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The Way of the Flesh

Ra Uru Hu

International Human Design School

The Way of the Flesh

Cover/Mau Cattaneo

Statistical Graphing/Adrian Kobler

Transcribed/Patricia Balentine

Layout & Proofing/Becky Markley

The original course illustrations are included in this book.

The Rave BodyGraph™ and Rave Mandala™ are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive Corporation.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Table of Contents


INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN RESONANCE MAPPING .............................. vii

Lesson One ........................................................................................ 1
The Square Revealed ......................................................................... 1
Resonance ..................................................................................... 2
We are Not Prisoners of Our Genes ................................................... 3
The Magic Square Operates in its Experiential Relationship to the World
Around It ....................................................................................... 4
Our Bodies are Selectively Resonating ............................................... 5
Neptune Resonating ........................................................................ 5
Who You are With Alters the Way Your Body Works ............................ 6
Changes in Relationships Results in Physical Reactions ........................ 7
Design Resonance isn't about You ..................................................... 8
Advantages of the Correct Environment ............................................. 9
The Relationship to the Other Determines Physical Well-Being .............. 9
Our Bodies are Not Fixed ................................................................ 10
The Personality and Design Maps are Mirrors of the Other ................... 11
Lateral Reactivity ........................................................................... 11
The Magic of the Moon ................................................................... 12
Solidness of Humans ...................................................................... 12
The Satori: Oxygen Absorption ........................................................ 13
Pluto: Inhalation ............................................................................ 13
Hydration and Movement ................................................................ 15
The Auric Field: Externalized Energetic Field...................................... 15
The Equalizer: Internal Balance ....................................................... 16
Exhalation..................................................................................... 16
Complexion and Gravity.................................................................. 17
Look at Your Magic Square .............................................................. 17
Lesson Two...................................................................................... 19
Presence & Prana .............................................................................. 19
Who is in Your Life is Everything ...................................................... 19
The Binary of the Genetic Imperative ............................................... 20
Vertical Shaping ............................................................................ 21
The Magic Square's Important Inner Construct .................................. 22
The Evolution of Mars ..................................................................... 23
Evolution is Driven with Temperature ............................................... 24
Presence: The Way in Which the Vehicle is Met by the Other ............... 24
Hydration ..................................................................................... 25
The Keys of How Others See Us ....................................................... 26

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

The Magic Square: Where We Experientially Live Our Life ................... 27

The Elements that Distinguish You as a Being in This Life ................... 28
Be Clear about Who is in Your Life ................................................... 29
Prana ........................................................................................... 30
Breathing...................................................................................... 30
Oxygen and Balance ...................................................................... 31
Resonance Can Operate in Many Ways ............................................. 32
Movement/Stillness ........................................................................ 33
Temperature/Gravity ...................................................................... 34
No Choice ..................................................................................... 34
Our Vulnerability............................................................................ 35
Recognizing Who Should Be in Your Life ........................................... 36
Lesson Three ................................................................................... 37
Presence: An Introduction to Analysis ................................................. 37
PHS Diagnostic Capabilities Operate Aura To Aura, not Virtual ............. 37
Chart of Timothy Leary ................................................................... 37
The Diagonal and the Diamond ........................................................ 39
Presence....................................................................................... 40
Aura, Voice, Liquid and Hydration .................................................... 40
How the Relationship of Presence Works within the Vehicle ................. 41
The Internal and the External .......................................................... 41
Control Panels ............................................................................... 42
Mercury: The Voice ........................................................................ 43
Signposts: Voice and Skin ............................................................... 43
Neptune ....................................................................................... 45
Seeing Well-Being or Not ................................................................ 46
Prostate Cancer ............................................................................. 47
The Disconnect of Jupiter ................................................................ 47
Presence: Seeing Dysfunction on the Surface ................................... 48
Human Design has an Unusual Perspective ....................................... 49
The Triple Split Seeks Truth More Than Anybody Else ......................... 49
How This Being Expresses Himself is the Key to His Well-Being ........... 50
Life is Constructed in the Holistic Phenomena .................................... 50
Dissonance Can Be a Warning Signal ................................................ 51
The Future: The Age of the Individual .............................................. 52
PHS is Much More than the Control Panel .......................................... 53
Teaching One to be Their Own Physician ........................................... 54
The Diamond: Our Physical Relationship to the Other ........................ 55
Look at your Diagonal .................................................................... 56
Lesson Four ..................................................................................... 57
Prana: Introduction to Analysis ........................................................... 57
Summary of Personality Square and the Design Diamond ................... 57
Fine-Tuning of the Inner Process for Differentiation ............................ 58

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Table of Contents

The Transformation of the Nature of Martian Energy .......................... 59

Venus & Mars Dominate the Rave I‘Ching Exaltations & Detriments...... 59
The Map of Inner Mutation is Controlled by Temperature .................... 60
Inhalation: How We Breathe In and Where We're Breathing In ........... 61
Timothy Leary's External: Cave ....................................................... 62
External Not Important in the First 30 Years ..................................... 63
Breathing is Controlled at the Tonal Level ......................................... 63
Refining Brings Natural Breathing & Correct Temperatures .................. 64
Deepest Measurement of Physical Uniqueness is Temperature ............. 64
Movement..................................................................................... 65
Internal Balance: Releasing Information ........................................... 65
Reaching Differentiation ................................................................. 66
Inner Configuration in Context of the Internal and External ................. 67
The Knowledge is for a Different Era ................................................ 68
The Moon: Gravity ......................................................................... 69
Inner Resonance............................................................................ 70
Following the Correct PHS Prepares One to have High Quality Energy ... 71
Leary: Correct Environment then Correct Movement ......................... 72
Having the Correct Other Person in One's Life ................................... 72
The Importance of the Correct Environment ...................................... 73
Conditioning is an Enormous Handicap ............................................. 74
This is Where the Story Is ............................................................... 75
Lesson Five ...................................................................................... 77
Resonance: A Statistical View ............................................................. 77
Statistics & Graphing by Adrian Kobler ............................................. 77
Nova Television Program on Neutrinos.............................................. 77
Holistic Analysis Certification Program Announced .............................. 79
The Diamond and the Diagonal ........................................................ 79
The Unique Function of the Moon ..................................................... 80
Internal Statistics .......................................................................... 81
Lunar and Planetary Square: Color Resonance (1781 - 2027) .............. 82
Planets in Diagonal in Resonance to the Sun/Earth............................. 83
Planets in the Diagonal to the Nodes ................................................ 83
Humanity and Health Problems ........................................................ 84
Planets in the Diamond to the Internal ............................................. 85
Planets in the Diagonal & Diamond to the Sun/Earth and/or Nodes ...... 85
Only Planets in the Diagonal to the Sun/Earth and/or the Nodes .......... 86
No Resonance Whatsoever .............................................................. 86
Planets in Diagonal and/or Diamond to Sun/Earth and/or Nodes .......... 87
Resonance to Jupiter and Neptune ................................................... 88
Planets in Color Resonance to Sun/Earth and/or Nodes ....................... 88
The Inner Wiring: Resonance, Harmony and Dissonance ..................... 89
Lunar and Planetary Square: Activations of the Same Color ................ 90
This is Not a Question of Healing but Alignment ................................. 90

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

We are All Lunar ............................................................................ 91

Line and Color Resonance to the Moon ............................................. 91
Line and Color Harmony to the Moon................................................ 92
Planets in Line and Color Resonance to the Moon ............................... 94
Seeing the Whole Being .................................................................. 94
Q & A .............................................................................................. 95
Breathing In/Out Information is not the Neutrino Program .................. 95
Internal Resonance to the Moon ...................................................... 95
The Process is Not Natural .............................................................. 96
A Promise to the Future .................................................................. 97
Expectation is a Killer ..................................................................... 97
Health is Not an Issue If You‘re Raised Correctly ................................ 98
Illustration Library ........................................................................ 100
The Lunar & Planetary Square Keynotes ......................................... 100
Presence..................................................................................... 101
Prana ......................................................................................... 102
MMAI Bodygraph Chart of Timothy Leary ........................................ 103
MMAI Bodygraph Chart – The Diamond .......................................... 104
MMAI Bodygraph Chart – The Diagonal ........................................... 105
Planetary Color Resonance in Diagonal and/or Diamond ................... 106
Planets in Color Resonance to the Sun/Earth and/or Nodes ............... 107
Activations of the Same Color........................................................ 108
Line & Color Resonance to the Moon .............................................. 109
Planets in Line and Color Resonance to the Moon ............................. 110

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Table of Contents


A 5 Lecture Post-Graduate Program

This program is an advanced studies program exploring the Design Lunar & Planetary
Square. It is open to Science of Differentiation College students and graduates and
students of previous advanced programs.

This is a transcript of the original course taught live in Ra's interactive classroom
Winter of 2009. Ra explains in a deeply heretical way the nature of the vehicle in its
relationship to the world around it. Since we don't have access to the way our bo-
dies are impacted by the other, these lectures allow us to understand them as
morphing forms rather than static forms. Our bodies are deeply susceptible to the
impact of others. He describes how our nine-centered vehicles operate and the way
our fundamental imprinting of the planets operate. Ra reveals the formulas of the
magic square. The Way of the Flesh.

A full-size Illustration Library is included at the end of this book.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lesson One
The Square Revealed

Hello and welcome to all of you. It is a large group. I'm

glad you're participating.

This is one of those particular courses I get to offer every

once in awhile in my career that is really very exciting. It's
exciting because it gives us an opportunity to look at the
nature of the vehicle in its relationship to the world around
it in a deeply heretical way. That is, an entirely different way of understanding our
bodies. I think we tend to see them as quite static forms. We see them as being
consistent forms despite the fact that we all have to go through aging processes. We
don't see them as morphing forms. We don't see our bodies as deeply susceptible in
all kinds of levels; we simply don't even have access to the way in which our bodies
are impacted by the other.

Obviously, this is all about the magic square. It is about understanding that given
we are a nine-centered vehicle and we obviously have a different way in which we
operate, the way our imprinting works, the way the fundamental imprinting of the
planets operates is distinctly different because of the framework that it works
through. That is, the framework of being a nine-centered being. What the square
reveals is what all magic squares reveal, which are all kinds of formulas that are
embedded in the way in which we are impacted by the nature of the planets.

We have one illustration today.

It's one of those illustrations that
for me in my own way is sort
of—I was going to say takes my
breath away—it is the sweetness
of nuance that I love so much.
Once you get down to the
science of this knowledge, you're
really dealing with the detail
work, and to get to a place like
this is extraordinary.

[Note: All full-sized lesson illu-

strations are provided in the Illu-
stration Library at the end of this book. In some cases, hyperlinks like above in blue
are available to quickly toggle back and forth between the library and the transcript.]

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Let's begin with something very fundamental before we can even begin to look at
any of this, before we can even begin our investigation. In our gathering today, my
focus is just on introducing you to the surface and the basic constructs of the sur-
face. We have time to go through these various elements and see how they work
and see how they relate to us at a holistic level.


The first place to really begin is with resonance and a profound recognition of what
resonance represents. Everything about the bi-verse is its inherent dualistic nature.
This is the yin/yang, this is the 'this and that' of everything. We have a genetic ma-
keup. We are a genetic bio-form. The genetic process, the way in which the infor-
mation of the potential of the genes manifests is in a binary, it manifests through

That duality is a duality like all dualities that goes from one extreme to another; that
is, the potential of that. On one side the good, and on one side the bad, or however
you want to look at these things. In the duality that we deal with in terms of our
genetic purpose is one that points us in two different directions. One points us ac-
cording to the genetic imperative; that is, the biological imperative to reproduce.
You cannot separate the biological imperative to reproduce from what it is to be us.
There is no way that that, in its essence, can change.

What it means, of course, because the basic requirements of any bio-form is diversi-
ty, is what is not oneself, what one is receptive to but what one does not have, be-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Square Revealed

comes the main attraction in life. As we well know, this is the source of the homo-
genized world and it's the source of the dysfunctional life. That very openness we
are designed biologically to seek becomes something that is translated differently in
our self-reflected consciousness. It becomes fear-laden information that changes the
way in which we operate in the world. As we well know, the not-self decision-
making process ultimately carries with it the dilemma of being so far away from one-

We are Not Prisoners of Our Genes

On the other side of the genetic purpose is another form of attraction and it is the
beauty of understanding that we are not prisoners of our genes. I think there is an
assumption I've seen in intellectual work relative to trying to grasp genetics in a dif-
ferent way. This assumption that we are limited by the genes because it, in essence,
establishes whatever the various limitations of our form happens to be. And that li-
mitation for us within the context of Design is an obvious one, the way in which ho-
mogenization operates.

But the reality is something very different. The reality is that there is this incredible
potential that lies within our genetic purpose, the genetic possibility of resonating to
what is good for us. And resonating to what is good for us, being attracted to what
is not good for us, resonating to what is good for us. But even that is too simple. If
you're operating correctly, what you resonate to on the attraction level, that is, the
genetic imperative, the openness, what you're attracted to at that level isn't neces-
sarily bad, obviously. It can become part of what is the wisdom road, the way in
which you exalt your purpose in this life by transforming your openness into your

It isn't the simple level of this, but it is a way to differentiate between these two pos-
sibilities because what we see in the resonance is that the resonance itself isn't
something that's going to be a constructive aspect until the being, holistically, is cor-
rect. What is so interesting for me about what I've learned over these years in un-
derstanding the development of the nine-centered being, the stages of development
in the nine-centered being, how significant this information is when you take it to the
level of the External, the External being Nodal and the extraordinary relationship that
the Moon has in its relationship to the Nodes.

And obviously, the Moon, as we saw in Personality Resonance Mapping, is a key in-
gredient in the way in which the experiential information is related and the way in
this case, not that the experiential information is being related to the Personality
mind, but the way the experiential information is being translated to the brain itself,
and in saying that, translated to the entire body. In other words, going through the
whole hard wiring, if you will, of our system.

When we're dealing with the magic square on the Design side, we're dealing with
something that is incredibly profound. Now, I have my limitations. I really do. Eve-
rybody does. I have my limitations as an intellectual. It is clear to me that my

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

grasp of the Personality magic square is much more profound than is my grasp of
the Design square. The reason I say that is that buried in this graphing here are all
kinds of medical, medicinal, healing. There are all kinds of things buried in that; that
is not my expertise. And in no way am I going to venture into that area.

My expertise is mechanics. What I'm good at is laying the foundation, hopefully for
scholars in the future to be able to elaborate through experiential work over many,
many years the profundity of what we are looking at here in its basic keynote dis-
play. It's an odd thing to be a knower. Sometimes it's uncomfortable, this knowing
without knowing. That is, knowing before it can be explained, knowing before it can
be articulated. I have a level of knowing associated with this frame that is very, very
deep. I certainly feel its call. So, this adventure we're embarking on today is one
that is deeply significant for me.

The Magic Square Operates in its Experiential Relationship to the

World Around It

Let's get to the real meat of this. What is resonance? What we know about the
magic square is that it inherently has no properties. And what I mean by that is that
everything about the way in
which the magic square is
going to operate is in its ex-
periential relationship to the
world around it. This is
what turns it on or not. As
we saw in Personality Re-
sonance Mapping, you get
into those situations where
when you look carefully at
the square and see the
square within the context of
the Gates, Lines and Colors,
you begin to see these vari-
ous relationships. You begin
to see the way in which all
of the possible activations, the way in which individually they are ready to resonate,
because obviously they're going to resonate according to whatever their Color confi-
guration happens to be.

The way in which the information moves through the system is something that is
constantly being juggled with the experience on the outside. What we saw in Perso-
nality Resonance Mapping is that when we're looking at the experiential square, what
we're taking in in this experience is taken in within the frame of our perspective in
order, ultimately, to be conceptualized. That means the way we are intended to op-
erate on the mental plane is something that is in the flow. It is something that is
very much alive. There is a constant input; there is a constant interaction with the
experiential domain leading to some kind of mental floor plan.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Square Revealed

So, what's happening on the physical side? I remember, I don't know when this
was, I think it was in the late '90s, I was beginning to get a lot of questions about
the health implications of Human Design. One of the first things that I told people
was that our well-being is not insular. It isn't. You can follow your PHS and your
this and that, and follow your Strategy and Authority, but if you're in a plague and
diseased and however you want to call that kind of environment, the reality is that at
the physical plane you can end up bringing a great deal of dilemma into your physi-
cal life.

Our Bodies are Selectively Resonating

The reaction of the experiential square at the Personality level does not carry the
same consequences. It doesn't. It can if you stretch it to the point in which you're
just dealing with not-self and the not-self mind makes a decision that causes a di-
lemma for the form. But what I want you to grasp about the nature of our vehicles,
our bodies, is that our bodies are selectively resonating. They're selectively resonat-
ing to the physical experience around them. Of course, what that means is that var-
ious aspects of our form principle are on-and-off switches.

When you think about this, all of these are on-and-off switches. It's the way pro-
gramming works. One on, one off, two off, one on; you go through that whole
process of creating a program that way. They're on-and-off switches. Sometimes
you get a pattern out of that. Sometimes you don't. But the reality is that what
you're getting in any given moment is that not all of this is resonating. It isn't. And
anything that is going to resonate, there is going to be a physical impact.

Neptune Resonating

Think about Neptune reso-

nating. Now, here what
we're looking at is what is
called Lateral Reactivity.
And in this Lateral Reactivity
we can see a theme of the
Liquid; we can see a theme
of the Hydration. Think
about what happens when
Neptune is resonating.
When Neptune is resonating
at the Hydration level, the
Temperature level, the
Complexion of the being is
going to change. It's quite
something to grasp.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Who You are With Alters the Way Your Body Works

When somebody steps into your aura—this is one of the longest on-going discussions
in Human Design about the nature of the impact of the aura. After all, the aura is so
significant. And to think about what we're dealing with in this holistic life, there are
two values of well-being, or zones, if you want. You have the Internal and you have
the External. But the External is literally that. In other words, if I can put it crudely,
50% of your well-being is dependent on environmentally who you're with, because
who you're with in any given situation, that being is going to alter the way in which
your body works.

Now, think about long-term relationships. I'm in a relationship of 25 years. You

think about long-term relationships. I've been looking at it lately, and it's clear to
me that both myself and my partner, our bodies in that sense, are constantly being
impacted by this resonance and this resonance is creating a certain kind of form.
You take this particular example; let's say you have somebody in your life who
you're constantly dealing with. Now, I don't want to go through all the nuances.
When I get to the third semester, as I promised, I will bring all this to the surface
and show you how to use this at the beginning of that process anyway, to be able to
use this analytically.

But I want to give you an example. Let's say you have that person who's there.
And let's say that, like everything else in the way in which things operate within the
context of Design, you're going to have things that are going to go one way or
another. We're in a binary. So let's say the person you're with keeps you well hy-
drated. This is what you're resonating to. It keeps you well hydrated, it maintains a
certain kind of body temperature and it has a positive impact on your complexion.

I'm being very superficial. Please grasp that, because these keynotes go very, very
deep. By the time I take you through their deconstruction you're going to see that
it's quite incredible what's there. But this complexion is something that is very, very
important. In other words, this is about what you see in somebody else as healthy
or not. This is a representation of the well-being of the vehicle that's being pre-
sented to the other.

You know what that's like when you meet somebody and you look into their face and
you see that they're ill. You have a totally different relationship to them. And you
have a totally different relationship to them because your vehicle is reacting to that.
If you have somebody like me who does the work that I do and I always look sick
and fucked up, people are going to begin to wonder! It's like what you look like, this
visual that you present becomes so important.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Square Revealed

Changes in Relationships Results in Physical Reactions

Think again about that relationship. And think about that relationship, for whatever
the circumstance is, coming to an end. Or one of them goes away for a month, or
whatever it happens to be. You're immediately going to have a change in the Hydra-
tion/Temperature/Complexion system. Now, it depends on how it's going to be high-
lighted. They may not have any kind of strength in these areas in terms of the gen-
eral resonance to what the Neptune happens to represent.

Again, it is about understanding that that person is going to have a physical reac-
tion. If they're looking in the mirror and they could really see, they would see their
whole body change. The liquid in your body is what gives your body its suppleness,
its look. It's this liquid, the difference between somebody who is well-hydrated and
somebody who isn't. I will get to temperature later because as you know from Per-
sonality Resonance that Mars represents a mutative force. In the context today, I'm
not looking at the way in which the mundane plane operates. That is, this cabal is
here in the diamond, and the nature of the potential of this higher level of function-
ing, because again we're not
talking about awareness
here. We're talking about a
higher level of functioning.

The level of functioning that

is necessary is the develop-
ment of the mutative poten-
tial in the being. One of the
most interesting things that
we're going to see is that as
you become more and more
and correct, you're going to
resonate your Design Mars,
wherever it happens to be,
more and more to those who are going to raise its temperature. I'm speaking, liter-
ally, of body temperature. And I'm not talking about raising your temperature so
that you have a fever. I'm not.

I'm talking about raising your temperature perhaps a tenth of a degree or some-
thing, not the kind of thing that is visible, but the kind of thing that is having an
overall mutative impact because heat, global warming—sorry for all those who are
deeply upset and opposed to it—but this is all part of the industrial revolution, the
advent of the nine-centered being, the Cross of Planning. Part of the plan is to
create a mutative environment. That mutative environment is deeply connected to
temperature. This is one of the mutative agencies in the vehicle.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Again, when you're looking at somebody, this [red

marking] is not about looking at you, if you know
what I mean. It's so interesting; the Personality
is who you think you are. It goes back to basic
Human Design. The magic square is really for
you. On the Personality side, it's all about you.
It's about the way in which your perspective
frames experience, however the experience
comes in, and conceptualizes it. This is what
you're connected to. This is your trip.

Design Resonance isn't about You

But this isn't about you. Design resonance isn't about you. It's about the other and
it's about the Program. The Program is one of the main instruments, and we'll take
a look at that. Because basically what the Program does is homogenize the world of
human form. And it homogenizes the human form by bringing the same impact to
the magic squares of all of those human beings on the Design side.

It's just something to think about in terms of the way in which our whole mechanism
is controlled; the whole mechanism is controlled. And it's all about the way in which
this vehicle resonates. In other words, it's not our body. It's not. It's not our body
in the sense that we do not have control
over the way our body operates because
the body is operating in a larger frame-
work. It's a huge framework.

