Fusion 360 Lab Report

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In this file you learn how to use Fusion 360 and how to draw a model and
perform different operations on it and then simulate them.
Introduction to Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is a cloud-based CAD/CAM tool for collaborative product development

that combines industrial design, mechanical engineering, and machine tool
programming into one software solution. Through a series of lectures and hands-
on exercises, this course provides the core philosophy behind the software. Fusion
360 helps students and educators prepare for the future of design. It's the first 3D
CAD, CAM, and CAE tool of its kind, connecting your entire product development
process into one cloud-based platform.

Model and performing different operations:

First you have to open the software that is Fusion 360. Its interface looks like this
picture given below

Then we have to select a plane on which we have to draw a model. It is not

necessary that you must select a specific plane, you select any plane. The method
of selecting plane is that left click on that plane and select create sketch as in
picture below
After you select a plane its interface is like this given in piture below

Then draw what you want. As I draw a 2 point rectangle. The shapes like circle,
rectangle, slots, arc are at upper side. You can select you specific shapes from
there. After drawing a square it will look like this
Then we have to extude it. We can select the extusion command from top of
software. After selecting the command you have to select your specific face which
you want to extude. Its interface looks like this

Then specify the extrusion height and hit Enter key. After this

An easy way of applying commands is that simply hit S key and a dialog box will
appear type your desired command in search box and then apply it
Then I selelct one side of rectangle and make and offset. Offset command draws
the duplicate of your object at distance which you specified

After this I have to extrude the rectangle

I do negative extrusion by typing negative value and click OK

Then I select the internal extruded rectangle and apply offset command

After I appling offset command I select the offset distance and click OK

Then I want to extrude the last drawn rectangle so I select rectangle and click on
extrude command. A shortcut key of extrusion command is Q
After this extrusion I want to fillet some edges so I select fillet command and start
selecting the edges

Then I click OK and the model looks like this picture given below

Then I want to write some text on the model so I select the Text command and
draw the surface of text by left click and drag the cursor to desired point
After this I extrude the text

But with negative value

Then I draw two lines on sides and make them extruded with negative value
So our final model looks like this

Then we have to change our workspace and move to manufacture. This option is
available on left side
Then I select Setup and then new setup

In new setup menu you select your machine, stock point, operation type etc
Then click on 2D a dropdown menu will appear select your operations which you
want to perform on your model. I select 2D pocket

Then select the tool and after this select the stock
After this again I select 2D pocket and this time select the text as stock and then
again select tool and other options as well

After this I click one more time on 2D and select on 2D countor and select the
Then I select Face from 2D

After this I click on setups at left side and then simulate it that is in Actions at
upper side
Thats the end.

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