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I. Identification.
1. It is the council that monitors the implementation of the Presidential Decree
2. From the previous question, the said council is now known as _________.
3. Give at least one factor on providing air quality standards.
4. This agency monitors the Land Use Schemes recommended to National
Protection Council.
5. A planning tool that allows or restricts certain types of land uses.
6. It is the council that monitors the air quality standards.
7. Who signed the PD 1152?
8. Republic act no. 8749 is also called as _________.
9. It aims to protect the country’s water bodies from pollution from land-based
10. Republic act no. 9275 is also called as _________.

II. Multiple choice.

1. This is not one of the National Solid Waste Management Commission under the
RA 9003:
a.) Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
b.) Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA)
c.) Department of Tourism
d.) Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
2. This sets the guidelines and targets for solid waste avoidance and volume
reduction through source reduction and waste minimization measures.
a.) RA 6969
b.) RA 9003
c.) RA 9512
d.) PD 1586
3. Utilize environmentally-sound methods that maximize the utilization of valuable
resources and encourage resources conservation and recovery.
a) RA 9512
b) RA 6969
c) RA 9003
d) RA 8749
4. Upon the recommendation of the ___________, anyone who commits prohibited
acts such as discharging untreated wastewater into any water body will be fined
for every day of violation, the amount of not less than Php 10,000 but not more
than Php 200,000.
a) Pollution Adjudication Board
b) Central Pollution Control Board
c) Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change
d) Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
5. This Act was approved on December 12, 2008 by former president Gloria-
Macapagal Arroyo.
a) RA 9512
b) RA 9275
c) RA 6969
d) RA 8749
6. According to Section 2 of the ___________, the state shall promote national
on the role of natural resources in economic growth and the importance of
environmental conservation and ecological balance towards sustained national
a) RA 9003
c) PD 1586
d) RA 9512
7. Under the __________, as part of the Civic Welfare Training Service component
required for all baccalaureate degree courses and vocational courses with a
curriculum of at least two (2) years.
a) Republic Act No. 9613
b) Republic Act No. 9316
c) Republic Act No. 9163
d) Republic Act No. 9136
8. According to the Section 1 of this act, this shall be known as the “National
Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008“.
a) RA 9512
b) RA 6969
c) RA 9512
d) RA 9275
9. This act’s objective is to prevent the entry, even in transit, as well as the keeping
or storage and disposal of hazardous and nuclear wastes into the country for
whatever purpose.
a) RA 9512
b) RA 6969
c) RA 9512
d) RA 9275
10. The main objective of this law is to maintain the balance between the
environment and the socio-economic development of the country.
a) RA 6969
b) RA 9003
c) RA 9512
d) PD 1586
11. It aims to maintain a comprehensive air quality management policy and
program which aims to achieve and maintain healthy air for all Filipinos.
a) RA 9275
b) RA 6969
c) RA 8749
d) RA 1963
12. Anyone who commits prohibited acts such as discharging untreated
wastewater into any water body will be fined for every day of violation, the
amount of not less than Php 10,000 but not more than Php 200,000. It is under the
fines and penalties of ____?
1) RA 9275
2) RA 6969
3) RA 8749
4) RA 1963
13. An act providing for an ecological solid waste management program,
creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain
acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds therefor, and for
other purposes.
a) Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
b) Environmental Education Act of 2008
c) Toxic Substances and Hazardous Waste Control Act
d) Environmental Impact Statement System
14. These are hazardous wastes made radioactive by exposure to the radiation
incidental to the production or utilization of nuclear fuels but does not include
nuclear fuel, or radioisotopes which have reached the final stage of fabrication
to be usable for any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial, or industrial
a) Ecological Solid Waste
b) Environmental Waste
c) Chemical Substance
d) Nuclear Waste
15. It aims to protect the country’s water bodies from pollution from land-based
sources such as industries and commercial establishments, agriculture, and
community/household activities.
a) Ecological Solid Waste
b) Clean Water Act
c) Water Quality Standards
d) Waste Management
16. This section provides guidelines for Management Policy for Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources, Wildlife, Forestry and Soil Conservation, Flood Control and
Natural Calamities, Energy Development, Conservation and Utilization of Surfaces
and Ground Waters, and Mineral Resources.
17. It is a government document that outlines the impact of a proposed project
on its surrounding environment.
a) RA 6969
b) Environmental Education Act of 2008
c) Philippine Environmental Code
d) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
18. There shall be established _________ standards for new and existing stationary
and mobile sources of pollution which shall consider among others such factors
as type of industry, practicable control technology available, location and land
use, and the nature of pollutants emitted.
a) Ambient Air Quality Standards
b) National Emission Standards
c) Aircraft Emission and Sonic Booms
d) Water Quality Standards
19. There shall be established __________ standards which shall prescribe the
maximum concentration of air pollutants permissible in the atmosphere consistent
with public health, safety, and general welfare.
a) Ambient Air Quality Standards
b) National Emission Standards
c) Aircraft Emission and Sonic Booms
d) Water Quality Standards
20. Appropriate government agencies shall encourage research studies on the
harmful effects of aircraft emissions in the environment to establish permissible
emission standards.
a) Ambient Air Quality Standards
b) National Emission Standards
c) Aircraft Emission and Sonic Booms
d) Water Quality Standards
1. Soil is considered a biotic component
2. Ecology was coined 1866
3. Ecosystem changes through time
4. In a mutualism interaction, both parties are affected positively
5. The 2 components of ecosystem stability are resilience and receptivity
6. Consumers can create their own energy
7. In a parasitism interaction, the host is the one that benefits
8. Ecosystem structure and function are controlled by a single factor
9. Decomposers typically breaks down dead organic matter
10. In a predation interaction, both parties are affected negatively
11. Ecosystem is the basic unit of ecology
12. Humidity is considered an abiotic component
13. Omnivores consume both plants and other consumers
14. Rivers are an example of a marine ecosystem
15. Biotic and abiotic are given equal status in an ecosystem
1. A type of ecological interaction where one species causes harm to another
organism without any cost or benefits to itself.
a. Amensalism
b. Parasitism
c. Commensalism
d. Proto-cooperation
2. An ecological interaction wherein a common resource is being fought
between two organisms.
a. Predation
b. Mutualism
c. Competition
d. Proto- cooperation
3. An ecological interaction wherein the organism involved can’t survived on
their own.
a. Predation
b. Mutualism
c. Commensalism
d. Proto- cooperation
4. An ecological interaction wherein one organism benefits while the other is
generally unaffected.
a. Mutualism
b. Amensalism
c. Commensalism
d. Proto-cooperation
5. An ecological interaction between two species where one species, the
parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host.
a. Amensalism
b. Parasitism
c. Commensalism
d. Proto-cooperation
6. An ecological interaction between two organisms in which both organisms
mutually benefit but organisms involved can survive on their own.
a. Amensalism
b. Mutualism
c. Commensalism
d. Proto-cooperation
7. It is the ecological relationship between two organisms in which one
organism kills and feeds on another organisms.
a. Amensalism
b. Predation
c. Commensalism
d. Proto-cooperation
8. These are the non- living components in the ecosystem
a. Biotic
b. Abiotic
c. Decomposers
d. Omnivores
9. These are the living components in the ecosystem
a. Biotic
b. Abiotic
c. Decomposers
d. Omnivores
10. It is the ability for an ecosystem to remain unchanged when being
subjected to a disturbance or disturbances.
a. Resistance
b. Resilience
c. Receptivity
d. Restoration
11. It is the ability and rate of an ecosystem to recover from a disturbance and
return to its pre-disturbed state.
a. Resistance
b. Resilience
c. Receptivity
d. Restoration
12. Ecosystem exists at what “sphere” of the earth?
a. Biosphere
b. Hydrosphere
c. Atmosphere
d. Geosphere
13. Organisms that take energy from the food they eat
a. Producers
b. Consumers
c. Decomposers
d. Avengers
14. Organisms that break down dead animals and plants
a. Producers
b. Consumers
c. Decomposers
d. Avengers
15. Organisms capable of making their own food
a. Producers
b. Consumers
c. Decomposers
d. Avengers