It's all about resonance. When you look

at the magic square, it has no value in
and of itself. These are only positions.
It's what makes it so special, this re-
sonance. Of course, you only refine
that resonance. As you will find, ob-
viously, on the Design side that without
your Strategy and Authority, you're not going to be able to have that opportunity to
resonate to what is good for you. There are some people who may be totally boring
intellectually, psychologically, whatever the case may be, who can be absolutely deli-
cious for your body, if you know what I mean.

Something to grasp about the other in our lives is that if we stay with our minds, we
never get to recognize, truly, all those possible others. We don't. We have our pre-
judices. It's what mind is about. It gets stuck. It gets stuck in thinking that these
are the only kinds of people that I can connect to, and so on. The thing to recognize
is that that can be so devastating for your body. The only way your natural reson-
ance field is going arise is out of your Strategy and Authority. It basically arises out
of taking away all that decision making from the mind. And then you begin to reso-
nate to what is correct for you.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Square Revealed

Advantages of the Correct Environment

Obviously, the refinement of this is the External. There's no question about that.
The advantages of the correct environment are extraordinary in terms of the way in
which we interact with others and the durability we have in our life process. One of
the things I've talked about so deeply in dealing with the External is to understand
that this has to do with quality of life and longevity. Those are things that are very
important to us. And they're particularly important to us as nine-centered beings.
Longevity wasn't a big story for the seven-centered being. It wasn't. They lived fast
and hard. But we have a different form principle.

In order for us to be able to fulfill our potential, we need those 84 years. This is
what we're being programmed for. When you begin to think about Kiron as a time of
flowering, a door to flowering that opens when somebody is in their 50s, to the sev-
en-centered being this would have been absurd. They could not have grasped that.
They never had that kind of vitality at 50 that you see everywhere in the world to-
day, that vitality that extends to 60 and 70. We're beginning to live out the full po-
tential of the nine-centered vehicle.

The Relationship to the Other Determines Physical Well-Being

The most important ingredient is to understand that, yes, you can help yourself in-
ternally. In other words, you can prepare your brain for the best possible activity,
PHS as an example. But it is your relationship to the other that is going to deter-
mine your physical well-being. It's who is in your aura. It's always that way. It's
always going to be that way for us. One of the most difficult things about trying live
truth is that you have to deal with all the rituals of the past and getting rid of them,
and being able to start fresh, and being able to start fresh with everything in your
life. That's an enormous leap to take. It really is.

In this perfection of the vehicle I am so deeply, deeply aware of what happens to my

body when I take people into my aura. I have a particular perspective for this as an
unemotional integration Manifestor-type aura, basically a loner. I spend most of my
time in my own aura. I spend the rest of it with a very select group of people, that
is, my family and the rare people I work with. I am not somebody who in any way is
interested in socializing or going out and hanging out somewhere. I'm notoriously
bad at refusing invitations to the point that, fortunately, I don't get them anymore.

It's not that I don‘t like people. It's not even about that I don't like the people who
invite me. I genuinely do. It isn't about that. It's about what happens to my body.
This is really something to grasp. Now, I'm an extremist, obviously, and as an indi-
vidual it's very important for me to stay clean and to be able to do my work as clear-
ly as possible and to be beyond influence, because otherwise no individual can func-
tion correctly. My sensitivity with three open motors to beings is astonishing.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

I used to think of it just as any novice would. For so long I just dealt with it at the
amplification level, whatever it happened to be, somebody with a defined Root that
puts me under pressure, or the emotional system or the Sacral or the Head, whatev-
er the case may be. I was aware of the inflation. That is, I was aware of the phe-
nomena coming out of there. I was not in any way watching what happens to me

There were a few instances in my process where things happened to me that nega-
tively impacted my body that hurt. That was when I first began to wonder about the
circumstances of that. In that kind of circumstance, was it me? Was I responsible in
that process? Was it simply my trajectory to have that happen? Or was that some-
thing that was brought to my body?

This is one of the most fascinating things about beginning to grasp what physical re-
sonance is. How careful one has to be because it isn't just about saying, ―Oh gee,
somebody's putting me under pressure, I don't have to fall for that, so I can hang
out in their aura all I like.‖ It was a phase I went through. It was how I learned how
to deal with, for example, the emotional system, which was a big story in my life. It
was spending my time with it and watching the emotionality as it percolated through
my system.

I wasn't thinking about, ok, this is doing something else as well. I was only thinking
about hey, there's the amplification, isn't it interesting, I can notice the nuance, I
can notice the difference between the desire vibe and the need vibe, and so forth
and so on. But I was never thinking about what that physically is doing to me, be-
cause this is the other side. It can be something totally separate from what that
emotional phenomena is doing, because remember, that emotional phenomena is
the other side of the genetic story. This is the imperative calling. The other side is
the resonance. And the resonance arises out of awareness.

Our Bodies are Not Fixed

Oh, it's so incredible. When I started to teach Penta, I wanted to concentrate on giv-
ing people a possibility of understanding that this is an entity. Those people who
have taken Family Practice and BG5 with me over the years, they have come to see
how incredible it is that you can really see these configurations, small groups, three
to five, so clearly through this Penta. In my Penta work, in the deepest work, I tried
to explain how this is an auric phenomena in the way in which the Penta emerges,
literally emerges, pulls all this stuff together into this super auric form.

But there is something to grasp in all of that. None of that would be possible if our
auras locked us in. They don't. The thing is that we do not have a body that's fixed
in any way, any more than we have an experiential perception that is fixed in any
way. We don't. We have a fixed brain. We have a fixed way in which we perceive
and conceptualize. But there is nothing fixed in the way in which we experience;

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Square Revealed

nothing. That means that your body can go from being marvelous to useless. It's
just a matter of the environment and who is in it. It is something to think about.

The Personality and Design Maps are Mirrors of the Other

It operates at so many levels. It's just not the superficial level. Let's look at the
frame for a moment and let's think about what we have here. We have a prana. As
we saw in Personality Mapping we have a prana. The difference here, of course, is
we're flipped to the other side. The Moon is on the inside here as it was with Perso-
nality, the Moon being on the inside. So, it's actually a different alignment in a
sense. It's the same row, it's the same configuration but it's mirrored. And of
course, it has a different value in that sense, even though it's identical. It flows dif-

Lateral Reactivity

Anyway, we have Lateral Reactivity. This word is very, very important. In other
words, basically our understanding of this is that we are ready to react to the vertical
shaping we take in. As we breathe in, our shape is changed. The New Age loves
these shape shifters, this kind of stuff. Our shapes are constantly changing. You
don't see it,
do you? You
don't. In the
same way,
you don't see
yourself age
on a day-to-
day basis.
But then
again, most
human beings
don't know
what to look

What we're
getting here is
a mapping at
a level that is
really extraordinary because it's going to point us towards, in essence, what we can
look for. But what is important to understand is that to begin with, we have this
prana inward. So, as we're resonating we're being shaped.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

The Magic of the Moon

Look at the magic of the Moon. It's

one of my all time favorite keynotes.
Think about the Moon, its relationship
to the Nodes and the Nodes' relation-
ship to the Magnetic Monopole that
holds us together in the illusion of our
separateness and gives us our rela-
tive gravity. That relationship is al-
ways there: Moon/Nodes/Monopole.
This is the bridge; this is the way it
all works together. This is how we
are held together. These are the
keys in the way in which information moves.

The one thing to always recognize about

the Moon's Design or Personality is that
they are always going to have their influ-
ence; always. It may not be the dominant
influence. That will depend on the reson-
ances and how they work. But that influ-
ence will always be there. And the thing
to grasp ultimately, because when you're
looking at the Moon what you're looking at
is the expression of it, in looking at that
expression to recognize that this shaping
does more than define us on the surface. It gives us our heft, if you will.

Solidness of Humans

There are some people who seem more solid than others, if you know what I mean.
The difference between feeling solid or fragile, as an example, is rooted in the gravi-
ty that's here. It's not something that's nature; it's what you resonate to or not. So
many things about your body and the way your body works, your assumption that
this is some kind of consistency, this is where the great joke is because it isn't. This
is something that is operating through on-and-off switches.

Obviously, we define that through our stabilities. In other words, most human be-
ings align themselves with a fixed group of others, whether that is family or the
workplace you go to, or whatever the case may be. That's one of the classic things
to think about. You get up in the morning in your home and you have a certain body
that is reacting to the consistency of the conditioning environment around you, the
resonances that are there for you, so it defines your whole body.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Square Revealed

But then you go to the office—by the way, going to the office or wherever it is you
work, the very transportation into the WA system, if you're traveling, for example
public transport, is already taking your body through all kinds of influences. And
then going into that fixed office space, that fixed environment, that fixed work envi-
ronment where, again, you have a certain consistency in the resonances that you're
going to be attracted to, so you have a certain kind of reaction at the physical level.
You have a different body at home than you have at work. You have a different
body in the public square than you have in either of those other environments. Your
body is changing. And it's changing at very, very different levels.

The Satori: Oxygen Absorption

Let's look at the shaping for a moment. When we look at the shaping, because our
Lateral Reactivity is going in this direction [see below], let's begin over here with the
Satori. Now, this keynote, Satori, because I don't want it to get misunderstood, is
something that Aldous Huxley discovered in his experiments with mescaline. It's
something that has been well documented. If you deny the brain oxygen, at a cer-
tain point it hallucinates. One of the things about oxygen deprivation is that it can
lead to death, by the way, but it can lead to all kinds of altered states. Most of the
experimental drugs, hallucinogens that were particularly popular in the '60s, one of
their main effects was to reduce the level of oxygen in the brain.

The reverse of that is alcohol, as an example. Alcohol is a flusher of oxygen into the
brain. If you have too much oxygen in the brain, the brain dumbs down. If you
have too little oxygen in the brain, the brain gets on a trip. So there is always this
balance that we have in what is this oxygen absorption and finding our unique bal-
ance, because again, each and every one of us being a unique being, we have cer-
tain things that we are going to resonate to.

Pluto: Inhalation

Let's begin with the obvious here, the

Pluto and this is the Inhalation. It's
interesting how the truth of Pluto to
the Personality is, in essence, the
ground floor of life. It is the breath
in, this in-breath. Again, as I men-
tioned earlier, all these keynotes have
to be deconstructed because they go
beyond the obvious. Yet, look where
you're looking. Look at the way all of
this fits together. We have the Solid,
the Liquid and the Gas. So this is all
about the Gas in that sense.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Here is the oxygen absorption part of this [above right, the red marked horizontal
row]. This is the pure inhalation; how you breathe. Think about the tonal implica-
tions on the Design side: the 1st Tone nose breathers, the 2nd Tone mouth breathers,
the way we breathe; how important it is to be able to have the right level of oxygen
absorption. It has to do with
the breathing system. If we're
looking at the foundation here
[to the left] in terms of our
magic square, and again in one
of the key diagonals of the
magic square, what we're look-
ing at is that this breath in is
so important to us. This
breath in establishes our muta-
tive potential and the gravity,
the solidity of what can be
possible. It starts with the in-

So, the way we breathe, and

again, this is one of the things that I mentioned at the very beginning—you know,
my expertise. That is, all the medical applications that are here. But obviously you
can see right away that those people—I think of Chiara Gasparro, our in-house
breath expert—for those people who have always considered the importance of
breathing as being one of the keys to well-being in life, well, here it is. And indeed it
is one of those cornerstones.

But the thing that has never been understood is that this is about resonance or not.
It's about resonance. Only when you're going to be with those beings who are cor-
rect for you for these purpos-
es will that resonance for you
be there because of that.
And out of that comes the
right absorption. But if
you're not around those
people regularly, unless there
are internal mechanisms, the
Color here being connected to
the Nodes or whatever the
case may be, this is some-
thing where there can be the
rise of problems because the
breathing system is not cor-
rect. And of course, this is going to affect this whole process. The way you breathe
in impacts the nature of your aura, and this leads to what you put out in the world,
what you exhale.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Square Revealed

Hydration and Movement

Back to the Satori; so not only do you have Inhalation here, but again, Hydration.
And of course, the hydration, we looked at it from the other perspective. We looked
at it from terms of reactivity, that obviously this is dealing with the liquid levels in
the vehicle. But at the same
time, it is the oxygen that is
being stored in the liquid and
how much oxygen is going to
be stored, and so on.

Movement either increases

oxygen intake or diminishes it.
All of that is connected. Again,
remember, I'm being very
simple with you today. All of
these can be deconstructed to
much deeper levels. So here is
an example of what you're tak-
ing in as a possible resonance, the importance of oxygen as a key and the way it
weaves itself through these particular fields.

The Auric Field: Externalized Energetic Field

When we move to the center, we

move to something very different.
We move to the Auric Field, the
energetic field, the Externalized
energetic field: Aura, body Tem-
perature, Voice. Again, these are
not our own. When it says "Voice,"
by the way, it carries with it all the
things you don't see in the Perso-
nality Mercury because the Perso-
nality Mercury is involved in con-
ceptualized communication, and the
Design Mercury is in charge of the
voice itself, what it sounds like, how
it works, whether it's going to be a baritone or a soprano, whether it's going to be
hesitant or dramatic, all of the qualities.

Of course, the quality of the voice often determines whether or not you're going to
be heard. Your voice is only going to be correct when it resonates to what is correct,
and that's the other. It tells you something incredible about what communication is.
Communication is meant to take place between those who resonate. It's not meant
for everyone; it isn't. The very nature of your voice, how it sounds, how it feels, how

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

different it can be from one person to the next hearing the same voice in that aura,
because different things will resonate.

Oh, there's an overall story; we will eventually get there. But first you have to break
it all down and see how it all works. There is this overall structure. Again, we're not
seeing gates and lines here. We're not seeing the underlying thematic that we can
relate to in the bodygraph and really grasp in that way. We're just seeing the de-
constructed mechanics of the square.

The Equalizer: Internal Balance

So you have the oxygen absorption, the

Externalized energy field, and then you
get to the Equalizer and this is all about
Balance. It is something that is so im-
portant for us. What that balance means
is not that you don't fall down, which is
cute, sort of. What it means is that
you're always able to find your balance
relative to the circumstance and the oth-
er. That's what internal balance brings.
Internal balance brings your ability to be
able to deal with life, to be able to deal with the other in this life.


What you breathe out is what the other takes in. What you breathe out defines you
more than anything else because you breathe out more than your words, more than
the carbon dioxide. You
breathe out your essence. You
breathe out your inner es-
sence. You breathe out your
biology. And the other person
breathes it in. One of the most
important ways in which we
express ourselves is that with
every breath we exhale, that
breath is taken in by some-
body else. It is.

Without saying anything, and it

isn't a matter of whether you
have nice smelling breath or not, that's all relative by the way. Somebody whose
breath you think is awful; to somebody else it's honey. It's one of the peculiarities of
our immune system in the way in which it works. But it's something to see how im-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Square Revealed

portant it is in our relationship

with the other, because it is
this exhalation that is really
establishing who we are; real-

Complexion and Gravity

The next thing is the physical

look, what here is keynoted as
Complexion. In other words,
the way in which the surface of
the vehicle reacts to the other.
And of course, in the end, it leads to Gravity. By the way, it's the only time in my
work, Venus Complexion, where Venus takes on a heightened sexual value, because
it's rare for Venus. But here there is that subtext to it and as we move along I will
get into that.

But the way in which your physical body reacts to the other, the various sexual sig-
nals that a body gives off is all under this term 'Complexion' because it has to do
with your skin surface, all of your skin surface. So, it's something to keep in mind
about this. It is a phenomenon in which, when you're in that moment where you fall
in love, that fall in lust, that kind of thing you get to know every once in a while in
life, this is the moment where you're seeing a totally different kind of complexion.
Your complexion is different. Your whole skin surface is different. There have been
all kinds of experiments done with this. So it's really something to grasp about how
much we are physically reacting to the other.

Finally, this inner balance is not just simply bringing our insides out through our ex-
halation and displaying our physical presence through our complexion, but it is the
weight that we have, the way in which we hold it all together, the way in which our
form is held together. And that gives you the beginning of this process, the shaping
process. But once the shaping takes place, you then get the whole reaction system.
The way in which that reaction is then brought out and the way it's delivered to the

Look at Your Magic Square

The magic square—it's really something. It's quite remarkable. I find it quite amus-
ing because there are a lot of people excited about this class, it's a very big class,
and isn't it interesting that most of those people had problems getting in. So, it's
been a treat, our intimate gathering today to open up this story.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

There is a great deal to digest here. It is certainly not, as I always caution, not
something to jump to any conclusions about. But what is important is that you begin
the process now of putting your design in here and simply not so much trying to fig-
ure it out. It's just about breathing it in and watching what happens within your own
awareness process. Obviously, I'll do the best I can over our course together to ela-
borate on all of these elements.

But it really is important that you take it in yourself and you take it in quite deeply,
because it's really magical what we're looking at. It's the finishing touch to the great
work that PHS began, to elaborate on the nature of the External and the Internal.
And obviously, what we see out of that is the consequences of that.

But here we really get to see the body alive. This is how the body lives. In the
same way in Personality Mapping you get to see the living resonating mind. So, we
have just a great ride in front of us to enjoy the revealing of the way in which our
bodies live their lives, because this is what we're here to see. And we're here to ul-
timately be able to fulfill the potential. And if not us, then the children who will fol-
low, to fulfill the potential that is inherent in our capacity to experience the body's
life, because this is where we experience that life.

Anyway, to all of you, glad that you're a part of this process. Until next time, do
take care; bye for now.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lesson Two
Presence & Prana

Who is in Your Life is Everything

All right, here we go. Dorothy, this is definitely not Kansas. I want to welcome all of
you. Our theme today is Presence and Prana. I‘ll get to that in a moment. First of
all, let me go back and put some of this in perspective. We‘re dealing with some of
the most complex—well, I think it is the most complex material that I‘ve looked at in
the substructure. I‘ve had a couple of interesting reveries this week just playing
around with my understanding of what I‘m looking at. I guess what it comes down
to in the end is something that I‘ve been stressing in so many levels of my career,
that is, how aware one has to be of who‘s in your life. Who is in your life is every-
thing. Who is in your
aura is everything. We
have a tendency to think
of aura in terms of its
psychological manifesta-

I think one of the things

that Design Resonance
Mapping makes deeply,
deeply clear is that the
way in which your body
functions, literally, the
way in which it deals
with the process of being
a bio-form in the maia,
that all of this is so deeply susceptible to conditioning. The very conditioning is the
only thing that is stable. This illusion I spoke of last week, this illusion of the stabili-
ty of our form. We consider our forms to be basically stable unless we have some
kind of severe illness. The reality is that it is not something that is stable in the way
in which we grasp it in the illusion. It isn‘t at all. It is something that is quite capa-
ble of morphing all the time, and it does given the context of interactions with oth-

It brings us to a caution that I have to remind you of and particularly for those of
you who were with me in Personality Resonance Mapping. As I mentioned last
semester, next semester I will bring all these elements together into a demonstra-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

tion of how you can synthesize this knowledge and synthesize it within the context of
the chart itself. In understanding the nature of resonance and that the lunar and
planetary squares is where we experience life, everything about understanding that
resonance is about grasping how significant it is the nature of one‘s interactions and
whether or not one has entered into them correctly, because there is no other pro-
tection, because in fact, the vehicle is going to be altered. To see how all that comes
together into the holistic form is something that is really fascinating. One step at a
time; let‘s deal with our deconstruction and our science first.

The Binary of the Genetic Imperative

Last week I began this process of introducing you to this configuration. This is ob-
viously something that is very new and, in terms of the keynoting and the basic in-
formation, is going to take you awhile before you familiarize yourself with so much of
this. But the key in it and the key is quite clear: Understanding the way in which
these fundamental elements of what we are are impacted through resonance. It is
not something that is our own, in that sense. I want you to think about the genetic
imperative because it is
so important to keep it in
mind. When we‘re deal-
ing with the way in which
we operate as a bio-form
rooted in our genetics, it
is to recognize the binary
in this, because the binary
is something that is deep-
ly, deeply important.

On one side, we have the

genetic imperative that
moves us towards repro-
duction in order to main-
tain the gene pool. Eve-
rything about that attraction is rooted in different. That is the genetic imperative
that pulls us away from who we are and attracts us to what we‘re not. On the other
side of the genetic equation is the resonance to what is good for us. This is where
the extraordinary potential is in the lunar and planetary square; to resonate to what
is correct for us means that our vehicles, our bodies, our life, in context of looking at
Design, is going to operate correctly.

And this life that has to operate correctly, obviously, is a very complex mechanism.
It all begins way, way back on the surface with the beginnings of Strategy and Au-
thority. But it is really something to grasp that until one is resonating to what is
good for one, it‘s only then that your body begins to take on those qualities that are
correct for your particular differentiation, whatever that happens to be.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence & Prana

Vertical Shaping

Within the context of this, as we have seen in Personality Resonance Mapping, we

have both the ‗in‘ and the ‗out‘ of this. That is, the prana as it is listed here. I don‘t
want to confuse terms because we‘re going to look at another value of that. But in
this ―In and Out,‖ to be able to understand certain things about us that are very im-
portant. In other words, we have a way of looking at the information from this an-
gle. That is, the Lateral Reactivity, the way we react in terms of the solids, the
liquids and gases of the body.

But the other side of this is the Vertical Shaping. The Vertical Shaping is really ex-
traordinary. The Monopole in the illusion, the Monopole that holds us together in this
illusion of our separateness has a distinction to it. That distinction is what allows us
to see the differences between one person and another, the various ways in which
we identify and note difference from one face to another, as an example.

One of the things about the nature of shaping is that shaping has so much to do with
the way in which we are going to be perceived in the world around us. A lot of that
is going to be centered here. It is going to be centered on the auric field and the au-
ric magnetic field that is
around the vehicle. It‘s one
of the things to grasp about
the nature of your aura.
When somebody steps into
your aura, it‘s not like
they‘re stepping into some
outer zone that has nothing
to do with you. They are
literally taking your es-

When one keeps in mind

that the aura expresses
your Type—that is, whether
it‘s going to be closed or
enveloping or penetrating, the variations that are there in terms of your aura—it is
something to understand that one of the most important elements in our well-being
is the health of our auric field. This is something that goes through all the complexi-
ties of the various elements that are there.

