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Review Article

Global Longitudinal Strain: A Practical Step‑by‑Step Approach

to Longitudinal Strain Imaging
Govindan Vijayaraghavan1, Sivasubramonian Sivasankaran2
Department of Cardiology, Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 2Department of Cardiology, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for
Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Global longitudinal strain imaging of the left ventricle is a simple bedside modality for objectively assessing the global and regional function of
the major pumping chamber of the heart, the left ventricle. Currently available echo machines provide good quality speckle‑tracking methods
with good computational facilities providing standard, comparable bull’s eye maps and parametric plots. This introductory chapter provides
a step‑by‑step approach for the beginner to utilize this additional facility in day‑to‑day practice to precisely understand the left ventricular
regional and global function for serial follow‑up and prognostication. Pattern recognition is illustrated in the following article. Essentially,
this article illustrates what the pictures mean and how to generate these meaningful echo pictures.

Keywords: Global longitudinal strain, peak systolic strain, postsystolic strain

Introduction inferior wall with the apical cap. The interventricular septum
is divided equally into inferior and anterior. The lateral wall
Longitudinal strain is an echocardiographic bedside method
along the anterolateral papillary muscle is the anterolateral
to assess the regional and global left ventricular function.[1,2] wall and the rest is considered as the inferolateral segment of
We conventionally assess the left ventricular function by the left ventricle. The terminologies advocated by the ASE
two‑dimensional (2D) echocardiography.[3] The Simpson’s for wall motion are normal, hypokinetic, akinetic, dyskinetic,
method of deriving ejection fraction of the ventricle is aneurysmal, or hyperkinetic. Visual assessment of wall motion
well accepted for all clinical reports and for research requires individual expertise and is purely subjective.[3] The
work.[4] The old M‑mode technique of measuring ejection wall motion could be labeled as one of the six types as termed
fraction has been discarded by the American Society of above. As the left ventricle contracts in systole, it shortens in
Echocardiography (ASE) and is no longer used because of its the longitudinal and circumferential direction (negative strain)
unreliability.[4] Laboratories, which use 3D echocardiographic and thickens in the radial direction (positive strain).[1] The
machines, use the 3D voxel volumes of the left ventricle, which change in length or thickness is measured and expressed as
is more precise, as one can avoid foreshortening of the ventricle a percentage of its diastolic length or thickness. This change
and geometric assumptions in calculation. Short of advanced in length or thickness is called the strain or deformation.[2,5]
3D echocardiographic machines and magnetic resonance Longitudinal shortening [Figure 1] is responsible for 60%
imaging, strain imaging has evolved as a cost‑effective simple of the left ventricular ejection and is the most important
bedside tool, for objective evaluation and monitoring of global component of systolic function. This longitudinal shortening
and regional ventricular function.[4]
Address for correspondence: Dr. Govindan Vijayaraghavan,
The regional wall motion is usually assessed by the operator by Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram ‑ 695 029,
Kerala, India.
visualizing (eyeballing) the left ventricular endocardial motion
as well as wall thickening. The left ventricle is divided into 17
segments representing the basal, mid, and apical segments of Submitted: 08-Apr-2019 Accepted in Revised Form: 02-May-2019
Published: 11-Apr-2020
the interventricular septum, anterior wall, lateral wall, and the
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DOI: How to cite this article: Vijayaraghavan G, Sivasankaran S. Global

10.4103/jiae.jiae_16_19 longitudinal strain: A practical step-by-step approach to longitudinal strain
imaging. J Indian Acad Echocardiogr Cardiovasc Imaging 2020;4:22-8.

22 © 2020 Journal of the Indian Academy of Echocardiography & Cardiovascular Imaging | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Vijayaraghavan and Sivasankaran: Introduction to global longitudinal strain imaging

