithm for matrix multiplication and find the complexity of algorithm using
step - count method.
b) Difference between Big-Oh and Omega notation with example.

3. a) What is space complexity? Illustrate with an example for fixed and variable part in
space complexity?
b) Write recursive binary search algorithm with an example and analyze time
complexity. List the applications of binary search.

4. a) Show that the following equalities are incorrect with suitable notations
i)10n2+9=O(n) ii) n2logn=Ɵ(n2)
b) Implement an algorithm to generate Fibonacci number sequence and
determine the time complexity of the algorithm using the frequency method.

5. a)What is meant by Divide and Conquer approach? Write the general method of Divide
and Conquer approach.
b) Write Divide and Conquer recursive merge sort algorithm and derive the time
complexity of this algorithm.
6. a) Show the result of running Merge sorting technique on the sequence
b) Derive the Best, Worst and Average time complexities of Merge sorting technique.

7. a) 1 Show the result of running Quick sorting technique on the sequence

b) Derive the Best, Worst and Average time complexities of Quick sorting technique.

8. a) Solve the recurrence relation using substitution

T(n)= { T(1) n=1

aT(n/b)+f(n) n>1 ,where a=5,b=4,and f(n)=cn2 .

b) Apply quick sort algorithm to sort the list. E, X, A, M, P, L, E in alphabetical


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