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As approved vide EC Resolution 41/2019 dt 12.01.2020


S. No Term/Abbreviation Explanation


The proposed policy may be called as “Maintenance Accountability” Policy. The policy aims to
address the commonly disputed issues and clearly define what assets/issues that are routinely
connected with a specific apartment, comes under the common area scope, and what all to be
considered as an apartment-specific issue. The policy intends to segregate between common vs
apartment specific issue. Apartment specific issues that are to be covered under “Association Base
Service” (ABS) are covered under Schedule A of this policy.


Rule 1 - Subject to the exceptions in this policy, an equipment, which in defective state, alters the
provisioning in only one apartment, shall be under the maintenance accountability of that specific

Rule 2 - An equipment, which in defective state, alters the provisioning in more than one
apartment, or if such defect has the potential to affect more than one flat by virtue of not being able
to isolate to affect only one flat, shall be under the common area maintenance accountability of the
Rule 3 - In the absence of any mutual agreement, Apartment at the top is accountable to fix the
root cause that alters the normal state of an apartment at the floor below and also bear the 100%
cost of repair.

Rule 4 - Cost to maintain/repair the joint (electrical or mechanical) where the accountability
segregation starts, is on Common Area Maintenance.

Rule 5 - In the absence of any mutual agreement, Apartment adjacent is accountable to fix the root
cause that alters the normal state of an apartment at the same floor and also bear the 100% cost of


a. Fresh Water or STP (Flush) Water Related - The running main lines (upto and including inlet
valve) shall be under Common Area maintenance and beyond this, the Apartment’s accountability
to maintain as shown in the illustration 1 below

Illustration 1

b. Drainage System - All water drainage points shall be the Apartment responsibility to repair and
maintain up to the last joint of the collector drain with the common running drainage pipe.
Illustration 2

c. Sewage Discharge Pipe - Anything related to WC/Commode and Sewage outlet from the
commode, till the Y-joint of the main sewage pipe will be Maintained at Apartment’s cost.

Illustration 3
d. Electricity Power Distribution - As provided in the illustration, from the input to BESCOM meter
and input to DG Line, every equipment (except the cable from ACCL) upto the Apartment’s
Distribution board shall be the accountability of the Apartment.

Illustration 4


1. Apart from those mentioned in Schedule A, any other issue related to the items inside the
apartment is not in scope of CAM/ABS
2. Fire detection alarm and fire water valves inside an apartment if found defective, will be
replaced mandatorily by the Association and the cost will be charged back to the
Apartment. This is a safety mandate and emergency clauses will be invoked for technicians
to enter and replace the fire alarm.
3. However, some works that are not part of Common Area Maintenance, are identified as
Association Base Services (ABS) and are listed in Schedule A; some of which could be on
chargeable or non-chargeable basis.


For any kind of seepage, the rule sets mentioned in section (3) and (4) shall apply. Common
Area Maintenance shall provision a visit by the plumber for inspection and recommend and
act as per the defined rule sets and Schedule A


Upon the report presented by the Property Manager/Estate Manager, each exception and deviation
to this Policy, as to charge back and service scope, will be reviewed by the Executive Committee
vide resolution or by any person or body of persons appointed by the Executive Committee for the
purpose and shall effectuate only upon the due approvals
Schedule A
Association Base Services (ABS) for Apartment Related Issues
Base Association Services are those which the Association may provide for works that are specific to
an apartment. Such services may be chargeable or non-chargeable. However, any material
requirements shall be the responsibility of apartment owner.

Services which are not covered below, are deemed excluded from the schedule. List of these
services, their applicability and their applicable charges will be subject to change from time to time
as notified by the Executive Committee.

#The charges as and when notified.

S. Category Description of Base Association Service #Whether

No. Chargeable?

1 General First level diagnosis of the issue by technician No

2 Plumbing Grouting around the drainage* No

3 Electrical Changing Switches, Sockets, MCBs Yes

4 Plumbing Health Faucet replacement Yes

5 Plumbing Valve Leakage Repair No

6 Plumbing Valve Replacement/ Washbasin faucet Yes


7 Plumbing Replace Geyser Pipe Yes

8 Plumbing Plug Geyser Valve Leakage No

9 Electrical Fan Condenser Replacement Yes

10 Plumbing Unblocking drainage No

11 Plumbing Initial diagnosis for Leakage and Seepages No

12 Masonry Re-Plastering outside door frame Yes

13 Plumbing Commode Leakage Yes

14 Plumbing Washbasin Leakages Yes

* grouting will only be done approx 6” around the drainage reasonably good enough to plug the
seepage cause. Nothing more than the bare minimum grouting, will be covered in the scope
ORIGINAL - vide EC Resolution 41/2019 dt 12.01.2020

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