Arabic Continuers: NSW Education Standards Authority

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Centre Number

NSW Education Standards Authority Student Number


Arabic Continuers
Do NOT write in this area.

General • Reading time – 10 minutes

Instructions • Working time – 2 hours and 50 minutes
• Write using black pen
• Monolingual and/or bilingual print dictionaries may be used
• Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of
this page and page 17

Total marks: Section I – 25 marks (pages 2–5)

80 • Attempt Questions 1–8
• This section should take approximately 30 minutes

Section II – 40 marks (pages 9–17)

This section has two parts, Part A and Part B
• Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section
Part A – 25 marks
• Attempt Questions 9–10
Part B – 15 marks
• Attempt Question 11

Section III – 15 marks (pages 18–20)

• Attempt Questions 12–13
• Allow about 1 hour for this section

2060 15510
Section I — Listening and Responding

25 marks
Attempt Questions 1–8
This section should take approximately 30 minutes

You will hear EIGHT texts. Each text will be read twice. There will be a pause after the first
reading in which you may make notes. However, you may make notes at any time. You will be
given adequate time after the second reading to complete your answer. Answer the questions
in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of
response. In the case of multiple-choice questions, tick the box that corresponds to the correct
response. You may proceed to Section II as soon as you have finished Question 8.

Question 1 (2 marks) Candidate’s

Why does Nadine phone her mother? 2 (These notes
will NOT be
............................................................................................................... marked.)

Do NOT write in this area.


Question 2 (1 mark)

What is this occasion? 1

A. A school dance
B. A multicultural day
C. A family celebration
D. A wedding ceremony

Question 3 (3 marks)

Summarise the advice given. 3

• ............................................................................................................

• ............................................................................................................

• ............................................................................................................

Question 4 (3 marks) Candidate’s
What is Marie likely to do after this conversation? Support your 3 (These notes
answer with reference to the text. will NOT be






Question 5 (3 marks)

Is Sam justified in his decision? Support your answer with reference 3

Do NOT write in this area.

to the text.







Question 6 (4 marks) Candidate’s
How does Rania try to convince Mr Fadi to employ her? Support your 4 (These notes
answer with reference to the text. will NOT be









Do NOT write in this area.

Question 7 (4 marks)

Why does Amer Alsaeedy deserve to win the award? 4









Question 8 (5 marks) Candidate’s
What does the speech reveal about the relationship between the 5 (These notes
speaker and his daughter? Support your answer with reference to both will NOT be
content and language. marked.)







Do NOT write in this area.





You may now proceed to Section II

Do NOT write in this area.


Do NOT write in this area.



Do NOT write in this area.

© 2020 NSW Education Standards Authority

Arabic Continuers

Section II — Reading and Responding

40 marks
Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section

Part A – 25 marks
Attempt Questions 9–10

Read both texts and then answer the corresponding questions in ENGLISH in the Section II
Part A Answer Booklet.

Question 9 (12 marks)

Please turn over

2061 –9–
Question 9 (12 marks)

ÜÓ£dG AÉ«dhGC ´ÉªàLG ô°†ëe

p p ¢VGô©à°S’
p p r ºgQƒ°†M
r p p o ≈∏Y ºgôμ°Th
r o n n º¡H
p p ÖMQh
n q n ¢ùeG
r C AÉ°ùe
n ÜÓ£dG
p q t AÉ«dhÉH
p p C p á°SQóªdG
p ôjóe
o o ™ªàLG
r r p »ª«∏©àdG
q q iƒà°ùªdG
o ™aQ
p πLG
p r C øe
r p É©e
k n πª©dGh
p n n …ƒHôàdG
u n q

