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Project Guide


Qualification Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Industrial)

Qualification Code BNIND1
Subject Technical Literacy
Subject Code TCLT101
SAQA Credits 8
HEMIS Credits 0.067

Name of Lecturer : Hester Jackson

Office : Dept. of Industrial Engineering
Campus location : Steve Biko, S4 Level 0
Telephone : 031-3732457
Fax No : 031-3732014
E-Mail :
Consultation times with Lecturer: __________________________

Head of Department :
Campus location : Steve Biko, S4 Level 0
Room number :
Telephone : 031-3732475
Fax No : 031-3732014
Departmental Secretary : Ms K. Dhavraj

Contact details : 031-3732445

Lectures /computer work : two periods per week

Practical : two periods per week

Tutorials : two periods per week

Lecture Venues : _______________________________________________

Practical Venue : _________________________
Duration : Semester Course - 14 Weeks

In the workplace, good communication isn’t just about mitigating conflict, good communication is also
an important factor in client relationships, profitability, team effectiveness, and employee engagement.
Industrial engineers must communicate between multiple departments in their companies to coordinate
the movement of people, machinery and other resources. If an industrial engineer cannot manage these
relationships and communicate his needs, productivity will decrease. For instance, sales managers in
a company might need more of one particular product because of customer demand. The industrial
engineer must manage the communication between the sales department and the production
department to refocus production needs. Additionally, the industrial engineer might consult with the
finance department to request more production resources and inventory.

Report writing
As industrial engineers, you need definite report writing skills, as well as memo writing, instructions
manual writing skills and many more. Sometimes, as an Industrial Engineer, you will need to be able to
do intensive research in order to get answers to a certain problem or to identify potential solutions to a

Therefore, this project is focusing on a research report this project is also aiding in developing
Graduate attribute 6: Professional and Technical Communication: Communicate effectively,
both orally and in writing within an engineering context. The students need to complete a
research report, which will test the report writing skills of the students.

In order to be able to write a good project, the students are required to attend the library sessions that
is scheduled for this course. Library Attendance is compulsory.

You are required to write a Research Report on any one of the following topics:
1. Impact of artificial intelligence of the manufacturing environment.
2. Manufacturing trends: Impact of Covid-19 on manufacturing
3. World class manufacturing

You essay must consist out of 5 to 8 pages (1.5 line spacing), excluding your cover page,
table of contents, abstract and your reference page.)
In order to complete this project you have three compulsory library sessions to attend. Please
check your study guide for the dates and times.

In conducting your research, you need to use at least:

1. 2 current books
2. 3 current journal articles
3. 2 current internet sources
Please make use of the following format when typing your essay.
Font: Arial
Headings: 14pt text. Bold and underlined (Italics optional)
Content: 12pt text, justified
Line Spacing: Maximum of 1.5 spacing

The student need to obtain a minimum of 50% for this project in order to be able to pass the
TLTY 101 overall course. Students have two opportunities to meet this requirement.
The first submission is: 30 April 2021 on Turnitin. After the student received feedback from
turnitin with regards to similarity, grammar and spelling, the student must correct their project.
The final submission is: 6 June 2021. Late submissions will be penalised 5% each day that the
project is late.

A Marking rubric is attached as guideline on how this project will be assessed. The Project
will be assessed by both the subject lecturer and the Subject librarian.

Your project must have the following:

Cover page, Declaration of own work, Table of contents, Introduction, Literature review,
Findings, Recommendations, Concussion, reference page

Marking Rubric: Essay writing in Technical Literacy (TLTY101)

Developing Competent Strong

Report There is not professional A professional cover A professional cover page, Contents Page, and
Cover Page, cover page, Contents page, Contents Page, reference page is available
Content page, Page, and reference page and reference page is The student did submit a declaration Page
Reference Page is not available. available
Declaration of own The student did not submit The student did not
work a declaration submit a declaration
Focus Minimal evidence of a Apparent point made A distinct controlling point was made with evident
Controlling idea topic. about single topic with awareness of task
sufficient awareness of
Content Superficial and/or minimal Sufficiently developed Substantial and specific content, demonstrating
The presence of content content with adequate development of sophisticated ideas
ideas developed elaboration or
through facts, explanation.
examples statistics,
detail and
Organization Minimal control of content Functional arrangement Sophisticated arrangement of content with evident
The order developed arrangements. of content that sustains and or subtle transitions.
and sustained within a logical order with

and across some evidence of
paragraphs, using transition
transitional devices,
including Introduction
and conclusion
Style Minimal variety in word Generic use of a variety Precise, illustrative use of a variety of words and
The choices, use of choice and minimal control of words and sentence sentence structure to create consistent writer’s voice
arrangement of of sentence structures. structures that may or and tone appropriate to audience.
words and sentence may not create writer’s
structures that create vice and tone
town and voice appropriate to
Conventions Minimal control of Sufficient control of Evident control of grammar mechanics, spelling,
Grammar, grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, usage and sentence formation.
mechanics, spelling, spelling, and sentence spelling, usage and
usage and sentence formation sentence formation.

Technical Literacy (TLTY101) : library rubric

Students will be able to:

1. Understand their assignment using topic analysis in order to construct an information seeking strategy.
2. Construct an information seeking strategy in order to identify and select resources.
3. Identify and select resources in order to evaluate and assess information responsibly.
4. Assess information in order to synthesize and draw conclusions.
5. Write responsibly and construct a reference list in order to demonstrate an understanding of ethical and legal use of information.

Developing Competent Strong

Understand their Uses assignment topic Identify keywords and Recognises inquiry as central to learning
assignment using given by the lecturer synonyms to
topic analysis in order broaden/narrow Understands the value of using the most appropriate

to construct an Can identify, express search criteria information related to the assignment topic

information seeking and explain an

strategy information need

Identify keywords as
found in assignment
Construct an Can identify type and Combines keywords, Constructs, implements and refines effective search
information seeking amount of information synonyms and any strategies
strategy in order to needed for the related terms
identify and select assignment appropriately in
resources searches using search
Is aware of different operators
information sources (AND, OR, NOT)

Uses keywords as
found in assignment

Identify and select Can search Has the ability to Systemically uses various academically valuable
resources in order to independently for identify topic-specific resources to find credible information
evaluate and assess information using a resources
information discovery tool and Summarises information accurately and demonstrates and

responsibly online library Can execute basic understanding

catalogue searching skills using

appropriate keywords
Knows the difference
between title, author
and keyword

Understands that all

information found on
the Internet is not

Has the ability to

reconstruct a search if
more information is

Assess information in Summarises Considers currency, Systematically applies evaluative criteria to information
order to synthesize information found in relevancy, sources
and draw conclusions multiple sources authoritativeness,
accuracy and purpose Summarises information accurately and demonstrates
Analyses content (CRAAP method) to understanding
found to determine determine the quality
whether the of information used for
information need has the assignment
been met
Write responsibly Gives credit to Demonstrates a clear Uses information responsibly in compliance with copyright
and construct a information sources understanding of how laws respecting intellectual property
reference list in order to construct a
to demonstrate an Understands what reference list and Can fully integrate quotations, paraphrases and original

understanding of plagiarism is and basic in-text citation ideas with appropriate attribution

ethical and legal use of methods of referencing

information Understands how to

Submits work that is paraphrase and quote
original when necessary

Uses referencing
styles e.g. IEEE, DUT
Harvard as and when

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