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Osechi Ryori おせち料理 (Japanese New Year

Osechi Ryori (御節料理) are the traditional foods enjoyed on New Year’s day in Japan.
They come in an assortment of colorful dishes packed together in special boxes called
jubako, which resemble bento boxes. Every dish of these traditional foods have special
meaning in welcoming the New Year.

The Japanese celebrate the New Year Day with traditional New Year foods
called Osechi Ryori (御節料理). It is considered the most important meal of the year as
each dish serves as a well wishes for the coming year.

What is Osechi Ryori?

Similar to bento boxes, Osechi Ryori are usually packed in 2-3 layers of lacquer boxes
(ojubako) and there are many dishes in each layer. The entire family would share one
ojubako to enjoy on new year’s day. The multi-tiered boxes symbolize the hope that
happiness & wealth come continuously, like the layers of lacquer ware.

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To welcome the New Year with you, I’ve included a selection of popular Osechi Ryori
dishes below. You will find some traditional dishes along with a mix of modern
Japanese favorites that are often served during the holiday. Each recipe also comes
with a video that guides you through the cooking process.

I hope you enjoy the spread & don’t miss the delicious desserts at the end!
12 Popular Osechi Ryori Dishes
1. Datemaki (Sweet Rolled Omelette) 伊達巻
2. Kuri Kinton (Candied Chestnut with Sweet Potatoes) 栗きんとん
3. Namasu (Daikon & Carrot Salad) 紅白なます
4. Chikuzenni / Nishime (Simmered Chicken & Vegetables) 筑前煮/煮しめ
5. Tazukuri (Candied Sardines) 田作り
6. Kuromame (Sweet Black Soybeans) 黒豆
7. Kazunoko (Herring Roe) 数の子
8. Kamaboko (Fish Cake with Salmon Roe) 蒲鉾いくらのせ
9. Ebi no Umani (Simmered Shrimp) えびのうま煮
10. Shake no Kobumaki (Salmon Kombu Roll) 鮭の昆布巻き
11. Kikka Kabu (Pickled Chrysanthemum Turnip) 菊花かぶ
12. Decorative Kamaboko (Fish Cakes)かまぼこ
1. Datemaki (Sweet Rolled Omelette) 伊達巻
Typically served in a lacquered jubako (special square boxes similar to lunch
box), Datemaki is sweet rolled omelette that makes a very popular Japanese New
Year’s food. It is by far my favorite dish among the new year foods. And I hope you give
this delicate looking omelette a try too!
2. Kuri Kinton (Candied Chestnut with Sweet
Potatoes) 栗きんとん
Kurikinton literary means “chestnut gold mash”, which symbolizes economic fortune and
wealth. It’s important for New Year meal to bring good luck and prosperity. If you make
this dish, please use Japanese Sweet Potatoes for its bright yellow color. Not only they
are sweeter than regular sweet potatoes, yellow is also an auspicious color for the new
3. Namasu (Daikon & Carrot Salad) 紅白なます
Namasu is a daikon and carrot salad that is lightly pickled in sweetened vinegar.  This
dish was introduced to Japan from China around 700s (Nara period) and it is especially
enjoyed during the New Year in Japan. Since red and white are considered celebratory
colors in Japan, you will see these colors being used in many traditional ceremonies.
This salad is easy to make and can be prepared ahead of time.
4. Chikuzenni (Simmered Chicken & Vegetables) 筑前