It‘s the same thing as understanding what it means for us to be able to have our
balance on the physical plane. In other words, to be able to orient ourselves and to
be able to operate correctly and to carry with us a sense of belonging, if I can put it
that way, physical belonging in that one is comfortable with the nature of one‘s
world. Each and every one of these elements brings us something.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

This is about the dynamics.

One of the most fascinating
things for me is the way in
which the fad for exercise, for
example, is something that
can be so devastating to so
many people who are a part of
it because it does not have
anything to do with what is
actually correct for their ve-
hicle. But it is simply because
they are attracted to things
that are not correct for them
and are not resonating to
those things that are good for

The Magic Square's Important Inner Construct

In looking at the general mapping, I want to be able to give you a full introduction
before I can take this to the next level. We have to see something very special in
looking at Personality Resonance Mapping. We have to see that the way in which the
magic square operates is that it has a fundamental, very important inner construct.
The magic square has in its own duality, if you will. That construct is rooted in first
of all the relation-
ship between
these four planets
Mercury, Nep-
tune, Jupiter and
Venus. In this
sense they form
what we can call
The Diamond.
So, this is one

Now, when we
were looking at
this in terms of
the Personality,
what we got to
see is that this
diamond in the Personality magic square is related to the way in which we operate
on the mundane plane; in other words, where we would resonate on the mundane
plane. So what we‘re going to see here is that there is a specific function, a family of
functions that have to do with this.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence & Prana

And then there is the second element which is rooted in the potency and the signific-
ance of Mars. What we are dealing with here is the Diagonals. And it is Mars that
rules the diagonals. Remember, we are looking at a construct within the context of a
nine-centered being, not a
seven-centered being. When
you talk about any of these
planets within the context of a
seven-centered being, you
don‘t need much more than
Babylonian Astrology. But
we‘re not talking about the
seven-centered being. Within
the nine-centered being, be-
cause of the framework that it
operates through, the imprint-
ing of the planets carries a dif-
ferentiated or a different value
because of the very nature
that the vehicle is different.

The Evolution of Mars

One of the things about this is the change, or the evolution of Martian energy. I
think if you go back, and I have looked, to the earliest astrologies and you follow
them through the best of the 20th century astrologers, if you follow the progress of
Mars, no other planet goes through a more radical transition in its interpretive his–
tory than Mars. It goes from the cold blood thirsty warrior of the Babylonians to dif-
ferent levels of immaturity and unbridled energy coupled with—there is a maturation
in the way in which the
nature of Mars has been
seen over time. It is
clear within the context
of the nine-centered be-
ing that Mars is really
something that is carry-
ing with it a unique po-
tential. That is, a unique
mutative potential. And
the mutative potential is
appropriately keynoted
with Temperature.

Nothing is more impor-

tant, in that sense, to the
overall mutation of humanity than heat. I don‘t mean to be redundant about things
like global warming, but please understand that the whole era we have lived in, the

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

nine-centered being emerged into in 1781, we were already in the Cross of Planning
era that began at the beginning of the 1600s that brought us the Industrial Revolu-
tion and began to heat up the sky, heat up the world, heat up the earth. It began all
of those things. The factories that have been built over the last 400 years, the
amount of heat that has been put into the atmosphere, the ability of human beings
only within the last 300 or 400 years to successfully be able to heat their dwellings
and to be able to have the fuels to do so, and it goes on and on and on.

Evolution is Driven with Temperature

It is really something to grasp about the nature of the Program and the way it drives
evolution. Evolution is driven with temperature. One of the comments I‘ve made
many times in relationship to body temperature is that if we had consistent mea-
surements and accurate ones of seven-centered beings compared to nine-centered
beings, we would see that there was a temperature difference. The nine-centered
being is hotter. It‘s just hotter. It is this temperature that has to do with adding
momentum to the mutative process.

So, when we‘re looking at Mars within the context of the body particularly, this is
something that is very, very important. The key in the way in which the diagonal
phenomena is going to work is according to whatever the Martian principle happens
to be. Again, in this deconstruction we are not looking at gates, we are not looking
at lines, and we are not looking at color. So there is a great deal, obviously, of in-
formation that is not here. This is just the infrastructure.

Presence: The Way in Which the Vehicle is Met by the Other

As I said, I want to introduce you to the full spectrum of this. The diamond—we
have two aspects of the ve-
hicle. This aspect "Presence"
is literally the way in which
the vehicle establishes its
form principle moment by
moment. What I mean by
that is it's the way it estab-
lishes the form principle that
is going to be met by the oth-
er. It begins with the domin-
ance in this particular—in the
diamond construct the do-
minance that is going to be in
the particular vertical that is
made up of Mercury and Jupi-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence & Prana

In this case, what we're looking at is the aura construct. In other words, what we're
looking at is that Presence is deeply rooted in the nature of the aura and in the quali-
ty of the Voice. Now remember, when voice is stated here, this is not about what
the voice says. That's on the other side. That's on the Personality side. This has
nothing to do with what the voice says. But it has a great deal to do with the timber
of the voice, the tone of the voice, the way in which the larynx operates, the way in
which the muscles operate, the way in which the diaphragm operates. It is con-
nected to the way in which that expression is going to come out, what we would call
the words that would be released from that voice, as an example.

So what we're looking at here in terms of Presence is, without being too superficial,
this is the superficial. This is where your body meets the world. So it means this is
what, in essence, other people take in as your form principle. This is what they ac-
tually have the deepest sense of as you because this is the mundane vehicle being
presented to the outer world and the mundane vehicle waiting to resonate to that
outer world.


And that mundane vehicle—

when you come to the other
side, first of all, I guess it's one
of those things that's just so
terribly obvious. We evolved
from creatures that came out of
the sea. We are water crea-
tures. We carry the water with-
in us. We are truly water crea-
tures. Most of our weight is just
liquid. It is something to grasp
about how important the liquid
of your body is. This theme of
Hydration is really very, very
profound because the ability to
hydrate correctly—and what I mean by that is to have the right water level.

There was a study done by, I truly don't remember the names or the exact details, I
just remember how impressed I was by the conclusions. It was a husband and wife
science team. They were in very different lines of work. One was in some kind of
animal biology work and the other one was an oceanographer. Basically, the conclu-
sion of their studies was that where there is no water, there is always water, in the
sense that as life came onto land it took the water with it.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

One of the most extraordinary things, and it has been verified, is that human beings,
in terms of their water system, are impacted by the Moon. The Moon is the great
instrument that keeps all of us in balance against the gravity of the Earth. We ac-
tually have tides. If you look out in the world around you, for example someone like
me who lives here in relative nature, there is so much water being captured by eve-
rything that's there, the planets, the trees, and so forth and so on.

So, it's one of these things to understand about hydration. There is a tendency, for
example, for people to get into trends about the liquids they drink, or how much liq-
uid they drink. The people who are told to drink a zillion ounces of water a day, this
and that and all this stuff. It is incredibly dangerous. This theme of hydration is a
way in which we are able to harmonize with the world around us or not. Of course,
one of the things
about the weakness
we have in the vast
majority of humanity
is the tendency to be
attracted, rather than
resonate, to what
isn't going to lead to
good hydration in-
stead of resonating
with what brings out
the correct hydration.

The other thing is

that the water level
in your body, the
quality of the water
level in your body is something that the other being notices. It's something rather
fascinating to think about. Complexion is an obvious, isn't it? The overall quality of
your skin, the skin tone, the way the skin is wrapped on the muscle and bone and on
and on, the physical shell. But this is something else. To see somebody who is
over-hydrated or somebody who is severely dehydrated gives you an idea of how
much fluctuation there is in the way in which the basic vitality of the body is demon-

The Keys of How Others See Us

But these four areas tell you something very, very unique to grasp. These are the
keys in the way in which the other identifies us, the way in which the other truly re-
cognizes us. Remember something about Design. The body is the life. So, the way
in which you are taken in as a being, whether somebody is going to consider you on
seeing you, on stepping into your aura, on hearing your voice, on touching your skin,
whatever the case may be, whether they consider you to be healthy, whether they
consider you to be all kinds of things is dependent on these qualities.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence & Prana

There has been so much searching for what is this key in the way in which the other
sees us. For example, what is beauty? Beauty is one of those extraordinary things,
isn't it? I have my North Node in the 2nd Gate in the 1st Line, so I have a lifetime of
pondering aesthetics and thinking about the nature of beauty. My work has brought
me something very special. It has brought me this recognition that beauty is diffe-
rentiated, it is unique. Uniqueness, at least from my perception, is something that is
truly beautiful because it's beyond comparison. It's just beyond comparison. It is
the perfection.

Now, I don't mean to take this to any kind of philosophical, schmaltzy road. But I
want to take it back here to the understanding of the way our general form principle
is taken in by the other. Whether that form makes them feel comfortable or not,
whether it turns them on or not, whether they like it or not. Do you know what I
mean? There are all kinds of levels of this.

The Magic Square: Where We Experientially Live Our Life

Remember, we're dealing with the Design and we're dealing with the magic square
and it is this square that is going to interact. This is where we experientially live our
life. Think about that. This is where we experientially live our lives. Everything else
is interpretation. This is where we live it. This is the vehicle at work. And you see,
if you want to be able to express your beauty, it doesn't matter whether you under-
stand a damn word I say.

What matters is that you're living correctly, you're making decisions correctly. Be-
cause ultimately, as you go through the cleansing process, if you're fortunate enough
that it's correct for you to enter into PHS, then you're going to be able to have these
opportunities to be able to see in these four specific areas the transformation that
takes place in your vehicle. The transformation that takes place in you, because af-
ter all, once you begin to resonate for what is good for you, this becomes the theme
for the way in which your form principle is going to operate.

I think about so many different ways we could set up ways in which we can verify
that with the many people who are beginning their process of investigating PHS, be-
cause this is one of those areas that is so important. The other thing is, this is what
makes you attractive—a funny word to use—but it makes you attractive to the other
being, or not. Again, that attractiveness, if we were living in an ideal environment,
would mean that you would be the good thing for somebody to resonate to.

In the world we live in, as you increase your attractiveness you also increase the
amount of human beings that you really don't want approaching you in your life.
There is the other side of that as well. There is nothing that attracts beings more
than well-being. Well-being has an incredible power. It is something that people
like to be around.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

It is very few people who want to

be around those who are always
sick and ill. Yes, we need those
people. It's something to grasp.
The mystery of the body and its life
is very mundane. It's here in these
themes. And of course, what we're
going to see as we move along—I'll
start that next week, I'll integrate
these various aspects into a design.
Again, as I began with Personality
Resonance Mapping, I'm using the
chart of Timothy Leary. I'm going
to continue to do that on the De-
sign side so I can bring that whole
example together when we bring this all together next semester.

The Elements that Distinguish You as a Being in This Life

So, I will integrate this to the various aspects so you can begin to see how you syn-
thesize this foundation information and integrate it with the specific information that
is in your design. It's very important for you to look at this. Again, there is no rush
for you to jump to any conclusions here. This is something for real digestion and
pondering. But begin the process by recognizing that it's these elements that distin-
guish you as a being in this life. This is what people see. This is what they meet.
This is the strongest impact you have on anyone physically. This is the core of that.

What we're going to see is that when we move away from these elements, we move
into the internal life of the vehicle. That's very different. This is what you're putting
out on the surface. This is the way in which you are being presented. I'm 60 years
old and I have gotten old enough to understand from friends and others, people be-
gin to mark the way in which their body deteriorates. I don't feel like that, by the
way. I don't. I'm aware of my age. I don't think it's possible not to. Yet, at the
same time it's very obvious to me that the basic integrity of the nine-centered ve-
hicle, this Uranian vehicle with its 84 year standard life span, this is a vehicle that
has all kinds of potential for extended well-being. It's something we get to see in
looking at the Design External, this understanding that the Design External, your en-
vironment, is what is going to establish the correct quality of life, that quality of life
that really is going to benefit the longevity.

It's that quality of life that is also going to benefit things like your skin, things like
the quality of your aura, and so forth and so on. In other words, the basic ways in
which you present yourself in the idealized vehicle, this idealized Uranian vehicle.
We‘re able to maintain very high levels of quality in these aspects in the vehicle as
long as we're operating correctly and as long as we are eating correctly and we are
environmentally correct. This is the way we're designed.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence & Prana

So, it's something to keep in mind, the vanity of this, the bling, whatever they say
these days, because there are so many human beings who are concerned about
these things. And I understand that. There is so much money that is invested in
cosmetics, as an example, all kinds of things that people can have done for their bo-
dies and their skin, and this and that and so forth and so on. This is where you find
what is absolutely correct for you and you don't need any external agent for that.

Be Clear about Who is in Your Life

What you do need is to be very clear about who's in your life. I was filming this
morning the Profile series for Jovian Television. I was talking with Mal, our art direc-
tor; we're making an aura special. I was talking about many, many years ago I was
given some aura sticks. I started wandering around measuring auras. One after-
noon my dog was sleeping on the floor. I just got up and decided to measure her
aura. I was absolutely flabbergasted. Never again did she sleep in my room. This
was just such a big aura.

Truly, I don't think human beings grasp what this means, even those who have been
given the benefit of this kind of knowledge. It takes awhile to really grasp what it
means to be penetrated by another human being, aurically speaking. It is quite
something. When you see it within the context of resonance and the way in which
we operate, to clearly understand that whoever is in your life is conditioning your
presence. You do not condition that yourself. It is the magic of understanding the
lunar and planetary square, that these are positions of imprint. They are there to
resonate. This is not the Sun/Earth. This is not a representation of the actual Color,
as an example; this is resonance.

It's only when you're with those forces who are correct for you that that resonance is
possible, or within your own inner construct—and again we will go through that be-
cause there are so many variations of the way things can work and get aligned in
this process. It can be something that you can maintain relatively well within your-
self. But for most human beings, we are not here to be alone. This is not what it is
about. This is the whole essence of what the Nodes teach us, that we live life with
the other. There is no escaping that, but the other better be correct.

If it's not, it's not just a matter that your open centers are being conditioned and you
get a not-self strategy. This is about your body is being changed. You may start
losing your good looks or your sweet voice, whatever the case may be. You may
suddenly becomes more exhausted, more easily exhausted. There are all kinds of
things that can happen in that situation when you end up with aura and aura that is
incorrect that is going to—I was going to say contaminate, but I guess that's too
harsh a word—to condition, literally, the way in which your physical presence is
going to operate.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh


Let‘s take a step further. For me there is nothing quite as remarkable—I‘ve been
talking about this for ages now, this magic square. It‘s a joy to work with. And what
we‘re looking at here is something else. We‘re looking at the possibility of the
alignment of the vehicle to the inner process of differentiation. In other words, being
able to resonate to those things that are going to assist what is going to be your
fundamental mutation. [Full sized illustration of Prana.]

It‘s interesting to think about this within the context of the elements. When I say
―within the context of the elements,‖ given the nature of the Moon and given the na-
ture of the way in which the lunar and planetary square is constructed, think about
this in the sense as this kind of a process [red diagonal lines]. Let‘s just look for a
moment at the under-
lying themes that are
here [underlined blue
square keynotes], be-
cause in fact, they tell
us something really

When we were looking

at the Personality re-
sonance diagonals,
what we were looking
at was the possibility
for transcendent expe-
riencing. In other
words, being able to
experience at a higher
level of awareness rather than the superficial, mundane way in which we deal with
experience and need to deal with experience in the world.

We‘ve already seen the Presence. We‘ve already seen the way in which the vehicle
prepares its outer presentation to the world around it, and the way that presentation
is operating in a resonance. Remember, that given the way this is actually going to
work in your design, not all the elements are working at the same time. Some may
be working, some not. Again, there are many, many variations. So again, don‘t
jump to conclusions, just stay with the deconstruction.


I want to point out a couple of things here. The first thing I want to point out is this:
Breathing. I have never been somebody who studied a great deal about the nature
of the human respiratory system and I was never attracted to various therapeutics
that were associated with breath. I think because I have been all my life a musician
and I‘ve spent so much of my life as a teacher, that the way I breathe has not been

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence & Prana

a problem for me, I guess. I don‘t know. Anyway, this aspect of the lunar and pla-
netary square is something that is so remarkable to me. And in so many ways justi-
fies the enormous amount of
attention that is paid, partic-
ularly in Eastern body work,
to the importance of the way
in which a human being

We see that at the tonal lev-

el. We see it in tonal archi-
tecture—mouth breathers,
nose breathers. We see that
it is an essential element to
cognition. But it is some-
thing more here. It is some-
thing more. I think one of
the interesting things is that mutation brings a change in your breathing. Ultimately,
that‘s really what it‘s about. That change in your breath, by the way, is not just
from the point of view the basic rhythm of your breathing. It‘s more than that. You
have to see that this is coming from the way in which you resonate to the outside

Oxygen and Balance

There are two elements involved here. One is about the amount of oxygen that is
exactly correct for you, because the amount of oxygen for differentiation is unique
for each being. So each being
needs to take in a certain level of
oxygen. On the other side of this,
as we move away from this, we
move to the balance*. Now, this
is about the whole capacity to
bring balance to the inner life.

In other words, what we are look-

ing at here is that when the oxy-
gen level is correct—and again,
this is secondary to the way in
which it‘s going in and out, it is
about the level that is there and
when its correct—this is when the
form finds its balance. Now, that
balance is something that is very, very important, because literally, it is that inner
balance that is the only counterweight to fear.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Think about people in fear situations in which their whole breathing gets messed up.
The breathing speeds up, they hyperventilate, go into shock. It is something deeply
important to understand about what it means to be transformed as a vehicle, and
the transforming of the vehicle is in the breath. It is also in the smell. It is in the
very quality of the gas and the way in which pheromones pick up that particular val-
ue. There are distinctive changes that take place.

One of the things I found interesting in my own process was that when I went
through my experience with the Voice, two things happened to me that were obvious
to people who knew me; at least one of them was obvious. And that was my voice.
My voice changed. It dropped several tones in depth, literally overnight.

The other side of that was that my breathing changed. It‘s one of the things that I
found so interesting because I used to be bothered by when my nostrils were
clogged, like when you get a cold, feeling your nose is all blocked up and you have to
breathe through your mouth. I started to breathe through my mouth in a way that I
never had before. And within the context of my process, it just looked like I was
smoking more. But my breathing really changed.

I noticed when I began to teach again after my experience, began to stand up in

front of audiences, I had never had that kind of—I don‘t know how to describe that
because it is something that is so deeply intimate and inner. It is simply different.
And something to really understand about it, that the way you breathe, the oxygen
level that is necessary for you, the inner balance, that is really going to be able to
be that counter force to the fears within you; this is what you resonate to. It‘s who
you resonate to.

The moment you take that in, you have to see how incredible having some kind of
real authority actually is, an authority that can truly determine for you whether it is
correct or not for somebody to be in your aura. Because they‘re going to change
your body no matter what. They‘re going to change the way in which the equation
works. They may hit this button instead of this button. They don‘t necessarily hit
them both. We‘ll talk about that when we see it unfold.

Resonance Can Operate in Many Ways

There are all kinds of ways that resonance can operate. It‘s the other. It is so—at
some level it‘s almost scary how much we are determined by that other, whatever
that other may be. Think about all the others who are in your life. Think about all
the interaction you have with others, human beings, the ins and outs of auras that
you go through on a day-to-day basis and all of them are impacting us.

The healthiest I‘ve ever been is in the last 3½ years of my life. And most of that is
because I have a very, very closed auric field in terms of the number of different
kinds of auras that can enter into my aura. I‘ve never been this reclusive. And
frankly, it feels terrific. My body feels good. The moment I‘m out in the world I can
feel changes in my body. It‘s just so obvious to me.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence & Prana

To decode all of that would be quite an ordeal. I will try my best for you to show you
how that all unfolds. It‘s something to think about. It‘s not about saying, don‘t do
these things, and so forth and so on. But it is about understanding that the Cross of
Planning era is coming to an end, that the 40/37 that has been the bedrock of all of
this social demand on human beings is coming to an end, that the future is some-
thing that is going to be deeply, deeply individual in its nature. So, it‘s simply one of
those things to understand.

Excuse me for a second. I just had a cat attack. It doesn‘t do my lecture work any


So, the next thing—you would think that if we were looking at this keynote the first
thing we would think about is this keynote in relationship to Presence, but it‘s not. It
really isn‘t. One of the most interesting things about mutation is that mutation—and
again, through differentiation because there is no other way to see this—is rooted in,
one of its elements is rooted in Movement. Now, movement is very significant. For
example, you take
the Sufi dancer,
whirling and whirling
and whirling and
whirling and whirling
and that movement
for the form leads to
another state of, or
some kind of satori,
or whatever the
case may be.

The other side of

that is stillness. In
other words, what
you‘re looking at
here is that each
one of us has a quality of movement. It is that quality of movement, the differen-
tiated of that is going to be the foundation for this inner process of mutation. Not
everybody is supposed to be whirling in the dervish. Some are supposed to be abso-
lutely still. But more often than not, because of homogenization, the ones who are
supposed to be still are running around like chickens without their heads on. And
the ones who are supposed to be whirling away are sitting very still, deeply agitated
while they‘re doing that. Of course, all of that negatively impacts the vehicle itself.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh


The final element in this structure that points towards this Gravity is the Tempera-
ture. All of this is about being able to maintain the correct temperature, this rela-
tionship between the Movement or not—in other words, from one extreme to the
other, from the stillness to the
dervish—the movement or
not, the in and the out in
terms of the breath, all of this
to maintain what is the exact

I don‘t know to what degree

modern digital thermometers
for measuring temperature go
to in terms of their measure-
ment. I‘m actually going to
look into that, because it‘s one
of these things to understand
that these shifts in temperature are minute. They‘re minute in terms of the whole
holistic being. But they are deeply impactful within the construct itself.

And I assume that there are ways of being able to measure, through the combination
of the right quality of Movement with the right breathing, when you bring these to-
gether, then you get what is the right Temperature and this is the Gravity. This is
literally what is holding together the possibility of the uniqueness. This is the glue
that drives it forward.

