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Graduate School


Effective School Year 2014-2015

Degree Requirements
Core Courses…………………………………………………………………… 6 units
Major Courses………………………………………………………………….. 18 units
Cognates………………………………………………………………………... 6 units
Thesis…………………………………………………………………………… 6 units
TOTAL 36 units

Core Courses…………………………………………………………………... 6
Course Code Course Descriptive Title Units
Res. 200 Methods of Research 3
Stat. 218 Statistics in Research 3

Major Courses………………………………………………………………… 18
Course Code Course Descriptive Title Units
MS Psy 201 Projective Techniques 3
MS Psy 223 Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy 3
MS Psy 231 Advanced Theories of Personality 3
MS Psy 232 Advanced Abnormal Psychology 3
MS Psy 245 Advanced Psychological Assessment 3
MS Psy 282 Internship* 3
Cognates (Any 2 of the following)…………………………………………... 6
Course Code Course Descriptive Title Units
MS Psy 212 Advanced Theories of Learning 3
MS Psy 233 Advanced Biopsychology 3
MS Psy 244 Advanced Experimental Psychology 3
MS Psy 251 Advanced Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3
MS Psy 252 Advanced Group Dynamics 3
MS Psy 281 Seminar/Special Topics in Psychology 3

Thesis…………………………………………………………………………… 6
Course Code Course Descriptive Title Units
Res 291 Thesis I** 3
Res 292 Thesis II 3

TOTAL 36 units

*Students must render 250 hours of supervised internship.

**Students must pass the Comprehensive Examination prior to enrolment in Thesis 1.

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