Geology of Akpoha and It Environs by Ibrahim Olawale 2

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1.1 Introduction

The Afikpo basin is a NE-SW trending syncline, located at the south-eastern dip
of the Benue trough in the south-eastern Nigeria. The Benue trough formed as
a result of tectonic activities and continuous sedimentation in the Cretaceous
time when South America separated from Africa. The trough is
characteristically linear in shape and its sedimentary formations are
continuous with the Nigeria Coastal Basin. Structurally, the trough had been
thought to be an ordinary rift valley but recently, Burke and others have
attempted to explain its origin in the light of the new sea floor spreading and
plate tectonic theories. Their conclusion seems inconclusive owing to non-
availability or insufficiency of data.

The Benue trough in which the Afikpo Basin is located at it dip is marked by a
lot of igneous activities, as evident in the baked Akpoha sandstones. In the
course of this project research, the lower Benue trough outcrop as exposed
within Akpoha and its environs is studied in detail in order to extract all
possible available information necessary to the field of Geosciences.

Sandstones and shales are very important constituents of the sedimentary

processes and are therefore very significant to the understanding of the
stratification history of environment of deposition. The mineral and organic
compositions, texture and sequences of the sedimentary structures are usually
indicative of their provenance attributes.

1.2 Location and Accessibility

The Afikpo basin is large and wide but the area under study is bounded by
latitudes 5° 57'N to 5° 59'N and longitudes 7° 57'E to 7° 58'E. The study area is
mostly accessible by major roads and few footpaths which connect to the
hinterlands. Representative outcrops are located along, Akpoha, Nze-Kwe,
John the Baptist Church and Ama-Telu. Detailed studies of the outcrops were
accessible by track/footpaths, minor roads, road cuts and minor river edges.
Although most of the minor roads and tracks connecting the major roads from
the hinterlands are in bad condition, during the rainy season, owing to the
presence of mud underlain the area.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The aim of the project is to delineate the general Geology of Akpoha and its

Objectives of the study are to extract all possible information from the study
area. They include detailed study of the area in order to understand the

I. Description of Outcrops;
II. Geology of the Area;
III. Provenance of the Sediments; and
IV. Interpretation of environment of Deposition;

1.4 Scope of Study

The scope of this research project includes:

1. Detailed field mapping of the area;

2. Detailed study of the structural trends in the area;
3. Identification of different lithologic unit;

Fig 1.1: Map of Nigeria showing the Study Area.

1.3 Literature Review

Afikpo basin has been studied by many researchers. It is believed that the
Afikpo basin has age ranging from lower cretaceous to upper cretaceous
(Albian to Maastrichtian). Reyment (1965) described the stratigraphy of
different depositional basins in the country and created a large number of

litho-stratigraphic and bio-stratigraphic divisions of the basins. He also
observed in another study that the Benue trough as a whole is continuous with
the coastal basin and that it had been currently described as the long arm of
the Nigeria coastal basin. In recent studies, others described the Benue trough
of Nigeria to be a sinistral wrench basin which extends from the Niger Delta in
a NE direction to Lake Chad where it transforms into a predominantly NW
trending extensional basin system through Niger. Odigi and Amajor (2009)
recorded that transform faulting was reactivated during the late Maastrichtian
terminal tectonic event in the Afikpo basin. The sedimentary fill in the Afikpo
basin is divided into three tectonic-stratigraphic mega sequences; the Asu
River Group, Eze-Aku Group and proto-Niger Delta succession. The Nkporo
formation in the Afikpo syncline area thins towards the NW and SE at the
trough margins of the basin. The Mamu formation lies conformably upon the
Nkporo formation. The Nkporo formation is the basal formation of the
Campanian-Maastrichtian sediments, and is relatively undisturbed but
intruded by igneous rocks. High geothermal gradients prevail in the area close
to the intrusives.

Fig. 1.2: Geological Map of Southern Benue Trough Showing the Study Area.

