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“Nowadays we see more advertisement on streets and our TV
screens. What are its advantages and disadvantages?”

Advertisement is a notice or announcement in public medium promoting a

product, service or event. The world we live in today is dominated by advertising.
Adverts are on television, World Wide Web, on streets and even on our mobile
phones. However there are considerable advantages and disadvantages of
Advertising is a key part of modern business. Firstly, it plays a significant role in
introduction of new products in the market. It is useful to commercialize or
materialize new useful inventions. It stimulates the people to purchase the
product. Secondly, advertisement contribute to national income by generating
more consumptions, demand and production. It has positive impact on demand.
As demand of a product increases, it stimulates more production, which leads to
more prosperity. Thirdly, advertisement is a good source of information. It
increase awareness about different products and special offers related to
products. As a result customers select most suitable product for them.
Advertisement ease unemployment problems by generating more employment
opportunities because it requires a large employee source such as actors,
technical assistant, script writer etc. Advertisement also play an important role in
generating national and international trade. People of the globe can access useful
products easily. Advertisements educate the society about new uses of products,
improvement in products, and other aspects. Many people learn a lot of useful
things from advertisement and start using new product.
Advertisement come with several negative issues too. A major drawback of
advertising is misrepresentation of facts regarding products and services.
Advertisers usually misrepresent false benefits of a product and make tall claims
to excite people to indulge in actions leading to their benefits. Secondly,
advertisement is a sort of day- dreaming for people. It is taking people away from
reality. Only few products are of any use to them. The brilliance of new products
get on their nerves. They want to buy them but have no resources at their
command, as a result they start feeling upset with their present status. Thirdly, an
organization has to spend large amount on advertising. It increases the cost of
product. To meet this expenditure, price of the product is raised. Therefore
advertising leads to unnecessary rise in prices.
To sum up, in my opinion, we are not capable of eliminating advertisements from
our lives. Therefore we should impose some practical rules to decline negative
effects of advertisements.

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