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RESIT 2020-03

Study Skills and Communication A

Module Code: UG01 – SSC – A
Assessment: 5 – Final Examination (Reassessment)
Moderator: SMULIC

Notes to candidates:
 Write your name and SMULIC Number
 Write your answers in the space clearly labelled – Write your answer here
 Answer all questions.
 There are five (5) sections
 The number of marks available for each question is shown in (brackets)
 There are 100 marks available in total – You need to score at least 65 to pass the module at resit
 The assessment will be available for 4 hours. It should take you no longer than 2 hours to complete
 Upload your finished assessment into the relevant Turnitin assignment.
 Similarity reports will be generated on each submission.
 You must cite and reference any work that isn’t your own.
Student to complete

SMULIC Number:

Examiner use only:

Section Number of marks awarded
Listening (15 Marks)
Vocabulary (10 Marks)
Short answer questions (15 Marks)
Summary Writing (20 Marks)
Essay question (40 Marks)

TOTAL (100 Marks) TOTAL:

2nd Marker Comments: Agreed Percentage Score:


Section 1:
Listening: 3 ways to (usefully) lose control of your brand
Gapfill. [4 Marks]
Listen to the first minute and a half of the talk and choose the correct option to complete the sentences:

1. Companies are losing the money used to buy the stock, but are they really?

Purchasing a portion of a new organisation 's inventory is one of the toughest transactions you can
make. The gates of new companies are closing. Firms who have been out of service for a long time are
most inclined to close their doors. I've been in company for a long time.  If I buy, I risk losing investment
if I invest in tiny, start-up companies. Conversely, the company could prove to be a success despite being
a scam. Before I make an order, I must complete my assignments and learn everything I can about
smaller companies. If I plan to invest in the venture, just bring funds into it that I can afford to lose if I
am beginning a new or new corporation. I am in a position to losing money.

2. Management teams are increasingly synergy between their staff.

Groups are growing more prominent and important from an operational perspective as globalism
and automation begin to expand business reach and approach. Groups may be formed both
internally, at different layers of leadership, and internally, through operational divisions in
companies. In attempt to maintain, employee cohesion and align personnel, groups are growing
more common across sectors and operational styles.

3. Your brand is what other people say about you when you are not in the room.

According to Jeff Bezos, creator of, the product is what other people think about
me when you are not in the space, and people 's responses to brands can be as intense as their
reactions to other people. When you're not here, the brand is defined by what others think about
you.” CEO Jeff Bezos is recognized with being the first to articulate it, and marketing
expert Tim Leberecht uses Bezos' experience as a launching pad in a TEDGlobal 2012 University talk.

4. Hyperconnectivity and transparency allow companies to be in the room 24/7 now.

Because of neural stimulation and openness [sniffle, social networks], businesses will now be present
in the room at all times. They will be able to listen as well as share in the debate. They have far more
leverage than they also ever had about the lack of influence.  They'll be able to plan accordingly.
Collaborate with staff and consumers to give them greater control over the development of
concepts, skills, information, prototypes, and merchandise. Customer exploitation at the most
extreme is requesting consumers not to pay. As per study, workers who have more control over their
jobs are satisfied and more efficient.

Matching. [6 Marks]
Read the examples (1-6) of companies giving more and less control. Then listen to the second part of the
talk to the companies (A-F)

5. Customers had control of the price of the product. A. Patagonia outdoor clothing
6. Customers could buy the product if they promised to do B. Radiohead album
something kind for someone. C. Semco
7. The company asked customers not to buy its products D. Anthon Berg chocolates
during the peak shopping season. E. KLM airline
8. Employees could set their own work schedules and F. Nextpedition travel
9. Customers didn’t know the destination of their trip.
10. Customers received surprise gifts.

Write your answer here

5. Semco

6. Radiohead album

7. Patagonia outdoor clothing

8. KLM airline

9. Nextpedition travel

10. Anthon Berg chocolates

Summary gapfill. [5 Marks]

Listen to the final part of the talk (3.30 on) and fill the gaps in the sentences below:

Research suggests that employees feel more productive when they 11. Help others. At frog,
the speaker’s company, they have ‘speed-meet’ sessions to 12. Catch up old and new
Hyperconnectivity means companies have to be open in their behaviour. So the only thing
they can do is to stay 13. Fundamental to themselves.
Instead of worrying about how 14.___succesful______ they should be, they must just
15.____work hard_____ and be open to all possibilities.