≈dGE π°üJ
r p n ºd
r É¡fGs C ’G
q E ,»°VɪdG ΩÉ©dG »a á«dÉ©dG
p n p èFÉàædG
p p q ¢†©H
p ≥«≤ëJ
p ºZQ n
n r n á°SQóªdG ¿G
q C ôjóªdG
o o QÉ°TG
n C óbh
r p p o á©LGôe
p n n o ΩóY ∂dP ≈dGE ∞°VG p C .ΩGhódG
p q AÉæKG p o n s ≈∏Y §≤a ÜÓ£dG
n C º∏©àdG p q OɪàY’
p r kGô¶f IƒLôªdG
p n o r n ±Góg’G
p rC
p o nC s hGC ÜÉ«¨dG
ôNÉàdG p p Iôãc
n n r n »dÉàdÉHh ¥ÉgQ’Gr E ÖÑ°ùj
o u n o ɪe
q p ,π°UGƒàªdG
p o ô¡°ùdGh
p q á«à«ÑdG
p s p r n º¡JÉÑLGh
r p p p ꐦJGh
p E á«eƒ«dG
øY º¡«¡∏J
r o »àdG ádÉ≤ædG
p n s ∞JGƒ¡dG
p p ΩGóîà°SG øY GóY Gòg .∞°üdG
q s »a õ«côàdG
s á∏bh
q p n á°SQóªdG
p r n ≈dGE ∫ƒ°UƒdG
p o øY p

p PÉîJGh
o É¡à°ûbÉæe
o n n o ¬d
o ≈æ°ùà«d
q n n p º¡JÉMôà≤eh
rpp r o º¡FGQG
r p B AGóH’
p r E »dÉgÓd
C ∫ÉéªdG
n ôjóªdG
o í°ùaG
n C ºKs
p C p áÑ°SÉæªdG
p p o

p p ΩGóîà°SG
p ≈∏Y OÉ«àY’G
n ¿G r C n n ,zô«¨J
s C äGQh n s ób
r øeõdG
n q ¿Gs E ,ôjóªdG Iô°†M
n n º∏©J
o ɪc{ :ΩÉ¡dGE Ió«°ùdG
o n q âdÉb
k äÉYÉ°S
m ¿ƒ°†ªj
n o GƒJÉH QÉÑμdG
n ňM
q πH
r Ö°ùëa
r ójóédG
p π«édG
p ≈∏Y kGôμMp ¢ù«d
n ΩÉj’G
q C √òg
p ádÉ≤ædG
p q
o º¡fG
r q C á°UÉN
k n ÜÓ£∏d
p q ójóédG
p ™bGƒdG
p p Gòg πÑ≤J
p t IQhô°V
p øY
r ΩÉ¡dGE Ió«°ùdG äôÑYh
r n s .É¡eGóîà°SG
p »a
p t äGQÉ¡e
p Qɪãà°SÉH
p »éjQóJ
x n πμ°ûH
m p º«∏©àdG
p q Ö«dÉ°SG
p C ô««¨J
m n ≈∏Y πª©dG
n n âMôàbG
r n p ɪc .É«LƒdƒæμàdG
k É©àªe
k º∏©àdG
n t π©éj
o ɪe
q á«æ≤àdG
pq u

Question 9 text continues on page 11

– 10 –
Question 9 (continued)

p ¬∏«L
p p á«HôJ
p n p n ø«H
n ô«ÑμdG
p ¥QÉØdG
p »a øªμJ
o o iôÑμdG n
o á∏μ°ûªdG s nC √OÉ≤àYG
¿ÉH pp øY
r ¿Ghôe ó«°ùdG
o q ÜôYGh
n C
k ,ÜÓ£∏d
q ÉÑ°SÉæe
k p o ôjóªdG
o √Gôj
o ɪdp ¬ªYO
o n ióHGC óbh ,º¡©e
o n n πeÉ©àdG
p q á≤jôW
p øe
r ¬Jô«M
o n n ÉjóÑe
k o ,√O’hG
pp C
s »a √O’hGC IóYÉ°ùe ≈∏Y á°SQóªdG IQó≤H ¬à≤K øY

n r É¡JÉ≤jó°U
p çOÉëJ
o p ΩGC ¢SQóJ
o âfÉc
r n ¿G
r E º∏©j
o n ’ ƒgh
n É¡àaôZ
n n o πNóJ
o r n ¬àæHG
o n n r ¿GC ∫É≤a
n π«∏N ó«°ùdG
o ÉeGC
ójôj ƒg .áæ°ùdG
s »a ø«Jôe É¡ª∏à°ùj
o »àdG ôjQÉ≤àdG
o ƒg á°SQóªdG
p »a É¡FGOG
p C øY
r ¬aô©j
o p r n Ée πc .â«fôàf’G
q ôjô≤àdG ΩÓà°SG QɶàfG ∫óH É¡«ª∏©e
u ™e çóëà∏d ôãcGC É°Uôa

u s iƒà°ùªdG
o ™aôd
p r n n Égòîà«°S
o p s »àdG äGƒ£îdÉH
p º¡eÓYÉH
r p p E ºgóYhh
r o n n n n »dÉg’G
C ôjóªdG
o o ôμ°T
n ΩÉàîdG
p »ah
p n nrn p

