MM Purchasing Configuration

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SAP MM Configuration

Published by Team of SAP
Consultants at SAPTOPJOBS
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Copyright 2007-09@SAPTOPJOBS

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic or
mechanical including photocopying, recording or any information storage and
retrieval system without permission in writing from SAPTOPJOBS
1. Define Number Range ------------------------------------------- 3
2. Define Document Type ------------------------------------------ 5
3. Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance----------------------- 9
4. Release procedure for purchase order ----------------------- 12
4.1 Edit Characteristic------------------------------------------ 13
4.2 Edit Class ---------------------------------------------------- 19
4.3 Define Release Procedure for Purchase Orders -------- 22
5. Define Screen layout at Document Level -------------------- 30
6. Setup Stock Transport Order --------------------------------- 34
6.1 Define shipping data for plants--------------------------- 35
6.2 Define checking rule---------------------------------------- 38
6.3 Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule --------------- 40
6.4 Assign Document Type, One-step Procedure,… ------- 41
7. Contracts and Scheduling Agreement ----------------------- 43
8. Price Determination in MM ------------------------------------ 45
8.1 Define Access sequence ------------------------------------ 47
8.2 Define condition type--------------------------------------- 51
8.3 Other condition types: ------------------------------------- 58
8.4 Define Calculation Schema-------------------------------- 70
8.5 Define Schema Group -------------------------------------- 75
8.6 Define Schema group for purchase organization ------ 77
8.7 Assign schema group to purchase organization ------- 79
8.8 Define Schema Determination ---------------------------- 81
9. Maintain Account Determination ----------------------------- 83
1. Define Number Range


This configuration setting enables to define the number range

for purchase order. Number ranges are defined directly in the
production system.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Purchase Order → Define Number Ranges

1. Click

2. Click
3. Click to add any new number range interval

4. Click

5. Click

Effect of this configuration

Number range maintained here will be referred in the

document type of purchase Order.
2. Define Document Type


This configuration setting enables to define the document


Each purchasing document (RFQ, PR and PO) must have a

document type. Document type setting controls

• Create new document types

• Define the item interval
• Define allowed follow-on document types
• Assign document types to a number range group
• Define number range interval
• Choose type of number assignment (internal or

Standard document type defined by SAP is sufficient. We shall

discuss the standard SAP document type.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Purchase Order → Define Document Types

1. Click
2. Maintain the fields as explained below

Field Name Field description and value

Key identifying document
type. E.g. NB
Description identifying the
document type. E.g. Standard
Purchase Order.
Steps between the line item
numbers in the PO.
Internal Number range
assignment. E.g. 45
External Number range
assignment. E.g. 41
Field selection key defines
attributes of the fields in the
purchase requisition
document. E.g. NBB
Control indicator
differentiating between the
document type.
Tick in this check box
indicates the details from the
vendor master and info record
in to the PO. It will also
update the LIS with vendor
Note: - This is applicable only
for stock transport orders.

Leave the other fields as it is.

3. Select the document NB by pressing the grey box in the


4. Double click

Note: -
Above screen shows the allowed item category for
purchase order with document type NB.

5. Select standard by clicking grey box in the left side.

6. Double click

7. Maintain the fields as explained below.

Field Name Field Description and Value
Document type of PR which
can be converted to this type
of PO.
Description of the document
type, automatically
determined by the system.
Item category in the PR
document type allowed to be
converted in to this PO type.
Tick in this check box
indicates that purchase order
item must not contain
account assignment.
This indicates the possibilities
of using release order or
releases or delivery schedule
for a document.
Tick in this check box will
indicate the user the usage of
document type and item

8. Click

9. Click till the main IMG screen is reached.

Effect of this configuration

Document type configured here will be used while creating

the purchase requisition.
3. Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance


This configuration setting enables to define the tolerance limits

for price variance.

Tolerance limits check the price difference between the

purchase order and valuation price stored in the material


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Purchase Requisitions → Set Tolerance Limits
for Price Variance

1. Click

2. Click

3. Maintain the field as explained below

Field Name Field Description and value

Key identifying the tolerance
key. E.g. PE for price variance.
Lower Limit Checking of variance per unit.
Limit with 20% tolerance
between PO and material
master moving average.

Upper Limit Checking of variance per unit.

Limit with 10% tolerance
between PO and material
master moving average.

