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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In the Subject GE1804

Rizal’s Life and Works

To be submitted to

Ms. Serrano, Mariane Katrine

Submitted by

Gongora, Jefferson Magan

A. Chapter Title


B. Characters Involved

o Padre Fernandez

o Isagani

o Friars

o Jesuits

C. Chapter Summary

o Padre Fernandez hears Isagani’s impassioned speech to his fellow students

and asks to speak with him. He asks Isagani what the students want of the friars.

Isagani tells him to do their duty to improve the development of the youth, and

not to stifle the pursuit of education.The priest declares education should only be

given to the morally worthy. In response, Isagani blames the failings of the

subjugated Filipino to the conquerors who have had centuries, and yet supposedly

failed, to mold the moral character of an oppressed people.Padre Fernandez

deflects blame by reasoning that the friars are limited by the the government’s

laws. He asks Isagani for a simpler request that the friars can grant, and Isagani

asks that students be treated better, to which the priest responds that the students

should change first. Isagani reminds him of what happens to students who stand

up to their professors.The priest commits to speaking with his brethren about

Isagani’s thoughts. He envies the Jesuits who were responsible for Isagani’s early

education. The Jesuits however, openly denounce Isagani.

D. Personal Reflection

El Filibusterismo had an impact to our current society like exposing the greed of

the Spanish conquistadores. It shows how corrupt the officials are. And El Filibusterismo

content was considered subversive and it created awareness to the Filipinos which

consequently led to an uprising. And exposing in bitterness, sorrow, pain, violence and

vengeance to awaken the Filipino people against the abusive masters.

I thinks yes, radicalism can bring change to the country because it shows in

political or social reform, just like today or now we are aware for those government

regulations and government reform. Political can change our country because they are the

ones who can control us because they are the ones who have the powers to dictate and

what or how they run our country.

E. Comparison of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

Noli Me Tangere El Filibusterismo

 Bitterness
 Aspiration  Hatred
 Beauty  Antipathy
 Romance  Pain
 Mercy  Violence
 Humor  Sorrow
 Idealism  Rebellion
 Society is  Society is urged to open
encouraged to ask its eyes to reality and
and aspire for change rebel against the Spanish
and liberation. government for its
oppressesion and abuse.
F. Reference (APA format)

Villa, N. (2020), El Filibusterismo Chapter Summaries 26-30

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