varies from  −15% to  −30% from base to apex. [2] The the edges of adjacent segments. Since the velocity difference
circumference of the left ventricle becomes small with systole. between the two edges is compared, the translational movement
This systolic shortening of circumference of the left ventricle is negated and the deformation of that segment is depicted, as
is circumferential strain which measures to − 20%–−30% of shown in Figure 2. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the timekeeper
its diastolic circumference. Left ventricular contraction causes for the systolic and diastolic events. Along with the beginning
radial thickening in systole. The thickening is measured as a of the QRS complex of the ECG, the strain curve shows a
positive strain of +30%–+60%.[6] In the short‑axis view during small positive wave indicating lengthening of the myocardium
left ventricular systole, basal segment of the left ventricle lasting few milliseconds and then a gradual negative wave. The
rotates in an overall clockwise direction and apex rotates in a negative wave represents the systolic shortening percentage
counterclockwise direction when viewed from apex to base.[7] of the myocardium in each segment. The maximal shortening
This squeezing movement of the left ventricle is essential for the occurs at the end systole/peak systole and is more than 15%.[10]
systolic ejection and is termed as twist and has counterclockwise This occurs toward the end of aortic systolic velocity curve, at
movement of about 65° at the apex and clockwise movement the peak of the T‑wave of the ECG. The shortening percentage or
of the base for about 5° in a normal individual.[8] This left strain increases as you move from base to apex.[1] From the end
ventricular torsion is followed by rapid untwisting, which systole, the curve gradually goes back to the resting level of 0%
contributes to ventricular filling because LV torsion is directly till end diastole, to begin the next cardiac cycle. After the peak
related to fiber orientation in the left ventricular wall. This systole, the curve may show a small wave in early diastole called
article will deal with only the longitudinal strain. the postsystolic wave. This wave normally is less in magnitude
than the peak systolic strain. Normal ranges for these values are
Longitudinal Strain[2] now available on publications.[11] Strain or deformation represents
the systolic shortening of a segment of the myocardium and is
The velocity of motion of the myocardium can be studied by expressed as a percentage of the diastolic length. This mimics
applying low‑velocity filters for the reflected signals in the echo the ejection fraction, where it is expressed as a percentage of the
machine which is known as the tissue velocity or the tissue diastolic volume ejected out in systole. However, peak systolic
Doppler imaging.[9] Like M‑mode evaluation, good resolution strain is more related to contractility and occurs in the early part
and high‑frame rates can be achieved and hence the measures of the systole.[9] Doppler tissue tracking is unidimensional and
are more objective than the visual assessment.[2] Pulse Doppler in measures the movement in relation to the transducer.
this mode depicts the peak velocity of the region of interest where
the sample volume is placed, whereas interrogation by color
tissue Doppler mode will define the mean velocities of multiple Speckle Tracking for Strain Imaging[12]
sample volumes. Velocity and displacement are measures of wall Conventionally, we were recording strain curves by tissue
motion, but when different parts of a segment move with different Doppler echocardiography from various segments of the
velocities, that segment will undergo deformation, which can be myocardium.[13] For accurate measurements, the incident
studied as the strain and strain rate imaging. For example, if the ultrasound beam should be parallel to the myocardium
endocardial and epicardial velocities are different, the difference interrogated. With the normal and abnormal anatomy of the
in velocity of both the segments divided by the initial thickness left ventricle, this is not a practical proposition while using the
will give the strain rate or rate of deformation of that segment.
Myocardial deformation is derived using either tissue Doppler
imaging or by 2D speckle tracking. Using tissue Doppler strain
imaging the myocardial movement velocities are recorded and the
computer algorithm defines the difference in velocities between

Figure 1: Side‑by‑side display of diastolic (left) and systolic (right) images Figure 2: The strain curve: Peak systolic strain corresponds to the aortic
of the apical four‑chamber view left ventricle showing the longitudinal valve closure or peak of the T-wave. Small negative deflection after that
shortening of the left ventricle shown by large arrows in a normal individual is termed or postsystolic strain

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Vijayaraghavan and Sivasankaran: Introduction to global longitudinal strain imaging