4. Click

Effect of this configuration

Tolerance key will be assigned to the document type for

purchase Order.
When processing a Goods Receipt, the system checks
whether the unit price of a purchase order item differ from
the moving average price of a material.
4. Release procedure for purchase order


This configuration setting enables to define the purchase order

release strategy with class and characteristics.

Steps involved in this are

• Create required characteristics on which release is

to be performed.

• Create class of type 032 and attach the


• Define release procedure

Let us try to understand each one of it in the following

4.1 Edit Characteristic

This configuration setting enables to define the characteristics.
These characteristics are known as class characteristics. To
denote any property characteristics are used and it is assigned
to the class.

Example 1:-
Fat content, Protein, calcium can be the characteristics and it
can be assigned to the batch class 022.

Example 2:-
Document type, Purchase organization can be the
characteristics and it can be assigned to the Release
procedure class type 032.

Example 3:-
Fuse type, fuse amp can be the characteristics for material
FUSE and it can be assigned to the material class type 001.

Let us try to create characteristic Net_Order_value relevant for

purchase order release.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Purchase Order → Release Procedure for
Purchase Orders → Edit characteristics

1. Click

2. Enter characteristics. E.g. NET_ORDER_VALUE

3. Click to create new characteristic

4. Maintain the field as shown below

Field name Field description

Description of the
characteristic. E.g. Total order
net value
Status of the characteristic.
E.g. Released
Data type to applicable to this
characteristic. E.g. Currency
Indicate the number of
Field indicating the currency.
E.g. INR
Multiple value assignment is
possible if this radio button is
Any interval range can be
assigned as a value to this
characteristic. E.g. 1 - 5000
Language Enter the language in which
the description is to be
maintained. E.g. EN to
indicate English.
Description Description of the Language.
E.g. Total Order value

5. Click

6. Maintain value as shown below

7. Click

8. Maintain the value as shown below.

Table name indicate the table from which the value is to be

Field name indicates the field in the table from where the
value is to be taken during processing.

9. Click

Note: - If the table name and field name are maintained,

system will pick up the values from this table and field

10. Click

11. Click
Other details like decimal places, template are filled
automatically with the table and field reference.

12. Click

Note: - Similarly other characteristics can be created.

Following are the SAP standard characteristics available.
Effect of this configuration

This characteristic will be attached in the class of type 032

(Release procedure)
4.2 Edit Class


This configuration setting enables to define the class.

Class is uniquely identified by the class type for different



• 022 class type refers to batch class

• 032 class type refers to release procedure class

• 001 class type refers to material class

Each class will contain the relevant characteristics required.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Purchase Order → Release Procedure for
Purchase Orders → Edit class

1. Click

2. Enter class name. E.g. PO_RELEASE

Maintain the field values as explained below

Field Name Field Description and Value

Name of the class. E.g.
Type uniquely identifying the
class. E.g. 032 to indicate
class to be used for release
Description of the class. E.g.
PO Release strategy
Status of the class. E.g.

3. Click

4. Enter all the characteristics to be used with this class.

5. Click

Effect of this configuration

This class will be used to define the release strategy.

Note: - Let’s discuss with the SAP standard class. However

it is explained for clear understanding of creating class and
4.3 Define Release Procedure for Purchase Orders


This configuration setting enables to define the release


Steps involved in release strategy are

Define release group

Define release code and attach with release group

Define release indicator

Define release strategy for release group and assign

release codes


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Purchase Order → Release Procedure for
Purchase Orders → Define Release Procedure for purchase

1. Click
2. Double click

3. Click to create new release group

4. Enter Release group. E.g. PO

5. Enter class. E.g. FRG_EKKO

6. Enter description. E.g. PO> 20000INR

7. Click

8. Click

9. Click two times.

10. Double click

11. Click

12. Enter Group. E.g. PO

13. Enter Release code. E.g. R1

14. Enter Description. E.g. Head procurement

15. Similarly create release codes. E.g. P1 to indicate

initial release which is changeable.

16. Click two times

17. double click

18. Click

19. Maintain the filed values as explained below

Field name Field description and value

Indicator to identify the
release indicator. E.g. N
Tick in this check box
indicates the PO is ready for
further transmission.
Indicates whether the PO is
changeable after release. E.g.
1 to indicate it as non
Description for release code.
E.g. PO Non changeable

20. Click

21. Click two times

22. Double click

23. Click

24. Maintain the fields as explained below

Field Name Field description and value
Key identifying the release
group. Enter the already
created release group. E.g. PO
Key identifying the release
strategy. E.g. IN to indicate
release strategy for plant
Maintain description also.
Release codes. Enter the release codes. E.g.
R1 which is the code created
for release group PO.
P1 for initial release which is

25. Click

26. Click the check boxes as shown below

27. Above screen indicates that P1 must release it
before R1 and R1 can release only after P1 release.

28. Click

29. Click

30. Maintain release indicators as shown below

31. Click
32. Click

33. Maintain the classification value on which the

release is to be performed.