End of Question 9 text

Please turn over

– 11 –
Question 10 (13 marks)

q ¢ù«FQ øe
p o á∏°UGƒàªdG
p p IôHÉãªdGh
p OÉédG
p πª©dG
p øe
n p ÉeÉY
k ø«©Ñ°S
n ó©H
n n .áaÉë°üdG
q ïjQÉJ
p »a Oƒ°SG
o C Ωƒj
l Gòg
p t ó°V
s p ºμæY
r ™aGófh
n p o n á≤«≤ëdG
n n n ºμd π≤ææd
n o r n p ôWÉîª∏d
p p n Éæ°ùØfG
n C ø«°Vô©e
n u n o ,ºcÉjÉ°†≤d
ro p áeóN
k n p »æ°†ªdG
u r o
r rpr
m á©°†H
n n r p ¿hôãμà°ùJh
n p n á¡aÉJm n p AÉ«°TG
n r C ≈∏Y ºμdGƒeG
r o n C ¿ƒ≤ØæJh
n p r o n ádƒ¡°ùHh
m p n Gòμg
n n ÉæY
q ¿ƒ∏îàJ
n s n n n ºàfGr C Ég
âfÉch ,ºμMGôJGh
p C ºμMGôaG
p C »a ºμà≤«aQ
n âfÉch ,ÉehO
k ºμ©e
o n n âØbh
r n n n »àdG á«bQƒdG
n q p n ÉæàØ«ë°U
p n n AGô°ûd
p p
.ádGó©dGh ájôëdG
p ≥«≤ëàd
p äÉbh’G
p C πc »a ºμFGQG p B øY ôÑ©ªdG
u ºμJƒ°U
r o p E ºμà∏NOÉa
r o r C ,ºdÉ©dG
p Gòg »a ó«Øe
l ƒg Ée πc
u øYn ºμà∏¨°T
r n n »àdG á«fhôàμd’G
E ºμJõ¡L’h
p C ºμdr o n ÉÑJ
.á°ü«NQ äÉgÉØJ
m »a âbƒdG
p E ™aÉfh
l º¡e
l o ƒg Ée πc
u øY ºμà∏¨°Th
o n á°†eÉZ
m p äÉgÉàe
m n »a
o p ≈dGE Gƒ∏≤àæjh
p n ºμH
o Gƒ≤ëà∏«d
p n p É°†jG
k C ÉæY Gƒ∏îàa
q IójóédG ºμJÉeɪàgG
rop r GƒaôY øjòdG
n ø«æ∏©ª∏d
n o r p ÉÑJ
.¢ü«NôdG »fhôàμd’G
prn ,Qhó°üdG
p t øY p ÉæàØ«ë°U
o ∞bƒàJ
o s ꟮dG
n .áaÉë°üdG ádÉ°SQ
o Ωõ¡æJh
o n ≥ëdG
u 䃰U
o âμ°ùj
o ꟮dG
p n q ºμJõ¡LÉH
r p rC

