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Pate : 2210912020 EXPERIMENTS (inne Sic! A: DETERMINAT OA) OF TURBIDITY. B pari 2 68 AM ye find oul tuabdity Of given sample Of water PRINCIPLE When light passed thestigh a carmple having Susperced icles, Sorme the light 6 Scotlerect by pasticles “The stattesi ee geoaraily ee tu turbidity “The noone of Cample is-thus Measured fren Amount of light ae Scotlered by ebe Samele Adking & %eferernce wlth sbarderra : tarbidity Suspension « RApeaeatus NePhelometale turbidiweter sample tudes REAWENTS preparathow of stock clution . NOissolve 69 tHydrazine Sulphate and dilute to loome A dissolve tog Hexamethylene tetramine cind dilute to loome Dina loom Voluretaie flask -mix srl of each Colutio, Mow to stand 2b brs Ob 9643°C . ena then dilute & to loom). 4) The Solution Can be kept fpg about o month and then culute ' Preparation of talibraton stemolare : Min and tooml Steck Suspersion dilutes loomt lth Ye aqent water . PRocepuee Le Sesttch on Nephelometsic urbiclimeter and Walt fa few minutes all tf “aens ap . 2-Calorate the Wstaument Using YONTU Calibration ctan4, 3. Shake Camele and teep H fon Sometime 4. Take the sample in nephelometer Campletubke and pub the sample in the Sample. Chamber eal find out thee value of Scale s-Dilute the sample with turbidity flee waterard again read, We exoe Was donducted vewg vistual lab anc Obtervations Recus opined (5 epertecl Here ", : ovseavations Samapleme = | Tuabietity Sample | ale NTU gample > 0.02 NTU RESULT Me tus bide ef given sample ® Abb wT W&) 0.02 NTU Discussion Tusbidity may be Caused by a Wide naatety Of Suspendef matter which vanges In Size {aom colloida( +o warse. Alsgpersion «As pea Ts 10500 + 2012 the acceptable (ime of tuabidity 6 L NTU euhile peamissible finite fo the Abeente of alteanate Sourtes 6 BTU: Water bag lrigher tuabidreey wh appears Cloudy om MUAKY 4s follows lessvd light +o penetrate +thmugh - \NF ERENCE Me sample | taken has Euabidity HUG NTO greater Hoan Acceptatde Limit set Hie-not—sertierbte—fora | devercirg-. while sample 2 hag a tuabiolity velue o-or RU Which ts in he acceptable Wmit se bt-te Sattable—foadainkelag , VIS HOP i EXPERIMENT 4 pul EXQeriME NT % 6% “y: DETE RMIVATION OF COMPUCTIVITY AIM To deter me PRINCLPLE Me electaical Aonduckivity (6 a total paramere « Rox Aigsolved ,dligcoclatect Substances + He value depends on the Contentreation and degrees of. dicsoctathon of (005 | as well a5 the -Lemperature ard migration ef velouty of tos im electate Feld . : Apparatus Conductaviey meter weil meacu 8g cell TMeame meter - REAGENTS O-O1lM pelassium™ chlo side. pRocepueeE . ie Calibrate -the cell with stardarel OolM Kel Caaefully wipe wth bssue parer cand waite upto [min toa oteady reading | | Ahe conductivity of given sonople , Beaker, a Ringe the cell thosoughly with delonized listed and éarefully wipe witha tissue paper water 3. Dip the Cell inte Sample Cwia\ Solution and wate up eo tein tyr Sready reading: ¥F. mote down Wwsteaumenk aeading and also the em pe gatuve by kneamometes , Yeccaigtion of sarvple Tokally pure waber Distilled water Delonised water RO water Tap waker Potable water bea water Boackigh water ResocT Cooductvity OF () total pure water WH) Dolled water © Netontbed water @ RO Water @) Tae water ) potable water G) fea water W) Baackish water DISCUSSIONS conductivity vising % wou bo present ho nmoclerate 7 SNVRERENE ope cific conducciv yy daynking werter Sol jesser hence Zonduchivity ving igh Gnductivity - Fresh 0 Au ctiviky quality frets Coke exceed wey Temperature | Couductivé CySlem) 0-055, os on AL ood - loss” 56 000 (00000 © Oe oa oss Helm ea os pslom te o-f pslem &A tr usiom REE coq nslem Btoss-UsS(em = Sb6o00e mSlem = (oeece nS(em wo V ts belug Grverbed tp total diesel vek solids by Plicaton factor depending on nature Of tons Lo Hee Le aie grounal wearer tonicable salts are ie aso (eS mW noture - Sea Water” peer bedies On| thave- le not included ag a Parameber Po Skandords + However total aussolved ond 00 mg/d AS Per IS (0S00: 2012

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