IELTS Writing Bar Chart

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The bar chart illustrates the data on the growth of urban population in three different regions

as well as in the whole world in the years 1950 and 2000. It also indicates their forecast in

As can be seen from the chart, it is clearly evident that the patterns of the allocation of the
population living in cities of each region and in the whole world witnessed an upward trend
throughout the studied period. Besides, the growth of the urban population of Latin America
has registered the highest proportion of all three areas and the whole world over the time

In 1950, there were 30% of the urban population in the world. This figure significantly
increased to around 50% in 2000. It is expected to reach a peak at 60% in 2030. A similar
trend could be seen in the proportion of the population living in cities, as they rose from over
40% to 70%. Experts believe that it will continue increasing in the future, so a figure of 80%
is predicted for 2030.

At the begining, the allocation of urban dwellers of Africa and Asia in 1950 was about 11%
and 12% respectively. In 2000 these figures went up to almost 40% in both regions. By 2030,
it is anticipated to climb to over 50% in Africa and 55% in Asia.

Task 2: One of the most important issues facing the world today is a shortage of food
and some think genetically modified foods are a possible solution. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
As food scarcity has been inexorably increasing in recent years, the replacement of
food supply has always been a topic of interest. It is argued that genetically modified foods
could tackle the lack of food in the global. This essay is going to prove that using DNA
changed food will do more harm than good.
It is understandable why some people subscribe to the view that a shortage of food
could be resolved by changing the gene of food. Proponents of this notion may argue that
genetically modified foods avoiding insects and harmful creatures will be the best way to
boost the quantity of food that could afford the increasing demands of people. For example,
when plating natural crops, most farmers would cope with mouse because they could eat
seeds, young plants, and even ripe fruits, resulting in heavy damage to the number of
harvests. Moreover, changing the gene of food helps farmers save times to harvest. They not
only could grow in a short time but also bring more fruits than normal plants.
On the other hand, I am convinced that the aforementioned advantages pale in
comparison with the significant disadvantages of using genetically modified foods. A major
drawback is that artificial foods have less nutritional value than naturally grown foods. If
people eat food without nutrients like vitamins, protein, it could affect their health in the long
term. Furthermore, genetically modified foods are still a new thing, which is not certainly
safe for the users could bring many harmful diseases. Because it contains DNA from other
organisms, the artificial food could cause allergies, even cancer in people.
In conclusion, I believe that using genetically modified foods to resolve the lack of
food does not seem a good idea.

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