Construction Technology 3A - Cnta 301 Assignment - Group

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Assignment – Group (4)
This assignment consists of two parts
Part 1
You are required to research and evaluate structural steel construction. Your research is not limited to
however it should include the following:
- Uses of structural steel in construction
- Types of structural steel structures
- Evaluate steel sections and their uses
Part 2
With the knowledge obtained in part 1 and the information provided below, you are required to draw a
fully annotated structural steel roof. Your drawing must include the following: (drawing must be to scale).
Scale: 1:50

 Layout,
 section (section A-A),
 details (Detail A – 305 x 305 x 118.0 kg/m H section column to 1200 x 1200 x 300mm reinforced
concrete base; Detail B – 305 x 305 x 118.0 kg/m H section column to 80 x 80 x 8 x 9.63kg/m L-
section purlins.
NB: the use of drawing software’s is not allowed
Details are as follows:
Column base – 6 No. 1200 x 1200 x 300mm reinforced concrete base
Steel column – 6 No. 305 x 305 x 118.0 kg/m H section column, 3000mm high
Steel column to base connection:
Base plate – 600 x 600 x 30mm thick base plate on 60mm cement grouting
120 x 120 x 12 x 26.6kg/m L-section cleat welded to steel column and bolted to base with Grade 8.8
300mm anchor bolts
Top plate
305 x 305 x 30mm top plate with 70 x 70 x 8 x 8.36kg/m L-section bracket
3 No. 6 000mm long 305 x 305 x H section beam bolted to top plate with 2 No. M12 bolts each side
Roof construction (5No.)
10 000mm long 90 x 65 x 8 x 9.29kg/m L-section (angle iron) tie beam
2 No. 5 300 mm 90 x 65 x 8 x 9.29kg/m L-section rafter (Pitch at 30O)
1640mm 80 x 80 x 8 x 9.63kg/m L-section post
2 No 820mm 80 x 80 x 8 x 9.63kg/m L-section posts
2 No. 2 880mm 80 x 80 x 8 x 9.63kg/m L-section struts
2/4No. 6 000mm long 80 x 80 x 8 x 9.63kg/m L-section purlins

Assignments to be submitted on moodle on 19th May 2021 no later than

10:30am by one group member only

Please state your full name, surname and student number of all members

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