I. Multiple Choice
1. The process in which plants use solar energy to convert carbon dioxide and
water into carbohydrates. It is important because it creates food and oxygen,
necessary resources for the continuation of life on Earth.
A. Chlorophyll
B. Photosynthesis
C. Photophosphorylation
D. Adenosine Triphosphate
2. Food produced by photosynthesis forms the base of most ecosystem food
chains. ________ eat plant material and carnivores eat herbivores, gaining some
energy from the foods they consume. Only a fraction of the energy consumed at
a lower level is carried to the next level.
A. Herbivores
B. Predator
C. Food
D. Decomposers
3. This cycle differs from other nutrient cycles because it never passes into a
gaseous form like the other cycle.
A. Water Cycle
B. Phosphorus Cycle
C. Sulfur Cycle
D. Nitrogen Cycle
4. What are the bacteria that helps in converting nitrogen into its utilizable form?
A. Cyanoacteria, Algae, Rhizobium Bacteria
B. Nitrifying bacteria, Denitrifying bacteria, Cyanobacteria
C. Nitrifying bacteria, Denitrifying bacteria, Rhizobium bacteria
D. Cyanoacteria, Algae, Phytoplankton
5. The source of energy in an ecosystem is _____?
A. Decomposition of animals and plants by bacteria
B. Photosynthesis by plants
C. Fermentation by sugar
D. Sun light
6. A large sink for carbon. Organisms in the soil transform dead organic material
into carbon-rich humus. Carbon may remain for long periods of time.
A. Decomposers
B. Soil
C. Animals
D. Dead leaves
7. What is the most abundant element in the atmosphere?
A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Sulfur Oxide
8. In the choices below, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of
A. Algal Growth
B. Sudden increase in limiting nutrients
C. Excessive plant growth
D. None of the above
9. What are the nutrients that are considered as limiting nutrients?
A. Nitrogen and Carbon
B. Phosphorus and Sulfur
C. Carbon and Sulfur
D. Phosphorus and Nitrogen
10. Which of the following are the nutrients needed for us, living organisms to
A. Calcium, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur
B. Carbon, Helium, Ammonia, Sulfur Oxide, and Phosphorus
C. Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur
D. Calcium, Helium, Nitrous Oxide, Phosphorus and Sulfur
11. The non-green plants are as important as green plants because they
A. Cause human diseases
B. Cause diseases of other plants
C. Are useful in several industries
D. Bring about the decomposition of dead animals and plants remains
12. Which of the following do not belong to the freshwater ecosystem?
A. Pond Ecosystem
B. Lake Ecosystem
C. Tundra ecosystem
D. Spring Ecosystem
13. The main source of energy in this food chain comes from dead remains of an
A. Grazing Food Chain
B. Detritus Food Chain
C. Grizzling Food Chain
D. Detritus Food Chain
14-15. Which of the following statements are TRUE
I. A graphical representation that shows the productivity at each trophic
II. A graphical representation that shows the number of individuals per unit
III. A graphical representation that is always upright.
IV. A graphical representation that is sometimes called an ecological pyramid.
V. A graphical representation in which the shape of the pyramid varies from
ecosystem to ecosystem.
14. For pyramid of numbers,
A. I, and III
B. I, II, and V
C. III, IV, and V
D. II, and V