34. Click

35. Click

36. Click

37. Click
38. Click on

39. Click

40. Click on

41. Click

42. Click
43. Click

44. Click

45. Click two times

46. Click to reach main IMG menu

Effect of this configuration

This release strategy will be applicable to the document

type, purchase organization and value combination.
5. Define Screen layout at Document Level


This configuration setting enables to define the screen

layout. Screen layout enables to define fields as mandatory,
optional or hide.

Under a four digit key the screen layout is defined and this
key is attached to the relevant document type.

Let us try to understand the screen layout key NBF which is

attached to the document type NB.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Purchase Order → Define Screen Layout at
Document Level

1. Click

2. Click to create new keys.

Note: - Let us discuss the SAP standard key NBF.

3. Select NBF

4. Click
5. Double click on
6. Click the appropriate check box to make the field as
required entry, optional entry or only display.

7. Click

8. Repeat the above steps till you complete all the fields
control setting.

Note: - SAP Standard setting is sufficient. However it is

explained here for your understanding.

9. Click

10. Click
Effect of this configuration

Screen layout defined here can be referred in the document

type. Screen layout key NBF is referred to the document type
6. Setup Stock Transport Order

Stock transport order is used to transfer materials between


Stock transport order does not contain any value.

Stock transports are performed between two companies which

are under the same company code.

Steps involved are

Defining shipping data

Creating and defining checking rule
Assigning delivery type and checking rule
Assign document type

Let’s discuss the steps one by one.

6.1 Define shipping data for plants


This configuration setting enables to define the shipping data.

Shipping data contains

Customer name for the receiving plant

Sales organization data


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set up Stock Transport
Order → Define Shipping Data for Plants

1. Select Plant. E.g. IND6

2. Click
3. Maintain the following field data

Field name Field description

Code identifying the
receiving plant. Customer
master record must have
been created for this
receiving plant. Mainly
used in inter company
stock transfer.
Sales organization to
which the receiving plant
is assigned.
Distribution channel of
the receiving plant.
Division of the above
sales organization for
Language in which texts
are to be printed and

4. Click

Effect of this configuration

This information will be used during STO process.

6.2 Define checking rule


Combination of checking rule and availability check will

perform the availability of component at appropriate

Creation of checking rule and defining checking rule is

explained in the MRP CD. Here only the screen shot for STO
checking rule is displayed.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set up Stock Transport
Order → Define checking rule

1. Click
Effect of this configuration

When creating STO, system will perform the checking

according to the setting done here.
6.3 Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule


This configuration setting enables to define checking rule for

delivery type.

When creating the document, checking rule assigned here will

be used to perform availability check to this order type.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set up Stock Transport
Order → Assign Delivery Type and Checking rule

1. Click

2. Click

3. Maintain the following fields

Field name Field description and Value

Key identifying the document
type. E.g. UB to indicate stock
transport order.
Supplying plant. E.g. IND7
Delivery type to which the
checking rule is to be
performed. E.g. UL – delivery
for stock transfer
Checking rule. E.g. A

4. Click
6.4 Assign Document Type, One-step Procedure,…


This configuration setting enables to define checking rule for

delivery type.

When creating the document, checking rule assigned here will

be used to perform availability check to this order type.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set up Stock Transport
Order → Assign Document type, One-step procedure, Under
delivery Tolerance.

1. Click

2. Click

3. Enter Supplying Plant. E.g. IND6

4. Enter receiving plant. E.g. IND7

5. Enter Order type. E.g. UB to indicate stock transport


6. - Tick in this check box indicates the STO will be

performed in one step. E.g. GR is posted in receiving
plant at the same time goods issue is posted in
supplying plant. E.g. Leave this blank

7. Click

8. Click
Effect of this configuration

When creating STO, system will perform as per the setting

7. Contracts and Scheduling Agreement

Contract and scheduling agreements are similar to that of


Contract:- It is a long term purchasing agreement with


Scheduling Agreement :- it is a schedule released against

purchase order.