11. Help

12.catch up
14.Succesful hard

Reading: Executive Summary

Vocabulary. [10 Marks]
For this section read page 1 of the exam copy report (= page 6-7 of the original report) entitled “Executive
Choose the best synonym for each word from its context on page 1 of the report. The words are
highlighted in yellow.
1) Overarching 2 marks
Mark answer with an X

a) straight Un answering
b) restricted Cramped
c) all- Comprehensive
d) honest sincere

2) Table Stakes 2 marks

Mark answer with an X

a) commitment dedication
b) minimum Least help
c) regulations order
d) maximum highest contribution

3) Consensus 2 marks
Mark answer with an X

a) demand request
b) disagreement controversy
c) assessment evaluation
d) agreement concurrence

4) Scalable 2 marks
Mark answer with an X

a) adaptable flexible
b) isolated remote
c) distant obscure
d) inflexible stubborn

5) Navigate 2 marks
Mark answer with an X

a) to invite To request
b) to manage To superintend
c) to request To appeal
d) to borrow To take

Section 2:
Reading: The Decade to Deliver
Short answer questions. [15 Marks]
For this section read page 2 of the exam copy report (= page 8-9 of the original report) entitled “The
Decade to Deliver”.

6) According to a recent survey what is the most important criterion for young people when looking for a
new job. (2 marks)
Payment, Benefits and Location Are Very Important to U.S. Job Seekers They Look for
Career Ads. According to another framework, key pieces of information searched by U.S.
investigators and staff when investigating job vacancy rates (67%) and profits (63%). New
competitors in the job market will be faithfully at risk for reviving the planets at a
premium of labor however the impact of the fall may increase over time, important
changes in the ‘youth labor market’ such as business enrollment conditions leading to
youth reductions. Social work has a role to play in working with the young business
community and their development within the workplace. For it to work that way, the
public approach must be educated on the strengths of the directors' registration
resources for young people and the role played by the skills and competencies of that
organization. This review provides evidence about these critical issues.

7) What does it mean: a culture of equality is crucial? (2 marks)

We are in a good place. In the case of workplace culture, there is a great deal of
openness between what bosses accept and what delegates say. 66% of pioneers (68%)
felt that they were setting up enabling situations where agents could act normally,
raise concerns and improve their fear of disappointment however only 33% (36%) of
employees agreed. Also, agents care rationally about the workplace culture and
believe it is fundamental to help them succeed in the workplace (reported by 77%
women and 67 percent men). Their voices are loud, humorous and clear, while the
organizations that make up most see the meaning of modesty.

8) Name 3 examples of emerging technologies that shape a responsible business. (3 Marks)

According to the CompTIA Advanced Technology Group, the top 10 new technologies for
2020 are AI (artificial intelligence), 5G, IoT (Internet of Things), virtualized computation,
biometrics, AR (augmented reality)/VR (virtual reality), block chain, robotics, NLP (natural
language processing), and machine learning.
• Public diesel transportation • Electric trucks • Energy management at a low cost

9) What is the impact of a fragile global economy? (3 marks)

Balanced performance saved us from the hardships of 2008 and sent for recovery,
but also intensified the improvement of the safe haven in the financial system. Are
markets and the economy planned for this outcome? The unexpected increase in
risk last February shows that, without paying attention to the volatile nature of
events, financial institutions remain volatile. Since 2008, we have experienced
seven crashes followed by a dramatic recovery. Insecurity has been found twice
when business areas change during periods of instability and calm. While the VIX
document, which measures allegations of financial irregularities, has traded in 16th
place since QE, facing 18 in the past, the declining opposition has doubled. This is
indistinguishable from the rotating flood, which is powerful in the City of London in
a beautiful environment despite the storms. a down payment on credit for placing
goods on something that promises the best yield, with the worst flooding in the
economy. Public banks have bought $ 21 trillion in government commitments from
one side of the world to the other since 2008, pressuring investors to demand a
harvest in high-risk areas of business. The result is a trade pyramid based on fixed
debt costs: $ 12 trillion government commitments of less than 1% and yields from $
11 trillion corporate commitments are declining. With wages and development
rates restricted to almost zero levels, the $ 8 trillion high profit and development of
stock trading is recording high prices. Among the most notable features in the
tower are betting uncertainty betting strategies and asset connections, amounting
to $ 2 trillion, according to our estimates.

