Separation of Tert-Butyl Alcohol-Water Mixtures by A Heterogeneous Azeotropic Batch Distillation Process

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Separation of tert-Butyl Alcohol–Water Mixtures by a

Heterogeneous Azeotropic Batch Distillation Process
By Xu Songlin* and Wand Huiyuan

DOI: 10.1002/ceat.200500245

Tert-butyl alcohol and water form an azeotrope at normal pressure. Simple distillation cannot be used to separate these two
components. In this article, a systematic study of the separation of tert-butyl alcohol–water mixtures with an entrainer by
heterogeneous azeotropic batch distillation was performed. Based upon the thermodynamic behavior of the ternary mixtures,
cyclohexane was chosen as the entrainer. It formed ternary and binary heterogeneous azeotropes with the original compo-
nents. The process feasibility analysis was validated by using rigorous simulation with chemical process simulation software –
HYSYS Plant 2.2 and DISTIL 4.1. Simulation results were then corroborated in a batch experimental column for the selected

1 Introduction required for synthesis and retrofit design of separation pro-

cesses. The model also includes the implementation of cost
The separation of azeotropes and close-boiling mixtures is correlations for an economic optimization of the complex
often necessary in the pharmaceutical and special chemical process.
industries. Batch distillation is a common solvent recovery Szanyi [9] studied the separation of two non-ideal quater-
unit operation and deals with increasing economic incentives nary mixtures containing one azeotropic forming component
and environmental regulations. Usually a feasible entrainer based on optimization of the separation structures. The
is added to the column to break the azeotropes. When the economic optimization of the different separation structures
entrainer is high boiling and is added continuously in the top results in the conclusion that the heuristic rule for ideal
section of the batch column, the process is called extractive mixtures, that is, “easy separation first should be done and
batch distillation. When the entrainer forms a homoazeo- the complicated one should be made last”, is valid also
trope or heteroazeotrope with at least one of the original for such non-ideal mixtures. Rodriguez-Donis [10] gave
components and is added batchwise to the original mixture, three examples based on the separation of non-ideal azeo-
the process is called homoazeotropic or heteroazeotropic tropic or close boiling point binary mixtures through hetero-
batch distillation. geneous batch distillation, which were simulated using a
Design and synthesis tools for heterogeneous distillation commercial batch distillation package. Experiments validate
were first introduced by Pham and Doherty [1–3]. They the simulated separation of a minimum boiling azeotropic
showed that synthesis of heterogeneous continuous distilla- mixture.
tion processes for the separation of non-ideal mixtures using A novel multi-vessel batch distillation hybrid [11] for
a heterogeneous entrainer involves the analysis of residue simultaneous separation of ternary heterogeneous azeotro-
curve maps. It can first be used to select feasible entrainers, pic mixtures was investigated both theoretically and by sim-
and then to establish the associated distillation column ulations by Skouras and Skogestad. The novel process is sim-
sequence. Then process parameter optimal values are ple and practical. The closed mode of operation requires
looked at, but they depend on the entrainer choice because minimum operator intervention and monitoring. The col-
this largely determines the azeotropic distillation process umn runs by itself and the products are accumulated in the
efficiency. vessels during the process. Two pure components are always
Rodriguez, Gerbaud, and Joulia [4] described the rules for recovered in the vessels, and an aqueous phase rich in the
the selection of a heterogeneous entrainer leading to a feasi- third component (water) is recovered in the decanter. The
ble process for the separation of a minimum or maximum feasibility analysis [12] was also done for both the conven-
temperature azeotropic binary mixture or a close boiling tional batch rectifier and the multi-vessel batch column.
binary mixture. Stichmair has done a lot of work on batch Warter did some experiments [13] for the separation of zeo-
distillation [5, 6]. He used mixed-integer nonlinear program- tropic and azeotropic mixtures using a batch distillation
ming (MINLP) [7, 8] to design and optimize azeotropic dis- column with a middle vessel.
tillation. This approach can reduce the effort and time The aim of this paper is to study the performance of
heterogeneous batch distillation for the refining of tert-butyl
alcohol. The anhydrous tert-butyl alcohol (99 %) is often

used in pharmaceutical industries for producing artificial
[*] X. Songlin (author to whom correspondence should be addressed,, W. Huiyuan, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineer-
musk, essence, and raw medicine. Grane et al. [14] first stud-
ing, Tianjin University, Tianjin 30072, PR China. ied the purification of tert-butyl alcohol. Isobutane is oxi-

Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 1 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 113
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dized to provide a debutanized oxidate comprising tertiary Table 2. The binary interaction parameters for the NRTL model.
butyl alcohol, acetone, water and other byproducts, includ-
TBA Water Cyclohexane
ing high boiling products. Water is removed by extractive
TBA – 2304.09200 155.27960
distillation using a combination of water and xylene as the
extractant. The molar amount of recycled water is more than Water 828.81620 – 3678.01439
that of water to be removed from the oxidant. Berg and Cyclohexane 459.87130 4332.90898 –
Yang [15] investigated typical effective agents; for azeotro-
pic distillation: vinyl n-butyl ether and propylene glycol
dimethyl ether; by extractive distillation: 1, 3-butanediol and
triethylene glycol.

2 Selection of a Suitable Entrainer for the

Separation of a tert-Butyl Alcohol Azeotropic

Liquid-vapor equilibrium data for the binary mixture have

been reported in the scientific literature. A minimum boiling
temperature azeotrope with a weight fraction of tert-butyl
alcohol equal to 0.8824 and a temperature of 79.91 °C at
101.3 KPa is reported. The candidate homogeneous and het-
erogeneous entrainers are investigated applying the rules
reported by Rodriguez et al. [4, 16]. The existence of binary
and ternary azeotropes was sought by using literature data,
however no homogeneous entrainer matching the reported
rules has been found, though some suitable heterogeneous Figure 1. Residue curve maps of ternary systems TBA–water–cyclohexane.
entrainers have been identified. Cyclohexane was finally
chosen as the entrainer. The temperature and composition
of the azeotropic mixtures with the original components are
displayed in Tab. 1. 3 Simulation of the Separation of the Mixture
The NRTL model is used to predict the activity coeffi- by Heteroazeotropic Batch Distillation using
cients, and the ideal gas model for the fugacity coefficient. Cyclohexane
The binary interaction parameters for the NRTL model and
the residue curve map of the ternary systems are shown in The separation of a TBA–water mixture is studied by
Tab. 2 and Fig. 1, respectively. The binary interaction pa- using cyclohexane as the entrainer. The simulation of the
rameters of TBA–water are from the “vapor-liquid equilibri- process is performed with the chemical process simulation
um data collection” [17], the interaction parameters of software – HYSYS. Plant 2.2. The HYSYS dynamic model
TBA–cyclohexane are from the Hyprotech Internal Data- shares the same physical property packages as the steady
base, while those for cyclohexane–water are estimated using state model. The dynamic analysis of a process can provide
Standard UNIFAC VLE formulation. more information than steady state modeling alone.

Table 1. The temperatures and compositions of the azeotropic mixtures.

Azeotropic mixtures Azeotropic Composition of the azeotropic mixture [wt %]