No Choice

We are deeply a fascinating creature. Deeply fascinating in the way in which all of
this is constructed. It is humbling. When I started my career, I told people you
have to understand there is no choice. They had a hard time with all of that. I think
most people do. I think it‘s very
difficult to really get outside the
box and understand what this re-
ally is, that it's just something
that you‘re a passenger in. We do
not have any control over these
things; we do not. It‘s all illusion,
after all. These are all mechan-
isms operating in the Program.
It‘s what they are.

The magic that we‘re here for is to

be able to see, to be able to see
our helplessness and at the same

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence & Prana

time see the beauty in that helplessness, and see the dynamic of that. It also means
like any piece of information I have unraveled over all of these years, the decon-
structed, mechanical information gives us tools. Obviously, there are all kinds of
ways in which this process can be worked with. It is a process that is deeply impor-
tant for the vehicle. But is a process that needs to be initiated by the other.

It all goes back to our relationships. Everything having to do with the way we expe-
rience the world, the way we experience the other, this is our movie. This is what
makes it interesting, after all. It‘s what gives the passenger consciousness its de-
light, to be gifted with a vehicle that operates as it should, the differentiated process.

When we‘re looking at the combination of the Prana and the Presence, what is really
going to dominate in anybody‘s chart is what we‘re going to have to see in terms of
the values of the Gate and the Line and the Color that are there so we can see the
harmonies, resonances, and the dissonance. We can see the relationship inherent in
the magic square itself to what is the External and to what is the Internal in order to
see the relationship between the way in which the body expresses the experience of
form in life and the way in
which that body is properly
nourished on the outside and
properly nourished on the in-
side so that we have a diffe-
rentiated brain system that is
operating in a nurturing envi-
ronment where it is able to
experience the correct physi-
cal resonance to the world
around it.

That is a different body. And

it is one that is going to be
deeply, deeply healthy. But these are ideals, after all. The task at hand is first of all
to recognize the phenomena. As we move along, I will take you deeper and deeper
into each of these values so that we can see what they‘re really about so that you
can begin to look at interpreting them within the context of your chart.

Our Vulnerability

But most of all, the impression I want to leave you with is our vulnerability. You
have to begin to truly be so aware of who you allow in your aura. You do. And
that‘s not a mental decision. That is about the deep, visceral reality that is there in
your inner authority, an inner authority that can tell you, because without that,
there is so much conditioning going on that the being is lost. These are all frame-
works for awakening. To resonate physically to what is correct for you means that
you have an enriched quality of life; that in and of itself, expands your capacities,
your horizons. It opens up all kinds of possibilities that were never there before.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

There is nothing more remarkable than being physically attuned to your world. It‘s
what I talk about in my teachings about Variable, to be able to discover what is your
personal order. Not the greater order, not this natural order, but the unique order,
your unique order so that you can be correct. The vehicle is such a gift. These bo-
dies; they are the life. And when I say ―these bodies‖ please understand I‘m really
talking about the whole thing. The mind, the Personality, the way we interpret the
phenomena of this life, that‘s separate. The life is everything. It‘s what you live and
who you live it with and it‘s what you share. It is all of those things.

Recognizing Who Should Be in Your Life

You can see so clearly that you have no control over this. Not in any direct sense.
You cannot maintain the integrity of these values simply by being aware of them.
You can‘t. You can only do so by protecting yourself in the first place. If you‘re
going to change your life, wherever you may be, the only change you can make in
your life that truly changes your life is that you recognize that those who are in your
life don‘t belong there. If that‘s what you recognize, that‘s that you must change,
because it‘s not just a matter that you‘re dealing with the psychological conse-
quences. Your body is being deeply conditioned. And in that conditioning, being
pulled away from its promise, and its promise is about your health and well-being.

More than that, once you get beyond the Presence and you dig into the nature of the
Prana, what you get to see is that these vehicles give us the bedrock for what we
can achieve as transcendent awareness. It all comes out of the brain, after all. It is
all a by-product of form principle.

So here, we‘re at a special place, a place where the deep, deep vulnerability of the
form is revealed. And at the same time, the magic that is there. And in understand-
ing the magic, the way in which you can realize what is correct for you as Presence
and to be finally in tune to what is in fact your Prana.

All right, I hope you all enjoyed that. It was a pleasure sharing it with you. It will
give you a week to digest that one; though I imagine it will take a couple of years for
any of us to truly digest this. But, as always it's a delight. Until next time, you take
care; bye for now.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lesson Three
Presence: An Introduction to Analysis

Hello to all of you and welcome. I'm glad to see a lot of you here in person today.
This is a special one for me. It's my 23rd year in the knowledge. Every once in a
while, particularly developing material for Personality Resonance Mapping, and now
for Design Resonance Mapping, I'm stunned sometimes by what is there to be seen.
I'm grateful that it is a science because it can be verified.

PHS Diagnostic Capabilities Operate Aura To Aura, not Virtual

What I will share with you today is the rudimentary beginnings, my intuitive dabbling
in what is really the future of Primary Health System in terms of its diagnostic capac-
ities. And by the way, these particular diagnostic capacities that we are going to be
looking at in the context of this are not something that operates at the virtual level.
This has to do with aura and aura contact. Obviously, we're looking at the way in
which resonance operates.

Chart of Timothy Leary

For those of you who took Personality

Resonance Mapping with me, I'm using
the same chart of the late Timothy
Leary for no other purpose that it's an
interesting chart and it happened to be
there in my selection files. I don't
want to build too much out of that; but
nonetheless, just so that those of you
who aren't familiar with it know who
this is.

Advanced Imaging (AI), this informa-

tion here, yes, we understand what
that is all about. But really this is
where life is lived and experience. This is really the story. It's a complex story.
Basically, these are organizational structures. They're organizational for what hap-
pens here and what happens here [all lunar and planetary squares]. Obviously, it all

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

gets integrated in a holistic way, but it's important to understand something. When
you're putting values on Variable and you're putting values on the Internal and the
External, the thing to recognize
about Variable is that here is
Variable* and quite literally
here is differentiation*. This is
really something to grasp.

Variable is its own kind of ge-

neric. After all, there are only
16 Variable families. And ob-
viously, that is a vast generic
when we're talking about the
population. What Variable gives
us is a foundation for under-
standing the way for a unique
individual. In other words, the
various transformations that are inherent in what is going to be their process within
that larger Variable. But the thing that truly differentiates them, obviously there are
nuances in the data, and so forth and so on. But the real differentiation is in the
planetary squares, because it is here, truly, that existence is played out.

Obviously, when we're dealing with the Design side, we're talking about the life it-
self. The physical life of the vehicle is here [Design lunar and planetary squares.] In
the same way that the
mental life of the holis-
tic form is really here
[Personality lunar and
planetary squares], be-
cause this is where the
experience flows in.

So, let's move along a

bit. It's so interesting
for me—it's all these
years of teaching these
two different programs,
PHS and Rave Psychol-
ogy. I slowly begin to
understand the inhe-
rent differences. What
I mean by that is I
don't mean to be simple, but Design Crystal and Personality Crystal are very differ-
ent. The Design process and the Personality process are different. In the same way
that when you're looking at the magic square, you're looking at a mirror magic
square to the Personality magic square. There really is relevance in understanding
that these things are not the same. They're similar, obviously, but they're not the

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence: Introduction to Analysis

The Diagonal and the Diamond

When we come into this particular matrix, looking at the magic square on the Design
side, the thing we're going to be focusing on today is the way in which the magic
square is divided into its funda-
mental binary. There are two
things that we have here. We
have the diagonal, and the di-
agonal is one way in which this
operates, and the other is through
the diamond. So basically we
have the diagonal and the di-

In simple terminology, the way to

establish a difference between
Inner Function
them is to understand that, for
example in terms of the body, the
diamond represents our outer presentation, that's why it's call Presence. In
other words, the way the body is presented to the other and the world in the maia.

When we move inside to the in-

ner function of the vehicle,
that's when we move into the di-
agonal. So we have these two
aspects that are inherent in here.

Now, there's something to grasp

about the diagonal. When we
were looking at the diamond in
Personality Resonance Mapping,
what we have to see is that it
represented the mundane plane. Presence — Outer Presentation
It's significant to understand the
way in which this diamond operates. This is the way in which physically we reso-
nate, or harmonize in that sense, or dis-onate, if there's such a word, to the world
around us. This is the way in which our surface demonstrates both what it's taking
in, in terms of its relationship to what's outside, whether it's resonating to what's
good for it or not, so there is that value of taking it in. The other thing is that there
is an inner process.

Remember something about the planetary square. It resonates in two ways. That
is, the potential to resonate outward towards the other, towards the Program, to-
wards experience, and at the same time, the inner relationship that exists between
the square and the control panels, the Nodal configuration and the Sun/Earth confi-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh


All right, let's take a step further. Last week when we were looking at this, we saw
this stripped of its true values. In other words, the values that are inherent in the
design itself, what is the positioning, because, after all, what we're looking at is posi-
tioning. Before I go
further, though, I
want to have a little
review with you of
this Presence, to real-
ly grasp this.

What you're actually

looking at diagnosti-
cally is a way to
measure from the
outside, looking at
somebody, taking
them in in their aura
and talking to them,
being able to ascer-
tain whether they are
correct or not. I hope you grasp what I just said, because that is really a huge
mouthful. The first thing I want you to see in my approach analytically is diagnostic,
looking for functional signposts.

Aura, Voice, Liquid and Hydration

Let me give you an example.

Let's look at the four [squares],
first of all. What we're looking at
in terms of the way in which we
present ourselves, the first thing,
where the dominance is in the
Auric vertical and that domin-
ance means that Voice and Au-
ra are enormously important in
the way we meet the other. One
of the things you notice about
Voice and Aura and why they
dominant is that they stretch far
beyond the physical body itself.
Your voice can shout across a valley; the aura can't go as far obviously, but nonethe-
less it is something that is beyond the very surface of the form itself.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence: Introduction to Analysis

The surface of the form itself is here.

It's in the Liquid; and in that liquid,
first of all, the vitality of the whole
muscle system, the way in which the
body is hydrated, and then the skin.
The skin is enormously important and
it is an enormous key in being able to
diagnose on the surface. So, we have
these four elements that are here in
terms of the way in which Presence
can manifest itself.

How the Relationship of Presence Works within the Vehicle

Understand something. Not everything you're going to have—because all of you, it's
going to be very important for you to look into what I show you today, to really look
into this and really see this yourself, because you'll discover it's a remarkable tool.
One of the things to understand is that what I'm going to look at here today and only
look at here today, is the way in which the relationship of Presence works within the
vehicle itself. That is, works with its relationship to the Design Nodes and to the De-
sign Sun/Earth.

Now, that's going to be very, very important. And it's going to be very important
because the way in which the vehicle is going to function is going to either resonate
or not, harmonize or not, be in dissonance or not with what is dietarily correct for
the vehicle and environmentally correct. So, these are very interesting things to
begin to add together into the equation.

The Internal and the External

So, let's take an example of this. Let's take,

in this case, a look at the way in which the
relationships operate. Now, here we have
the Design so we can begin this enormous
journey of going up to the surface and look-
ing at the way in which this can be unders-
tood at the surface level. The first thing to
keep in mind is that when we're looking here
at this particular design, we have the 4th Col-
or in terms of the Internal and the dietary
regimen. Of course, that is going to be nerv-
ous and a dietary regimen in which a lot of
activity, a lot of stimulation, a lot of interrup-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

tions in the eating process, that all of this is going to be an aspect there.

Underneath that we have the 1st Color. Underneath here, in relationship to the Ex-
ternal, we have the 1st Color, 1st Tone; we're dealing with the
cave. And we're dealing with the importance of the cave for
that being. It's interesting that he escaped from prison, which
I think is a very funny story. But anyway, I don't want to get
into playing with all of this. I just wanted to show something
that tickles my funny bone.

Control Panels

So, again, think of these as

control panels. This is the
way in which the whole fil-
tering of the life experience
is going to take place in
the magic square, the way
this is going to be con-
trolled in terms of is it
going to be impacted by
the correct environment or
not? For example, if it's
not in the correct environ-
ment, then the interactions
aren't going to be success-
ful which means that the
impact—but before I go too
far, let's look here for a moment.

Mercury has a 4th Color and Venus has a

4th Color. When you're looking at the
Neptune, you can see that it's a 3, and
it's a 6 [Jupiter]. So, let's look at some-
thing very clearly here and very signifi-
cant to begin with. We automatically
have a resonating relationship between
the Voice and the Complexion. You can
see that the Voice and the Complexion
happen to be a conjunction in the 31st
Gate. The conjunction in the 31st Gate
happens to be a part of a definition that
defines this central split and this design
and actually turns on the identity; again,
to see it in its relationship. So, Voice,
Complexion resonating with dietary regimen.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence: Introduction to Analysis

Mercury: The Voice

Are you ahead of me yet? Think about it for a moment. Now, I want you to under-
stand the nature of Voice. Again, you're seeing Voice at the unconscious level. Re-
gardless of the value of the line in the way in which the holistic interpretation takes
place, the Mercury in the 31st
Gate brings a certain timber
and quality to the voice. Re-
member, it's not the words,
it's not the mind.

Think about how much you no- Voice

tice differences in people by
the way they speak to you.
Somebody you know and
speak to on a regular basis,
you can hear in their voice
when something is the matter.
You can hear in their voice
when they're this way or that
way about this or that or
whatever. It is there in the
timber, it is there in the quality
of the voice. This is what the
Mercury represents.

So, when you really think about this, the way in which this 31.5 is going to operate—
and again I'm not going to take you to that level yet when we actually do the line
itself; you can research this afterwards. But the effectiveness of that 31.5, as an
example, is going to be dependent on the proper dietary regimen. Without the
proper dietary regimen, the way in which that influence is going to come out isn't
going to carry the voice that carries the power. Now, interestingly enough, you have
an exact conjunction here. You have an exact Color conjunction as well as a Line
and Gate conjunction. So this is an enormously powerful theme and it is a theme
that deeply resonates to this.

Signposts: Voice and Skin

Remember my premise at the beginning was about being able to see that what is
emerging here is a combination of diagnostics and signposting. Signposting is one of
those things that are of enormous value to anyone who has entered into what is, in
essence, a lifelong journey. And in any lifelong journey, the potential to lose pers-
pective because you do not see the progression, you do not see the process as it un-
ravels as you go through.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

One of the things we're looking at here is this person and any problems that are
going to arise. Let's say there is something wrong with them at the internal level;
the likeliest area of that is going to be
either a thyroid or a liver problem. It's
going to be one or the other. This is
something that is simply going to be
there in the mix. His well-being is
something you're really going to be able
to judge by two things, because after
all, it's two things. You're going to be
able to judge it by the quality and tim-
ber of the voice, but you're also going
to see it in the skin.

Of course, this is one of the most ob-

vious places where you see that some-
body is not well. This is something that
is a clear sign. In most cases, unfortunately by the time you get to the state where
you actually see that in somebody, the process they're in has already gone to a very,
very deep stage. The thing that's so interesting about this as a diagnostic tool is
that ultimately it will be a greater value to those who are raised correctly rather than
to go through a deconditioning, because it's a deep subtlety to get it at this level.
And of course, you need to be operating correctly in order for this to be a consistent
diagnostic tool.

For conditioned people, you would use it the other way around. In other words, bas-
ically for them they will be able to notice a change in the way in which they express
whatever their alpha expression of identity happens to be. There's going to be a
change in the quality of their voice. It is something that can recognizable if it's
something they're aware of. Others, by the way, will notice it because it is some-
thing that is good for them. In other words, the strength of that voice, the health of
their skin is the kind of thing where if they are operating correctly in the context of
being a triple split, where you're going to see their correctness is in the quality of
their skin and in the quality of their voice. And for them, this is a measurement that
is going to be very, very important for

The other thing that's interesting in this is

that when we are looking at this—and
again, we're only looking at the way in
which this operates on the inside. We're
looking at a 1st Color [Nodes]. Of course,
given the nature of these 4s [circled], we
also know there is a harmony. The har-
mony isn't as demanding as the reson-
ance. In other words, this is going to be
the key aspect of the way in which we're
going to be able to measure well-being.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence: Introduction to Analysis

There is going to be a sidebar to that as well; again, the presence of the Neptune in
the 33. Despite the fact that there happens to be what is an effective dissonance to
both the 1 and the 4, the 33 is going to be very much a part of that well-being; in
other words, the importance for this
person to be properly hydrated.

Again, this is something from the point

of view of being able to see it within the
context of the design, to be able to use
the idealized function here as a measur-
ing board to be able to recognize well-
being or not. Not just from the point of
view of being a practitioner working
regularly with somebody, but also for
that person to begin to see certain
things that they can pay attention to,
particularly within the context of their


Think about the nature of Neptune in this particular position. It is going to be very,
very important for these beings to be able to have their retreat. And we also know
there is going to be this natural harmony to the cave environment. Of course, this is
going to be an indication that when these people are outside of that, when this per-
son was outside of that, they
were always in a deeply vulnera-
ble situation.

Remember something that goes

back to the very basics of your
studies in either PHS or Rave
Psychology: There truly is a bar-
rier here. That barrier demands
that if you're not operating cor-
rectly according to your Strategy
and Authority, all of this is dys-
functional because the over-
whelming attraction to what one
is not is just going to be devas-
tating. And there is never going
to be this possibility of the re-
finement of the experience.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Seeing Well-Being or Not

Let's think about these elements. What we're looking at is the key to being able to
see well-being. It's about seeing well-being or not. We all have these keys. I don't
know—Adrian, you developed the statistics for the Personality side. I don't know if
you did it for the Design side. It would be interesting to see the relationship be-
tween the diamond and the triangle to the Design Nodes and Sun/Earth. In looking
at the Personality statistics, you saw clearly that the vast majority of human beings
always have a relationship somewhere within the magic square context to the Nodes
and to the Sun/Earth. These are themes that are going to dominate.

So, it's very important to see that in this particular relationship, this is really what is
going to dominate and it means that that 31.5.4 is one of the most important keys of
all in this person's well-being. This is really going to be the place where it matters.
Yes, there is a secondary reality having to do with the Hydration. But the Hydration
is going to be deeply dependent on the resonance working. This is one of the things
we teach when we're
looking at taking some-
body through these vari-
ous stages of transfor-
mation, the dietary re-
gimen and the environ-
mental positioning in
life, the environmental
orientation that this is
when you begin to expe-
rience correctly.

Of course, on the Perso-

nality side we can look
at the mundane diamond
and say, well, that's
mundane, but you can't even do it there because without it, there is no Personality
survival. And here you have to see very clearly that this diamond is enormously po-
werful because it is the barometer to our well-being relative to the other.

So, for example, the quality of this being's relationships is going to be deeply depen-
dent on their External. When they're in that External through the harmony, they're
going to be able to have the physical presence that is so necessary for them both to
maintain their viability in the maia, but at the same time, to be able to meet the
other and to be able to meet the other looking. And it's more than looking, obvious-
ly, but looking to the other like somebody you want to engage with because there is
well-being in them. People who feel good, who are healthy and enjoy their health,
they put out a very, very different kind of frequency.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence: Introduction to Analysis

The other thing is something really

fascinating to think about and some-
thing that it tells us. When we're
looking at this configuration, we see
that everything is crowded in here.
Not only is everything crowded in
here, but obviously the Design Sun
itself is in the 56th Gate. So again,
the deep relationship is going to be
there in terms of the importance of
the dietary regimen and the way in
which dietary regimen is going to
impact the skin quality and the way
in which it's going to impact the
Voice and ultimately the Hydration.

Prostate Cancer

Leary died of prostate cancer. So, it is something to grasp about one of the deep
dilemmas. By the way, the prostate cancer always can be found as a possibility in
the 49, in the 55. It is connected to histidine. It is connected to the mutation itself.
But that is just a sidebar.

The Disconnect of Jupiter

It's a gateway. It's what I really hope you get to see. It's a way of being able to
point to an area in somebody's design
to see what is the dominate theme. In
this case, these three and the way it
works in the configuration. But to see
something else, to see the disconnect of
the Jupiter and the Jupiter which
represents, literally, the quality of the
physical Aura. Again, it's one of these
things you get to see. This is somebody
who does not naturally have a strong
aura. And if they're incorrect, they are
going to constantly be attracted to ex-
panding that aura, literally. This is not
a strong aura. As a matter of fact, the
moment their aura becomes too strong
is a moment that it's a sign they're real-
ly not healthy. Now, aura measurement is an art more than a science and I have

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

dabbled with it for many, many years. But it is clear that you get to see aura fluctu-
ations quite dramatically in the course of a day. The aura fluctuates. Here is some-
body that the moment this becomes something you feel from them right away is not
a good sign.

There are many, many nuances of being able to look at this information, to be able
to understand it within the keynoting of the magic square and to be able to see not
simply elements that are going to lead to dysfunction, because the real functioning
of the vehicle is inside. It's not here.

Presence: Seeing Dysfunction on the Surface

Ultimately, what Presence represents is an opportunity, literally, to be able to see

from the surface what's going on in the inside. And not so much being able to see
from the surface what's going on in the inside, but being able to see immediately on
the surface when there is something wrong on the inside, when there is something
that is a dysfunction. The moment you can bring this to the level of design, to inte-
grate it up to the level of the bodygraph and to begin to understand how to bring this
person to recognize these values is going to be a key for them.

It's going to be—how shall I put this—it's preventive medicine. It really is. It's pre-
ventive medicine. To be able to understand those areas on the surface that fluctuate
and that those fluctuations are markers that can see; it's like biofeedback. It literally
gives you an opportunity to be able to do something about that, to begin to recog-
nize there is something that's the matter. And of course, all of this goes back to
what you get to see as the key relationships in the way in which the life force—
because that's what all this is about—the way the life force is going to be managed.
It's best managed in this environment.

You can see that there is not just

simply a disconnect between the
relationship of the Sun with Venus
Ë c and Mercury and Neptune. But
you can see the disconnect in the
q South Node, as an example, and
Jupiter sitting out here, again in
the mental disconnect. Again,
ex v
when we're dealing with the not-
self we know darn well that this
construct here, as part of the triple
split, is going to be a major factor
in the way in which they determine
the world and the way in which
they see things. This is a defined
mental being. There is all this
stuff going on. So, there is a dis-
connect here in terms of the importance of what is the correct environment.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence: Introduction to Analysis

Again, it's so interesting to see what life does to you. He was sent to prison, he es-
caped, he was on the run, he had to hide out in places, locked up again, little rooms,
and all that stuff, fled to Europe. There were all these things that were there in the

Human Design has an Unusual Perspective

We have an unusual perspective. We have a perspective unlike any other. It means

you can look out at the homogenized world and you can see that it's all damaged,
lost, and so forth. In some ways you can do that from this perspective. You can see
that, unfortunately, for whatever the serendipity of it is, the vast majority of humani-
ty is deeply programmed and homogenized.

