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Various conclusions were drawn from the Zarb-e-Azab operation.

 One, it is true that most of North Waziristan, or more than 80 per cent as the
military has been claiming is now under the control of the security forces. The
campaign to clear the militants from the remaining largely mountainous and
forested territory would take time and require further sacrifices in terms of lives
and resources.
 Two, the most significant achievement of Zarb-e-Azab is denial of space to the
local and foreign militants to plan and organize terrorist attacks not only in North
Waziristan but also in rest of Pakistan and other countries.
 Three, the blowback to Zarb-e-Azab by the militants wasn’t as big and severe as
was being feared before the launch of the operation.
 Four, the care and support for the IDPs and now their repatriation and
rehabilitation along with the reconstruction of the damaged public and private
property in North Waziristan should have been essential components and part of
the planning for Zarb-e-Azab. Shifting focus of attention from these issues would
dilute the achievements made on the military front.
 Five, it is now obvious that coordination and cooperation with the Afghan
government is necessary to deny space to militants on either side of the Durand
Line border between the two countries. If there are disagreements between
Islamabad and Kabul, the militants would flee to the other side after every
military operation and pose security threat to both countries. The Afghan Taliban
and their allies too are an important factor in this equation and bringing them into
the political mainstream in Afghanistan through talks should be the aim of both
the Afghan and Pakistani rulers to effectively bring the conflict to an end.

Security circumstance
Security circumstance in the nation has massively enhanced subsequently of
operation Zarb –e-azab the operation has stretched out to the Punjab and it gave a
sigh of relief to the general population of this region condition. After this operation,
Balochistan additionally enhanced and the terrorist activity and movement declined.
Pakistan and United States were the two major players who worked to bring peace in
Punishment of Terrorists:
Reacting to TTP's retaliatory assaults, Pakistan has mounted deadliest counter striking
back on TTP, first expelling the ban on executions of fear based oppressors by
Presidential Requests and besides building up military courts commission. Pakistani
experts offered "HANG TO DEATH" punishment of the terrorists who got captured after
this operation and the implementation was made that many terrorists were put to

Rades by Pak Armed force:

On 20th December 2014, the pak armed force and specialists of FIA assaulted a
protected house in Sabqabad and captured 6 TTP contenders alongside shield and
weapons. On 16th December 2014, terrorists attacked army public school in the revenge of
operation Zarb e azab but the army teams which were in the secret hideout in Khyber Agency,
they stalked 6 terrorists led by Saddam Jan- the master mind of Army Public school. This
was done on 26th December and a news revealing group detailed that the driving force
and his 6 aggressors were executed. On 9th January 2015, the CID groups gunned
down the 4 Al-Qaeda agents after another rapid pursue occurred in Qayyumabad in
Karachi. After that in another operation the FIA and Punjab police chased for
Roohullah, the brain of Wagha Outskirt and he was at last murdered in police
experience in Lahore.

Operation against Terrorists:

Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was working from Afghanistan expressing that
Fazullah and different gatherings had shaped camps in Nuristan and Kunar.

As indicated by DG ISPR, regions had looked for security from the armed force amid
Muharram. "The armed force will be prepared to help where the need emerges."
General Asim Bajwa said that 2763 speculated fear mongers were murdered in the
North Waziristan Operation. He additionally included that 873 safe houses of fear
mongers were pulverized and 253 Tons of explosives were recouped.

Recent Situation:
To start with the business sectors, schools and mosques were a wellspring of target
however after this operation the nation got peace and different circumstances made
strides. The IDP's moved back to their homes, now the general population is
experiencing their lives in those territories, which were beforehand possessed by the
terrorist's. Presently the control of FATA is given to common specialists. After this
operation new schools, houses, streets and correspondence systems were
assembled. While the IDP's arrival home every family was given (US $240) as money
help and (US $95) for transport offices. For successful illness control, youngsters under
five years old were controlled hostile to polio antibodies and less than 10 years old
were directed against measles immunizations.

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