Chikuzenni is a classic Japanese dish often served on New Year’s Day, but my mom
makes it regularly because it was my family’s favorite Nimono (Japanese simmered
dish). This is also a popular side dish for bento because it can be made in advance and
still tastes great at room temperature. For New Year’s dish, the vegetables and
konnyaku are cut into fancy shapes to celebrate the occasion.
5. Tazukuri (Candied Sardines) 田作り
Made of roasted baby sardines & coated in a sweet soy sauce glaze, Tazukuri is
another popular dish for osechi ryori. We eat tazukuri on the New Year’s day as it
symbolizes a bountiful harvest. Tazukuri (田作り) literally translates to “making (作り)
rice paddy (田)” as sardines were once used as fertilizers for rice fields.
6. Kuromame (Sweet Black Soybeans) 黒豆
Kuromame literally means “black bean (黒豆)” in Japanese, and it is often served on
New Years Day as a part of Osechi Ryori. The shinny black beans make a beautiful
contrast to red lacquer jubako container, which holds all different kinds of colorful
traditional meals. Eating kuromame also is considered good for your health for the new
7. Kazunoko (Herring Roe) 数の子
We enjoy this golden colored Kazunoko on the New Year’s day as it symbolizes
prosperous family and many offsprings.  This prized delicacy has unique crunchy
texture and it’s one of the most popular dishes among Osechi Ryori.
8. Kamaboko (Fish cake with Salmon Roe) 蒲鉾いくら
With its elegant presentation, Kamaboko with Salmon Roe makes an impressive
addition to your osechi ryori. You’d be surprised how easy it is to make the recipe.
Simply make small slits across the Kamaboko (fish cake), stuff in shiso leaf, and top
with golden salmon roe.
9. Ebi no Umani (Simmered Shrimp) えびのうま煮
Simmered shrimp cooked in dashi soy sauce and soaked overnight, this beautiful dish
adds a bright color and delicious flavor to your Osechi Ryori.
10. Salmon Kombu Roll 鮭の昆布巻き
Flavorful salmon rolled up in kombu and tied with kanpyo (gourd strips), Salmon Kombu
Roll is a traditional Japanese dish for the New Year. Representing the secrets of
perennial youth and long life, you may be tempted to devour more than one of these
exquisite appetizers.
11. Pickled Chrysanthemum Turnip 菊花かぶ
Simple decorative touches on a vegetable can transform a dish from ordinary to special.
These Pickled Chrysanthemum Turnips will bring your Osechi Ryori game to the next
level.  And you only need some basic cutting techniques!
12. 7 Beautiful Designs to Cut Japanese Fish Cake
(Kamaboko) かまぼこの飾り切り
Two Japanese fish cakes (Kamaboko), seven beautiful designs to cut Japanese fish
cake! Make ordinary fish cake into decorative designs on this Oshogatu (Japanese New