[°C] TBA Water Cyclohexane

TBA-water-cyclohexane 65 21 8 71

Cyclohexane-water 68.95 0 8.4 91.6

Cyclohexane-TBA 71.3 37 0 63

TBA-water 79.91 88.24 11.76 0

114 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 1
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The column configuration is shown in Fig. 2, while the The simulation results are shown in Figs. 3–5. As we can
technical features and operating conditions are shown in see, the distillate component did not change much at the be-
Tab. 3. The column model consists of the usual tray by tray ginning of 2.5 h and the water mass fraction remained stea-
MESH equations which are solved for the whole column de- dy. The cyclohexane component decreased appreciably in
canter, taking into account the liquid-liquid de-mixing. The the middle of the procedure, while the TBA increased. The
simulation aspects are summarized below: liquid percent level of the reboiler was higher than 60 % in
– The column contains a partial condenser, a reboiler, and the beginning, because the column had liquid holdup when
forty five theoretically perfect plates. the simulation started. The liquid in the column fell into the
– The liquid percent level in the condenser is managed by a reboiler as the initial heat didn’t produce enough vapor to
PID controller connected to the organic reflux and the set prevent the liquid from dropping. Then reboiler level de-
point is 40 %. creased sharply while the condenser level increased, which
– The simulation does not consider the full reflux step, and illustrated the unsteadiness in the start up of the batch distil-
begins at the distillate removal step. The initialization of lation process. The TBA component in the reboiler reached
the column is defined by the steady state value. 99 % at about 75 min, but the distillate did not achieve the
– Because in the full reflux step we can draw a great deal of quality requirement. The product can be drawn from the
water from the decanter, this part of water is ignored. The reboiler in theory.
initial water mole fraction is lower in the simulation than In the actual process, heating of the product would be con-
that in the true material. The initial composition (mole) is tinued and it would be drawn from the tower top. At about
0.5467/0.1563/0.2970 (TBA/water/cyclohexane). 160 min, the cyclohexane in the column was almost removed
– The initial liquid percent levels in the condenser and from the system and its mass fraction in the distillate
reboiler are 0 % and 60 %, respectively. deceased sharply to 0.008, while the TBA reached 0.99.

Figure 2. The column configuration. 1 – cyclohexane, 2 – TBA, 3 – water.

Table 3. The column technical features and operating conditions.

Parameters Value Parameters Value

Packing Correlation Rabbins HETP[m] 0.4965

Packing Type Ballast Rings (metal) X-Sectional Area [m2] 0.6567

1 inch

Section Diameter [m] 0.9144 Section Height [m] 22.34

Reboiler Duty [kJ/h] 3.909·10 Distillate Flow Rate [kg/h] 1000
Condenser Duty [kJ/h] –3.653·10 Vapor Flow Rate [kg/h] 0

Condenser Volume [m3] 4.5 Reboiler volume [m3] 10

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At the same time, little liquid remained in the reboiler and

the main product was in the condenser. The output of ac-
ceptable product was about 1790 kg and the TBA recovery
was 63.27 %. The distillate removed before achieving the
required quality can be collected in a decanter and left it
standing to de-mix. The organic substance may then be
reclaimed in the next batch distillation process.

4 Experimental Results of the Heteroazeotropic

Batch Distillation

4.1 Materials

The component mass fraction of TBA–water raw material

is 0.8597/0.1293/0.0121 (TBA/water/other heavy impurity).
Figure 3. Component mass fraction of the distillate. 1 – TBA, 2 – water, The purity of cyclohexane is 0.995 (mass fraction).
3 – cyclohexane.

4.2 Equipment

Batch experiments are carried out in a small laboratory

column to evaluate the relevancy of the synthesis and simu-
lation achieved so far. The technical features of the column
and the operating conditions are similar for the experiments
and the simulations. The glass column has a total height of
1.5 m and an internal diameter of 0.03 m. It is packed with
stainless steel h-rings of 3 mm by 3 mm. The total packed
height is about forty five theoretical plates and the total
liquid hold is above 45 mL. The bottom is a 250 mL flask.
In the experiment a condenser with a special structure was
used, which has a mini decanter above the sample connec-
tion. The sketch map is shown in Fig. 6. The vapor stream
forms two liquid phases after condensation in the decanter.

Figure 4. Liquid percent level in the condenser and reboiler. 1 – condenser,

2 – reboiler.

Figure 6. The special condenser in the experiment. 1 – thermometer, 2 – the

exit of condensate water, 3 – the entrance of condensate water, 4 – controller
Figure 5. Liquid mole fraction in the reboiler. 1 – reboiler, 2 – condenser. of reflux ratio, 5 – decanter, 6 – sample connection.

