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eNursing Care Plan 61-1

Patient With a Fracture

Nursing Diagnosis*
Impaired physical mobility related to loss of integrity of bone, movement of bone fragments,
soft tissue injury, and prescribed movement restrictions as evidenced by limited joint range of
motion, inability to purposefully move, and inability to bear weight

Patient Goals
1. Experiences uncomplicated bone healing and return of skeletal function
2. Uses assistive devices as needed to increase physical mobility
3. Experiences no complications of immobility
Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales
Bone Healing Splinting
Intact peripheral circulation Apply splint in position injured body part is found, using
_____ hands to support injury site, minimizing movement, and
Return of skeletal function _____ using the assistance of another health care team
member when possible to avoid fracture displacement
Measurement Scale and soft tissue injury.
1 = None Minimize movement of patient, especially injured body
2 = Limited part to avoid additional injury.
3 = Moderate
4 = Substantial
Monitor for bleeding at injury site to plan appropriate
5 = Extensive intervention.
Monitor circulation (e.g., pulse, capillary refill, and
Pain _____ sensation) in injured body part to detect possible nerve
Edema _____ or vascular damage.
Infection in surrounding tissue Identify most appropriate splint material (e.g., rigid, soft,
_____ anatomical, or traction)
Infection in bone _____
Traction/Immobilization Care
Measurement Scale Position in proper body alignment to enhance traction
1 = Extensive and skeletal function.
2 = Substantial Maintain traction at all times to prevent misalignment of
3 = Moderate bone fragments.
4 = Limited
Monitor circulation, movement, and sensation of
5 = None
affected extremity to detect complications of peripheral
Mobility vascular and nerve function.
Balance _____ Provide trapeze for movement in bed to reduce
Coordination _____ complications of immobility.
Joint movement _____ Monitor skin and body prominences to identify signs of
Moves with ease _____ skin breakdown.
Administer appropriate skin care at friction points to
Measurement Scale prevent skin breakdown.
1 = Severely compromised
2 = Substantially compromised Cast Care: Wet
3 = Moderately compromised Handle the casted extremity with palms only until the
4 = Mildly compromised cast is dry to avoid causing finger indentations that can
5 = Not compromised lead to pressure sores.
Support cast with pillows during the drying period
(avoid pillow under heel) to prevent denting and
flattening of the cast.
Protect the cast if close to groin to prevent soiling of
Mark the circumference of any drainage to identify
additional drainage during future assessments.
Elevate casted extremity at or above heart level to
reduce swelling or inflammation, as indicated.
Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction related to vascular insufficiency and nerve
compression secondary to edema and/or mechanical compression by traction, splints, or casts

Patient Goal
Experiences no peripheral neurovascular dysfunction
Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales
Tissue Perfusion: Peripheral Circulatory Precautions
Localized extremity pain _____ Perform a comprehensive assessment of peripheral
Numbness _____ circulation (e.g., check peripheral pulses, edema,
Tingling _____ capillary refill, color, temperature of extremity) to
Pallor _____ monitor for diminished tissue perfusion and compare to
Paresthesia _____ noninvolved extremity to plan appropriate intervention.
Peripheral edema _____ Prevent infection in wounds to avoid further edema and
Muscle weakness _____ inflammation, which may contribute to additional
vascular insufficiency and nerve compression.
Measurement Scale Maintain adequate hydration to prevent increased blood
1 = Severe
viscosity and blood clots.
2 = Substantial
3 = Moderate
4 = Mild Positioning
5 = None Immobilize or support affected body part to prevent
pressure and injury.
Maintain position and integrity of traction to prevent
compression of blood vessels and nerves.
Elevate affected limb 20 degrees or greater above the
level of heart to reduce edema by promoting venous
return. (Note: If compartment syndrome is suspected,
elevate extremity no higher than heart level.)

Peripheral Sensation Management

Monitor for paresthesia (numbness, tingling,
hyperesthesia, hypoesthesia, and level of pain) to
identify possible nerve compression.
Monitor sharp/dull and/or hot/cold discrimination to
ensure early recognition of and intervention for
compromised circulation or nerve compression.