Yet, at the same time, one of the things I've tried to show through teaching the na-
ture of openness is that not-self strategies lead to not-self purposes. Not-self pur-
poses drive human beings. Within the not-self world we see all of that. We see the
measurement of success based on not-self purpose with the undefined Ego proving
something. That's a not-self purpose. You get to see the enormous and deep distor-
tion that is there.

For whatever Timothy Leary's contribution was, and obviously there was a contribu-
tion, the fact is that had he been born to aware parents and raised according to his
nature, it's not—because it's a dangerous thing to say, I obviously cannot prove what
I'm about to say, but it is clear that so many of the things that were a part of his life,
never would have been part of his life. It would have been a life that would have
gone a very, very different direction.

The Triple Split Seeks Truth More Than Anybody Else

The triple split in particular has—when you really understand cognitive purpose in a
nine-centered being, you get to see that it‘s the triple split who seeks truth more
than anyone else. There is a desperate search, in that sense, because of the nature
of the way in which their split can never truly be satisfied by simply another. It is
the complexities of aura and whatever. The not-self in a being like this is going to
take them far, far away from what is possible for them. Not only that, but as they
move away from it, they may have the serendipity of a lot of—the circumstance hu-
man beings really have serendipitous opportunities in their diet; for example, par-
ticularly somebody who has the 4.6 as in this case, the nervous. In the modern
world with all the things that go on and the busyness of life and the restaurant world
and notoriety world, all of that may have actually functioned to one degree or anoth-
er in a way that sometimes was really good for this being.

But the reality is that the way in which decisions are going to be made are constantly
going to run against what is naturally good for this being. And of course, what you

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

get to see on the surface is like an iceberg. By the time you get to see the surface,
there‘s a huge wound underneath. There is something that truly needs to be dealt

How This Being Expresses Himself is the Key to His Well-Being

If this is somebody who comes into the world and they have the serendipity of being
raised correctly, they‘re going to discover something deeply, deeply important about
themselves. They‘re going to discover that how they express themselves is always
going to be the key to their well-being. With this knowledge it is so easy for me to
counsel them, for them to understand that as long as they speak in reaction, they
are always going to be relatively healthy. And I say ―relatively‖ because it‘s a triple

There are many elements in a process for a human being when they enter into their
Strategy and Authority and they go through their cleansing process. But for this be-
ing particularly, how important it is not to
initiate verbally, how significant it‘s going to
be because their response in terms of the
quality and the timber of their voice is
going to be healthy; it means they‘re going
to carry power in their alpha authority.

It also means that they‘re going to look

good. Their skin is going to look good.
They‘re going to look healthy. They‘re
going to give off that frequency. Visually,
somebody who looks ill is not trusted.
Think about that. It‘s something to think
about. Our basic immune system, in re-
cognizing lack of well-being, is not enthusiastic about engaging them. It isn‘t. We
overcome that with mental decision making. The mental decision making that says,
―All right, I‘m going to go into the hospital and see that person.‖ It‘s like, wow, take
on that aura and take on all that stuff, and so on. Anyway, I don‘t want to digress
too much.

Life is Constructed in the Holistic Phenomena

This, in a sense, is the key to not just simply being able to diagnose something, but
it‘s being able to take this knowledge that is so deep in the infrastructure and be
able to see it in the bodygraph and see the way it works. Not only see the way it
works, but to understand that in the holistic phenomena—because after all this is
coming from elsewhere—you actually get to see the way in which the subtleties are
altered even further.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence: Introduction to Analysis

I spoke to you at the beginning about the nature of differentiation is something that
can witnessed in the magic squares. But life is constructed in the holistic phenome-
na, a life that is constructed through
the Link Nodes, and in that life that
is constructed for us; we get to see.
For example, that Neptune, despite
the fact that it‘s going to bring dis-
sonance, is going to be integrated
into this along with the Sun because
of the nature of the definition that is

Ultimately, as I mentioned, next

semester I‘m going to do an Intro-
duction to Holistic Analysis based on
all the knowledge of substructure on
the Design and the Personality side
and see it integrated into the analy-
sis of a design.

So here, of course, we‘re going to have elements that are coming from the Personali-
ty, and those values that are going to be with those elements. We‘re finally going to
be able to see the picture and begin to understand that this holistic form is the mi-
racle because this is where differentiation is ultimately established. The way in
which this configuration works creates a unique way in which this operates.

Dissonance Can Be a Warning Signal

More than that, it tells us something very significant. It says that dissonance, as an
example, is something that can be easily integrated into such a thing. Dissonance is
very important because it announces itself. For example, if we‘re going to look for a
sign of lack of well-being in this person, we have the basic construct, we know that.
But the whole thing about resonance is that resonance isn‘t something you feel
strongly. It‘s very, very natural. It‘s a very, very natural flow. The moment this
person is going to be eating with the right dietary regimen, this is a very easy flow.
It naturally is going to benefit voice, naturally going to benefit skin quality.

But dissonance is different. The whole thing about dissonance is that it stands out.
It makes noise, if you will. It‘s not a singing together; it‘s not singing in harmony.
It is dissonant. It is noisy. It‘s out of that harmonic. And because of that, it gets
attention. It just does. So, one of the things to be clear about is that if you‘re look-
ing for a key to be able to see those things that are going to suddenly just burst to
the surface, then here is going to be your key.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Here‘s the dissonance that is caught up

in what is basically a pure resonance.
That dissonance is going to—even
though it‘s not the strongest element,
the Hydration element as an indicator of
lack of well-being—this is going to be
the bell ringer and it‘s going to ring real-
ly loud.

It‘s like that kind of thing where this

person suddenly realizes that, God, I‘m
awfully thirsty today; you know, this
kind of thing where there is a sudden
change in the way they‘re looking to hy-
drate their system, or not. Or they find
themselves, without really understanding, perspiring heavily or not perspiring at all,
what under normal circumstances that wouldn‘t be happening.

In other words, in this particular person‘s case, we can immediately look to Hydra-
tion as a key for them as a warning signal that there may be something wrong.
That‘s very powerful. It is a window that opens up for us that we can give tools for
those who have entered into their process, to give them tools so they can, with
awareness, see their well-being, measure their well-being, see the development of
their well-being because we have keys that we can point them to.

Again, so much of the way in which this operates is going to be dependent on the
quality of the Personality consciousness. This is about awareness after all. It is
about being aware of what it is to be able to see. You have to work with people and
help them be able to see. Again, the mind is so clouded by its demands to make de-
cisions that don‘t often get to see the incredible opportunity that is here in being able
to see. And this is one of those things in which everybody becomes their own physi-
cian: Physician heal thyself.

The Future: The Age of the Individual

As we move into the future—I started by telling you that I was going to introduce
you to the future. It really is about the future. Think about institutions that are the
bedrock of the Cross of Planning era. The institutions ultimately are going to begin
to decay and crumble. It‘s interesting. I just read a big article in the International
Herald Tribune, and it was entitled The Decay of Institutions or something like that,
connected to the economic system, of course, but to many other things. It‘s clear
that these major institutions are going to suffer deteriorating phenomena over the
next 50 to 100 years. Along with that will go the highly sophisticated restructuring
of medicine that was developed over the last several hundred years, the kinds of
medical skills and all the things that are out there in the allopathic world.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence: Introduction to Analysis

We are entering into an age of the individual. Human Design is here to be able to
empower the individual so that it can operate correctly, that it can survive, and that
it can flourish in a world in which it mostly has to depend on itself. If you‘re raised
correctly and you‘re able to operate in this world correctly, given the knowledge that
is here, the chances are that you should never really need anybody else to be able to
help you in the sense of being able to fine-tune your health process. There are al-
ways going to be conditioning factors, forces that always demand attention. And the
very nuances of awareness that can develop out of correctness in these tiny little
nuances in factors that are relative to oneself—again, we‘re looking at this particular
circumstance here.

This would allow this being to immediately know that something is the matter, to
immediately understand that something is the matter and it is a moment then to be
able to stop whatever one is doing and to simply reflect and begin to grasp what is
taking place. We‘ll be able to take this deeper, by the way, because we can see
these associations and where they are.
It‘s very obvious that when you‘re
dealing with the presence and well-
being of this person, that it is all deep-
ly connected to their thyroid system.
And I assume that dysfunction in their
thyroid system was a precursor to
their problems, their later physical
problems in life.

All of this is in the Throat Center, so

obviously we‘re going to be able to see
that there is a deep connection.
Again, by the very nature of the defini-
tion, because this is about Holistic
Analysis, we also have to take in the
relationship to the liver and in that,
the understanding of the way in which these conscious or Personality aspects oper-
ate. We haven‘t discussed the 1, as an example, in terms of the other element that
is here from the Design itself.

PHS is Much More than the Control Panel

All of this opens up something that goes far beyond the introduction to PHS which
has been the work of the Science of Differentiation College since its inception. That
is, to train practitioners and to train psychologists. In terms of Primary Health Sys-
tem, it is very important to understand that the training to this point is about the
control panel. You can help people working with that, obviously. We all see that in
the way in which they‘ve been trained.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

And yet, at the same time to understand that Primary Health System is much, much,
much more than the control panel. Not only is much more, but it‘s going to be able
to give us all kinds of areas to be able to work with in order to help people and be
able to benefit them. We‘re going to see in the not-self a great deal of dysfunction
that shows itself through the key elements. We‘re going to be able to see it, we‘re
going to be able to analyze it and we‘re going to be able to offer somebody who is
involved in this process a way of getting deeper clarity into the particular elements
that affect their well-being.

Now, I'm only dealing with surface and I'm only dealing with one aspect today. Next
week I will show you what this looks like when we enter into the diagonal and we
enter into the inner and the mutative process. This is something that is really pro-
found. There is a tremendous amount of material that is going to be able to help us
in helping others and to be able to see more clearly, to be able to work with our-

Teaching One to be Their Own Physician

My first thing I will do next year is offer a diagnostic program to be able to turn eve-
ryone who is involved in this knowledge and who is a part of the program, to literally
teach them to be their own physician, to be their own watch dog, to be their own
guardian, to be their own protector. We will share the travel that one has down such
a journey and the signposts that are there in that journey because we will explore
that in a very profound way.

If I can teach you—and when I say "you," that class when we get to that program—if
I can teach those beings how to see all of these elements within themselves and to
be able to watch them and experience the phenomena, because you have to expe-
rience the phenomena, it's incredible when you do, by the way, I know from my own
experience—then I know we can develop a program for being able to help people to
develop these skills, to know the signposts within their own design, to have a way
they can watch and measure their well-being, and that they don‘t have to be sur-
prised that all of a sudden they are suddenly sick.

The signposts are going to be there. They are going to be particularly loud in the
case of integrated dissonance, as we have in this particular case. The kinds of things
that you can just point to and say, ―Look there. When you see this, it is a warning,
and it's a warning that's saying to you that you're doing stuff that's incorrect. Go
back to the program. How far have you deviated from the program? And if you're
deviated from the program, whether that's from the higher level of Strategy and Au-
thority or the nuance level of the substructure, it's going to be something that im-
mediately tells you look out, here's a warning, don't take this any further.‖ Again, it
is something to grasp.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Presence: Introduction to Analysis

The Diamond: Our Physical Relationship to the Other

The other side of this is not so much be-

ing able to see that this is a diagnostic
tool. But I want you to grasp something
else. We have two different relationships
here: The relationship between the Inter-
nal and the External to the Experiential.
Everything about the life we know flows
along the External. And that flowing
along the External is our relationship to
the other. It is here in the diamond that
our physical relationship to the other is
created. This is where our physical rela-
tionship is, when we're going to have the
best relationships, when we're going to be
with the right people.

Again, you can see what all these leads to. It is something for us to understand that
you can begin to measure your interactions with others relative to the quality or the
activations or the subtleties of
your particular Presence.
Aren't we just incredible crea-
tures, eh? I worked 23 years
to see this. The form principle,
the whole business of the
form principle is right here.
This is the deep level of grasp-
ing how different we all are, let
alone that the numbers are
going to be different where
they are, what they do, how
they relate to each other.
There is this extraordinary dif-
ferentiation that is inherent in
this. And along with that is the beauty of the way in which we can see through this.

Again, I will take you deeper into the deconstruction of these values. But fundamen-
tally what you're looking at is our ability to truly be able to see the nuances of the
form and to be able to measure whether or not the idealized possibility of that form
is being realized or not. This is a huge step in the development of Primary Health
System. This transforms the practitioner from a dispenser of formulas to truly a
practitioner, to somebody who has deep and penetrating understanding of the form
of the other. So it's something for me that is enormously exciting. It is something
that is really deeply beautiful.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

When you take them together and

you begin to add all of this together,
you can see quite clearly that we
truly have a map here. We have a
map to the deep subtleties of the
way the life force operates and a
map to the way in which the perfec-
tion of the awareness is intended to
work. It's all there. Each and every
aspect in the mapping gives us ulti-
mately a technique that we can de-
velop, offer to others and help them
holistically fulfill their process. Be-
cause in the end, it is the magic of
the Monopole, the Link Nodes that
bring us together to this incredible construct. We have the keys. So, it's something

Look at your Diagonal

That was lovely. I enjoyed sharing that with you. Getting that out the first time is a
delight. It's important that you look at this yourselves. Start just with the diagonal.
Look at your diagonal, look for the resonances, the harmonies, the dissonance. Look
for the relationships. And begin to look at yourself. Use your knowledge, because
you're all very knowledgeable, to begin to intuit direction. Begin to see what you can
look for; begin to see the measurements that are there. It's fantastic as a process.

I use it for my children, my young children. It gives me keys to look for. It gives
me something that I can notice right away, that I don't have to wait for the sound of
one of them coughing or something. It's amazing how these things work. So it's
really something to begin to dig into. And next week, yeah, that's really something;
we'll get there.

Ok, until then, all of you, you take care. Thanks for being part of it. Bye for now.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lesson Four
Prana: Introduction to Analysis

Hello and welcome to all of you. We come to the second step in this introduction to
analysis. We have looked at Presence and we have looked at the way in which we
resonate in such a way that the surface becomes a great indicator of our well-being
or not, as an example.

We began to see the way we could integrate that into a graph. This graphing is ob-
viously deeply complex. What we‘re looking at here is just a basic introduction to a
way in which we can begin to
assess this information and
look at it ourselves. As I men-
tioned to you and as you know,
we are dealing with two confi-
gurations. We are dealing with
a configuration that is here in
terms of the diamond.

By the way, next week we will

look at the way in which that
works out in terms of the
population. It‘s very interest-
ing to look at the statistical
values—again, thanks Adrian—for the level of resonance that exists in incarnations in
terms of how many people have resonance to the Nodes as percentages, resonances
to the Sun/Earth; in other words, being able to see the configurations in the popula-
tion as a whole.

Summary of Personality Square and the Design Diamond

What we‘re really going to be looking at here is the diagonal. In looking at the di-
agonal, we enter into something that is very different. Again, for those of you who
participated in Personality Resonance Mapping, what we got to see on the Personality
side is that the magic square operates at two levels: The mundane level and a level
that is, in essence, on a trajectory for a much greater awareness. So we have two
different ways in which the Personality experientially gets its data. In other words,
it‘s tiered.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

The symmetry is inherent in all of this. It is something to see that when we were
looking at the Design diamond, what we were looking at in Presence, is very much
the way in which the surface interacts with its environment. The way in which the
surface interacts with its environment can be an indicator to us, as we discussed last
week. In other words, to be able to see these movements that are unhealthy that
will show up in the complexion, or whatever the case may be, to enter into the inner
operatings of our resonance system. It is here where the physical mutation of dif-
ferentiation is housed. It‘s hard to express that yet. We‘ll get there.

Fine-Tuning of the Inner Process for Differentiation

Think about it this way: What is important for the vehicle? What is important for the
vehicle is that the vehicle operates according to its nature. This is what is important
for the vehicle. If we discon-
nect the vehicle from the way
in which mind operates and all
the dilemmas that are inhe-
rent in mind, all the vehicle
seeks is the potential to be
able to operate correctly, ob-
viously what we do in Human
Design in terms of Strategy
and Authority.

But this is something else.

This is at a much, much more
profound level. This is about
the fine-tuning of the inner
process. It is the fine-tuning of the inner resonance that establishes the framework
for one thing and one thing only: Differentiation. In other words, the way in which
the vehicle resonates to the world around it, this resonance is going to be exactly
what is good for the awakening of the pure individuation that is there in the vehicle.

I think there can be a lot of confusion about the fact that individuality is something
that is going to be expressed by the passenger consciousness. I put a great
deal of emphasis on that because, of course, the goal is awareness. But then again,
my teachings are very clear. We are involved in deep, deep form principle know-
ledge. And the form principle knowledge dictates that we have to respect the fact
that whatever is possible in terms of the self-reflected consciousness is totally de-
pendent on the vehicle. If the brain is not right, then things are not right. It‘s just
the way it is.

The very nature of, or the very potential of the way in which the vehicle can operate
at its most exalted level is inherent in this diagonal. Basically, what we‘re looking at
when we‘re looking at the magic square and its resonance is that mechanically, it‘s
always giving us keys to refine our process and in this case, to refine what is our
physical process.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Prana: Introduction to Analysis

The Transformation of the Nature of Martian Energy

But before I can take you any further into the specific dynamics of Mr. Leary‘s chart
as we‘ve been moving through this story, I would like to go in here and look at this
in a very, very detailed way to begin with. The first thing is we have to come to
grips with the transformation of the nature of Martian energy at the end of what is
the round. In terms of the nature of the round which is 16,000 plus years, we‘re
looking at really being in the latter part of it in this stage.

I think Mars more than any other planet, because I think that its redness, its visibili-
ty in the sky is something that is really very ancient. I think that more than any
other object that is close to us, aside from a planetary object, I don‘t want to refer to
the Moon, Mars is something
that has always stood out and
it has always been deeply
connected with, for example,
fire, the coloring.

If you look at the Babylonian

Mars, it was a Mars that oper-
ated through a seven-
centered vehicle. It operated
within the limitations of that
seven-centered vehicle. One
of the things we know about
that seven-centered vehicle is
that because it was designed
to be dominated by mind, it was also designed to be deeply impetuous. I think the
impetuosity of the seven-centered being is inherent in what Mars is, or at least what
Mars was in that context. That is, this energy that can lead to either the savage-
ness, the way in which the Babylonians preferred to see it, to just simply that kind of
immature energy.

Venus & Mars Dominate the Rave I’Ching Exaltations & Detriments

But if you see Mars within the nine-centered context, the first thing is that the nine-
centered being exalts the Martian imprint. Now, something that's interesting to
note, by the way, if you take a look at the Rave I‘Ching, every single line has a pla-
netary affiliation for both the exalted or detriment, whatever the configuration hap-
pens to be. If you add up the planets that are mentioned—how many times the
Earth is exalted or in detriment, or whatever the case may be—if you add them all
up, what you‘ll get to see is that Mars and Venus dominate.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Venus dominates the diamond. Venus really is in control of the mundane level of
life. Here when you‘re looking at Mars, you‘re looking at this inherent mutative ca-
pacity. Mars and Venus flood, literally, the 384 lines with their potential influence
one way or another.

The Map of Inner Mutation is Controlled by Temperature

As you move deeper and deeper into resonance mapping with me, you have to begin
to look at the potential activations of
planets in different gates and lines to
begin the grasp the significance of what
that is pointing to. Because the moment
you see something like this*, it‘s no
longer a matter that you‘re concerned
about the word values inherent in the
line description, but a very specific un-
derstanding that there is a very, very
clear tilting here, because what you‘re
looking at is a map to inner mutation
[the diagonal]. And the map of inner
mutation is controlled by temperature, and temperature does not originate here
[Mars]. It doesn‘t.

Now, I don‘t want to mix too many things

because I don‘t want to confuse you. But at
the same time I have no choice. Think
about Base configuration. In Base configu-
ration you have the Bases that are going all
around. And in the center you have the in-
teractive environment, the EK, space, illu-
sion, the illusion that arises
out of the Four Corners.
When I go into Advanced
Mechanics after my one-
week break, this is one of those final pieces in the puzzle in terms of
the way in which fractals operate, the way we connect to each oth-
er, all of these various things.

What we‘re looking at is a blueprint for the correct

vehicle. It‘s a blueprint. Ok, so what we know in the
center is that we have this illusion of Temperature. In
other words, mutation is not determined by Mars, yet,
Mars is an agent of it because Mars is the central force
of this dynamic. But in fact, Temperature is a by-
product of all of this. This is deeply, deeply impor-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Prana: Introduction to Analysis

Temperature is a funny thing. Each and every one of us has a unique temperature.
Now, think about that. I know the moment you think about that you think that I‘m
talking about degrees, and I‘m not, though at extremes I think that exists. What I‘m
talking about is that Temperature here is about the correct inner temperature. And
it is a differentiated temperature.

Imagine if we could measure temperature—I don‘t really know, I‘m being very clear
here—imagine if we could measure temperature to the tenth decimal point of degree.
The moment we could get to that level is the moment we could immediately begin to
see that there is an enormous array of temperatures. Now, there is a general field of
temperature, as we well know. But this is a generalization, please understand that.
And the key is not whether your temperature is hot or your temperature is cold; it
isn‘t about that. It is about that it is the right temperature. So how do we get to
the right temperature?

Now, there is something to grasp

about the way in which the inner ve-
hicle is going to respond. It‘s going
to respond in relationship to two
things. It‘s going to respond in rela-
tionship to the Internal and the Ex-
ternal of the design. In other words,
it is going to respond to the PHS die-
tary regimen and it‘s going to re-
spond to the environment. Because
it is only within the context of the
correct PHS and the correct envi-
ronment that all of these elements
are going to function correctly and
thus the temperature will be correct and the mutation will be there as a potential.