tissue Doppler. Speckle tracking in Doppler echocardiography in expiration and minimizes the motion artifacts. Apical
avoids this problem.[14] In 2D speckle tracking, acoustic long‑axis, four‑chamber, and two‑chamber images are
markers distributed in the myocardium are automatically to be archived for three cardiac cycles. Aortic closure is
identified and tracked, and depending on the frame rate, their marked at the peak of the electrocardiographic T‑wave.
velocities are calculated. Unlike tissue Doppler strain imaging, At this stage, choose the software for strain analysis
speckle tracking is no longer angle dependent and hence depending on the vendor. With the GE machines, the AFI
has less interobserver and intraobserver variability.[9] This software forms the measurement protocol. Start with the
postprocessing computer algorithm uses the routine grayscale apical long‑axis view and follow the machine instructions.
digital images. Movement of the echo‑reflecting speckle patterns The region of interest is marked by placing the points at the
in the myocardium is utilized to image the shortening of every base of the left ventricle near the atrioventricular posterior
segment during various phases of the cardiac cycle. Within each and anterior annulus and finally the apex. The region of
region of interest in the myocardium, the image‑processing interest should be chosen to include only the myocardium.
algorithm automatically subdivides regions into blocks of pixels Avoid the pericardium and the valve annulus, especially
tracking stable patterns of speckles. Subsequent frames are then in the left ventricular outflow. The left ventricular walls
automatically analyzed by searching for the new location of will be highlighted in colors depicting the basal, mid,
the speckle patterns within each of the blocks using correlation and apical segments. Apical long‑axis (three‑chamber)
criteria and the sum of absolute differences.[15] The location shift view will show the anterior septum and the inferolateral
of these acoustic markers from frame to frame representing wall. Four‑chamber view shows the inferior septum and
tissue movement provides the spatial and temporal data used anterolateral wall. Two‑chamber view shows the inferior
to calculate velocity vectors.[16] Temporal alterations in these wall and the anterior wall. Thus, all the 17 segments
stable speckle patterns are identified as moving farther apart can be interrogated when the apical four‑chamber echo
or closer together and create a series of regional strain vectors window is good. If there are two or more segments in any
and the sum of it as strain curves.[12] The strain measurements imaging plane, which are not acceptable by the machine
are done by different software by various vendors. This article software for analysis, depicted as red by the machine, do
describes the automatic functional imaging (AFI) protocol used not proceed. On completion of the analysis, the machine
by the General Electric (GE) echo machines.[17] uses various types of color coding, one for the segments
analyzed and the others for the strain parameters of
interest. When the images display additional physiologic
Longitudinal Strain Imaging Protocol[18] phenomena, it constitutes parametric imaging. The
Longitudinal strain imaging [Figure 3] needs good quality ingenious use of parametric images utilizes the color
apical views, four‑chamber views, long‑axis views, and coding of the segment as the borders and the degree of
two‑chamber views imaged with a good frame rate and can strain as the color filling the segment, along with ECG
be completed in four steps.[19] to highlight the timing of the strain measured, say peak
1. Reduce the depth of the image and the width of the systole or postsystole, and generate the quad screen and
sector to get a good quality image without any dropouts. bull’s eye images
Increase the frame rate to more than 60 fps. Breath held 2. At this phase, each of the three imaging planes will
generate four pictures in the quad format, as shown
in Figures 4 and 5. At the upper left side [Figure 4a],
you can identify the myocardial segments each in
unique colors, the color‑coded sector image. Figure 4b
graphically shows the strain velocities of the various
segments in relation to ECG, and each curve carries the
same color as the segment they represent. Normally,
all segments move in parallel, with the basal segments
showing lesser excursion than the apical segments. In
a b parametric imaging, additional features of the reflected
beam such as attenuation and time delay are utilized to
understand the physiologic components of the segment.
Figure 4c depicts the parametric systolic frame with the
color coding of segments drawn on the border lines and
maximal strain achieved at the peak of the T‑wave, the
peak systolic strain image. The color coding is such that
c good peak systolic strain is depicted as red, suboptimal
Figure 3: Speckle‑tracking echocardiography showing the longitudinal strain as various shades of pink, and positive strain as
strain of the basal, mid, and apical segments in the three‑chamber, panel a, blue, meaning that segment is dyskinetic. Figure 4d is
four‑chamber, panel b and two‑chamber, panel c the curved M‑mode of all the segments starting from