Nursing Diagnosis
Acute pain related to edema, movement of bone fragments, and muscle spasm as evidenced by
pain descriptors, guarding, crying

Patient Goal
Reports satisfaction with pain management measures
Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales
Pain Control Pain Management
Uses preventive measures _____ Perform a comprehensive assessment of pain to include
Uses nonanalgesic relief measures location, characteristics, onset/duration, intensity/
_____ severity of pain, and precipitating factors to plan
Uses analgesics as recommended appropriate interventions.
_____ Provide patient optimal pain relief with prescribed
Reports uncontrolled symptoms to analgesics to promote adequate rest and healing.
health professional _____ Notify surgeon if pain-relief measures are unsuccessful
Reports pain controlled _____ or if current complaint is a significant change from
patient’s past experience of pain to identify impending
Measurement Scale compartment syndrome.
1 = Never demonstrated Teach the use of nonpharmacologic techniques (e.g.,
2 = Rarely demonstrated relaxation, guided imagery, hot/cold application, and
3 = Sometimes demonstrated
4 = Often demonstrated
massage) before, after, and—if possible—during
5 = Consistently demonstrated painful activities; before pain occurs or increases; and
along with other pain relief measures to reduce edema
and promote comfort.
Nursing Diagnosis
Readiness for enhanced health management as evidenced by questions about long-term effect
of immobilization, devices, activity restrictions, and expression of desire to prevent
complications and return to prior health

Patient Goals
1. Describes prescribed activities and their rationales
2. Performs activities as prescribed.
Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales
Knowledge: Prescribed Activity Teaching: Prescribed Exercise
Prescribed activity _____ Inform the patient of the purpose for and benefits of
Purpose of prescribed activity _____ the prescribed exercise to promote patient
Expected effects of prescribed activity adherence to exercise regimen.
_______ Instruct the patient how to perform the prescribed
Prescribed activity restrictions _____ exercise to optimize benefit of activity in
Strategies to gradually increase rehabilitation.
prescribed activity _____ Observe the patient perform the prescribed exercise
Proper performance of prescribed to evaluate performance and reinforce the activity.
activity _____ Assist the patient in setting goals for slow, steady
increase in exercise to build strength and optimize
Measurement Scale recovery.
1 = No knowledge
2 = Limited knowledge Teaching: Psychomotor Skill
3 = Moderate knowledge
4 = Substantial knowledge Provide written information/diagrams to use as
5 = Extensive knowledge continued reference at home.
Provide frequent feedback to patients on what they
Compliance Behavior are doing correctly and incorrectly to avoid
Discusses prescribed treatment formation of bad habits.
regimen with health professional
_____ Cast Care: Maintenance
Performs treatment regimen as Instruct patient not to scratch skin under the cast
prescribed _____ with any objects to prevent skin injury and
Monitors treatment response _____ infection.
Modifies treatment regimen as Offer alternatives to scratching (e.g., cold air from
directed by health professional _____ hair dryer) to decrease itching.
Position cast on pillows to lessen strain on other
Measurement Scale body parts with cast heel off pillow.
1 = Never demonstrated Pad rough cast edges and traction connections to
2 = Rarely demonstrated prevent skin irritation and breakdown of cast.
3 = Sometimes demonstrated
4 = Often demonstrated Apply ice for first 24-36 hours to reduce swelling or
5 = Consistently demonstrated inflammation.
Address pain and symptoms of compromised
circulation immediately (e.g., reposition cast,
perform range of motion to extremity, immediate
cast pressure-relieving action) to promote
circulation and prevent complications.
eNursing Care Plan 62-2

Patient Having Orthopedic Surgery*

Nursing Diagnosis†
Impaired physical mobility related to pain, stiffness, and physical deconditioning as evidenced
by limited joint movement, difficulty ambulating, inability to participate in physical
rehabilitation, guarded movement