Inhalation: How We Breathe In and Where We're Breathing In

Now, let‘s think about these aspects, because in and of themselves they are fascinat-
ing. Let‘s begin with Inhalation. Now, the first thing about taking information in,
Pluto is about truth. One of the most profound truths about the way in which we op-
erate and the way we take in information that originates in the earliest manifesta-
tions of what would become an immune system, is the information we take in from
the atmosphere around us.

There are two things that have to do with this. One has to do with the actual way in
which we breathe in and the other is where are we breathing in. This is something
that is deeply, deeply important. It is not just simply a matter of what is the correct
way for us to breathe in. It isn‘t just about that. It is about the environment in
which we are breathing.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Timothy Leary's External: Cave

Let me just take a step ahead for a second. I‘ll come back here. Let‘s take the ex-
ample of Mr. Leary‘s External. What we get
to see is that this is somebody who belongs
in a cave. This is a very, very important
theme for him. We‘re going to see that
there is an awful lot of continuity in the re-
lationships that are inherent on the Design
side for awareness, much more than what
was available in terms of the Presence, in
terms of the way in which the vehicle was
responding on the outside.

But let‘s just think about these caves for a

moment. Oxygen Absorption, Inhalation;
let‘s take this at the simplest level. Here is
somebody whose correct environment is a cave environment. Now, whether that
cave is very, very confining or whether that cave is cavernous, literally, the thing to
recognize is that the
oxygen quality in a cave,
no matter whether it is
small or large, is going to
be different than being
outside of the cave, as
an example.

Now, it is really some-

thing to grasp about this.
We‘ve all come into exis-
tence through the dis-
order that has emerged
with the nine-centered
beings being over-
whelmed with their an-
cestor‘s business, all the seven-centered ways in which we operate and the way we
deal with things, where we live, what we do. It goes on and on and on and on, what
I talk about the loss of what was the natural order, the dominance of mind. All of
which was, by the way, very natural. In other words, the seven-centered being
wasn‘t a villain; well, you could look at that way but the seven-centered being was
there to develop the possibilities of cognition. And develop the possibilities of cogni-
tion through mind alone, obviously.

We have to see the by-product of that. But that is not us. Of course, when I‘m de-
constructing for you at this level you have to understand that this is not about us
and it isn‘t about Mr. Leary. It is about the way in which we could look at this in an
idealized situation. We‘ll get to the deconstructing after, so we see in the mechanics
how this can be useful to us.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Prana: Introduction to Analysis

External Not Important in the First 30 Years

But again, the point is that this is a being who always should have been in the right
place in their breathing system, if you know what I mean. Now, what is interesting
is that everything having to do with the External in dealing with the development of
a nine-centered being is that the External is not something that is important for the
first 30 years. Now, think about that. Think about what that means in terms of the
way we breathe and where we‘re breathing.

Other than the extremes you could talk about—deeply, deeply populated environ-
ments, and so forth—it is something to grasp that for the idealized nine-centered be-
ing this is not a factor for them for their first 30 years. But if you‘re going to be able
to develop perspective, if you‘re going to be able to develop the tools for awareness,
by the time you‘re 30 years of age you have to know how and where to breathe.

It makes me smile. I keep on repeating over and over again: If you’re going to
take this journey to its ultimate limit, the social consequences of the know-
ledge are profound. This is about perfection. It isn‘t about halfway there. It‘s
about the possibility that is there for the perfection of the being. You can see that
every single step along the way demands even more and more of the determination
to be unique, the determination to be an individual, as pure as that can be.

We have to come from the other way around. We have to come from the condi-
tioned being. We have to come from beings who are often well past 30 when they
meet Human Design and just begin to try to crack the surface and to begin to clean
out the cellular conditioning; just that alone is a seven-year process. And I don‘t say
that to be depressing, by the way. I say it because it‘s real. It is something to
grasp. We are looking here in this kind of mapping on both sides, Personality and
Design, is the purest possible potential. It‘s something very special.

Breathing is Controlled at the Tonal Level

Now, what is interesting about this configuration to begin with, this Inhalation and
the Exhalation—and before I go away from Inhalation, what we know is that our
breathing is something that is controlled at the tonal level. It is something that is
deeply indicated in the tonal architecture as it impacts both the Internal and the Ex-
ternal. What we know tonally about breathing is that 1 st Tone is a natural nose
breathing, and the 2nd Tone is a natural mouth-breather.

I am convinced in the way in which the binaries op-

erate, that to a lesser or greater degree, again inte- TONAL
grated into the binaries themselves, that this BREATHING BINARIES
nose/mouth is followed by nose/mouth—3, 4—
nose/mouth—5, 6. In other words, I think inherent
in the way in which our sensory system operates is 1, 3, 5 2, 4, 6
that we all have a basic way in which we need to
take information in.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

By the way, when I talk about the mouth breather, only the 2 nd Tone is a dedicated
mouth-breather. In other words, it‘s really important for them to understand that
that kind of way of taking in information is essential for their process. I don‘t think it
is as radical as you move to the various layers in the binaries. But what I do know is
that in order for us to breathe correctly, whatever is natural for us, we need to have
full tonal integration in the way in which we operate. There is no tonal integration—
that is, Tone influencing Color—unless one is absolutely correct on the physical side.
This is what it‘s all about.

Refining Brings Natural Breathing & Correct Temperatures

Now obviously, Strategy and Authority is what aligns us to the tonal information un-
derneath. But it‘s the fulfillment of the techniques in terms of the PHS dietary regi-
men and understanding one‘s en-
vironment that actually give us
the advantage of being able to
refine that physical process. As
we refine our diet, as we refine
our orientation, what we are
going to get is a breathing that
is natural for us, and natural in-
struments to begin the process of
adjusting what is the overall or
the synthetic temperature of
the vehicle.

Remember the goal—it‘s a fan-

tastic thing. One of the things I talked about when I first began to explain to people
that we were nine-centered beings and this happened in 1781, I used to make the
comment that if we had kept detailed records of human temperature before 1781
and match them to after, we would see that we‘ve warmed up. Now, that warming
up is a general warming up. It‘s a general mutation. We are in a deep, mutative
Plutonic interregnum; this is a very, very powerful mutative process that is taking

Deepest Measurement of Physical Uniqueness is Temperature

The thing for us to be able to grasp out of Temperature is to begin to understand it

within the context that we understand Human Design. Human Design is the science
of differentiation pointed at a uniqueness. The thing to recognize about the deepest
physical uniqueness, the deepest measurement of physical uniqueness is going to be
Temperature. This is an area in which ultimately, scientifically, I assume we‘re going
to be able to verify that. This is the thing that‘s so fascinating.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Prana: Introduction to Analysis

Homogenized humanity is going to operate in a very, very narrow band. They‘re

going to be homogenized. And their temperature is going to be homogenized.
Again, it‘s not about whether you‘re above or below, it is the variations away from
the homogenized. And these variations are very tiny. But it doesn‘t mean that
they‘re not there. What they‘re doing is providing you with exactly what you need
for your unique process, exactly the right way in which—and we‘ll get there—your
metabolism works, all of these things necessary for the enhanced potential of your
particular awareness.


Again, let‘s think about Movement for a moment. I‘ll get back over here in a second.
Let‘s go back to our man who belongs in the cave. That is a very, very clear mes-
sage and a deep one. Think about Movement. If you‘re a valley person, you‘re
going to move a lot more than a cave
person. If you‘re a mountain person,
unless you‘re a cave person with one of
these exercise bicycles, you‘re going to
get a lot more exercise being a moun-
tain person, whether that means just
going up and down a lot of stairs, or
whatever the case may be.

It‘s just something to begin to sort of

fit into your overall synthetic view of
these things. You cannot separate
movement from the environment. Not
only that, you cannot separate move-
ment from the dietary regimen because the dietary regimen is going to provide the
nourishment necessary for whatever level of movement is correct.

Internal Balance: Releasing Information

We‘re in the perfection business. The

atmosphere, the air we take in, how we
breathe, is deeply related to our
movement. These are interrelated.
They‘re all setting up an inner envi-
ronment. And of course, this Move-
ment you have over here and its rela-
tionship to this Internal Balance, the
Internal Balance is the way in which
you release information. Now, you re-
lease information in the breathing out.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

But I want you to think about what‘s in there that you‘re breathing out. You‘re
breathing out you. It‘s not nothingness that you‘re breathing out. You‘re breathing
out millions and millions and millions of atoms. You‘re breathing them out. They
carry within them your information. Not only do they carry your information, but
they carry the information of whether you are, as an example, homogenized or not,
finding the Inner Balance.

That finding of the Inner Balance,

what you‘re looking at here is
that everything that is related in
the magic square is dependent
on the way that ultimately it‘s
going to be used. It‘s going to
be used based on the fact that
it‘s experienced correctly. It‘s
one of those wonderful, wonder-
ful Catch-22s. The real advan-
tages that lie in the way in which
you experience through your
body, through the diagonal, is
determined by how correct you
are when it comes to the Internal
and the External.

Reaching Differentiation

This is the vehicle, after all.

It is this program that is
going to define the way in
which the experiential vehicle
is going to operate or not.
It‘s very different from the
Personality side in which the
magic square determines
what‘s there in the perspec-
tive. This is about reaching
differentiation. And reaching
differentiation can only be
done through this [*circled].
There is no other way.

That‘s what you get to see in

here. You get to see that this
whole process—remember this knowledge was not given to me so I could help
people be deconditioned. The deconditioning was a by-product of trying to get
people interested in Human Design. The knowledge is for those who can come into
this world and live correctly, be raised correctly. Then this is not a question. It be-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Prana: Introduction to Analysis

comes something else. It gives us an advantage as practitioners to be able to see

nuances and to be able to understand what those nuances can mean in terms of
whether this being is having any problems or not physically, because when this
doesn‘t function correctly, then there is always the possibility that there are going to
be problems.

By the way, this doesn‘t function correctly as long as one is not following one‘s
Strategy and Authority. Again, this is the most beautiful thing about the Design side
because, in essence, if we had to come to grips with a Design the same way we
come to the Personality, I don‘t think anybody would make it. The fact is that the
Design can be dealt with from the surface; it can be dealt with through Strategy and
Authority. But we‘re not talking about that. We‘re not talking about the fact that
the being can eliminate the resistance and begin to decondition. We‘re talking about
the possibility of being able to physically perfect our process.

That doesn‘t mean that the goal is health. That‘s an obvious. The goal is what the
health provides because it‘s differentiated, it‘s mutative. It opens up those poten-
tials that are there in the cognitive process on the Personality side to really be able
to express as outer Authority real awareness. It‘s all here in the vehicle.

Inner Configuration in Context of the Internal and External

The first thing we have to consider whenever we are looking at the inner configura-
tion here is that we have to see it in the context of this [Design Internal & External].
Let‘s take the example that you‘re experi-
menting with your PHS but there is no way
at the present time that you can actually
live full time in your environment, for what-
ever reason. The reality is that only those
aspects that are going to be directly related
to the PHS [Internal Color 4 resonance to
the Moon] will have
a possibility of func-
tioning correctly.

So basically what it
means is that the
Temperature, which
is the gauge, is a temperature is that overwhelmingly going
to stay basically homogenized. In other words, there‘s not a
lot that‘s going to go on that‘s going to change, in any radical
way the nature of that being. There will be certain aspects
that will have an advantage from that, but the holistic per-
formance of the vehicle is still going to be limited because this* is an essential in-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

The Knowledge is for a Different Era

It‘s one of the most difficult things to put into context of what it is to live a modern
life. We‘re not in the next cycle yet. This knowledge was given to me for what‘s
coming. I think everybody has a grasp now that what I‘ve been talking about for
many, many years, what 2027 really means to have the end of the Cross of Plan-
ning; I take no pleasure in being right. We‘re all impacted by this. Everybody is
going to be impacted by this. There is a great deal of disarray out there in the way
in which the institutionalized world is functioning. It‘s teetering.

This knowledge is for a different era. We‘re still living with the background frequen-
cy of the 40/37. It‘s not gone. We have 18 years of it left. Though the age is com-
ing to an end, and though we‘re beginning to see—and again, most of what we‘re
seeing is just a by-product of Neptune ripping the hell out of our whole resource in-
frastructure. Talk about the power of Neptune. My goodness, this is incredible de-
struction taking place. Neptune is the God of Disillusion, to break things down, to
dissolve them. It‘s doing quite a job on the financial institutions of the globe right

This is something we need to understand, that the knowledge is about an era that is
going to be dominated by the 20/34, not the 34/37; but, the 20/34—busy, busy,
busy, busy, busy, with yourself, busy surviving; busy, busy, busy and not interested
in awareness, just busy, busy, busy. And you‘re busy on your own. You‘re busy on
your own because there is no background frequency that says, ―Hey, look for that
other to help you,‖ or ―They‘re going to be there to help you.‖

Yes, I know it‘s not going to take place overnight. It‘s going to take at least 100
years for this whole process to really unravel and build up again. But nonetheless,
the knowledge is for those who need to live their unique individual life, who need to
have the Authority within themselves, to trust themselves, to be able to survive on
their own. What this represents is the glory of non-dependency, the perfection of
the vehicle and the perfection of its potential for awareness operating in a mechanic
that gives it the ability to be correct, to understand how to navigate the plane.

I do not concern myself for my children or what eventually will be my children‘s

children and so forth. As long as they‘re educated, as long as they are educated to
their nature, that they understand how to operate as themselves, that they are
raised correctly, that they are nourished correctly, so that when their time comes
after their first 30 years, they can find their environment and fully live out their po-
tential as a unique being and none of this [diagonal] is questioned. It‘s just a way of
mapping their uniqueness, mapping the source of their unique awareness, ultimate-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Prana: Introduction to Analysis

The Moon: Gravity

The Moon is a big story. It‘s a big, beautiful story. There was a full Moon a couple
of days ago. I was just pondering the impact that this incredible force has on our
lives. I think one of the things that most deeply needs to be understood is that
when you‘re looking at the Moon, the External, the Nodes after all, are the offspring
of the Moon, the head and tail of the dra-
gon, these lunar Nodes. We know that the
Nodes of the Moon have this very extraordi-
nary relationship to the Magnetic Monopole.
Through the Nodes of the Moon, through
the Link Nodes, they act as agents of the
Magnetic Monopole in holding us together in
the illusion of our separateness.

That holding us together in the illusion of

our separateness is not just about bringing
together this holistic creature, it‘s about un-
derstanding something deeply, deeply pro-
found about the nature of the Moon and
why it would have such an unusual keynote.
The world we live in today, this world of redwood forests and skyscrapers and
upright, erect walking creatures like us are all direct beneficiary of the fact that if it
were not for the Moon, the Earth would suck us down as if we were nothing. We
could not exist. Nothing about the nature of the world would exist that we could
possibility understand. Nothing would be raised up; nothing would be lifted up;

This is the Moon. The Moon is an extraordinary thing. It is the Moon that gives
gravity. It‘s the Moon that gives you your ability to balance yourself, to literally bal-
ance yourself between the Moon
itself and the Earth. It is a beauti-
ful, mystical thing to wonder
about, this perfect tension that
exists in us, this tension between
the Moon pulling on us and the
Earth pulling on us and somehow
here we are in the physics of it all
floating across this surface. Oh,
She is a wonderful thing.

When you‘re looking at the Moon

within this context and you‘re
looking at this key, this Gravity,
you‘re looking at a number of
things. There is a phenomenon that has been measured in hospices. It‘s one of the
strangest things. There was an experiment that was done in which all of the beds in
a hospice, a place where people go to die basically, all the beds in the hospice were
on weights. That is, their weight was being measured.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

One of the most amazing things about this whole investigation, most of it was about
seeing what kind of weight loss was there in the patients. But they began to notice
something really quite incredible. They began to notice that when patients died,
they weighed slightly less, approximately two grams. It‘s a fascinating thing to think
about, because in the context of Human Design, there is something very odd that
happens at the moment of death.

At the moment of death, we have the alignment of the Design Crystal and the Mono-
pole and they leave the body. Again, it‘s the Monopole that holds the body together
in the illusion of separateness. You well know that the moment of death the body
begins to break down. The Monopole is not there to hold it together in that illusion.

It‘s the Monopole that gives us our relative gravity. It‘s the Monopole that holds us
together in this illusion. But the quality of this gravity, the way in which our body
weight is related to our potential, this is the area where not just simply the weight,
because that is a by-product, but the metabolizing process, the way in which expe-
rience uses energy. This isn‘t about the
way the brain uses energy, this is about the
way experience uses energy.

Again, this goes back to other themes.

You‘re going to use less energy if your
movement is within the context of the
cave. It‘s also going to change the quality
of the oxygen and the information you‘re
taking in because you‘re in a limited envi-
ronment. Again, all of these things begin
to create precisely the right internal envi-
ronment to trigger the exact temperature.

Inner Resonance

The first thing is our inner resonance. Again,

this is just the beginning of understanding the
many levels of which the magic square reso-
nates. There is the inner resonance; there is
the resonance to the other, to the outside.
There are all these qualities that are there.
What is significant here is that when you‘re
looking at Internal resonance, or you‘re look-
ing at Internal harmonies or dissonance,
you‘re looking at very, very important rela-

In other words, what we know very clearly is

that this person has a dietary regimen that is all about nervous eating. So, this is

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Prana: Introduction to Analysis

somebody who really needs to have distraction in their eating process. They need to
have the kinds of things that are going to interrupt their concentration on their food
intake process.

Following the Correct PHS Prepares One to have High Quality Energy

Now, what we do know is that if they‘re following their PHS, this is going to lead to
what is, in essence, a correct gravity. The way in which they are going to be pre-
pared to be able to use energy and to
be able to use energy for experience is
that they‘re going to have a high quality
of that as long as they‘re following their
PHS dietary regimen. This is going to
be a major element.

The other thing is that we see in this

particular case, it's going to be very
much connected to the whole metabol-
ism, because we‘re dealing with the 1st
Gate working through the 7/31 impact-
ing and taking information from the
thyroid system in the Throat. So, one
of the things that is clear is that here is
somebody, as an example, who is going
to have weight problems, either up or down, the moment the dietary regimen isn‘t
correct. That‘s the moment this isn‘t going to work properly; it is going to affect the
metabolism. It is going to operate and impact the Throat and we‘re going to be able
to see the shift in the way in which the body weight operates.

Now, I don‘t just want to just limit it to body weight. The tendency is to think about
body weight as simply fat. There are other elements to this: bone weight, bone den-
sity, all kinds of things that are involved in this. So, I want you to be careful about
jumping to conclusions. But it does have to do with what is the most effective rela-
tive mass. So, what we see very clearly is that if we don‘t have this kind of dietary
regimen, we‘re going to end up seeing problems here and we‘re going to see them in
the Throat. And we‘re going to see them in that metabolism. So, this is only one
way—again, this is just an introduction, so bit by bit as we move
along in our story.

Let‘s look at what‘s really interesting here. Again, you can see
I‘m pointing to all the 1st Colors so we have the Uranus, Mars and
the Saturn all 1st Color. We have clearly a deeply, deeply 1-ish
External rooted in the cave. And all of that is harmonic to the
Moon and its harmony to the Internal itself. So there is going to
be a relationship here in which the dietary regimen and the way in
which the body metabolizes is going to deeply influence these
other three. That is, influence them through the harmonic.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Leary: Correct Environment then Correct Movement

But let‘s look at just something very specific. Let‘s talk about
Movement to begin with. We know that we have a 1 here [Exter-
nal] and we have a 1 there [Uranus Color 1]. We know that if this
person isn‘t in the right environment, their Movement is going to
be incorrect. The moment the Movement is off, the equation in the
formula—because remember, it is a four-sided formula that leads
to this result—the equation in the formula gets knocked off.

Again, one of those situations where—and we see it a lot in De-

sign—people who have come into the deeper levels of the know-
ledge after years of their experiment, they experiment with their
PHS, they get deeper into that process. But still, the environment
may be something that is not all the time, some of the time, all of
these kinds of things, or not at all. Again, one of the things to see
is that you‘re going to be able to see in the magic square different
relationships rooted in dependencies on whether the dietary regi-
men or the environment are correct because these are the
nuances that are going to impact what has to be, in the end, the
equation that is correct for the being.

Having the Correct Other Person in One's Life

Let‘s take a look at another side of this, the isolation of these elements, for example,
the isolation of the 55 and the 40. What we‘re looking at here is that these elements
are going to be conditioned by others.
It‘s our basic Human Design, after all.
We have open Centers and open Cen-
ters get conditioned by others. Eve-
rything that I‘ve been teaching all of
these years is that you operate cor-
rectly and in that way you have the
correct other in your life.

This person cannot do without the

correct other if this is going to be ful-
filled in them. They‘re going to need
those others. They‘re going to need
to be able to take in that information.
They need to be impacted in the way
in which their movement operates or
the environment they exhale in. Let me give you an example of that.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Prana: Introduction to Analysis

Let‘s say that you‘re intended as this person is to exhale in a cave. Now, you‘re not
intended to be in the cave alone. You don‘t have to be there alone. So let‘s say that
you have another person in the cave with you. When you have another person in
the cave with you, when you‘re breathing out, that person takes in everything. Now,
whether they‘re aware of that or not or whether they‘re able to utilize that or not is
not the point. The point is that you‘re in an enclosed-in environment and they‘re
taking it all in. And you‘re taking all of them in.

Of course, this is the way this person is supposed to be with the other—get all the
information from them. Take it all in. But let‘s say this person is standing outside
with someone, that isn‘t the case anymore.
The information of the breath is taken on
the air. The air itself is constantly chang-
ing because it is the outside world and its
movement of information.

I love the wind. I have always lived in

windy places. There is something for me
that has always been magical since my
process about the wind because it is carry-
ing information. It‘s information. It‘s all of
this information that is just out there. It‘s
the kind of information that when you‘re
sitting on the side of a mountain you sud-
denly have a satori moment. You know something blew by.

The Importance of the Correct Environment

You have to begin to understand how important environment is to being able to es-
tablish all the right ingredients. And at the same time, to understand this is Human
Design; this is mechanics. This is about the way things work. And it‘s not like this is
problem for this person if the person is correct, because if you‘re correct and you‘re
operating in the correct External, what you get is quality of life and those interac-
tions that are going to be good for you; but, such a step.