12 Popular Side Dishes & Desserts to Serve with

Osechi Ryori
1. Ozoni (Kanto-style) 関東風お雑煮
Ozoni (Japanese New Year Mochi Soup) is clear dashi based mochi soup with chicken
and seasonal vegetables, which is enjoyed in Kanto region (Eastern Japan). This
comforting winter soup usually includes toasted mochi, chicken, and Japanese mustard
spinach and served with varieties of osechi ryori.
2. Ozoni (Kansai-style) 関西風お雑煮
This Kansai-style Ozoni is a miso-based soup enjoyed in the morning on New Year’s
Day. The soup includes mochi (rice cake), and the preparation varies by region and
household. My recipe is an adaptation from my mom’s recipe where I include leafy
green vegetables and yuzu peel.
3. Mochi (Japanese Rice Cakes) お餅各種
From sweet to savory, there are various types of mochi (Japanese rice cake) we enjoy
in Japan. For savory dishes, mochi is used as a topping for Ozoni, hot udon noodle
soup, or inside Okonomiyaki. For sweet dishes, you will find Mochi Ice Cream, Zenzai
(Oshiruko), Strawberry Daifuku and so on. So for Japanese New Year, you have the
perfect excuse to enjoy them all.
4. Anko (Sweet Red Bean Paste) 餡子
Red bean paste is used as a filling in many delicious Japanese sweets and desserts.
This Pressure Cooker Anko recipe is an easy way to prepare the sweet bean paste
without much hassle. Once it’s cooked, you are set to make all sorts of mochi
or Dorayaki and Taiyaki.
5. Cucumber Wrapped Sushi きゅうりの軍艦巻き
These refreshing Cucumber Wrapper Sushi could be served as appetizer for your New
Year celebration.  Once the rice is cooked, you can quickly assemble the sushi right
before you serve.  If you don’t eat raw fish, you can substitute with smoked salmon or
simply create your own.
6. Otoro Sushi 大トロ寿司
Although it is not part of osechi ryori, sushi is regarded a celebratory food in Japan and
most holidays include one variation of sushi or another. Japanese New Year makes a
special occasion to enjoy otoro sushi, where you feast on the most valued part of the
tuna belly.
7. Hosomaki (Thin Sushi Rolls) 細巻き
Hosomaki (Thin Sushi Rolls) are an easy and fun dish to serve during your New Year’s
get-together. To get started, you just need a few ingredients like tuna, cucumber, nori,
and Japanese short grain rice.
8. Futomaki (Thick Sushi Rolls) 太巻き
This traditional thick sushi roll Futomaki is typically filled with various vegetables and
sometimes include cooked fish like unagi.  This colorful sushi roll is perfect special
holidays and celebrations.
9. Zenzai (Red Bean Soup with Rice Cakes) ぜんざい
Zenzai is a thick sweet dessert soup made of azuki red beans and often served with
mochi (toasted rice cake). Although is not considered part of osechi ryori, this delicious
dessert soup is a comforting treat for Japanese people especially during the winter time.
10. Green Tea Zenzai 抹茶ぜんざい
For a different variety of zenzai, I recommend this unique Matcha Zenzai, where red
bean paste with soft mochi are served in a green tea soup. This exquisite sweet can be
enjoyed hot or cold.  If you have last-minute guests visiting, you can prepare it easily
and serve as a snack or dessert.
11. Yuzu Sorbet 柚子のシャーベット
Yuzu is commonly used in Japanese cuisine when it’s in season in fall or winter. I think
it’s wonderful to make Yuzu Sorbet to round up the Japanese New Year dishes for a
bright future. It also helps to refresh the palate for the delicious foods we enjoy during
the holiday.
12. Mizu Yokan 水羊羹
A chilled Japanese red bean jelly, Mizu Yokan is a traditional sweet in Japan. Shaped
like a rectangular block with a firm texture, my recipe includes golden chestnuts inside
the jelly for a festive touch.  This Mizu Yokan is a great edible gift if you are visiting your
family for the New Year’s.

Wish to Learn More about Japanese New Year?

Click here to find out more about how Japanese people celebrate this annual festival.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy making these Osechi Ryori recipes during the New
Year’s holiday!  If you make one of these recipes, snap a picture and hashtag
it #JustOneCookbook. I love to see your creations on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter!
Thank you so much for reading and till next time!

Don’t want to miss a recipe? Sign up for the FREE Just One Cookbook
newsletterdelivered to your inbox! And stay in touch with me
on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

Editor’s Note: Original post was published on Dec 27, 2015.  The content has been
updated in December 2017.

Osechi Ryori: The

Hidden Meanings
Behind Japanese
New Year Food
The Symbolism Of
Prawns And Chestnuts



They’re pretty, they’re delicious and they’re symbolic.

With Christmas now behind us, you can see the whole of Japan getting ready
for the New Year’s, and that involves taking out the kotatsu (table and blanket
over an electric heater), securing the omochi (pounded rice cakes) and getting
ready to cook osechi ryori — Japan’s traditional food served during the New
Year’s holidays. While we see it everywhere, how much do we actually know
about osechi? 
Osechi ryori, said to have begun in the Heian era (from 794), is a set of small,
traditional dishes served in beautiful three- or four-layered lacquer bento
boxes called jubako, placed at the center of the table on New Year’s Eve and
remaining there through Jan. 1. Shared with all family and  friends, each item
in the tray represents a particular wish for the next year. Here are 12 typical
food items you’ll encounter and their symbolic meanings.

Datemaki: Scholarship
It looks exactly like tamago yaki (Japanese rolled omelet) but once you taste
it you’ll know the difference. Datemaki, the sweet rolled omelet, is mixed with
an additional ingredient called hanpen (a fish cake) that makes it much fluffier
than tamago yaki. In the past, Japanese people traditionally rolled important
documents or paintings. Due to its resemblance to the scrolled papers, the
dish is said to represent a wish for the development of culture and learning.