24 Journal of the Indian Academy of Echocardiography & Cardiovascular Imaging  ¦  Volume 4  ¦  Issue 1  ¦  January-April 2020
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Vijayaraghavan and Sivasankaran: Introduction to global longitudinal strain imaging

one base to the other with apex at the center. Red color done with the strain values and with the color of each
shows normal negative strain and blue color positive segment depicted in the bull’s eye. The measured average
strain or expansion of the segment, and the color ribbon peak systolic strain of each imaging plane as well as the
on either side of the picture shows the color coding of global average peak systolic strain will be depicted in
the individual segments. The illustrative picture shows this picture
the apical five‑chamber view, and hence, the curved 4. In addition to the peak systolic strain bull’s eye
M‑modes start with the basal anterior septum at the top map, you can choose to have a bull’s eye map of
and end with the basal lateral wall at the bottom postsystolic index (PSI) in a blue format, as well as
3. This sequence of image analysis is done for six segments peak strain (postsystolic strain [PSS]) or time to peak
of the apical long‑axis view, apical four‑chamber view, strain with strain curves to explain the respective bull’s
and apical two‑chamber view. Once all the three apical eye depiction. Figure 7 shows the bull’s eye map of
images have been interrogated and saved, the AFI the various myocardial segments in a patient with
software [Figure 6] will be able to display the bull’s dyssynchrony. One can select bull’s eye view of the peak
eye picture of 17 segments of the left ventricle with systolic strain panel D or PSS index in various shades of
measured peak systolic longitudinal strain values. This blue [Figure 7f] or see bull’s eye view of the time to peak
image will give you the mean longitudinal strain of velocity format [Figure 7e], which will demonstrate the
each imaging plane and the mean of the peak global timing of the peak strain from the onset of QRS complex.
longitudinal systolic strain [Figure 6a]. In a normal The PSI is calculated as follows: ([maximum strain in
individual, the strain curves reach its peak strain, at peak cardiac cycle − systolic peak strain]/[maximum strain
systole, toward the aortic valve closure, in a coordinated in cardiac cycle]) ×100, where the PSS is the maximum
manner. You can select any segment of the bull’s eye strain in cardiac cycle. PSS will identify areas where
and highlight the respective colored strain curve so that the contraction continued on to diastole in certain
each curve could be analyzed in detail [Figure 6b]. The myocardial segments as a pathological phenomenon.
color of each segment also represents the strain. Like the Figures 8-10 display the bull’s eye pattern and quad
color M‑mode, normal strain will be depicted in red and screen formats in different patients with dysfunctional
reduction of strain will be seen as light pink, and if the ventricles.
segments lengthen instead of shortening, it will be seen
as blue. One should always get a picture of the moving
images of the three imaging planes and the bull’s eye Ejection Fraction and Global Longitudinal
picture so that correlation of each segment could be Strain
There is a wide criticism for the method of assessment
of left ventricular function by ejection fraction. M‑mode
echocardiographic calculation of ejection fraction is not used

a b
a b

c d
Figure 5: Quad screen display of speckle tracking imaging of the apical
c d five chamber view which shows the dyssynchronous and abnormal strain
Figure 4: The quad screen display of apical long axis view. (a) The color pattern in a patient with diseased ventricle. 5a shows the color coding of
coding from the lateral basal to the medial basal segment. (b) The strain the segments, and 5b shows the strain curves of the segments: Apical
velocities of all these six segments with the electrocardiogram. All the septum is violet colored and its strain curve is above the base line,
curves run parallel, reflecting synchrony. (c) The parametric image in reflecting dyskinesia. 5c shows the peak strain of the individual segments
systole, where the segments are identified by the color‑coded border lines and the apical septum is depicted blue (positive strain or dyskinesia). 5d is
with normal peak strain colored as red. (d) The curved M‑mode display of the curved M mode of the individual segments. Basal segments are red
the segmental strain of all the six segments with the lateral basal segment in systole with positive strain whereas the middle apical region is blue
at the bottom and the medial basal segment at the top because of positive strain or dyskinesia

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Vijayaraghavan and Sivasankaran: Introduction to global longitudinal strain imaging

a b
Figure 6: Bull’s eye map of the peak systolic strain. (a) The quad screen format of all the three views used to generate the bull’s eye image on the fourth
quadrant. (b) The strain velocity curves of the individual myocardial segments are displayed in three quadrants representing the apical four‑chamber,
two‑chamber, and three‑chamber views. The trapezoid cursor in the fourth quadrant bull’s eye map is on the inferior midsegment and the blue strain
curve gets automatically highlighted in the strain curves for the apical three‑chamber view