The same thing is here with the emotional sys-

tem. You can see that this is somebody who
is only going to be moved emotionally. He
isn‘t going to be moved any other way. This is
the way he is intended to be moved. After all,
he‘s basically cool. And yet, his very chemi-
stry, the formula that is there in the possibility
of his awareness says, ―Yeah, yeah, yeah,
cool, cool, cool, smool. Let‘s crank you up.
You‘re going to be a lot better and a lot heal-
thier if you‘re cranked up.‖ Isn‘t life cute, the
way the movie works?

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

It‘s all there, these very basic me-

chanisms. Each and every one of
them is the perfect ingredient. You
align all of these ingredients together
and you get the result. The deeper
you are in this process, the deeper
you work with your body, the greater
the success you‘re going to have.
That‘s the thing that‘s clear to me.
You can always work on your mind
while you‘re perfecting your body.
You can always work with it. But
again, if you‘re going to take this
journey to the point in which what
we‘re looking at now is something you
can deeply connect to and grasp and
watch, then there is a very, very deep involvement necessary to take this process all
the way.

One of the reasons—it‘s not really a reason; it‘s a by-product of choicelessness of all
of this. From the moment I began my work it was obvious to me that there would
be a mechanical way that the fulfillment of potential for any human being can be
achieved. I tended to put my enthusiasm into the wonder, if that‘s possible, what
you‘ve learned to see in Human Design, the wonder you can see, the things you can

Conditioning is an Enormous Handicap

But at the same time, as you go deeper and deeper and deeper, you look at all of
these various levels of the way in which we operate in relationship to the environ-
ment around us, and you begin to see that conditioning is an enormous handicap.
We have a huge struggle just dealing with the surface. The vast majority of human
beings will never even break through the surface, let alone get to a place where they
can differentiate. It‘s something to be grasped, because it puts all of this in proper

It‘s my responsibility to lay out all the knowledge. It is not my desire, 3 rd Color be-
ing, to disappoint the hopes and the dreams that people have about what it means
to walk such a path. It is really something to get there from here. It will be nothing
for the children who are themselves, who have never been not-self. This is the bur-
den we carry in being the generation that brings the knowledge alive. And I don‘t
say this to tell you that you can‘t, because of course that is not so. There‘s no such
thing. It is simply whether or not it will happen for you.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Prana: Introduction to Analysis

This is Where the Story Is

But for it to happen, this is a deep, deep, deep, deep place that one has to be. And
it‘s all about correctness. Again, the body saves us. It doesn‘t matter how many
interpretations and insights we can derive from this, or how many things we can ul-
timately see that will give us a guide to our own physical well-being that we can
watch, that we can track. But it‘s not about this [the squares]. It isn‘t. It‘s about
this [Variable]. This is where the
story is. This is what it‘s all about.
This is what is natural for us. This is
the order. This is the Variable way.
This is our perfection.

And I know that it is a deep, deep

struggle for many. The conditions of
the nature, the world we live in, the
circumstances of your lives, the ―this
and that‖ of all the things we all
have to deal with. I know; truly I
do. If it was 2,000 years ago we‘d
go wandering off somewhere and get
it done. But it‘s not the way it
works, and we‘re not seven-centered
beings. We don‘t do it that way. We
have to do it alone. We have to do it within ourselves. This is what the ultimate
challenge is. We‘re not used to being alone. We‘re not used to it. Our genes are
not used to it. This is where it‘s all happening; within. It‘s how far you can go with-
in in your own process. It‘s all here, slowly but surely.

Remember something, something for you, something for those that you help, you
teach, you work with: It has to come out of your Authority, this journey. It can‘t
come out of anything else. If your Authority tells you that PHS isn‘t for you, that‘s
ok; truly, I mean that. If your Authority tells you that environment is not for you,
that‘s ok. It isn‘t for everyone to go this complete journey; truly it is not. And it
doesn‘t mean that those who do are better than those who don‘t, because it has
nothing to do with that.

If you‘re going to live out your true nature, you‘re going to live it out the way in
which it‘s designed to be lived out. It has nothing to do with the formulas I‘ve de-
scribed. It has to do with your uniqueness. And if you‘re correct in whatever way
you live your life, you‘re going to gain from it what is correct for you in terms of the
fulfillment of your purpose, to see very clearly that this is where mastery lives. This
is the way.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that. Until next time; bye for now.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lesson Five
Resonance: A Statistical View

Statistics & Graphing by Adrian Kobler

Nova Television Program on Neutrinos

Hello everyone. I‘m a little early. I wanted to share with you an experience I had
today which was really fascinating. I‘m going to make it available in next Monday‘s
newsletter. So, if you get the newsletter you'll have access to this.

Somebody sent me a film. It was a Nova television production. It was really the
complete history of the neutrino. The neutrino is one of those things that‘s really
remarkable. When I began my process in 1987, I was just about the only person in
the world who suggested or stated that neutrinos had mass. I guess formally in the
early 90s, in 1992 when I started to lecture, it was one of the ingredients of the lec-
ture because you can‘t really understand the program of Design without understand-
ing the nature of the neutrino and the neutrino would have to have mass.

So here‘s this delightful video—it‘s really well done. I will provide a link in the new-
sletter so you can watch this thing. Again, it‘s a story of the various scientists in-
volved, starting with Wolfgang Pauli who theorized it in the first place. They call it
The Ghost Particle. So you get this whole story. It‘s a remarkable story. It took un-
til 1999 to prove that neutrinos have mass, and of course it changed everything be-
cause the standard theory of the way in which matter operates was something that
just simply broke the mold of all of that. [Link to The Ghost Particle video:]

What I found so moving was the very end of the particular program, I don‘t know the
scientist's name or who it was that was speaking, but it was a comment that he
made. The comment he made is that we are all children of the neutrino. One of the
premises that they bring out from the latest research is that neutrinos are the by-
product of decay, atomic decay. But they also cause it. One of the great questions
of physicists—the juxtaposition theory deals with this—is the emergence of atomics.
It seems like from every indication that the actual matter of the universe, the matter
of the biverse is the by-product of neutrinos.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

It is really something quite fascinating to deal with, and such an unusual thing, this
neutrino. It doesn‘t fit into any of the rule boxes. It has no charge. And because it
has no charge, it is so different from everything else. It just struck me, the relation-
ship between exoteric and esoteric. When the knowledge was revealed in 1987, it
was the magic of the knowledge being revealed within the construct of a system.
For all the brilliance of the scientists who were actually able to go from theory to rec-
ognition to fact, they still don‘t know what it means in the sense that they have no
idea that this is the program agency for consciousness. They‘ve come to grasp the
fact that it is the essence of existence. It is because of it, in that sense.

It‘s quite remarkable to see all that and to realize that the esoteric provided an in-
stantaneous framework for being able to work with this and how marvelous that is,
the different ways in which knowledge percolates into the world. I was enthralled. I
was watching this in great delight. It was beautifully done and a great story because
it tells the whole story. Anyway, you‘ll get a chance to see it. But I thought I‘d
share that with you. By the way, they got Nobel Prizes.

Written comment: I thought you were going to comment that the key scientist now
has Alzheimer's and what a pity the neutrinos did not go through his design crystal
more elegantly.

Ra: Yeah, what to do. He didn‘t know before he went into Alzheimer‘s that his work
had—he went to Stockholm and got his Nobel. He was a guy with great courage.
The two scientists who really began the search for proof of the existence of the neu-
trino, they suffered for 30 years from people saying they had done bad science.

It was an enormous vindication for them that ultimately the neutrino was something
we could verify. And not only that, but in the process of verifying to be able to dis-
cover that, lo and behold, the most abundant thing in the totality, a trillion trillion of
them go through your thumbnail every second. And they have mass. That is some-
thing that is really incredible because it changes the whole nature of understanding
even the maia itself—just from the point of view of how Human Design looks at that,
but the density of the consciousness.

The thing that most impresses me about the neutrino with mass is just simply the
phenomena of how dense this ocean truly is. It is absolutely remarkable. It is one
of those absolutely science-shifting revelations. It‘s really amazing what it brings to
our awareness of how things operate.

Written question: What is the form of particles of information "exhaled" by neutri-

no stream…via gasses? If it's matter, what form? Other?

Ra: To answer your question, Chiara, the neutrino is an elementary particle. It‘s
not made of anything. It is one of the original particles. The way we understand it
in terms of the nature of its matter, it‘s part of the fundamental particles of what we
call atomics, and one of the essential elements of atomics along with the electron,
the proton and the neutron, and so forth and so on.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Resonance: A Statistical View

In terms of where we get our neutrinos, neutrinos are a by-product of the fusion that
takes place in the Sun. The fusion is based on atomic decay and atomic decay re-
leases neutrinos. Obviously the number of neutrinos coming from the Sun is beyond
most of our imaginations to even grasp what approaches us. But anyway, that isn‘t
the subject of our gathering today.

Holistic Analysis Certification Program Announced

Hello to all of you. I have a number of things I want to look at today. I guess most
of all I just want to begin with the philosophical, in a sense, and to accompany that
with a basic announcement so that you have a heads-up about my plans for what
I‘m doing with resonance knowledge.

Next semester I‘m going to do a ten-week program called Holistic Analysis, with a
week off in between so there is a break because I have two different themes I want
to look at. Then I‘m planning for September, for next year‘s academic year, to have
a certification training in Holistic Analysis as a sort of foundation training for profes-
sionals who want to be able to work at this level.

Obviously, it is a very limited group of people who can quality for this, those who are
PHS or Rave Psychology trained and have taken this program, and so forth. But I
think it is very important now that I have done all of this theoretical work with you,
that I begin to show you not so much how easy it is, because I think ease comes
with experience, but how synthesizing all of this information that we‘ve been gather-
ing over these last three or four weeks is not as complex as you think. And to be
able to bring all of the database information, whether it has to do with lunar or pla-
netary squares or Internal or External or Variable, into the Holistic Analysis of any-
body‘s design.

So that is coming up. Something I am very much looking forward to is really to be

able to put the final layer on what I see is the real potential for analysis in Design.
Obviously within this context, specialized analysis, whether it has to do with the ho-
listic advantage for one side or the other, or for helping people with both sides,
whatever the case may be, this is the next logical level of mastery of the database
and the graph together. So, I think it is something that will be an exciting adven-

The Diamond and the Diagonal

The thing I want you to really look at today and it is something that you‘re going to
have an opportunity to do when you download, you‘ll have the file so you will have
all the various graphs. There are many, many things to look at. Obviously, I‘m just
going to give you basic introductions to what we're going to look at. But what I want
you to think about are these two different variations that we have. That is, the Di-
amond. And of course, the diamond dealing with the way in which the vehicle meets

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

the outside world and dances or resonates to the outside world. And then of course,
we have the cross in the center, or the Diagonal. We know the diagonal is about in-
ternal processes.

We also know, beyond the fact that we have these two different areas that have spe-
cific values within the magic square, we also know that there are inherent values
that are there in terms of resonance values that are at the Color level, or resonance
values that are at the Line level, and the relationship that is going to exist in the
magic square between the magic square and the way in which it resonates to the Ex-
ternal or the Internal.

Now, when I say ―resonate,‖ obviously that is just a generalization. There can be
very complex harmonies, which obviously have a different interpretation. There are
dissonances, which obviously have a different interpretation. But all of the various
ways in which there are interactions between the planetary square and the Internal
and the External.

The Unique Function of the Moon

The other is the unique function of the Moon in terms of its influence, the coordinat-
ing agency with its Nodal alignment to the experiential of the planetary square. So
there is specific importance in the values, for example, of the Color resonances of
the Moon to the Internal and the External or the planetary square. In other words,
there are all kinds of configurations. What we‘re not going to see is the perfect har-
mony in which you have all of these things.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Resonance: A Statistical View

You have classic examples here. We looked at this last week when we were looking
at all of these 1st Colors and their relationship here [External]. But all of them have
to get there through a
harmony—the 1 to the
4 and the 4 back to the
1, when the 4 naturally
wants to go up here
[Internal]. What we‘re
going to see when we
get to synthesizing all
this information is the
holistic way in which
the vehicle, both its
consciousness, its self-
reflected Personality
consciousness and the
vehicle itself, the way
they work in relation-
ship to what is their
internal process and
what is their predisposition in terms of what they‘re going to meet and how they‘re
going to interact with those forces on the outside.

Internal Statistics

The values we get to see—we‘re going to be looking specifically today at the Internal
statistics. We‘re going to be looking at the relationship between any of these par-
ticular activations and their rela-
tionship to each other through re-
sonances. We‘re going to look at
that in terms of percentages in or-
der to get an idea of the way in
which we are designed.

For example, are we really de-

signed to be so deeply aligned to
the same thing, all of that, if you
know what I mean? Or is it more
common for us to have very limited
resonance, as an example. What is
the basic nature? How does this
work? Because the moment we
begin to see that analytically, we can begin to—because of the mechanics—see the
consequences of that. So, there is a great deal of information that needs to be ex-
tracted from the statistics that we have.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Adrian is working on what I assume will be the first of a book of statistics on Human
Design, something I am very excited about. I find that the statistics are a great me-
dium for inspiration. They allow you to look at things in a different way and give you
a much grander perspective in terms of the generalized population over time relative
to the various things we can look at.

For the future, anyway, beyond the student engagement at this particular point,
those who will intellectually explore the nuances of all of this, the statistical mapping
is really going to provide a basic framework to be able to look at this phenomena and
understand it generationally. There is enormous importance to what are the genera-
tional phenomena that is taking place. There are all kinds of things that can be
looked at. It will be very interesting in 10 years to see where that‘s gone to.

Lunar and Planetary Square: Color Resonance (1781 - 2027)

Let‘s start here. Let‘s see if I can sort of lay this out for you. What we‘re looking at
is the lunar and planetary square. We‘re looking at Color resonance over the period
of the advent of the nine-centered being in 1781 until 2027. So, basically we‘re tak-
ing a calculation based on the population over that period of time in order to be able
to look at a general average through what is quite a large slice.

It gives us a basic insight. So, let‘s begin with this. Obviously, we‘re looking at per-
centages and basically these are in terms of percentages of births that are going to

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Resonance: A Statistical View

carry whatever the particular aspects are going to be. It‘s going to give us an indi-
cation, roughly speaking, how much of the population has what. So, let‘s start at the

Planets in Diagonal in Resonance to the Sun/Earth

Planets in the diagonal and they‘re in resonance to the Sun/Earth; in other words,
just the planets in the diagonal to the Sun/Earth. So, what this statistic is telling you
is that just under half of everyone who has come into the world over this period will
have in the diagonal a connection to the Sun/Earth. Adrian and I have discussed this
because we have
looked at both the
statistics on the De-
sign side and the
Personality side in
terms of the rela-
tionship to the pla-
netary square to
the Internal and the
External. There is
no significant dif-
ference between

So you can think

about this in terms
of both what you
learned in Personal-
ity Resonance and
also in Design Resonance in looking at this. So, for example, if you‘re looking at the
diagonal on the Personality side, you‘re looking at something that opens up the pos-
sibility of an expanded awareness, expanded consciousness. And it‘s going to have a
direct impact on the Internal; it‘s going to have a direct impact on the way in which
the conceptualizing is going to operate.

On the Design side, this is obviously something that is automatically going to impact
brain function, the connection that is going to be there in the diagonal to the way in
which the brain system through the Internal is going to operate. So, again, this is
just looking at—this percentage would be accurate for the Design side, as well as be-
ing accurate for the Personality side.

Planets in the Diagonal to the Nodes

Ok, planets in the diagonal to the Nodes. You can see it‘s roughly the same. When
you think about that, half of the population doesn‘t have planets in resonance to the

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Internal. Half of the population doesn‘t have planets in the diagonal to the Nodes.
Now, think about what that means. Again, we‘re just looking at the diagonal here.
We‘re not looking at all of it.

Basically what it‘s saying is that there is a limitation on how much resonance is going
to be present in any individual within their own mechanism. This is what we could
call their ‗basic tendency,‘ the natural inner tendencies that arise out of their inner
resonance. But they‘re also going to resonate to anyone who steps into their aura.
It is that resonance to others who step into the aura, this is where they‘re getting
the way in which those elements operate in the vehicle, getting those elements con-

Humanity and Health Problems

That tells you right away that given the hodgepodge of the way in which the not-self
aligns itself with other human beings in its life process, there is no wonder humanity
as a whole really has health problems; and it does. Of course, that goes back to not
the dilemma that you might not have the inner relationship in any abundance, it
goes back to the quality of your relationship. The basic mechanics of which life is
based on, Variable, when we look at the Independent Variable Nodal Externals,
you‘re looking the fun-
damental essence of
our process. That is,
our lives in movement
with others. And it‘s
this ―with others‖ that
is one of the most im-
portant corollaries.

When I said to you in

the beginning that I
can only show you one
part today, I‘ll show
you the inner relation-
ship. But the outer
relationship—one of
the things I will take
you through when
we‘re doing the Holistic Analysis is that I‘m also going to show you one of the most
essential things. The first five weeks will be about personal Holistic Analysis, and
the second five weeks will be partnership Holistic Analysis. That will really—to
quote the 60s—blow your mind, because it is incredible what you get to see. I‘ve
done partnership—many of you know going back throughout my career—I have done
so many different kinds of partnership analysis. There is absolutely nothing like this,
because you‘re getting right down to the basic mechanical interaction between be-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Resonance: A Statistical View

So, this is the other side of the knowledge that you‘re not seeing here. What you‘re
seeing here blank area above the columns] is the other side of the influence—I
should put it that way. That 46%, or the 54% in this case, that doesn’t have pla-
nets in the diagonal and resonance to the Sun/Earth, they‘re going to resonate to
something else. They just are. They are going to look for it somewhere else.
They‘re going to find it in the other. But if it‘s not the right other, the tendency is
that they‘re going to resonate to and suddenly be attracted to what isn‘t good for
them. And of course, that‘s where things go awry, as they say.

Planets in the Diamond to the Internal

Ok, let‘s move on. Planets in the diamond now—and again, you can translate this to
the Personality side or the Design side, it‘s just about seeing the general statistics—
planets in the diamond to the Internal. It‘s interesting here that you can see the si-
milarity to planets in
the diamond to the
Nodes. So you can
see the relationship
there in terms of the
Internal and External.
For example, here the
External is higher in
both cases.

But fundamentally
they‘re basically the
same. By the way,
that significance is a
lot of human beings,
that difference, even
if it‘s a few percen-
tage points. And ob-
viously, there is signi-
ficance in that the External is slightly more resonating than the Internal, because
again, the nature of the External and what it means in terms of everything about liv-
ing in the maia, quite literally.

Planets in the Diagonal & Diamond to the Sun/Earth and/or Nodes

Here‘s a jump upwards, planets in the diagonal and the diamond to the Sun/Earth
and/or the Nodes [chart next page]. So, it‘s planets anywhere in the planetary
square to either the Sun/Earth or the Nodes. In other words, 63% of the people are
going to have a resonance, or at least a resonance in the diagonal and the diamond
that is going to connect to the Earth and the Nodes. So, again you‘re seeing that

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

two-thirds of the population is going to have this relationship. Yes, Adrian, if there is
anything that I have misspoke; feel free to let me know.

Written comment by Adrian: There must be at least one planet in the Diagonal
and one in the Diamond.

Ah, that‘s good.

Thank you, Adrian.
Ok, so there is a
minimum of two re-
sonances that are
here [red marking]—
it could be two re-
sonances to the
Sun/Earth, it could
be two to the Nodes,
it could be one to
each. But it is about
how many human
beings are going to
have two. And when
you‘re looking at
these earlier statis-
tics, because we‘re
doing the combination, they begin to roll themselves into that, and we begin to get a
clearer picture of what is the basic way in which we‘re designed. If we can see what
the median is, we can begin to understand the way in which we‘re intended to oper-
ate. You can already see that we are more open to being affected by the outside
than we are able to condition our own inner process. It‘s just something to note.

Only Planets in the Diagonal to the Sun/Earth and/or the Nodes

Ok, the next step; only planets in the diagonal to the Sun/Earth and/or the Nodes.
Again, this is just a refinement of these statistics so you see it. But this is only in
the diagonal. On this side, it‘s only in the diamond. Again, you‘re seeing a reduction
here [circled above in green].

No Resonance Whatsoever

Now, this is interesting. This is no resonance whatsoever [circled above in blue].

And here you‘re really getting the answer to the question. And the answer to the
question is what is the—I was going to say, what‘s normal. I‘m always afraid of that
word. But, what basically is common is that just about all human beings, 94.5% or
so of all human beings, are going to have some kind of resonance that is going to be
there in their planetary square to either the Internal or the External. But there is
also going to be this 5% that has no resonance.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Resonance: A Statistical View

Again, one of the tendencies of the mind in measurement is in the "this and that" to
bring a judgment call to, well, 94% have it, so the 5% who don‘t, that‘s a problem.
It isn‘t. Everything is a problem if you‘re not correct. Everything has a potential to
be a problem if you‘re not correct. There are as many advantages as disadvantages
to anything. According to the design of those beings who are not going to have the
resonance, their design is precisely in accordance to what that means for them me-
chanically in order to be able to fulfill whatever their purpose happens to be. So,
don‘t make a judgment call on this that there is no resonance. It‘s different. It also
doesn‘t say whether there is harmony or not. And again, that‘s another thing. Even
dissonance has an impact. I will discuss all that when we get into the holistic aspect
of analysis.

Planets in Diagonal and/or Diamond to Sun/Earth and/or Nodes

Ok, planets in the diagonal and/or the diamond to the Sun/Earth and/or Nodes. And
there you get the other side of it. Here [94.65%] is the other side of this [5.35%].
So you really get to
see what is basic in
humanity is that
you‘ve got that. One
of the things we‘re
going to see is the
refinement of that.
In other words, what
is the common
ground in terms of
how many of these
do you have? What‘s
the difference be-
tween the people who
have five, four, three,
two, or one reson-

Again, the breakdown on the generalized; planets in the diagonal to either the
Sun/Earth, so you can see that 82% have diagonal potential. That‘s the mundane.
That‘s the Internal. The diamond is over here, the outside. This one is over here.
So you can see 75%.