Kuri-kinton: Wealth
Kuri kinton (sweet chestnuts) literally means: “golden dango (sweet
dumpling) made of chestnuts.” As the color is yellowish-gold, it goes without
saying that it represents a wish for wealth and a fruitful new year. You
may find it difficult to eat them as they are quite sticky, but if you have a sweet
tooth — keep some of them on your plate from the beginning of the party,

Kohaku Kamaboko: Sunrise

Kamaboko (boiled fish paste) is most commonly presented as a combination
of the colors red and white. The red color is believed to prevent evil spirits,
while the white represents purity. Further, the shape of kamaboko —
resembling that of the sun at daybreak— represents the first sun rise of the
new year. 

Kobu-maki: Happiness
The kobu, or kelp, served around seems to have different meanings. The first
of which is quite simple: the word “kobu” is a Japanese homonym
for “yorokobu,” which means joy and happiness. Kobu also symbolizes
many offspring when written as “子生,” a kanji that represents childbirth.

Kazunoko: Fertility
© Photo by takahito

Kazunoko, or herring roe, also uses easy Japanese wordplay. “Kazu” means
numbers and “ko” means children. So, kazunoko symbolizes being blessed
with many children. Another reason this particular type of fish is used,
interestingly, is that herring is called “nishin” in Japanese, but if written with
different kanji, it becomes “二親” (“ni shin“), meaning two parents.

Ebi: Longevity
Picture a shrimp. It has a bent back and two antennae that look like a long
beard, don’t they? Therefore, the ebi (shrimp) on your plate is there to wish
you a long life, until you have a bent back and long beard (sorry ladies, that
happens). The red color makes the osechi look even more appealing and
colorful, but it’s also said that it’s there to scare evil spirits away. Just like its
friend kamaboko.

Kuromame: Health
According to Taoism, the color black works as protection against evil spirits.
Moreover, as the word “mame” originally means good health and strength in
Japanese, kuromame (black beans) represents a wish to live and work in
sound health during the next year.

Tatsukuri (Gomame): Bounty
Translated directly into English, tatsukuri (dried, sweetened baby
sardines)means rice farming. But what does sardines have to do with
grains and agriculture? Well, a long time ago Japanese farmers used dried
sardines as a fertilizer for their rice fields. Its other name, gomame, literally
means “50,000 grains of rice” and derives from the fact that sardine fertilizer
produced a great harvest of rice. Since then, tatsukuri has been considered as
a symbol of good harvest for the next year.

Renkon: Foreseeable, good future

In Buddhism, renkon (lotus root) is considered a plant of purity, as it’s
believed to grow in the heavenly pond where the Buddha lived. Lotus root
represents a happy future without obstacles. Why? Well, look through the
holes in the renkon — you can clearly see the other side without any
Kikuka-kabu: Celebration & Promotion
Kabu, or turnip, are served in the shape of kiku (chrysanthemum).The
chrysanthemum is the Japanese national flower and is often associated with
traditional festivities and celebrations (as well as the imperial family). There is
also a belief from China that it drives away evil and allows you to live longer. 

Gobo: Strength & Stability

© Photo by fitkitchen
Gobo (burdock root) takes a while to cut down and it’s exactly this
characteristic that landed it on the osechi dish. Just like those roots that grow
so firmly in the soil, burdock symbolizes hope for a life of strength and
stability and a life of physical strength. In other words: eat this at New Year’s
and nothing can bring your down. 

Tai: Auspiciousness & Celebration

Tai, or sea bream, is a fish for celebration in Japan. A play on words, it derives
from medetai, meaning “to celebrate.” The fish is eaten when a child is born or
at weddings in hope for prosperity and happiness. Make a wish as you remove
those bones…

For food enthusiasts who wish to cook their own osechi ryori, here is a quick
tutorial by Noriko and Yuko at Japanese Cooking 101. Yoi otoshi o (“Have a
good year”)!

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