10) Give an example of a stakeholder speaking out and achieving better outcomes? (2 marks).
Partner management is a fundamental part of making bosses - and one of the top threats
and high rewards. It’s okay when important people and your partners are educated and
active, your efforts go as planned. In any case, when those who are influenced or
influenced by your work are restricted as regards circles, your efforts may quickly fall
short. Having a sound-related approach to the board approach can basically improve the
performance, collection, performance, and collaboration of partners. Carrying a handout
with leaders can help ensure that your approach to attracting and talking to those related
to your work is fruitful. A board partner is a board-based organization that meets people,
people you associate with, important public events, or internal and external meetings
that can be influenced or influenced by the outcome of what you are trying to do. These
affiliates can include, for example, automated development work: your experimental
support, showcasing your contacts, customers, site development experts, and external
software vendors. However the term “compliance with the board” is the official term
used in the leadership project, this term does not derive a complete overview of the
function. Fulfilling the board is more about training, touching, and talking to the people
you accompany than it is about “directing”. The first phase is accompanied by supervisors
offering various benefits. Here is a couple.

11) Corporate Global Citizenship – what does it require a company to harness to improve the state of the
world? (3 Marks)
The overall citizenship of a business requires the organization to commit its central
power, its commitment, its power and the appropriate resources to partner with various
organizations and allies to improve the world situation. and community improvement.
Organizations should maintain the implementation of powerful business providers from
outside the water environment through projects such as XGenesis, 10.10.10. Apart from
that, X-PRIZE also participates sufficiently on open transition pathways through projects
like WRG. Old stories from real people who kill people: The same does not bring us closer
to water security and adaptability very quickly. In times of problems like these, when
access to clean water is critical, we understand more than ever that management is not
enough to deal with serious water problems. Organizations have a unique role to play in
addressing hidden water issues by working more closely with business advisors and the
community region closed by traditional actors such as NGOs. Organizations can create
and create truly crumbling water structures to measure real development and social

Summary Writing: Responsible Leadership in Action - Microsoft [20 Marks]

12) Summarise page 3 of the exam copy report (= page 22-23 of the original report) entitled “Responsible
Leadership in Action - Microsoft”, in 100 – 120 words only. You must use the summary techniques you
have covered in lessons.
Task Response 10 Marks Grammar / Vocabulary 5 Marks Coherence 5 Marks TOTAL 20 Marks

Careful Leadership" is's fundamental subject of the year 2015. In idea to
the overall crises: financial, money related, biological, political and authority, the request
we need to present is how should we be a fit pioneers, today'? Careful Leadership
contains an incredibly up close and personal section: It requires perceiving that exercises
are set up in our value systems. By checking out these characteristics and changing our
exercises to them, everyone can grow their impact and become an ethical trailblazer in
their own present situation. In addition, commitment requires perceiving that our
exercises impact others, fundamentally more so by virtue of an appropriate pioneer.
Consequently, commitment is related to responsiveness—responsiveness to the
necessities of the people who are impacted by one's exercises. As a joining moral
movement stage, the Global Ethics Forum (GEF) 2015 joined around the world, multi-
social, multi-severe and multi-accomplice individuals from the insightful local area, NGOs,
exacting affiliations, the business world and the public region for this crosscutting subject.
Both the Status Quo and the way ahead were discussed, with a unique focus on
perceiving reasonable endeavors to help reliable organization. Workshop focuses
included cross-cutting (codes of ethics), needs-unequivocal (sexual direction) and region
express (media) issues and plans. We are expecting the aftereffects of the as of late
settled undertakings, and are significantly appreciative for seeing a serious long time after
year the novel energy and awesome encounters of people from all spaces and
landmasses getting together to co-make an extra characteristics driven world.Responsible
Leadership is for each situation moreover an individual thought, in that the pioneer
chooses his own characteristics and the meaning of commitment to him. So there isn't
one, single right and complete definition. Considering that it is reliant upon every
individual to think about it, and in this way have something to measure his/her lead
against. This is the explanation we requested each one from our speakers what 'Able
Leadership' implies to them. Issues like natural change, disasters, food security, lacks,
fierceness, development issues, require a substitute kind of organization. We can't handle
issues using the actual kind of thinking that we used exactly when we made them. We
need to think in a sudden manner. If we keep things under control for a chance to get the
kind of capacities that we used to be set up about in organization, by then we don't show
up. We need to act quickly to practice our organization. Organization infers going to a
spot dark to you. You need a leap of certainty that will change the way that you need to
lead. Authority today is connected to sorting out some way to lead alongside the others,
not connected to driving alone. It is connected to focusing in on the ordinary inspiration
driving the issues that one requirements to deal with. It is connected to looking for
people in a comparative territory who can help with accomplishing the courses of action
that you need to make. It is essential to share contemplations, the outing, the obligation
and credits.