IMG setting for the above are similar to that of PR and PO.

Setting involved are:

• Defining number range

• Defining document type

• Defining release procedure

• Defining screen layout at document level.

Since the settings are similar it is not explained here once


IMG menu path screen shot is shown here for your reference.
8. Price Determination in MM


This configuration setting enables to define pricing conditions

and pricing procedure.

In a purchasing document, it is essential to maintain the

details of price brake up.

Example: -

Basic price 20.00 per unit

Less discount 10% 2.00
Price after discount 18.00
Add Taxes on price after discount 4% 0.72
Price after tax 18.72
Add Freight 5% on price after discount 0.90
Net effective price 19.62

In SAP each line item is defined through the condition type

and it is arranged inside the pricing procedure (calculation
schema) to perform the desired calculation.

Steps involved in calculation schema definitions are

• Define condition types

• Define calculation schema (pricing procedure)

• Define schema group for vendor / purchase organization.

• Assign schema groups with calculation schema

• Assign purchase organization schema group to the
required purchase organization in the IMG.
• (Note: - this way purchase organization specific
calculation schema can be assigned.)

• Assign the vendor schema group in the vendor master

purchasing data screen.
• Note: - this way specific calculation schema for specific
vendors can be assigned.

With the above settings, when PO is prepared for any vendor,

the right pricing procedure will be determined.

Before we discuss in details, let us look at the PO with pricing


Hope now you are ready to receive more on pricing procedure.

Let us jump in to the details now.
8.1 Define Access sequence


This configuration setting enables to define Access sequence.

Access sequence is defining the sequence of priority to search

or pickup the data from the predefined tables. These tables
are known as condition table.

One can define own table according to the business



Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price Determination
Process → Define Access Sequences

1. Click

2. Click (it is a cross client setting)

3. Select any access sequence (e.g. 0002) to copy. Note:- It

can be created by clicking

4. Click

5. maintain the fields as explained below

Field Name Field description and value

Key identifying the access
sequence. E.g. ZIN6
Description of the access
sequence Key. E.g. Gross price
without plant.
Category for access sequence.
E.g. Leave it blank

6. Click

7. Click

8. Click to add new table as the first search with

access no.3

9. Maintain the fields as explained below.

Field name Field description and value

Key defining the access
priority. E.g. 3
Table identification. E.g. 84
This is used to skip the
condition or to access further
conditions. Leave it blank.
Tick in this check box will
stop further searching after
fetching the condition record.
E.g. Tick this check box

10. Click

11. Select the access sequence with no.3 by clicking the

grey box in the left

12. Double click

13. Click

14. Click
15. Click
8.2 Define condition type


This configuration setting enables to define Condition type.

Conditions are two types.

• Time dependant
• Time Independent

Time dependant: -
Validity period and scale can be defined
Upper limit and lower limit for price range can be defined
Always used in contracts and info record

Time Independent: -
No validity period and scale are applicable

Condition type contains controls on

Price basis
Calculation type
Rounding the value
Changes to the condition type in the PO

Note: - Let us try to understand the SAP standard condition

type PB00. Then we shall discuss few more condition types
and try to understand the difference between them.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price Determination
Process → Define Condition type
1. Click

2. Click
3. Maintain the following fields as explained below

Field name Field description and value

Key identifying the condition
Key classifying the condition.
E.g. enter B to identify as
Key identifying the calculation
type for the condition type.
E.g. enter A to indicate % base
Key categorizing the condition
type. E.g. H to indicate the
condition category as basic
price type.
Used to round off the
condition value. Leave it
Normally used in variant
configuration with BOM.
Leave it blank.
Tick in this check box
indicates that the system
calculates the base price for
more than one item in the
document. But materials must
belong to the same material
group. It cumulates the
material belong to the same
group and check with the
scale quantity for further
If this check box is ticked,
system checks the condition
value at header level and
compares it with the total of
the condition value at item
Routine used along with the
group condition
Kind of changes allowed at PO
level for this condition type.
Following are the allowed