Odigi (2007) recorded that simple syn-sedimentary growth faults and tectonic
structures such as folds and strike-slip faults are present in the Afikpo sub-
basin. The detailed stratigraphic succession of the basin is presented in the
table below;

Fig. 1.3: Regional Sediment Cycle of the Afikpo Basin and it Correlative
counterparts (Modified after Reyment, 1965)

1.6 Tectonic Evolution of the Study Area

During the pre-Cretaceous times, Nigeria consisted of an uplifted

continental landmass made up of the pre-Cambrian basement rocks which
were unconformably overlain by lower Cretaceous sediments.

Deposition in the south-eastern Nigeria basin during the pre-Maastritchtian

was controlled by the first of the three tectonic phases (Murat, 1970). He also

recorded the three depositional cycles that accompanied each tectonic
episode when the rift-like Benue-Abakaliki trough was formed. The south-
eastern end of the basin (Calabar flank) sedimentation was controlled by NW-
SE trending fault (Fig. 2.1) while the western limit of the basin was the Benin-
Benue hinge line (fault zone) beyond which no marine sediment had been
reported. The Abakaliki trough emerged during Santonian tectonic phase at
the same time the Afikpo basin began to subside. The Abakaliki trough was
subjected during its infilling to tectonic movement which is recorded in the

Fig. 1.4: Tectonic Map of Nigeria during Albian to Lower Santonian.

1.7 Regional Stratigraphic Settings

The Afikpo basin which is in the lower Benue trough, being that the trough
itself is a continental-large scale intra-plate tectonic mega structure, which is
part of the mid-African rift system initiated in the Jurassic to early cretaceous
and it is related to the opening of the central and South Atlantic Ocean (Murat,
1972). The southern Benue trough comprises the tectonically inverted
Abakaliki anticlinorium, Afikpo and Anambra basin flanking the anticlinorium to
the east and west respectively. The development and evolution of the tectonic,
of the Afikpo basin and the stratigraphic setting of the study area will be better
appreciated by renewing developments in the depositional area since early
cretaceous structural unit of the south east Nigeria as represented by (Short
and Stauble, 1967). The Stratigraphic sequence of the study area is shown in
table 2.1 below;

Table 1.1: Stratigraphic Sequence of the Study Area.


Group Formation Member Symbol Thickness

Ururo shale EZ IX 200

Ibii SST EZ VIII 150

Iyi-Ogwe SH EZ VII 75-120
Okpo-Ezi SST EZ VI 130

Eze-Aku Akpoha SST EZ V 55

Amaseri SH EZ IV 80
Amaseri SST EZ III 150

Amate-Elu SH EZ II 40-150

Amate-Elu SST EZ I 40

Amauro Shale AS IV 35
Amauro sandstone AS III 40

Albian Asu Amenu Sandstone AS II 35

River Amenu shale AS I 400

1.8 Local Geology

The study area consists of massive sandstone and low lying shale, trending in a
NE-SW direction. However the northern section of the study is generally low
land. The highest sandstones are the Amaseri-Okpo-Ezi sandstones (about 120
high) and Akpoha sandstone (about 75m high).

The Asu River Group: The Asu River Group is a major stratigraphic unit in the
study area, consisting of dark micaceous shale, fine grained and calcareous
sandstone bodies. It is poorly bedded, and dip range is 46° to 72° Azimuth. The
beds indicate Albian age. The geology of the different litho-stratigraphic facies
of the Asu River Group in the study area is listed as follow Amenu shale,
Amenu sandstone, Amauro sandstone and Amauro shale.