a b c

d e f
Figure 7: The bull’s eye images: (a‑c) The strain curves of the three apical views. There are hypokinesia and poor strain (thick vertical arrow) and
exaggerated postsystolic strain (oblique thin arrow) in the inferior and inferolateral segments. (d) The peak systolic strain which is poor in the inferior
and inferolateral segments. Time to peak is delayed in these segments, which is displayed in the time to peak bull’s eye map in panel e. Panel f shows
the postsystolic strain map showing delayed contraction

now and is replaced with 2D Simpson’s biplane method.[4] be statistically more reliable than the use of ejection fraction
Foreshortening is a major problem for apical imaging and in assessing the prognosis of patients with cardiac failure.
may underestimate ejection fraction. 3D method is ideal but Figure 8b represents a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy
not universally available in every echo laboratory. Global with markedly reduced GLS of −4.5%, of course with poor
longitudinal strain (GLS) is more reliable for assessing the prognosis for the patient. Figure 9 is from a patient who
systolic function in normal individuals as well as in patients presented to us with cardiac failure and left ventricular
with heart failure.[18] The GLS strain is labeled as mildly ejection fraction of 19%. His average peak GLS value was
reduced when it is between −15% and −12.5%, moderately only −4.4%, obviously low ejection fraction correlated with
reduced when it is between −8.1% and −12.5%, and severely the average low strain value. The segmental abnormality
when it is <−8.0% [Table 1].[18] This assessment was found to could be observed from the accompanying strain curves. In a

26 Journal of the Indian Academy of Echocardiography & Cardiovascular Imaging  ¦  Volume 4  ¦  Issue 1  ¦  January-April 2020
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Vijayaraghavan and Sivasankaran: Introduction to global longitudinal strain imaging

a b
Figure 8: Quad screen formats of ventricular strain imaging.  (a)  The time to peak bull’s eye map. The septal basal segments with normal activation
are colored green, rest being yellow, and red in a patient with extensive coronary artery disease multisegmental delay and scarring with poor strain
curves. (b) The bull’s eye map of postsystolic strain in a patient with viable myocardium. Basal anterior septum and anterior wall are intensely blue
with good postsystolic strain

a b e f

c d g h
Figure 9: Quad screen formats of strain imaging in left ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis (a -c) the apical 4 chamber, 2 chamber and 3 chamber
views respectively with the bull’s eye map of the peak systolic strain shown in (d). (e‑h) the strain waves of the apical views with the bull’s eye plot
of the peak systolic strain. Note that the reduced strain values of the fibrosed and calcified apical segments and the blue color indicating the systolic
lengthening of apical segments

Table 1: Grading of ventricular function by ejection Fallacies during Strain Imaging

fraction and global longitudinal strain compared Quad screen image of the three imaging planes depends on
Grading Ejection fraction Longitudinal strain the quality of each image you archive and analyze. If the
(global) (global and regional) images have many dropouts, we should repeat acquiring those
Normal >55% -15 to -25% images without any lapse of time. If the heart rate changes
Mildly reduced 40%-55% -15 to -12.5% due to delay in archiving, the machine cannot calculate the
Moderately reduced 30%-40% -12.5 to -8.1% bull’s eye. If there are two or more segments in any imaging
Severely reduced <30% <-8% plane, which are not acceptable for analysis (will be depicted
in red color during initial analysis), do not proceed but get
better quality images for strain analysis. Always repeat
month’s time, he improved remarkably and the global average
the image archiving and analysis to see whether the same
strain increased to −14.9%, near normal value, and the ejection operator gets comparable bull’s eye results. In the beginning,
fraction improved to 46%. The strain curve gives additional this will require a lot of patience on the operator. Unless you
information about those segments which are yet to recover, an have successfully completed at least 50 imaging sessions
information required for follow‑up imaging. This is superior to on patients and got comparable bull’s eye pictures on repeat
the information given by the global ejection fraction. imaging in the same patient, do not proceed to report the strain

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Vijayaraghavan and Sivasankaran: Introduction to global longitudinal strain imaging

a b e f

c d g h
Figure 10: Bull’s eye format of peak global longitudinal strain from the apical views in a patient with myocarditis. (a‑d) In the initial phase, note the
markedly reduced strain values of all myocardial segments. The inferolateral basal and mid segments show systolic lengthening (blue). (e‑h) The strain
curves of the same patient after 1 month showing near complete recovery of all myocardial segments with average global longitudinal peak systolic
strain value improved from −4.4% to −14.9%

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