116 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 1
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The organic phase will be refluxed back to the distillation

column to provide enough entrainer inside the column. The
aqueous phase containing mostly water will be drawn out
from the system before the phase boundary surface is above
the reflux entrance. The reflux ratio is provided at the top of
the column by a solenoid valve.

4.3 Experimental Procedure

60 mL cyclohexane and 120 mL original aqueous tert-

butyl alcohol mixture were charged into the bottom. Then it
was heated and kept at total reflux for 2 h. The condenser is
subcooled to 28 °C. The power for the boiler heating is
200 W. During the total reflux, the water phase is accumu-
lated in the decanter, so it can be drawn out from the system
whenever necessary. After the total reflux, the distillate was Figure 7. Comparison between experimental and simulation results for the
temperature in the reboiler/condenser. 1 – reboiler, 2 – condenser.
removed at a reflux ratio of 3. Before the top temperature
reached 80 °C, the removed distillate was collected in a bea-
ker and left to de-mix for a while. The organic phase that
contains entrainer and tert-butyl alcohol may be recycled in
a later distillation process. Analysis of the distillate composi-
tion was performed about every 15 min. The temperatures
of the top and the bottom of the column were recorded
every 10 min.

4.4 Experimental Results

The TBA, cyclohexane, and other high boiling organic

impurity compositions were determined using a GC-9A gas
chromatograph with a FID detector and with a column HP-
5ms (30 m × 0.32 mm). The injector and detector tempera-
ture were held at 250 °C while the column temperature was
Figure 8. Comparison between experimental and simulation results for the
set to 50 °C. The water composition was determined using TBA concentration in the distillate.
the same gas chromatograph with a TCD detector and with
a GDX-103 column. The TCD electric current was 75 mA
and the column temperature 200 °C. TBA raw feed; at the end of the experiment these impuri-
The temperature and composition of the distillate stream ties remained in the bottom. The boiling point is higher
during the process vs. simulation results are shown in Figs. 7 than TBA. In addition, the top temperature in the experi-
and 8. The simulation began after the stage of total reflux, so ment is lower than the simulation result, because the ther-
the curves begin at 120 min in the figures. mometer in the condenser is located in a glass cover and
From Figs. 7 and 8 we can see that the experimental and doesn’t touch the vapor from the column directly. There
simulation results are in good agreement and that no major will cause ∼1–2 °C difference from the actual temperature.
discrepancy is noticed, even though the simulation is based – The TBA recovery is about 52 % in the experiment. The
on numerous assumptions such as constant molar holdup in trend of the TBA mass fraction in distillate is almost the
the column, omission of fluid-dynamics, no heat losses over same as the one in the simulation result, but the product
the column, and no sub-cooling at the condenser. The fol- purity and recovery are lower than the simulation results.
lowing remarks are made: In particular, the initial product purity has a large differ-
– Experimental and simulated temperatures in the reboiler ence between the simulation results. The main reason is
and condenser exhibit the same trend after equivalent that we can’t estimate the quantity of water drawn out
duration. The curve of the reboiler temperature is a little during the full reflux step accurately. The water composi-
smoother in the simulation than that in the experiment. tion in the experimental material is higher than in simula-
The final temperature of the reboiler in the experiment is tion. The column has some liquid holdup when the simula-
higher than the simulation results. This may due to the oc- tion begins, which also cause the product purity and TBA
currence of some high boiling organic impurities in the recovery to be higher.

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– The change of top product from TBA-water-cyclohexane Acknowledgements

ternary azeotropic mixture to high-purity TBA is also
shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The slope is larger in the simula- The authors thank the National Natural Science Founda-
tion curves than that in the experimental curves. This dem- tion of China (Project No. 20176037) for partial financial
onstrates there are differences between the theory and support of this study. Lu Wenhua, Wang Yanfei, Luan Lixia,
experiment. In the actual process this change will not take and Ren Yankui assisted in the experimental work.
place within several minutes.
Received: July 22, 2005 [CET 0245]

5 Conclusions
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