Essay question: [40 Marks]

Essay question: [40 Marks]
13) Regarding qualities of leadership, young Global Leaders gave highest priorities to Stakeholders
Inclusion. Looking at the five qualities of leadership mentioned in the report, which three would you place
greatest emphasis on, and why? If possible, look for supportive evidence and facts in the report, to support
your arguments.

200 words minimum

Task Response 20 Marks Grammar / 10 Coherence 5 Marks Vocabulary 5 Marks TOTAL 40 Marks

Work is productive when you achieve where you reach and meet or exceed the thinking
of participants. In any case, who are the partners? Partners are people who care about or
contribute to your commitment. They are people who are successfully associated with a
project or who have something or something that they gain or lose as a result of the
work. At a time when you are faced with the task of adding roads to the road, drivers are
partners with a strong influence. In addition, you are influencing passengers who live near
the main road during your work (development crisis) and after your involvement with
wide openness (extended traffic expansion and pollution) The client, subcontractors,
suppliers, and sometimes even community officials are partners. Commitment director,
project partners, and masters from various sections of the association are also partners. It
is important to see all your work partners directly. Leaving important partners or their
special powers and not finding fault until all the way into the business can be a killer of
the job Because project managers are in a position to acquire assets, various supervisors
manage their assets. So their interaction with people is very important. In the event that
their relationship is approved, they may have the option to find the most efficient
employees and the best hardware for their jobs. In the event that communication is not
acceptable, they may find themselves unprepared to find great people or the gear
needed for the job.

Study Skills: [15 Marks]

14) State three techniques or steps of preparation you need to apply when preparing and giving a
presentation (3 marks)
The introduction is the most important part of making a fruitful show. A very important
structure, and you should give the best opportunity to it as can be expected, staying away
from other routes. Great readiness will ensure that you think carefully about the
messages you need (or need) to convey to your show and will also help support your
 The title of your show or talk is from the target. They are connected, but they are not
the same thing.
 The title may be given to you by the host organization, (for example, to look after the
euthanasia club).
Might You may be studying in a particular field (perhaps with a premium in nearby
 The topic may be your complete decision within certain limits (for example, you may be
asked to present a presentation at a meeting about a business that you feel has greatly
enhanced your skills).

Before preparing an exhibition material, it is appropriate to think about your planned
Putting your conversation in the crowd is important and the focus that goes with it should
be considered:
Expected circle size or crowd.
 Age range - retirement-based discourse will be very different in relation to youth.
 Sex - will the crowd thrive male or female?
 Is it a crowded crowd or is it going to be there out of interest?
 Will you be talking about their work or leisure time?

 Does anyone know about your story right now or will it be completely new to them? Is
it the title of their work title?
 Is it true that you are there to counsel, teach, inspire, or inspire?
 You can use jokes and, if this is true, what can be considered appropriate? If you have
any doubts about this, it is very likely that you are moving away from anything that is not

It is important to have as much development data as can be expected about where to
 It is usually helpful to plan ahead to see the settings before the event. It does a lot to
suppress fear in case you can see the place where you set up your conversation. In any
case, even if you can't visit, you'll think it's a good idea to:

Room size;
Plans The visitor arranges (for example, a theater style, with chairs; or a round table);
 Gear availability, e.g. Specifically, PC and projector, flip frame;