Eze-Aku Formation: The Eze-Aku Formation unconformably overlies the Asu

River Group. It consists of alternating sandstone/siltstone and hard grey to
black shale. The contacts between the lithologies appear sharp and
gradational; where it is gradational the shale is sandy, silty or calcareous,
before passing into siliceous or calcareous sandstone. This is quite obvious at
Amaseri where it grazes into the Amaseri sandstone. The dip range of the
Formation is 16° to 38° Azimuth. The litho-stratigraphic facies descriptions of
Eze-Aku Formation are as listed; Amate-Elu sandstone, Amatelu-Elu shale,
Amaseri shale, Amaseri sandstone, Akpoha sandstone, Okpo-Ezi sandstone, Iyi-
Ogwe shale, Ibii sandstone and Uroro shale.

Akpoha Sandtone: This is a highly indurated lens within the Amaseri Shale.
Surfaces of freshly cut samples show dark grey to nearly white colours but

reddish brown when weathered. The grains are sub angular to sub rounded in
shape and well sorted. Microscopic analysis from thin section petrography of
the Akpoha sandstone shows the following mineral compositions: quartz
(55%), feldspar (25%), calcite (15%) and rock fragment (5%). It has a deep
range of 28° to 36°.

Amatelu-Elu Sandstone: It is the oldest lithologic unit of the Eze-Aku

Formation, it uncoformably overlies the Amauro shale of the Asu River Group,
in the study area. The sandstone is grey coloured when fresh but turns reddish
brown when weathered. The grains are sub-angular to sub-rounded, and fine
to medium grained. The unit shows massive and well-indurated features.
Analysis from thin sections of the Amate-Elu sandstone shows mineralogical
composition of quartz (60%), feldspar (15%), (5%) rock fragment and biotite as
a secondary component.

1.9 Topography and Drainage

Ebonyi state lies in an area of moderate relief (between 125 and 245m above
sea level). The highest parts of the state are around Afikpo, with elevation of
about 170m above sea level. Sandstone ridges form the topographic highs.
Drainage is controlled by Cross River and its tributaries, especially the Aboine
drainage system. Areas of moderate reliefs are often characterized by an
intermediate condition of erosion. Ebonyi state experiences moderate sheet
erosion, except in areas like Afikpo and Izzi where erosion is more pronounced.

1.9.1 Climates, Temperature and Vegetation

Two main soil types are found in Ebonyi state. These are the silty clayey
hydromorphic soil and the grey sandy clay hydromorphic soil. The former has a
brown loamy top horizon which overlies a reddish brown silty clay sub soil. It is
moderately to imperfectly drained, with a moderately low natural fertility.
With appropriate Agro-techniques and regular application of fertilizer this soil
can produce good yields of wide varieties of crops ranging from cassava to
vegetables, plantain and Groundnut. The latter soils occur in low-lying areas
where the soil is grey, fine loamy sandy clay to clayey. In addition to poor
fertility strong acidity and lack of nutrients, this soil suffers from poor drainage.
Due to the excess of moisture, it is mostly suitable for rice cultivation.

Ebonyi state falls within the rain forest and savannah belts of southeastern
Nigeria. The dominant vegetation is characterized by tree shrubs, with
abundant palm trees particularly in the southern and central zones of the
state. Two main seasons dominate the climate of the state. These are the rainy
season, which usually begins in late April and ends October. And the dry
season which lasts from late November to early April. The main annual
temperature in the area is 26.6°C and a maximum range in altitude is about
1800ft. During the first quarter month, the temperature normally rises to
about 37.67°C and reaches its maximum towards the end of the dry season.


2.1 Introduction

Outcrops in the study area are sparsely distributed. The locations

(position and elevation values) of outcrops studied were obtained from the
field using my mobile Blackberry Global Positioning System (GPS) device. Three
main lithologies were identified in the entire study area. They include
sandstone, shale and clay. Method of study employed in the study area is
grouped into three (3) as follows:

2.2 Preliminary Studies/Desk Work

This aspect of the work is basically research on studies that had earlier
been carried out within the study area, this helped in the understanding of the
nature of the research that is being carried out currently. This constitutes the
early part of this project.