Tick in this check box

indicates that this is a header
level condition.
Tick in this check box
indicates that this is a item
level condition.
Tick in this check box will
allow the condition type to be
deleted from the PO
Tick in this check box will
enable the change of amount
or % in the PO.
Tick in this check box will
enable the change value in the
Tick in this check box will
enable the change conversion
factor in the PO.
Tick in this check box will
enable the change of
calculation type in the PO.
Validity from date
Validity upto date
Pricing procedure in which
this condition type will be
Control on how system
operates when the condition
type is deleted.
Indicates how the system
determines the basis for scale.
E.g. Price or quantity or value
Indicates how the scale value
is to be maintained.
Indicates maintenance of
Scale value or % rate.
Formula to determine the
scale base value.
UOM to be used along with
group condition. System
proposes the UOM when
maintaining the condition
record for group conditions.
Tick in this check box will
convert the condition value
into the document currency
before it multiples the
quantity and value from
condition record.
Tick in this check box
indicates that the system
posts the amount derived from
this condition into the
financial accounting as
Condition with this tick
appears as a statistical
condition in the document.
Relevant for internal costing.
Leave it blank
Related to internal costing
condition. Leave it blank
Used in promotion. Leave it
Used with variant
configuration. Leave it blank
It is used when sales and
condition quantity UOM are
different to that of Base UOM
of material.
Tick in this check box will
automatically exclude the
discounts that are proposed
during pricing.
Controls on account
determination processing for
the condition type.
Related to sales price
calculation. Leave it blank.
Related to sales price
calculation. Leave it blank.
Text determination procedure
used with sales. Leave it
Text determination procedure
used with sales. Leave it

4. Click
Effect of this configuration

Condition type defined here is used in the calculation schema

(pricing procedure).

Calculation Schema (Pricing procedure)

8.3 Other condition types: -


We are clear about the condition type. We have discussed only

PB00 condition type. Let us have a look of other condition
types used in the pricing procedure ZIN006.

As explained above, required condition types are to be created.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price Determination
Process → Define Condition Types

1. Click

2. Double click
3. Click

4. Enter PBXX
5. Click

6. Double click on PBXX condition type

7. Click

8. Repeat steps 3 to 6 to view the next condition type

8.4 Define Calculation Schema


This configuration setting enables to define the calculation

schema (pricing procedure).

Let us try to create the pricing procedure which we discussed

in the beginning.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price Determination
Process → Define Calculation Schema

1. Click

2. Click

3. Maintain the following fields as explained below

Field Name Field description and Value

Key identifying the pricing
procedure name. e.g. ZIN006
Description of the pricing
procedure. E.g. Price-

4. Click

5. Select YIN006 line by clicking the grey box in the left

6. Double click

7. Click

8. Maintain the following fields as explained below

Field name Field description and value

Number identifying the
sequence of the condition
within a procedure. E.g. 10
Access number or Counter
number inside that step.
System will approach
according to this sequence.
E.g. 1 if there are more
counter for a step, else leave it
Condition type. E.g. PB00 to
indicate the gross price.
From reference step.
When it is required to apply
discount or to add total, it is
possible to refer from and to
condition types which are to
be added.
Normally used in the discount
or surcharge or tax condition
types or to add the lines.
To reference step.
When it is required to apply
discount or to add total, it is
possible to refer from and to
condition types which are to
be added.
Normally used in the discount
or surcharge or tax condition
types or to add the lines.
Tick in this check box
indicates that this condition
types will be included in the
pricing procedure manually.
Tick in this check box indicate
that this condition is
Tick in this check box
indicates that this condition
value is only for statistical
Control on how to print the
Field indicator to store the
subtotal of this condition type.
It is possible to access the
condition type if certain
predefined requirements are
met. Through predefined
function module those
conditions are built as
“Requirement number”.
Alternative formula with
calculation type to determine
Alternate formula to find the
condition base value.
Key identifying the G/L
account. E.g. Packing charges
can be posted in a different
GL account.
Discuss with accounts before
maintaining this field.
Key identifying the GL
account to post the accruals
or provisions.
Discuss with accounts before
maintaining this field.
9. Maintain all other condition as explained above. After
maintaining the conditions, pricing procedure look like
as shown below.

