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(UsN] DAYANANDA SAGAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi) Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bengaluru-S60078 UG Semester End Examination, December 2019/January 2020 Course: Analog Electronics Circuits Maximum marks: 100 Course Code: 18TE3DCAEC Duration: 03 hours Semester; III Note: i). Question ONE (a to t) has to be answered from pages 5 to 7 only, also candidate must write the answer along with the option. ii). Question 1 to 4 is compulsory. iff), Any missing data should be suitably assumed. Q.No. 1a) The forward voltage drop across a silicon diode is about i). 03v ii). 0.7 iii). L4lv iv). Ov b) Number of depletion regions in a PNP transistor is i). One ii). Two iii), Three iv), Four ©) Inan NPN transistor, IC = 100mA, and IE = 100.5 mA, then the value of B is i). 100 ii). 50 iii), 150 iv). None of these 4) The maximum efficiency of a half-wave rectifier is i). 40.6% ii), 81.2% iii), 50% iv), 25% e) To operate the PNP Transistor in saturation region, the Emitter Base and Collector Base should be supplied with DEBE RB: ii). FB & FB iii), RB & FB iv), FB & any bias. 1) When BJTs are used in digital applications, they usually operate in which region i), Active and cutoff ii), Saturation and cutoff iii). Active and Saturation iv). All of these. 2) 180° phase shift between input and output signal is possible in i). CE config ii). CC Config iti). CBConfig_ iv). All of these h) Input resistance and current gain of common collector amplifier is i). High ii), Low iii), Zero iv). Cannot define. i) AFETisa controlled device whereas a bipolar transistor is a controlled device. DVal i). V&V iii). 1&V iv). 1&1 j) JPET forward transconductance is expressed as a ratio and has unit of i). Voltage ii), Siemens iii) hertz iv). Ampere To produce cut off in a p-channel JFET with a pinch-off voltage equals to -3 V, gate to source voltage must equals to i). 3V ii), 43V iii), -6V iv) +6V 1) Hfgate to source voltage in an n-channel depletion MOSFET is made more negative, drain current will i). increase isdooceaso iii), Constant iv), Zero m) The lower and upper cut off frequencies are also called frequencies 4). Side band ii). Resonant ii). Half- resonant iv), Half— power n) The gain of the BJT voltage amplifier decreases at high frequencies due to i).Cc ii). Ce iii) parasitic elements iv). All of these Marks 01 01 01 o1 o1 01 01 01 01 01 o1 o1 o1 01 P) g b) a) b) The efficiency of power amplifier is over 90%. o1 i), class A ii). Class B iii). Class C iv). Class D Class C amplifiers is biased for operation at less than Softhecycleand 01 will operate only with a circuit. i), 180, resonant iii). 90, resonant —_iv). 90, resistive. ii). 180, resistive The product of forward gain and feedback factor should be to 01 produce oscillations. i). ii). 0.5 iii) greater than 1 iv). 0 When voltage feedback (negative) is applied to an amplifier, its input impedance 01 iis increased ii). Is decreased iii). Remains the same iv). None Negative feedback is employed in 01 i). Oscillators ii), Amplifiers Rectifiers iv). None An oscillator produces oscillations 01 i). Damped ii).undamped iii). Modulated _iv). None Plot the transfer characteristics of the circuit shown in fig., assuming ideal diodes Sketch 08 Vo if V;= 40 sin ot. 10K. Ilustrate Exact analysis and approximate analysis for Voltage divider circuit, by deriving 08 Ic and Veg with necessary circuits. With relevant diagrams, derive an expression for input impedance, output impedance and 08 the voltage gain for emitter follower circuit using “r,” model. For the Voltage divider bias network shown below, determine 08 i). Fe ii), Zi(with ro = 2) iii). Zo(with ro = «@) iv). AV(with ro = 0) - . 12 Zsa 1, | S68 | i‘ ee e~ a5 20uF Voltage divider Blas Fig2 Plot the transfer characteristics and the output characteristics for an—channel JFET with 05 pss = 8mA and Vp = -4V. Explain the construction and working principle of n ~ channel Enhancement type 08 MOSFET with necessary diagrams and output characteristics. Bring out the primary differences between BJTs and FETs 03 Explain low frequency response of BJT amplifier and give expressions for lower 08 b) a) b) a) b) a) b) cutoff frequency due to Ce,Cg and Cs Describe Miller’s effect and Obtain an expression for Miller effect input & output capacitance. oR How the power amplifiers are classified? Explain, Show that the transformer coupled class A amplifier has a maximum efficiency of 50%. Explain the operation of a class B push pull amplifier and show that its efficiency is 78.5% at maximum power dissipation. Explain the different types of Feedback connections and compare them. With a neat diagram, derive an expression for the following parameters for voltage ~ series feedback arrangement ‘). Voltage gain (As) ii). Input impedance (Z;:) iii). Output impedance (Zo) OR Explain with the Circuit diagram the working of Wein bridge oscillator. Design the RC elements of Wein-Bridge oscillator of frequency = SKhz. Explain the working of Hartley and Collpit Oscillator. A collpitt oscillator is used to generate a frequency of 900kH7, the capacitance of the capacitor Cy=100pF,C:=10pF.Find the value of L. 08 08 08 08 os os 08

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