2.3 Field Work and Equipment

In the field, outcrops are cited, observed and their positions are marked
using a Global Positioning System (GPS) (with the aide of my blackberry mobile
device). Samples collected in the field were stored in polythene bags and
properly labelled indicating the sample locality, this is followed by detailed
logging of outcrop taking note of rock type (lateral extent, gross thickness, bed
thickness); textural features (colour, grain size, shape and sorting of grains, clay
content, cementation/compaction if present); sedimentary structures (nature
of bedding, internal structures); tectonic structure (fracturing, joints, faults,
folds); and biologic structures. This constitutes the central part of this project.
The following listed equipment was employed for a successful completion of
the field mapping exercise;

a) Topographic Map: A base map of 1:25000 scales was use for the field
mapping. With the aid of the base map, I was able to locate my position
at any particular point in time, and outcrops were easily located.
b) Compass Clinometer: Used for measurement of strikes and dips.
c) Note and Pencil: For recording and sketching of observed features in
the field.
d) Hammer and Chisel: For breaking and trimming rock samples.
e) Camera: For taking pictures of outcrops and other geologic features of
interest to the study.
f) Steel Tape: For measurements of bed thicknesses, lateral extent of
outcrops, dykes and sills.
g) Sample Bags: For collecting samples.

2.4 Laboratory Work and Analysis

Fresh samples of representative outcrops collected from the field were

sent to research laboratories for proper analysis. In the laboratory the shale
samples were oven dried at a temperature of 25°C for 24 hours, to remove
moisture and then pulverized to provide greater surface area of contact. The
shale samples were subjected to geochemical analysis and bio-stratigraphic
studies, to determine their hydrocarbon potential. While the sandstones from
Akpoha and Amate-Elu was subjected to petrographic analysis, to determine
their mineralogical content. This constitutes the integral and most tedious
part of this project.


Results and Interpretation

3.1 Outcrop Description

This chapter will focus on outcrop descriptions and presentation of the

results obtained from the analysis of the samples collected from the study
area. The data as collected from the field are tabulated in Table 3.1 below;

Table 3.1: Position, Description/Outcrop Location and Localities in the Study


S//N Station Locality Latitude Longitude Altitude Outcrop

Code (°N) (°E) (m) type/detail

1 SH/01 Akpoha- 5° 58' 1095" 7° 57' 438" 26.32 Shale

2 SST/01 Akpoha- 5° 58' 1095" 7° 57' 438" 26.32 Sandstone
3 CL/01 Akpoha- 5° 58' 1095" 7° 57' 438" 26.32 Clay
4 SH/02 Akpoha 5° 57' 9031" 7° 57' 9532" 25.38 Shale

5 SST/02 Akpoha 5° 57' 9031" 7° 57' 9532" 25.38 Sandstone

6 SST/03 Akpoha- 5° 57' 6057' 7° 57' 9974" 27.26 Sandstone

7 SST/04 Amate- 5° 58' 1921" 7° 58' 3935" 26.02 Sandstone
KEY: SH= Shale

SST= Sandstone JTB= John the Baptist CL= Clay

3.2 Akpoha Study Area
3.2.1 Nze-Kwe

The outcrop in this location is shale, sandstone with clay intercalation

and clay. It lateral extent could not be determined, due to the thick
vegetation cover surrounding the area. The shale is greyish, fissile and
appears to have been ferruginized. The sandstone intercalated with clay
overlies the shale, thereby acting as an overburden to the shale. The
outcrop is labelled SH/01, SST/01 and CL/01 (i.e. outcrop number 1, 2 & 3
on Table 3.1) with position and altitude values as presented in table 3.1
above. The log of the outcrop is present in fig. 3.1 below;

Plate 3.1: Shale and Sandstone intercalated with Clay as seen at Nze-Kwe of
Akpoha (SH/01, SST/01 & CL/01).

Plate 3.2: Showing Gradational contact between the Clay and Shale.

