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Mid life blues mainly refers to the middle ages especially at 40’s and the problems people face at
that phase of life stage.
Life begins at forty.” Well, life not only begins at forty, it begins to show as well.
Middle age is that time of life when each passing day makes you feel two days older. You
discover that your memory is shorter, your stamina lower and your hairline higher.
People are reported being happiest in their 20s and in their 50s and older, but that both men and
women were more likely to be depressed and were generally less happy in their 40s.
For both sexes, the probability of depression peaks around the age of 44.
This happens because people begin to confront their limitations and unrealistic dreams in their
30s and hit a low-point in their 40s. After that, they move past their disappointments and feel
more satisfied as they age.
Happiness improves with age because of some adaptation mechanism, which allows people to
adjust better to changing circumstances.
Mid-life blues could have serious and long-lasting damaging effects not only to the individuals
themselves, but to family, friends, and business colleagues as well.
Maybe what's needed is a mental checkup when one turns 40. We do it for our physical health.
Why not do it for our mental health as well?
When you reach that difficult phase of life ask your peers about the way they derive satisfaction
and seek out ways that would bring joy to you.

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