10. Let us try to understand the above pricing


PB00 / PBXX: -

a. PB00 / PBXX condition types are the mandatory

condition must be associated with the pricing
b. PB00 condition type is to determine the price
automatically through info record.
c. PBXX condition type is to enter the price manually if not
found through info record.
d. Note: - Requirement field 5 controls the above function.
This is the use of requirement.
e. R000 is for discount on gross price. Discount is to be
applied on gross price. i.e from step number 10 to Step
f. Step 40 is to total the price from line number 10 to 25.
It will be displayed for statistical purpose.
g. YNST condition type is to add the tax to the value after
discount. I.e. to the line number 40.
h. Step 60 is to display the price including tax. I.e. price
after discount plus taxes. I.e. from step number 40 to
i. FRA1 / FRB1 / FRC1 condition in step number 70 with
access number 1, 2 and 3 respectively are to indicate
the different types of freight charges. Note: - It is
assumed that the different types of freight will be
applied at different times, hence all the three types are
j. Freight charges are paid not paid to the PO vendor,
hence these amounts are to be posted to the different
account. Through accruals key the right accounts are
determined to this condition type.
k. Step 100 adds the price with tax and freight charges to
arrive at the effective price. I.e. from line 60 to 70

11. Click

Effect of this configuration

Pricing procedure created here will be used in the PO.

8.5 Define Schema Group


This configuration setting enables to define the schema group

for vendor.

Schema group helps in determining the pricing procedure for


Schema group is the link between the pricing procedure and

vendor master.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price Determination
Process → Define Schema Group

1. Click
2. Double Click

3. Click

4. Maintain the following fields as explained below

Field Name Field description and Value

Key identifying the schema
group. E.g. I6
Description of the key. E.g.
Simple pricing

5. Click

Effect of this configuration

Schema group defined here will be used to assign with vendor

master and with pricing procedure.
8.6 Define Schema group for purchase organization


This configuration setting enables to define the schema group

for purchase organization.

Schema group helps in determining the pricing procedure for

purchase organization.

Schema group is the link between the pricing procedure and

purchase organization.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price Determination
Process → Define Schema Group

1. Click
2. Double Click

3. Click

4. Maintain the following fields as explained below

Field Name Field description and Value

Key identifying the schema
group for purchase
organization. Note: - any four
digit key can be maintained
here. E.g. IND6
Description of the key. E.g.
Key for IND6

5. Click

Effect of this configuration

Schema group defined here will be used to assign with

purchase organization and with pricing procedure.
8.7 Assign schema group to purchase organization


This configuration setting enables to establish the link

between the schema group and purchase organization.

Schema group helps in determining the pricing procedure for

purchase organization.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price Determination
Process → Define Schema Group

1. Click

2. Double Click
3. Enter the schema group against the purchase

4. Click .

Effect of this configuration

Schema group defined here for the purchase organization will

be used when raising the PO in this purchase organization.
8.8 Define Schema Determination


This configuration setting enables to establish the link

between the schema groups and pricing procedure.

Pricing procedure determines the price basis during PO



Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price Determination
Process → Define Schema Determination

1. Click

2. Double click
3. Click
4. Maintain the following fields as explained below

Field Name Field description and Value

Key identifying the purchase
organization schema group.
E.g. IND6
Key identifying the vendor
schema group. E.g. I6
Key identifying the pricing
procedure. E.g. ZIN006

5. Click

Effect of this configuration

Relation between schema groups and pricing procedure is the

basis to determine the right pricing procedure during
purchase order creation.
9. Maintain Account Determination


This configuration setting enables to define the account


Account determination is used to book the purchases against

any specific accounts.

It is defined by the Accounts team. Here the screen shots are

displayed for your reference.


Follow the Menu Path: IMG → Materials Management →

Purchasing → Account Assignment → Maintain Account
Assignment Categories

1. Click
2. Double click to view the details

Note: - To create new entries click

Field name Field description and value
Tick in this check box
indicates account assignment
is changeable during GR or
invoice receipt.
Account assignment
changeable only at Invoice
Receipt (IR).
Tick in this check box
indicates that the account
assignment is derived from
the GL account
Tick in this check box
indicates that the delivery cost
associated with the account
assigned PO will be posted to
a separate GL account.
Goods receipt is linked to the
purchase order item. GR is
possible to this account
assigned PO
Tick in this check box
indicates that GR is
Key indicating the
consumption posting.
Key used for account
determination. Prime key to
determine the GL account.
Indicates the multiple account
Indicates the stock type
associated with this account
assignment category.
Indicates, GR for this items is
not to be valuated.
Indicates, GR is mandatory
and it must be non valuated.
Indicates the distribution of
quantity and value for
multiple account assignment
Indicates how the partial
invoice is distributed in case
of multiple account
Indicates, PO item is linked to
Indicates invoice receipt is

Below shown field groups are to be made required entry,

optional entry, and display or hidden according to the
business requirements.

3. Click to view next page

4. Click to view next page

5. Click

Effect of this configuration

Account assignment categories defined here will be used in the


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