Lithology Structures Depositional Environ


Fissile Shallow marine

70 SH/01

Shallow marine






Fig. 3.1: Litho-log of the Study units and proposed interpretation of
environment of deposition of the units

3.2.2 Few Meters from Nze-Kwe

The exposures at this location are dominantly grey shale [SH/02 (number 4
in table 3.1)] lying unconformably on an indurated sandstone [SST/02
(number 5)]. The shale and the sandstone are dipping at different angles.
The contact between the shale and the sandstone is a sharp one. The log of
the outcrop is also presented in fig. 3.2 below

Plate 3.3: Showing a Shale Layer Overlying an Indurated Sandstone [SH/02

& SST/02].

Lithology Structures Depositional





22 SH/02 Fissile Shallow marine




SST/02 Indurated Shallow marine

Fig. 3.2: Litho-log of the study units [SH/02 & SST/02]

3.2.3 Along John The Baptist Church

The exposure here comprise predominantly of massive indurated sandstone. It

lateral extent could not be ascertained due to bad roads within the area. Fresh
surfaces show dark-grey to grey colours but reddish brown when weathered.
The grains are sub-angular to sub-rounded. It dips ranges from 26° to 30°, with
calcareous cementation. Massive indurated sandstones with solution cavities
were also seen at this location but were not sampled due to the inaccessible
road network at this location. These exposures are as shown in (plate 3.4 and
3.5) below;

Plate 3.4: Showing Indurated Sandstone unit along John the Baptist Church
in Akpoha [SST/03]

Plate 3.5: Showing indurated Sandstone with solution cavities at Akpoha.

3.3 Amate-Elu Study Area

This station is label SST/04, which is part of the Eze-Aku formations exposed
at Amate-Elu area. The outcrop is grey massive indurated sandstone. It has
positions as presented in table 3.1 above. The grains are angular to sub-
rounded and fine to medium grained.

Plate 3.6: Showing well indurated massive sandstone at Amate-Elu

Plate 3.7: Showing blasted unit of the indurated Amate-Elu Sandstone

3.4 Result from Total Organic Carbon (TOC)

A total of two samples SH/01 and SH/02 were collected from Akpoha area
within the Akpoha sandstone. During the sampling fresh samples were
collected and stored in polythene bags and properly labelled indicating the
sample locality. The samples were later taken to the laboratory to analyse
the organic carbon content to determine the hydrocarbon potential of the
source rock.

3.4.1 Systematic Calculation of Total Organic Carbon Content in

[SH/01 & SH/02].

The percentage organic carbon was calculated using the standard equation

% Organic Carbon = BK −TS ×0.2 × 0.3

Sample Weight


BK= Blank Titre Value

TS= Average Titre Value

0.2= Molar Conc. Of Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Sol.

0.3= Volume in ml. of Indicator (Ferrion)

0.1g= Sample Weight

But Blank Titre Value= 2.5ml.

Titre value of the two samples are given as 1.35 & 2.20 for station [SH/01] &
[SH/02] respectively.
TOC value for station [SH/01]

% TOC= 2.5−1.35× 0.2× 0.3 = 0.069 = 0.69

0.1 0.1

TOC value for station [SH/02]

% TOC= 2.5−2.20× 0.2 ×0.3 = 0.018 = 0.18

1.1 0.1

Results from the Total Organic Carbon (TOC)

Table 3.2: Data presentation of the titre values and total organic carbon (TOC)

Station Weight Titre Value Blank Titre TOC Value

Titrated (g) Value (ml) (%)
SH/01 0.1 1.35 2.5 0.69

SH/02 0.1 2.20 2.5 0.18

Average TOC = ∑ TOC % = 0.69 + 0.18 = 0.87 = 0.435wt%

N 2 2

3.4.2 Interpretation of the Organic Geochemical Analysis from Total
Organic Carbon (TOC)

The result of the total organic carbon (TOC) is presented in table 3.2 above.
The total organic content is known as an adequate amount of organic matter
which is a pre-requisite for sediments to generate oil (Nton et al 2006).
According to Philipp and Welt (1986), classification of source rocks based on
total organic carbon (TOC) values for hydrocarbon generation is given in table
3.3 below;