There will always be no flexibility during the day of the show. Either way, it influences
what you can do, and how you can organize your show, because of the imaginary
situation of your crowd (see box).
What time of day can your crowd mean
Morning is a great opportunity to talk because most people are usually ready.
Nevertheless, as daylight begins, people begin to feel hungry and lose their sense of
urgency. This is especially true when the event does not involve a quick break.
After lunch, people often feel tired and insecure. In case you are given the opportunity to
open after lunch, it is a good idea to include your crowd. Chatting or moving your crowd
will work much better than delivering a ton of slides. Flip graph can also be more useful
than PC and projector, especially if it means that you can open blinds and use normal
Late in the afternoon, people will also lose focus as they begin to worry about returning
home, traffic jams or youth gathering at school. Evening or weekend:

Except for the normal time available, individuals will be available because they need to
challenge the light of the fact that they must be there. There is a high chance of
crowdfunding in the evening. In any case, if the show lasts too long, individuals may need
to leave before you can wrap up. People alike will not let you down on a helpless show as
you are in their time, not their employer.
Length of Talks
Continue to find out how much time you need to talk and see if this includes or restricts
question time.
A few more times they need speaker reminders in advance, in order to be included in the
collection of writing. When you are asked to provide a show, be sure to ask what is
required and when - and then give it away.
You will not know exactly when you arrive that day and report that you have completely
updated your train schedule. It is hypothesized that mediators may not have the option
to enforce that, for example if the mainstream media is provided by a different
organization or forum.
You speak to your organization or yourself, in case you are employed independently. You
too are not in the right, but in greeting. It is therefore important that you put in the effort
and effort to ensure that you pass on what your crowd needs. That way, you can simply
be accepted at another time.

15) State TWO examples of academic misconduct and ONE penalty the university can impose if a claim of
academic misconduct is upheld. (2 marks)
Academic misconduct
As indicated in our LSA Social Standards for Academic Competence, "student fraud may
be identified as any occupation or occupation that may bring academic advantages or
unreasonable educational advantages or disadvantages to a particular person or persons.
 Cheating involves additional fraud and deception in the record, report, paper, PC work,
exam, or other learning process. Cheating conditions include:
Qu To find work or data from someone else and submit it under your name.
 Using, or attempting to use, unauthorized notes, or study is helpful, or data from
another non-readable paper or a test paper.
 Discuss the answers with someone during the test.
Anging To change the revised function after it has been restored, and then present the
restart function.
Itting Allowing someone else to take over their work and send it under their own name.
Il Using electronic gadgets (e.g. phones, watches, mini-computers) that provide answers
or other unauthorized test data.

Book theft refers to thoughts, words, announcements, or any other activity of another
person as your own without any legal confirmation or reference. Fake situations include:
 Repetition of the same words or phrases, abnormal words, or descriptions from a
source or reference (whether oral, printed, or web) without official submission.
 Recording, that is, using words or ideas coined by another person, but in your own
words, as if it were your own opinion.
Qu Acquisition of real objects, insights, charts, or other symbols other than official
references, unless the information is basic information, in the same way for public use.

16) You are part of the Student Ambassador team at the university and part of your job is to respond to
queries from potential students wanting to study at the university. Write an email answering the queries
below. (10 Marks)
To: Student Ambassadors
Subject: Degree types

I have applied to study at St Mary’s University. I haven’t quite decided on a degree course yet, because I
am a little confused about the different types of degree. Could you tell me the difference between Single
Honours and Joint Honours? And what is a Major/ Minor Honours degree? I’m also not sure what is
meant by a MSc degree. Can you let me know?

Thanks for your help.


To: Student Ambassadors

Subject: Degree types

You, old friend, have made a wonderful decision. Doing a degree upholds your psychological inclination
and your work prospects, similarly just like an immense heap of entertaining without a doubt! You may
even have an idea what subject you need to focus as of now, anyway then request is, what kind of degree
do you pick?

From foundation degrees to acclaims degrees, and single, twofold and shockingly triple qualifications
programs on offer, there's a plenitude of decisions promptly accessible. Try not to acknowledge which is
ideal for you? Never fear, for Whatuni is here! Have a scrutinized of our manual for the different sorts of
degree you can do at uni, and go from confused to teach up.
To: Anitha
Subject: re Degree types

Dear Anitha,
Thank you for your recent email. I am happy to help you with your enquiry.

End of exam

You will now need to upload your completed answer paper to the relevant Turnitin Assignment for your
Tutor / Group.
A Similarity Report will be generated for all submission.

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