15. For pyramid of energy,

A. I, and IV
B. II, III, and V
C. I, III, and IV
D. II, and V

16 - 20. Problem Solving

16. (1 pt.)
The net annual primary productivity of a particular wetland ecosystem is
found to be 8,000 kcal/m2. If respiration by the aquatic producers is 12,000
kcal/m2 per year, what is the gross annual primary productivity for this ecosystem,
in kcal/m2 per year?
17. - 18. (2 pts.)
If you measure the available biomass for a patch of forest as 10 kg C/ m2 -
year, and the amount of CO2 given off into the atmosphere as 5 kg C/ m2 -year,
what is the GPP?
19. - 20. (2 pts.)
In the patch of forest in problem #2, how much energy is available in the
primary producer level for herbivore consumption? Assume 1 kg of carbon
produces 10,000 kJ. Available for the herbivore consumption = NPP / Biomass
stored at producers
21 - 30. Fill in the blanks

21. In ecology, the term refers to the rate of generation of biomass in an

ecosystem, usually expressed in units of mass per volume (unit surface) per unit of
22. A process in plants involving using the sugars produced during photosynthesis
plus oxygen to produce energy for plant growth.
23. Each of several hierarchical levels in an ecosystem, comprising organisms that
share the same function in the food chain and the same nutritional relationship to
the primary sources of energy.
24. A graphical representation of the relationship between different organisms in
an ecosystem.
25. The form of energy that is transferred between systems or objects with different
temperatures. Also, the energy lost from photosynthesis.
26. The matter on our planet is ________.
27. The global ecological system integrating all living beings and their
relationships. This is also known as the living world.
28. It is the continuous recycling process of inorganic matter between biotic
components and abiotic factors
29. A component that limits the amount of the production that can be formed or
its rate of formation, because it is missing or in short supply.
30. It is a natural process that results from accumulation of nutrients in lakes or
other bodies of water and is characterized by excessive plant and algal growth
due to the increased availability of one or more limiting nutrients needed for

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