Table 3.3: Classification of Source Rock for TOC (Philipp and Welt)

< 0.5wt% Poor Source Rock

0.5 – 1.0wt% Fair Source Rock

1.0 – 1.5% Fair to Good Source Rock

> 2.0wt% Good to Excellent Source Rock

The Geochemical analysis result shows the total organic carbon (TOC) values
obtained from sample stations SH/01 & SH/02. With reference to Philipp and
Welt classification relating to table 3.2 and 3.3, the shale samples from Akpoha
can be consider as a poor source rock for hydrocarbon potential, since the
average total organic carbon (TOC) values is equal to 0.4wt%.

3.5 Result from Soluble Organic Matter (SOM)

The result of the soluble organic matter which allows for the determination
of hydrocarbon potential of the shale samples is as shown below;

Table 3.4: Absorbance and SOM values of the shale samples

Stations Absorbance Bonny light SOM (PPM)

SH/01 0.01 1582.278 16

SH/0 0.01 1582.278 16

Average SOM (PPM) = ∑ SOM = 16 + 16 = 32 = 16ppm

N 2 2

The interpretation method adopted in this study is based, according to

Philipp (1954).

Table 3.5: Source Rock Classification for SOM (Philipp, 1954)

0 – 50 Very poor
50 – 150 Poor
150 – 500 Fair
500 – 1500 Good
1500 – 5000 Very good
> 5000 Excellent

With reference to Philipp classification of source rocks, relating table 4.3 & 4.4
above the shale samples at Akpoha is a very poor source rock for hydrocarbon
potential, since the average SOM value is 16ppm, which correspond to that of
Philipp (0 - 50).

3.6 Result from Petrographic Study of Sandstone Units

Mineralogical examination under electron microscope of selected fresh
Akpoha and Amate-Elu sandstone samples revealed the dominance of angular
to sub-rounded grains. Base on the petrologic assessment (thin section), the
Akpoha and Amate-Elu sandstone samples revealed mainly moderately well
sorted materials. While the framework grains are composed of quartz,
feldspar, rock fragment and biotite has a secondary component.

3.6.1 Petrographic Study of Slide SST/02

On the basis of the mineralogical composition of the Akpoha sandstone

SST/02, which contains 55% quartz, 25% feldspar, 15% calcite and 5% rock
fragment. The Akpoha sandstone is classified as Feldspathic arenite. The grains
are sub-angular to sub-rounded in shape and moderately sorted.

Table 3.6: Petrographic study of the Akpoha Sandstone [SST/02]

Mineral Colour Composition

Quartz Colourless 55%

Feldspar Colourless 25%

Calcite White 15%

Rock fragments 5%

Plate 3.8: Photograph of Slide SST/02 under Plane Polarize Light (PPL).
Magnification X20

Plate 3.9: Photograph of Slide SST/02 under Cross Polarize Light (XPL).
Magnification X20

3.6.2 Petrographic Study of Slide SST/03

On the basis of the mineralogical composition of the Akpoha sandstone

SST/03, which contains 65% quartz, 20% feldspar, 10% calcite and 5% rock
fragment. The Akpoha sandstone is classified as Feldspathic arenite. The grains
are sub-angular to sub-rounded in shape and moderately sorted.

Table 3.7: Petrographic study of Akpoha Sandstone [SST/03]

Mineral Colour Composition

Quartz Colourless 65%

Feldspar Colourless 20%

Calcite White 10%

Rock fragments 5%

Plate 4.0: Photograph of Slide SST/03 under Plane Polarize Light (PPL).
Magnification X20

Plate 4.1: Photograph of Slide SST/03 under Cross Polarize Light (XPL).
Magnification X20

3.6.3 Petrographic Study of Slide SST/04

On the basis of the mineralogical composition of the Amate-Elu sandstone

SST/04, which contains 60% quartz, 20% feldspar, 5% rock fragment and 15%
silica and biotite as cement and secondary component? The Amate-Elu
sandstone is classified as Feldspathic arenite. The grains are sub-angular to
sub-rounded in shape and moderately sorted.