s óbr ôjôëàdG
p q ¢ù«FQ
n ¿Cs ’ ∞°SC
p ’ÉH äô©°Th
o ,á≤jô©dG
pn ìÉÑ°üdG
p q áØ«ë°U
p ¥ÓZE
p r G øY kGôÑNn Ωƒ«dG
n äCo Gôb
.»°VɪdG »a ¢û«©f
n ¿CG ™«£à°ùf
o ’ ÉæfCq Gh ,ô«¨J
n s ób
r øeõdG
n s ¿Cs G É«°SÉæàe
k p ,AGô≤dG
p q o ≈∏Y ¬Ñ°†Z
pp ΩÉL
n G ¿GC ’Eq G Éæg »æ©°ùj
o n ’ ?…ôéëdG
u ô°ü©dG
p »a ¢û«©f
o ÉædR Ée ΩCG áYô°ùdGh
p t Ωó≤àdG
t ô°üY
p r »a øëf
o πg
»a â°û©a
n r p n ™jô°ùdG p t n s QÉ£≤H
p s Qƒ£àdG p p ≥ë∏J
n n n ¿Cr G ™£à°ùJ
r p ºd ∂fC
n s G ÉæÑfP
o ¢ù«d
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s Éj Ó¡e{
k :¬d
≈dEG º°†æJ
s ¿Cr G πeB
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n p n p øe
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n G ¿GC »fó©°ùj{
o p o ¬d
o ∫ƒbC
o G ɪc .zø©∏Jh
o n r n ƒμ°ûJn »°VɪdG
k G AGQƒdG
p ≈dEG Oƒ©j
o n ’ øeõdÉa
o n s áãjóëdG
p á«fhôàμdE
p ’G ÉæàØ«ë°U
p IOÉjõH
p »fÉæàeG øY
r ôÑYC
n u G ¿Cr G OhC
t G ,á«fhôàμdE’G Ωó≤àdG áØ«ë°U ôjôëJ á°ù«Fôc ájÉ¡ædG »a
É¡«a ¿hôÑ©J
n u n o »àdG Iô°TÉѪdG
n n ºμJÉ≤«∏©Jh
rop n
á©jô°ùdG ºcOhOQ
r n ¿Es G .ÉæàØ«ë°U
p »a ø«æ∏©ªdGh
n o ø«côà°ûªdG
m n øe
r p ìô£f
o r n ɪHp ºμHÉéYE
r o p Gh Éæ©en ºμ∏°UGƒJ
r o p o ≈∏Y í°VGh
l π«dO
l »g ,ºμFGQB
r p G øY ájôM
m u o πμH
u op
p íFGô°T
p p ™«ªéHp ºà¡J
t n r n áØ∏àîe
mn r o
πeÉc πeCG

– 12 –
© 2020 NSW Education Standards Authority

Centre Number

Arabic Continuers
Student Number
Section II Part B and
Section III Answer Booklet
Do NOT write in this area.

Instructions • Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this

• Follow the instructions inside this booklet as to where you should

write your answers.

Please turn over

– 13 –
2062 15510
Section II (continued)

Part B – 15 marks
Attempt Question 11

Answer the question in the space provided. This space provides guidance for the expected
length of response.

Your answer will be assessed on how well you:

● respond to the stimulus text with relevant information and ideas
● write text appropriate to context, purpose and audience
● structure and sequence information and ideas
● demonstrate control of a range of language structures and vocabulary in Arabic

Question 11 (15 marks)

Do NOT write in this area.

Question 11 continues on page 15

– 14 –
Question 11 (15 marks)

Answer the following question by writing approximately 200 words in ARABIC.

You have just read this job advertisement. You have the relevant qualities for the job. Write a
letter to apply for the job.


»a πª©∏d ,πeÉc ΩGhóH áØXƒe hGC ∞Xƒªd É¡àLÉM øY ôjó°üàdGh OGô«à°SÓd zΩÓ°ùdG{ ácô°T ø∏©Jo
.≥jƒ°ùàdGh ™«ÑdG º°ùb
äGhÓY ≈dGE áaÉ°V’ÉH
E ô¨e
m ,AÉ°ùe á°SOÉ°ùdG ≈àM ÉMÉÑ°U áæeÉãdG áYÉ°ùdG øe ,áØ«XƒdG ΩGhO
Do NOT write in this area.