A lot more people are manipulated in the way in which their outside operates than
their inside, to be simple. Of course, that again says something about, for example,
if you look at somebody who's designed to have one of the basic surface elements
conditioned by the other, if they don‘t get that, it is really going to bring them those
problems right out there on the surface. Without the right others in their life, that‘s
something that can really be a problem for them. So these are things that are going
to be fascinating to be able to look at.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Resonance to Jupiter and Neptune

Here is a resonance to Jupiter and Neptune. These are just refinements as we move
along. [See chart above, far right column.]

Planets in Color Resonance to Sun/Earth and/or Nodes

All right, we‘re looking at planets in Color resonance to the Sun/Earth and/or the
Nodes. Again, over the same span. We have to look at three things here. The first
thing, the blue is the diagonal or the diamond. The red is only the diagonal. And the
green is only the diamond. So, planets in Color resonance, and what we‘re looking
here is just what I was referring to.

You can see that an awful lot of people have one planet in resonance. If you look at
two, then you begin to go downward. So this is about 39% and here you have 30%.
Then you have the
next level of that
where you get to
somewhere around
this level at its
peak. That is, to
the diagonal or the

Again, you can see

this is three planets
and then four pla-
nets and then five.
You can see as
you're moving that
you have this des-
cent, if you will, un-
til you finally get to
a point where—as far as I can tell, nobody has the statistics of somebody having
eight or nine. It is probably incredibly tiny, though I assume that it's possible. I
don't know theoretically if it's possible.

You can see that seven is about half of the Reflector population at .63%. In terms
counting numbers and counting people, that's still an awful lot of people, at least 60
or 70 million people or more who are going to have seven planets in resonance to
either the Sun or the Earth or the Nodes, or both, or whatever. That's a lot. There
are nine objects in the square.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Resonance: A Statistical View

Again, if we're looking

for a mean in here,
what we're going to
see is that basically
this is the mean. So
we're going to see
that it's quite com-
mon to have one, two
or three planets that
are in resonance to
either. What you're
beginning to see is
the way in which
unique mapping is
being structured.
These really are maps
in the sense that
we're all wired diffe-
rently on the inside. Here what you're looking at is the wiring. It's giving you an
insight through resonances to the way in which our wiring works.

The Inner Wiring: Resonance, Harmony and Dissonance

We have three kinds of ways in which our wiring operates: The resonance, the har-
mony and the dissonance. So something really important to grasp is the way both
the conceptualizing mind and the brain system are wired. The way we're wired to
our environment, the way we're wired in order to be able to have the perspective we
do, this is what you're getting to see at this particular level because you're getting to
see the inner wiring.

Remember, anything that's wired on the inside is part of your differentiation. It is a

deep aspect of your differentiation. So, everything that is not hardwired, this is
where the potential of the elements that can condition you away from resonating to
what's good for you to ending up being pulled away into things that ultimately put
you back into the genetic imperative, ultimately pull you back into what is not good
for you and takes away the advantages inherent in the inner wiring itself.

I also think it's going to be able to ultimately open up on both the PHS and the Rave
Psychology side all kinds of signposts, ways in which we will be able to do diagnos-
tics in order to understand what does not have the correct balance in the way some-
body is operating in the sense of operating in the maia.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Lunar and Planetary Square: Activations of the Same Color

Ok, this is interesting: Lunar and Planetary Square, activations of the same Color.
So, for example, this one here, five planets located in the same square activate the
same Color 4.78% of the time. So five planets located in the square share the same
Color. Again, you
see the way the
norm is. The norm
is that you have one
planet that shares
that Color. Here
you get to two and
so forth until it de-
creases again ma-
thematically until
you get very, very
small percentages.

The thing we're be-

ginning to see is
that we're beginning
to understand how
the general map op-
erates. We're always about nature and nurture. That is our essence. It's the
yin/yang of all of this. We understand both within the context of Design. The na-
ture is the imprint, the nurture is the conditioning. What we're looking at here
statistically are ways in which we can really see so clearly what that nature is at a
very deep level and what it brings to the uniqueness of that being.

This is Not a Question of Healing but Alignment

Any time you can understand something mechanical that deeply, then you have all
kinds of guidelines and techniques that arise out of that in order to align that being
more and more to what is essentially its perfection, because at this level, this is not
a question of healing. I think healing is a seven-centered word. I guess "heal" is a
four-letter word, if I can be cute. Because I don‘t think this is what this is all about.
I don't think it has anything to do, in that sense, with healing. I think it just simply
has to do with alignment. You align somebody to what is correct. This is just simply
the destiny of what it is to be a nine-centered being. We have the mechanics. It is
about applying the mechanics. I think at this level therapeutically it's of enormous
value. We'll get there stage-by-stage, step-by-step. I've been doing this so long
now, I know how to wait.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Resonance: A Statistical View

We are All Lunar

Ok, now let's look at the Moon. The Moon is the key. So, let's see how lunar we all
are. I don't want to take away from the glory of Reflectors, bless their hearts, but
we are all lunar creatures, all of us. One of my favorite things to remind people is
that there would be no existence as we know it without the Moon. The Moon is spe-
cial. It is deeply special within the context of the way in which the lunar and plane-
tary square operates because, after all, if all of life is the Independent Variable, the
Independent Variable is two positions that are based on the Moon. That's what the
Nodes are.

The thing to grasp about life and the thing to grasp about its trajectory—it's why the
ancient Brahmans felt that reincarnation took place via the Moon. For them it just
seemed clear that the Moon was in charge of the journey. And in so many ways it is.
Not directly, because you can see by its role within the lunar and planetary square
that it drives the experiential process. Not only does it drive it, but it focuses it. And
not only does it drive and focus it, it interprets it and passes it onward. It is quite a
thing, the Moon, what it does. And obviously, its relationship to the Internal is
something that is very, very important. The lunar relationship to the Nodes is more
significant, for example, than the lunar relationship to the Internal, to the Sun/Earth.

Line and Color Resonance to the Moon

So, let's take a look at a couple of examples here. Line and Color resonance to the
Moon; note here we
have upgraded to
bringing in Line. So if
we look at it in terms
of Line and Color re-
sonance, we can see
that 58% are going to
have some kind of con-
nection to the Moon.
Again, this is the pla-
netary square. If I un-
derstand this correctly,
Adrian, this is the
Moon's relationship to
the planets and the
planetary square. Is
that correct? Yes; ok,
just to make sure.

All right, so the next step here. Only Line resonance to the Moon; and of course,
here only Color resonance to the Moon. Now, the Color resonance to the Moon is
going to be very powerful. It is going to be more significant than the Line reson-
ance. Again, until we get to the holistic stage, there is no point in me showing you

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

how that really works because you need to see it within the holistic framework of an

But it's something to really grasp about the significance of these different relation-
ships, and you'll see the way in which that plays out. Resonance to the Line affects
the script. That is something that is very different than what lies underneath. What
lies underneath is what gives the interpretation of the script its uniqueness. So there
are very different values you can attach to either one of these.

No Line and Color resonance to

the Moon. As we saw earlier, you
can see that you're going to have
this percentage. It looks like it's
fairly consistent, around 5%. And
again, you can see that here in the
harmony section, that is not going
to have this. These are going to
be vehicles very dependent on the

If I were to profile that, I would

say they would be at least three
parts Right, they would have social
implications in their holistic graph, split-definition as an example, tendencies to very
social areas. In other words, you can see within the context of the graph the way in
which these underlying themes are already there. And what you're going to see is
now you have a new level of recognition within the context of the way in which the
holistic graph operates.

Line and Color Harmony to the Moon

Ok, here are harmonies.

Now, harmonies are
very interesting. They
sound nice, don't they?
A harmony has a certain
broken-telephone quali-
ty to it. It's not a re-
sonance. The moment
you're talking about
harmony, for example,
if you talked about mu-
sic and somebody sing-
ing in harmony or sing-
ing in a different key in
relationship to the oth-
er, they're actually in a

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Resonance: A Statistical View

very, very different thing. There is not a resonance, so there is a difference in the
relationship. There's a difference between the resonance and the harmony.

The harmony is felt more strongly than the resonance. Any of you who have an as-
trological background, you know what they say about a trine, the way you don't real-
ly know it's there. Resonance is not something you notice. It is the underlying wir-
ing. It's not something that you notice. But harmony you notice because it's not
quite right. Something has shifted. In the same way, dissonance is really very loud.
And when I say "loud," that means it brings a certain problematic function to what-
ever it is associated to. Again, it's difficult for me to get into that without actually
working directly with the chart.

Ok, only Line harmony to the

Moon, only Color harmony to
the Moon. Again, the Color har-
mony is going to be a very differ-
ent interpretation than the Line
harmony. Because they are har-
monies, they are going to have a
stronger accent to them in the way
in which, ultimately, they're mani-
fested in somebody's design.

No Line Color harmony to the

Moon. Again, we're dealing with
the same phenomena. It's always
amazing to me the symmetries in any statistical analysis in Human Design. It's like
looking at the bodygraph or the tonal schematic and understanding the perfection of
the symmetry in this whole thing. It's like looking at the Rave Mandala and recog-
nizing how profoundly beautiful the symmetry is of this mandala. It is the beauty
behind the numbers. What has always impressed me about Human Design is how
elegant and aesthetic is its whole construct.

Line and/or Color resonance to

the Moon. Again, we jump up to
those figures in the same way
we're seeing that everybody gets
something. It's rare that you don't
get anything in terms of the direct
access or the direct inner influ-
ence. But of course, if you're
somebody who only has one of
these, let's say on the Design side,
it's clear that it's going to be much
more important to you than some-
body who has five of them. Be-
cause it's like having a single-
definition and you only have a channel between two centers. That channel becomes
everything for you because it is going to be through it is the expression of what you

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

truly are. It also means there is an enormous vulnerability beyond that that can be
a trap. So, beginning to measure the way in which this works, to begin to really di-
agnose is something that is going to be very exciting.

Planets in Line and Color Resonance to the Moon

Line and Color resonance to the

Moon. One planet in resonance
to the Moon, two planets in re- [A full-sized, unmarked chart is on page 105.]

sonance to the Moon, three, and

again, we have the same kind of
thing. If we're looking at what is
basically consistent—you have to
look at it this way—what most
people have, you can see right
away that 75% of the popula-
tion, there is something there.
Again, we're beginning to see
the basic infrastructure and the
basic infrastructure in which we
are programmed.

Seeing the Whole Being

It's our last class together and we have about twenty minutes left. I'd be interested
to hear any of your comments or anything that has been part of your own process in
dealing with this information. Before I get to that, again thank you, Adrian. It's
great fun to look at these and begin to speculate. I have a real problem, by the way,
with Adrian's graphs because I get deeply distracted. Any one of them can really
send you off into a reverie, because once you begin to look at that, you begin to
grasp this incredible wiring system that we have and that we can legitimately map it.
This is the beauty.

When you put all this together holistically—I have a funny story. I remember many,
many years ago in the village I lived, the family that ran the local café, the daughter
of the family was a registered nurse. One day I asked Alok if he'd give her a reading
in Spanish because she was curious about what I did. I remember seeing her after
she had the reading and she came up to me and said, "Radiografia," an X-ray.

This is what we really have now. We have through all of this the combination. It's a
combination when we take all of these theoretical components that most of us have
been working with now in detail over the last four years. And you integrate them
and synthesize them within the context of the chart, you suddenly see the whole be-
ing. There isn't anything not to see. For me it is something that is really remarka-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Resonance: A Statistical View


Breathing In/Out Information is not the Neutrino Program

Question: I have, of course, a few questions. I'd like to take it back to Chiara's
earlier question about what is it, because last week you were mentioning inhalation
and exhalation and it just happened that Timothy Leary is a cave person, and so am
I, and breathing in the information from the other person. It's the first time I've
heard you refer to breathing in information. I thought—neutrinos just pass through
me. Is there something that is physically being carried in the oxygen?

Ra: We're talking about two things here. When you're looking at the holistic being
and you're giving them sensory information for their dietary regimen, you're talking
about a biological process. You're talking about what it means to take in information
from the other person. For example, our immune system, when you breathe in the
air, you breathe in atoms. Right now you could be breathing in Beethoven or Eins-
tein, because the fact of the matter is that all the atoms, with the exception of the
atoms that escaped on space flights and satellites, all the atoms that were ever here
are still here, whether you're dead or alive, decomposed or whatever, the fact is they
are floating around.

There is an enormous amount of information that comes out of a human being's

body. That information that is coming out has nothing to do with the neutrino pro-
gramming. It has nothing to do with neutrinos going through your crystals. This is
about the influences that impact your biology. When you're smelling your food,
you're smelling it for the biological information that's necessary for your digestive
system, your digestive track, for your immune system, for all of those things that are
part of the holistic, biological form.

Those suggestions that are there in terms of the approaches to eating, whether it's
looking at your food as it goes into your mouth, or breathing in to inhale the infor-
mation, all of this is about taking in specific, biological information that is going to be
holistically analyzed. It is your system that's taking that in and with that comes the
body's ability to be able to recognize—we call it Strategy and Authority—what to do
or not to do, how to be correct or not to be correct. The body in that sense is the
life. So, this is a very different kind of information that you're taking in. It's not
about being programmed. It can be about being conditioned, but it isn't about our

Internal Resonance to the Moon

Question: Ra, I have a question. I get a sense from those charts that we can have
resonance in a square either to the Sun/Earth or to the Nodes or even an internal

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

resonance to the Moon. Now, if we take that up a level, we have the dietary regimen
for the resonance to the Sun/Earth and we have the environmental for the Nodal re-
sonance, how would one go about nourishing or nurturing an internal resonance with
the Moon?

Ra: (Laughing) that's quite a question. The answer is always the same. Everything
about the way in which resonance is going to operate, if it's going to operate correct-
ly, is according to dietary regimen and environment. And dietary regimen and envi-
ronment that is a natural part of the process rooted in Strategy and Authority. There
is no magic this or that.

Again, one of the dangers of looking at all of this is that when I deconstruct this, I'm
talking about the potentials that are there for a being who is correct. The reality is
the great dysfunction in this. In the Holistic Analysis that I'm going to do, I will show
you the biological not-self. I will show you a different kind of not-self than you've
seen before, that is, the moment you move away from what the body needs in order
to operate correctly, you automatically are going to have dysfunction.

The fact is that without Strategy and Authority, none of these values we can attach
to these things are going to operate correctly. They're going to operate within a
homogenized medium; the homogenized medium is basically the relationship be-
tween a culture's diet and a culture's medicines. And you know what that all leads

So in terms of that answer specifically, when I get to the point that I'm showing you
these things within the context of a design, then there are ways of looking uniquely
at everybody's Moon, for example, and being able to see the way in which you can
measure the effectiveness of whatever your program happens to be. But there is no
way any of these things are going to operate correctly unless one is truly into the
PHS regimen and environment.

The Process is Not Natural

There is a huge problem with all of this, and I'm well aware of it. If you look at my
work on what is correct for a nine-centered being, the School of Enlightened Selfish-
ness, what you get to see is that you have to be trained, raised correctly with the
proper dietary regimen and your strategy so that by the time you're 30 you can ac-
tually enter into the correct environment for you and develop your perspective.
Now, that's what's natural. That's like saying to somebody who enters into Human
Design today, "Follow your Strategy and Authority, do your PHS and in 30 years we
can begin the awareness process."

So, you have to understand that there isn't anything we're doing that is natural.
This has been my dilemma from the beginning, having to deal with beings who are
conditioned. So I have to spend a great deal of time and energy trying to adapt
these mechanics to be a therapeutic value for people who have been conditioned in
order to bring them out of that conditioning. Otherwise, we don't get the first gen-

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Resonance: A Statistical View

eration of parents who are going to raise their children in a way that is healthy for

So, you have to be very careful about the way in which you look to find these
enriched values within yourself. It is an enormous challenge to perfect this aspect of
being. This is something that I repeat to students at this level all the time so that it
is understood. It is not my job to set up false expectations. Being such a defined
ego, I know when not to make a promise. There is no promise. The only promise
that's there is: The education is the truth, the knowledge is correct. But the

I sat today with somebody I've known for many years. He's a really bright man, he
really is. He's suffering and he's suffering deeply. He's having a deep crisis in his
life and it's all in his head and he knows that. He is quite familiar, actually, with
Human Design. It's just so interesting to watch the helplessness of what serendipity
is. For somebody who has been conditioned, it is already, for all of you, an achieve-
ment that you are already where you are because it's so rare. It truly is.

A Promise to the Future

There is a part of my work that I've always understood was a risk. From the mo-
ment this knowledge was given to me, it was obvious to me that this is truly a
science. And as truly as science, I have always had the obligation to develop the
knowledge to the extent of my capacity in order to make sure that there is nothing
that is stated that cannot be substantiated because this is what it is. And in doing
so, I have brought generations of students, beginning with those I took through
every Line and all of that stuff, through all of this enormous detail. There is an
enormous amount of detail here. You know that.

The thing to recognize is that yes, for the science it's necessary to see this, to under-
stand the wiring, to know why it works, to know the way we function within the con-
text of the maia. And yet, at the same time, it does make a promise. It makes a
promise to the future. It makes a promise to those who can begin this way, that the
glory of what's possible to be normally unique. Not to be normally homogenized, but
to be normally unique is the reward.

Expectation is a Killer

So, you always have to keep this in balance within the context of your own process.
The other thing is, don't measure it. Truly, be so careful, because expectation is a
killer. It really is. If you're following your Strategy and Authority, you will go where
you go; no further, no less; you will go where you go. It's not like you missed any-
thing. So many people think that because they can't have this or that, that some-
thing has been lost. Nothing has been lost. You're all unique.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

We are a unique generation of those who began conditioned. Where we go from

that, each and every one of us, truly, has a unique way in which we move in that.
There is no norm, there is no rule. There is no doing it this fast or that fast. There
are very few things we can be certain of. One is the seven-year cycle to cleanse the
cellular system. But I know that the great enemy is the mind. It is the mind. It is
quite something to grasp. It stands between everyone and what's possible. And at
the same time, without it, there is no way to share such wonders as this. It is one of
those great dualities that I really cherish.

The beauty of Human Design is that it gives you a way to still appreciate the beauty
of mind, yet at the same time not to abuse it or be abused by it. The mind is not
here to live this life. It is not. It is here to be a witness of the life; and no more, no
less. To get to that place is quite a thing. It is the body you must satisfy. It is the
body you have to bow down to. It is the body you have to serve. Whatever is there
within the wiring, the correctness of how that can operate is rooted in the discipline
to follow through at whatever level you can in the work that you do.

Health is Not an Issue If You’re Raised Correctly

Question: Ra, I'm a little intrigued when you were saying earlier that this isn't
about healing, that healing is a seven-centered version. It's about alignment.
Alignment will not necessarily—I'm looking for health insurance. But I think you're
telling me it's going to bring well-being, not necessarily—I don't know—health. I'd
like to understand a bit more.

Ra: I think to try to put that into context, the knowledge the way it's supposed to
exist, or the ultimate path of the knowledge, if you're raised correctly you're not
going to have health as an issue. I can't be much simpler. Health will not be the

Any homogenized being, any conditioned being, the moment you come into the
world, health is an issue. And it's going to be an issue regardless of somewhere in
your life that you find Human Design and you begin your process. I remember a
very early reading that I had. Some guy was desperate to have a reading with me.
I think he was in his 60s. He had driven a long distance, had come up from Texas to
see me in New Mexico. He came and the first thing he said to me—didn't say hello,
didn't shake hands, all that typical stuff—he said to me, "I'm dying," which I thought
was a wonderful way to introduce yourself. I said, "Me, too." He didn't find that
enormously amusing.

Anyway, that was followed by him saying, "Is what you can do for me, is that going
to heal me?" And I said, "No." This is not what it's about. That's what I mean
about having dedicated my career to dealing with trying to figure out a way to help
conditioned beings. It's very different from what this knowledge is about and what
it's for. It really is.

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Resonance: A Statistical View

Written comment: Aren't we all dying? Very funny!

Ra: Yeah, well, it's true. I think this is really something to grasp. It's our condi-
tioning that plagues us. And many of us are dependent on the genetic combinations,
because remember our parents, other than through serendipity, truly did not come
together in a way that was correct. So you have all kinds of genetic information that
isn't necessarily the right mixes and matches for what theoretically could be possible.

It's really something to understand how deep conditioning goes, how far back into
the chain of our nature it goes. That's why this is the beginning of the nine-centered
being coming into its emergence, and it will truly emerge through the children. That
is so clear to me. It's like what I talk about in terms of the way in which neural
shutdown takes place at three years of age. You give me enough babies of Human
Design people who have been raised for their first seven years, let them all have that
tested; I will tell you there is no neural shutdown for them.

That's already a different potential in the way in which awareness is going to operate
in those beings. We don't even know what it's like to be us. We don't. We all have
been limited by deep conditioning; all of us, myself included. What to do. This is
what it means to play this role. We can go as far as we can go. But we are here for
those who come. That will always be the truth for us.

And to remember with grace everyday how lucky you are that you have what you do
have and you are as far as you are, because it is an incredible thing when you com-
pare it to the world around you. It's quite an accomplishment. It's a great piece of
serendipity, fate, karma, destiny, whatever you want to call it; it's a nice thing.

All right, folks, it's been a pleasure. Thank you for participating. It was great to go
through this and share it with you. We'll see each other again, I'm sure. Bye for

~ The End of Design Resonance Mapping ~

The Illustration Library Follows

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Illustration Library

The Lunar & Planetary Square Keynotes

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
Illustration Library
A Digital Book for Students


Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh


Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Illustration Library
A Digital Book for Students

MMAI Bodygraph Chart of Timothy Leary

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

MMAI Bodygraph Chart – The Diamond

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Illustration Library
A Digital Book for Students

MMAI Bodygraph Chart – The Diagonal

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Planetary Color Resonance in Diagonal and/or Diamond

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Illustration Library
A Digital Book for Students

Planets in Color Resonance to the Sun/Earth and/or Nodes

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Activations of the Same Color

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Illustration Library
A Digital Book for Students

Line & Color Resonance to the Moon

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Way of the Flesh

Planets in Line and Color Resonance to the Moon

~ The End of the Illustration Library and Design Resonance Mapping ~

Design Resonance Mapping is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
A New Being and A New Way of Life

Nine-Centered Awakening is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)

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