Table 3.8: Petrographic study of Amate-Elu Sandstone [SST/04]

Mineral Colour Composition

Quartz Colourless 60%

Feldspar Colourless 20%

Silica & biotite White and black 15%

Rock fragments 5%

Plate 4.3: Photograph of Slide SST/04 under Cross Polarize Light (XPL).
Magnification X20

3.7: Results from Biostratigraphy

Fresh samples collected from station 1, 3 & 4 [SH/01, CL/01 & SH/02] were
analysed to determine their fossil content using Bio-stratigraphic tool. The
results from the analyses shows the shale and clay samples were all barren in
fossil content, which is a further prove to the poor source rock classification of
the shale.

3.8 Interpretation and Discussion of Results

The study area is interpreted using the analysed data presented above.
Samples collected and analysed are representative of the area is used to infer
the hydrocarbon potential, depositional environment and provenance of
sediments in the area.

3.8.1 Provenance and Depositional Environment

Using the petrographic study of the sandstones, the mineralogical composition

of the sandstone units at Akpoha and Amate-Elu consist predominantly of
quartz and feldspar. This indicates a nearby granitic source, which probably is
the nearby Oban-Massif found southeast of Afikpo (Reyment, 1965). Poor to

moderate sorting and angular to sub-rounded nature of the minerals from thin
section support high energy environment and brief history of transportation of
the sediments.

Previous researchers had suggested that the Asu River Group was deposited in
a moderately deep sea, while the Eze-Aku Formation was deposited in a
shallow marine environment (Reyment, 1965; Nwachukwu, 1975). The rapid
alternations of sandstone and shale units in the Eze-Aku Formation suggest
two conditions of depositions; transgression and regression.

3.8.2 Hydrocarbon Potential

Samples collected from station 1 & 4 [SH/01 & SH/02] both belonging to Eze-
Aku Formation within Akpoha, were analysed for total organic carbon (TOC)
and soluble organic matter (SOM) to determine the hydrocarbon potential of
the rocks. The results as presented in table 4.1 & 4.3 for (TOC & SOM) above
shows that the shale samples from within Akpoha are poor source rock for

Fresh samples collected from station 1, 3 & 4 [SH/01, CL/01 & SH/02] were
analysed to determine their fossil content using Bio-stratigraphic tool. The
results from the analyses shows the shale samples were all barren in fossil
content, which is a further prove to the poor source rock classification of the



4.1 Summary

Mineralogical analyses of the sandstones from Akpoha and Amate-Elu revealed

that the principal mineral components are quartz and feldspar, with <70%
quartz the sandstone units at Amate-Elu and Akpoha are classified as
feldspathic arenites.

The results of the total organic carbon (TOC) and soluble Organic matter (SOM)
shows that the shales at Akpoha are poor in organic matters and are classified
on this basis as poor source rocks for hydrocarbon generation.

Bio-stratigraphic studies of the shales and clay from Akpoha also shows that
they all are barren in fauna content, which probably is due to the high
temperature environment as a result of the volcanic activities in the region.

4.2 Conclusion

The study area, underlain by three lithologic units, fine-medium grains

sandstone, grey shale and clay, has a general trend of NE-SW and deformation
affecting some part. The units [SH/01, SST/01, CL/01, SH/02, SST/02, SST/03 &

SST/04] all belonging to Eze-Aku Formation are all [Turonian-Coniacian

Petrographic study of the sandstone units in the study area shows a granitic
provenance, which probably is from the nearby Oban-Massif situated
southeast of Afikpo.


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