Patient Goals
1. Participates in exercise therapy to increase joint mobility
2. Demonstrates ability to transfer, walk with assistive devices, and move with ease
Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales
Mobility Exercise Therapy: Joint Mobility
Coordination _____ Determine limitations of joint movement and effect
Joint movement _____ on function to plan appropriate interventions.
Transfer performance _____ Assist patient to optimal body position for passive/
Moves with ease _____ active joint movement to prevent dislocation or
other complications.
Ambulation Initiate pain control measures before beginning joint
Bears weight _____ exercise to decrease discomfort from exercise and
Walks with effective gait _____ increase patient participation.
Walks at slow pace _____ Perform passive or assisted ROM exercises to
Walks at moderate pace _____ maintain/improve joint mobility.
Walks moderate distance (>1 block Collaborate with physical therapist in developing and
to <5 blocks) _____ executing an exercise program to increase patient
Adjusts to different surface textures adherence and promote continuity of exercise.
Exercise Therapy: Ambulation
Measurement Scale Assist patient to sit on side of bed to facilitate
1 = Severely compromised
postural adjustments.
2 = Substantially compromised
3 = Moderately compromised Apply/provide assistive device (cane, walker, or
4 = Mildly compromised wheelchair) for ambulation, if the patient is unsteady
5 = Not compromised to prevent falls.
Assist patient to stand and ambulate specified distance
and with specified number of staff to safely meet
mobility goals.
Assist patient with initial ambulation and as needed to
promote mobility according to patient’s abilities.
Consult physical therapist about ambulation plan to
reinforce plan and provide unified approach to
patient mobilization.

Nursing Diagnosis
Acute pain related to tissue trauma, disruption of skin integrity, and edema as evidenced by
reluctance to move, guarding of affected area, persistent score of >8 on a pain scale of 0 to 10,
and/or facial grimacing

Patient Goal
Reports satisfactory relief of pain
Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales
Pain Control Pain Management
Uses nonanalgesic relief measures Encourage patient to monitor own pain and intervene
_____ appropriately to increase patient’s control over pain
Uses analgesics as recommended management.
_____ Implement use of patient-controlled analgesia
Reports uncontrolled symptoms to (PCA), if appropriate, to give patient control over
health care professional _____ pain management.
Reports pain controlled _____ Medicate before an activity to increase ability to
participate but evaluate hazard of sedation.
Measurement Scale Evaluate effectiveness of pain control measures
1 = Never demonstrated
through ongoing assessment of pain experience to
2 = Rarely demonstrated
3 = Sometimes demonstrated ensure pain management facilitates the healing
4 = Often demonstrated process.
5 = Consistently demonstrated
Position in proper body alignment to reduce pressure
on nerves and tissues.
Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction‡ related to edema, circulatory stasis,
dislocated prosthesis, and/or fixation devices

Nursing Diagnosis
Deficient knowledge related to lack of information and resources for follow-up care as
evidenced by expression of concern with ability to care for self after discharge, frequent
questioning about follow-up care, and lack of plan for follow-up care

Patient Goals
1. Describes activities related to treatments, activities of daily living, and obtaining assistance if
2. Verbalizes confidence in ability to follow prescribed discharge plan
Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales
Discharge Readiness: Discharge Planning
Independent Living
Obtains needed assistance _____ Communicate patient’s discharge plans (e.g., activity
Describes prescribed treatments limitations, medications, follow-up visit, signs of
_____ infection, dislocation) to patient and caregiver(s) to
Describes risks for complications prepare for self-care and decision making.
_____ Collaborate with the physician, patient,
Manages own medications _____ caregiver(s),family member(s), and significant
Performs activities of daily living other(s), and other health care team members to allow
(ADLs) independently _____ continuity of health care at home or at next level of
Measurement Scale Assist patient, caregiver(s), family, and significant
1 = Never demonstrated other(s) in planning for the supportive environment
2 = Rarely demonstrated necessary to provide the patient’s post-hospital care.
3 = Sometimes demonstrated
4 = Often demonstrated
Consider and coordinate referrals to other health care
5 = Consistently demonstrated professionals to help monitor long-term rehabilitation
program at home.
ROM, Range of motion.

‡See NCP 62-1 for outcomes and interventions for nursing diagnosis of risk for peripheral
neurovascular dysfunction.

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