LP Simile

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan

in English 7
March 8, 2021

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. distinguish the difference between simile and metaphor;
b. supply the proper words in a given context;
c. value the importance of protecting their city; and
d. construct meaningful sentences using simile and metaphor.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: “Gifts for the City” by Shirley Mary deLeon (Literature)
Simile and Metaphor (Figures of Speech)
b. References: English-Grade 7 Learner’s Material, pages 184-186
c. Materials: Laptop, Projector, Box, Strips of Paper, and Activity Sheets

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Classroom management
 Checking of attendance and face mask

B. Motivation
Unlocking of Difficulties
 Puzzle Game
 The teacher will project the puzzle on the screen. A box which contains strips of paper with
phrases written on it will be placed on the table. Each student will pick one strip inside the box
one at a time, then look for the word that corresponds to the meaning written on the strip of
paper he/she picked. Afterwards, he/she must use the word in a sentence.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

 The students will read in chorus the poem entitled, “Gifts for the City” by Shirley Mary deLeon
and the teacher will present the questions that they need to process after reading the poem.

Process Questions:
1. What is the poem all about?
2. What are the simple, little ways that the writer mentioned in the poem?
3. In your own opinion, how can you give back to your beloved city?

D. Discussion
Simile is a comparison of two objects with the signal words “like” or “as”.
1. He eats like a pig.
2. She is white as snow.
3. My father is like a carabao.
4. Life is like a roller coaster.
5. Mary was as sweet as pie.
Metaphor is a direct comparison of two unlike things without using “like” or “as”.
1. He is a pig.
2. She is a snow.
3. My father is a carabao in the field.
4. Life is a roller coaster.
5. Mary was a sweet pie.

E. Application
 The class will be divided into two groups. Each group will be given eight minutes to supply what
is being asked in the passage. Afterwards, each group will present/read their own version of the

Once upon a time there was a dog named Brownie. Brownie was as fast as a (type of car) and as
strong as a (small animal). One day, Brownie was so hungry he could eat a (big animal), so he went to
himself something to eat. Brownie had an amazing sense of smell and could smell food from a (unit of
distance) away!
As he walked through the park, he caught the scent of a delicious bone somewhere near him. It
was so real that he could almost (one of the five senses) it!
He searched for (unit of time) but couldn’t find it. Suddenly, a man as tall as the (famous
building) walked passed him eating a chicken leg. Brownie drooled so much it was like a (type of flowing
water) flowing from his mouth! The man laughed, pet Brownie on the head, and handed him the bone.
Brownie was so happy he could (impossible thing to do).

F. Generalization
 How do you define a simile?
 Can anyone construct a sentence using the figurative language, simile?
 How about metaphor? How do you define it in your own words?
 Can anyone give me a metaphorical sentence?

IV. Evaluation
A. Directions: In the running text below, write all the things being compared with each other and
identify the figure of speech used.

The Last Day of School

It was the last day of school, and my heart was beating like a drum – I couldn’t wait for that final
bell to ring. I finally would be released from this prison and felt like a dog being set free from a cage for
the first time. This summer was going to be one to remember. I would be traveling up north to my
family’s cottage with my dad – we have planned to spend two full weeks there – it is my favorite place.
The wildlife of birds is nature’s orchestra, and I love to listen to their songs. I love the feeling the sun
melt into my skin like wax from a candle when it’s heated. Summer is my playground, and I can’t wait for
it to begin!

B. Directions: Determine whether each sentence is a simile or metaphor. Choose and underline your
answer and explain which two things are being compared.

Example: My mind is a puddle in the street reflecting green.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

What are the two things being compared?
The speaker is comparing his mind to a puddle.

1. The faces at the street crossings shine like a row of eggs on a pantry shelf.
This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

What are the two things being compared?

2. He overwhelmed the boxer with avalanches of punches.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

What are the two things being compared?

3. The musicians spun great webs of sound.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

What are the two things being compared?

4. A hundred miles of landscape spread before me like a fan.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

What are the two things being compared?

5. We were crushed by the hammer of sunlight.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

What are the two things being compared?

V. Assignment
Have a research on the other types of figurative language.
a. Personification
b. Ss
c. Cd

Prepared by:

Sheila Marie C. Ramos

Teacher 1

Checked by: Approved:

Ofelia B. Mangsat Leo E. Blaquir, EdD

Head Teacher VI Principal IV

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