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INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES & Even when raised in sharply different

environments, the twins show remarkable similarity

in many aspects of their personalities (Bouchard Jr
Discussion 1990).

The behavior of an employee involves a complex Evidence also supports the view that personality is
interaction of the person and the situation. Events real, that people do show a certain degree of
in the surrounding environment (including the consistency in their behavior.
presence and behavior of others) strongly influence
the way people behave at any particular time. Points to Ponder

Yet, people always bring something of themselves If personality is much more than an illusion, to what
to the situation. This “something,” which extent is it responsible for how we behave? In other
represents the unique qualities of the individual, is words, do we behave the way we do in a given
personality. situation because of personality, because of
situational pressures, or both?
Core research suggests it is “both?”
Refers to the relatively stable pattern of behaviors
and consistent internal states that explain a Importance of Nature and Nurture in
personal behavioral tendencies (Hogan1991). Personality Development

Is Personality Real? Our behavior is determined by a complex

interaction between our personality traits and the
The Person – Situation Controversy external environment; both are important and can
affect what we do or say.
Some social scientists have rejected the notion of
personality, arguing instead how we behave is Almost all social scientists accept this view known
mainly determined by the external conditions we as interactionists’ perspectives – and it is dominant
face (Mischel, 1973). These social scientists have position also in organizational behavior.
gone as far as to claim that what we often describe
as personality is really an illusion stemming from Hereditary and Learning
the fact that we want to perceive consistency in
Personality emerges over time from the interaction
human behavior, because it enables predicting
of genetic and environmental factors.
what they will say or do.
To a large extent genes predetermine an
On the opposite side of this controversy are social
individual’s physical characteristics and they
scientists who have argued, just as strongly, that
contribute to other important personality
stable traits do exist that these lead people to
characteristics such as intelligence and
behave consistently across time and in different
Gender, race, size, appearance and even health and
In support of their claims, they point to the findings
energy are influenced significantly by genes
of the research in which individuals are studied
(Bouchard 1990).
over extended period of time.
Learning also vitally important
One of the major characteristics that distinguish
Identical twins studied in completely separate
human beings from other species is that human
beings have a significantly greater capacity to learn,
Findings: remember and think about what happened in the
past, is happening in the present, and might happen Personality Dichotomies
in the future.
• People and things (Extraversion or "E"), or ideas
Importance and Recognition of Individual and information (Introversion or "I").
differences in Personality
• Facts and reality (Sensing or "S"), or possibilities
Individuals learn and acquire knowledge, abilities, and potential (Intuition or "N").
values and attitudes.
• Logic and truth (Thinking or "T"), or values and
Individuals learn their own motives. Overtime their relationships (Feeling or "F").
pattern of behavior becomes identified as their
• A lifestyle that is well-structured (Judgment or
"J"), or one that goes with the flow (Perception
People’s personalities become clearer and more or "P").
stable as they grow older.
Myers and Jung
Personality can be conceptualized from a variety of
In Myers Briggs theory, for each pair you prefer one
theoretical perspectives and at various levels of
style more than the other. Jung also allowed a
abstraction and breadth ( Hampston et al.1986).
middle group where you like an equal balance of
Shift in focus from descriptive studies focusing on the two. You combine the letters associated with
child rearing practices to process-oriented your preferences to get your Myers Briggs
psychology developed in the 1960’s. personality type. For example, having preferences
for E, S, T and J gives a personality type of ESTJ.
Accepting and Managing Individual Although you have preferences, you still use all
differences eight styles - in the same way that most people are
right-handed but they still use both hands.
Process-oriented approach: Phenomenon of the
The influence of individuals, social structures and The first pair of styles is concerned with the
cultural beliefs on one another (House 1981). direction of your energy. If you prefer to direct your
energy to deal with people, things, situations, or
Intuition, Judgment, Perception & Sensation
"the outer world", then your preference is for
(MBTI) EXTRAVERSION. If you prefer to direct your energy
Myers-Briggs Theory to deal with ideas, information, explanations or
beliefs, or "the inner world", then your preference
Myers-Briggs theory was developed by the mother- is for INTROVERSION.
daughter partnership of Katharine Briggs and Isabel

Myers-Briggs theory is an adaptation of the theory  The second pair concerns the type of
of psychological types produced by Carl Gustav information/things that you process. If you prefer
Jung. It is based on 16 personality types, which Jung to deal with facts, what you know, to have clarity,
viewed as stereotypes (Jung 1921, p. 405). They act or to describe what you see, and then your
as useful reference points to understand your preference is for SENSING. If you prefer to deal
unique personality (Jung 1957, p. 304). At the heart with ideas, look into the unknown, to generate new
of Myers Briggs theory are four preferences.  possibilities or to anticipate what isn't obvious, and
then your preference is for INTUITION. The letter N
  is used for intuition because I have already been
allocated to Introversion.
THINKING and FEELING assertive, outgoing, talkative, open (extraversion)
to being timid, quiet, reserved (introversion).
 The third pair reflects your style of decision-
making. If you prefer to decide on the basis of AGREEABLENESS
objective logic, using an analytic and detached
This refers to an individual’s behavior towards
approach, then your preference is for THINKING. If
others while interacting with them. For example,
you prefer to decide using values - i.e. on the basis
the behavior may range from being warm, co-
of what or who you believe is important - then your
operative and close (high agreeableness) to cold,
preference is for FEELING.
antagonistic, and distant (low agreeableness).
The final pair describes the type of lifestyle you
Refers to the extent to which individuals show
adopt. If you prefer your life to be planned and
consistent and reliable behavior while working in an
well-structured then your preference is for
organization. An individual’s style may range from
JUDGING. This is not to be confused with
being responsible, dependable, reliable and
'Judgmental', which is quite different. If you prefer
consistent (high conscientiousness), to being
to go with the flow, to maintain flexibility and
unreliable, disorganized, and inconsistent (low
respond to things as they arise, then your
conscientiousness); from performing work in a
preference is for PERCEPTION.
detailed and structured manner to performing work
Do the alphabet math to find your personality type? in a general and spontaneous way.

When you put these four letters together, you get a EMOTIONAL STABILITY / NEUROTICISM
personality type code. Having four pairs to choose
from means there are sixteen Myers Briggs This refers to the ability of an individual to control
personality types. his or her emotions at the time of crisis. Individuals
with high stability are more controlled with their
SIXTEEN PERSONALITY TYPES emotions and are calm and self-confident. On the
other hand, those with low emotional stability are
more nervous, depressed, and insecure in their

OPENNESS (to experience)

Measures the individual’s openness to any kind of

BIG 5 Factors experience that helps him or her to do the job
effectively. Individuals who are open to experience
Personality comprises of many elements, are more approachable, creative and sensitive.
psychologists work to identify critical factors that However, those who are less open to experience
help people observe and understand an individual’s are conservative in their approach and feel
style and behavior pattern. One such set of factors uncomfortable in a new environment.
is referred to by some psychologists as the “Big
Five” (Mc Crae 1992; Smith et al.2001) In Analysis

EXTRAVERSION Key elements of each factor combine to provide a

overall understanding of an individual’s personality.
Extraversion focuses on the comfort level of an This ability to understand different personalities
individual in interaction with others. For example, helps managers predict an individual's behavior in
an individual's behavior may range from being different situations.

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