:á«dÉàdG •hô°ûdG º¡jód ôaƒàJ ¿GC áØ«XƒdG √ò¡d ø«eó≤àªdG ≈∏Y
.π≤ëdG Gòg »a äGƒæ°S ¢ùªN øY π≤J ’ IôÑN ™e ≥jƒ°ùàdGh ™«ÑdG »a á«©eÉL IOÉ¡°T
l n -
.πª©dG ≥jôah øFÉHõdG ™e πeÉ©àdG »a áfhôeh
o áÑ°SÉëªdG
p Ωƒ∏©Hp á©°SGh áaô©e
l -
IOÉ«b á°üNQ ™e áëdÉ°U IQÉ«°S ∑ÓàeG
o -
.áãjóëdG äÉ≤«Ñ£àdGh É«LƒdƒæμàdG ∫ɪ©à°SG »a IôÑNh IRÉàªe
l IQób
l -
E á¨∏dG ¿É≤JGE ≈dGE áaÉ°VG
k E á¨d øe ôãcÉH
n C çóëàdG
o t -
C ájÉ¡f π£Y ΩÉjG
n C ÉfÉ«MGh
C á∏jƒW äÉYÉ°ùd
m πª©dG ≈∏Y IQó≤dG
o -
áHƒ∏£ªdG äGóæà°ùªdÉH ¬≤aôe Ö∏£dG IQɪà°SG ∫É°SQGE ∂«∏Y ,áØ«XƒdG √ò¡d Ωó≤àdG »a ÖZôJ âæc GPGE
.ø«eGC ΩÉ°Sh ó«°ùdG zôjó°üàdGh OGô«à°SÓd ΩÓ°ùdG{ ácô°T ΩÉY ôjóe ≈dGE á«JGòdG Iô«°ùdGh

Question 11 continues on page 16

– 15 –
Question 11 (continued)










Do NOT write in this area.
















Question 11 continues on page 17

– 16 –
Question 11 (continued)









Do NOT write in this area.
















End of Question 11

Turn over for Section III

– 17 –
Section III — Writing in Arabic

15 marks
Attempt Questions 12–13
Allow about 1 hour for this section

Answer the questions in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected
length of response.

Your answers will be assessed on how well you:

● demonstrate the relevance of information, opinions and ideas
● write text appropriate to context, purpose and audience
● structure and sequence information, opinions and ideas
● demonstrate control of a range of language structures and vocabulary in Arabic

Question 12 (5 marks)

Answer the following question by writing approximately 75 words in ARABIC.

Do NOT write in this area.

You had promised to stay home but you have to go out unexpectedly. Write a note to 5
your parents explaining why you have to go out.













– 18 –
Question 13 (10 marks)

Answer ONE of the following questions. Write approximately 200 words in ARABIC.

(a) You have just come home after your last day at school. Write a diary entry 10
reflecting on this day.


(b) You have just spent a week travelling with a friend who was visiting you from 10
overseas. Write a diary entry reflecting on the time you spent together.

Tick the question attempted: 13 (a) OR 13 (b)

Do NOT write in this area.

















Question 13 continues on page 20

– 19 –
Question 13 (continued)










Do NOT write in this area.
















End of paper

– 20 –
© 2020 NSW Education Standards Authority
2063 15510 5499310056

Centre Number

NSW Education Standards Authority Student Number


Arabic Continuers
Section II Part A Answer Booklet

Instructions • Answer Questions 9–10

• Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this
page and page 5
Section II — Reading and Responding

Part A – 25 marks
Attempt Questions 9–10

Read the texts on pages 10–12 of the question paper and then answer the corresponding
questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected
length of response.

Question 9 (12 marks)

(a) What is the purpose of the meeting? 2




(b) What are the principal’s concerns? 3







Question 9 continues on page 3


Question 9 (continued)

(c) zô«¨J
n s ób
r øeõdG
n q ¿Es G{ 3

Explain this statement with reference to the text (line 10).








(d) Compare the views expressed by Mr Marwan and Mr Khalil. 4










End of Question 9


© 2020 NSW Education Standards Authority
2064 15510 8329310040


Centre Number
Arabic Continuers

Section II Part A Answer Booklet (continued) Student Number

Question 10 (13 marks)

(a) According to its editor, what are the newspaper’s achievements? 2




(b) What are the newspaper editor’s views on the readers and the advertisers? 3






(c) Explain the tone of the language used by the editor. 3








Question 10 continues on page 6


Question 10 (continued)

(d) How does Amal express her views? In your answer, refer to the content and the 5
language used.











End of Question 10

© 2020 NSW Education Standards Authority

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