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Chemical Compounds 3

Slide 3 - 1 General Chemistry: Chapter 3 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Canada Inc.

Chemical Compounds


3-1 Types of Chemical Compounds

and Their Formulas

3-2 The Mole Concept and Chemical


3-3 Composition of Chemical


Slide 3 - 2 General Chemistry: Chapter 3 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Canada Inc.

3-1 Types of Chemical Compounds
and Their Formulas

Two fundamental kinds of chemical bonds hold together the

atoms in a compound.
Covalent bonds, which involve a sharing of electrons between
atoms, give rise to molecular compounds.
Ionic bonds, which involve a transfer of electrons from one
atom to another, give rise to ionic compounds.

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3-1 Types of Chemical Compounds
and Their Formulas
Molecular Compounds
A molecular compound is made up of discrete units called molecules,
which typically consist of a small number of nonmetal atoms held
together by covalent bonds.
Molecular compounds are represented by chemical formulas, symbolic
representations that, at minimum, indicate the elements present and the
relative number of atoms of each element.

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3-1 Types of Chemical Compounds
and Their Formulas
 An empirical formula is the simplest formula for a compound;
it shows the types of atoms present and their relative numbers.
The subscripts in an empirical formula are reduced to their
simplest whole-number ratio. P2O5 is the empirical formula for
a compound whose molecules have the formula P4O10.
 CH2O for C6H12O6
 A molecular formula is based on an actual molecule of a
compound. In some cases, the empirical and molecular formulas
are identical, such as CH2O for formaldehyde. In other cases,
the molecular formula is a multiple of the empirical formula.
 A structural formula shows the order in which atoms are
bonded together in a molecule and by what types of bonds.
Single covalent bonds are represented by lines or dashes ( ̶ ).
Double covalent bonds are represented by a double dash (=).
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Several representations of the compound acetic acid

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3-1 Types of Chemical Compounds
and Their Formulas
Molecules occupy space and have a three-dimensional shape, but
empirical and molecular formulas do not convey any information
about the spatial arrangements of atoms.
Structural formulas can sometimes show this, but usually the only
satisfactory way to represent the three-dimensional structure
of molecules is with models.
In a ball-and-stick model, atoms are represented by small balls, and
the bonds between atoms by sticks. Such models help us to visualize
distances between the nuclei of atoms (bond lengths) and the
geometrical shapes of molecules.
A space-filling model shows that the atoms in a molecule occupy
space and that they are in actual contact with one another. A space-
filling model is a more accurate representation of the size and
shape of a molecule because it is constructed to scale.
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Visualizations of (a) butane, (b) methylpropane, and (c) testosterone

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Ionic Compounds
• Chemical combination of a metal and a nonmetal usually
results in an ionic compound.
• An ionic compound is made up of positive and negative
ions joined together by electrostatic forces of attraction.
• Atoms of almost all elements can gain or lose electrons to
form charged species called ions.
+ Metals tend to lose electrons to form positively charged
ions called cations.
− Non-metals tend to gain electrons to form negatively
charged ions called anions.

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Portion of an ionic crystal and a formula unit of NaCl

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Ionic Compounds
The formula unit of an ionic compound is the smallest
electrically neutral collection of ions.
The ratio of atoms (ions) in the formula unit is the same as
in the chemical formula.
Because it is buried in a vast network of ions, called a
crystal, a formula unit of an ionic compound does not exist as
a distinct entity.
The ions Na+, Mg2+ and Cl- are monatomic, meaning that
each consists of a single ionized atom.
A polyatomic ion is made up of two or more atoms.
In the nitrate ion, NO3-, the subscripts signify that three O
atoms and one N atom are joined by covalent bonds into the
single ion NO3-.
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3-2 The Mole Concept and Chemical
Formula mass
the mass of a formula unit in atomic mass units (u)
Molecular mass
the mass of a molecular compound
Weighted average mass
add up the weighted average atomic masses of isotopes

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Formula and molecular masses can be obtained by adding up atomic
For the molecular compound water, H2O,
molecular mass H2O = 2(atomic mass H) + (atomic mass O)
= 2(1.008 u) + 15.999 u
= 18.015 u
For the ionic compound magnesium chloride, MgCl2,
formula mass MgCl2 = atomic mass Mg + 2(atomic mass Cl)
= 24.305 u + 2(35.45 u)
= 95.21 u
and for the ionic compound magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2,
formula mass Mg(NO3)2 = atomic mass Mg + 2[atomic mass N +
3(atomic mass O)]
= 24.305 u + 2[14.007 u + 3(15.999 u)]
= 148.313 u
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Mole of a Compound
Mole of a compound is an amount of compound containing
Avogadro’s number (6.022×1023) of formula units or molecules.
Molar mass is is the mass of one mole of compound (one mole of
molecules of a molecular compound and one mole of formula
units of an ionic compound)

1 mol H2O = 18.015 g H2O = 6.02214 × 1023 H2O molecules

1 mol MgCl2 = 95.21 g MgCl2 = 6.02214 × 1023 MgCl2 formula
1 mol Mg(NO3)2 = 148.313 g Mg(NO3)2 = 6.02214 × 1023
Mg(NO3)2 formula units

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Mole of a Compound
Generally, the central focus of a problem is the conversion of a
mass in grams to an amount in moles, or vice versa.
This conversion must often be preceded or followed by other
conversions involving volumes, densities, percentages, and so on.

Slide 3 - 15 General Chemistry: Chapter 3 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Canada Inc.

1B. How many nitrate ions, NO3-,and how many oxygen
atoms are present in 1.00 μg of magnesium nitrate,
Mg(NO3)2? (Molar mass of Mg(NO3)2 is 148.313 g/mol)

Mass g Mg(NO3)2 Mass g Mg(NO3)2  Mole

Mg(NO3)2Formula units Mg(NO3)2  NO3- ions

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2A. Gold has a density of 19.32 g/cm3.A piece of gold foil is
2.50 cm on each side and 0.100 mm thick. How many atoms of
gold are in this piece of gold foil? (Molar mass of Au is 196.97

Piece of Au Volume Au  mass Au  moles Au  atoms Au

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Mole of an Element – A Second Look
For elements such as iron, magnesium, sodium, and copper;
enormous numbers of individual spherical atoms are clustered
The atoms of some elements are joined together to form molecules.
H2 O2 N2 F2 Cl2 Br2 I2 P4 S8

For these elements, we speak of an atomic mass or a molecular mass,

and molar mass can be expressed in two ways.

e.g. Hydrogen has an atomic mass of 1.008 u and a molecular mass of

2.016 u; its molar mass can be expressed as 1.008 g H/mol H or 2.016
g H2/mol H2 .

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3-3 Composition of Chemical Compounds

Halothane C2HBrClF3

Mole ratio nC/nhalothane

Mass ratio mC/mhalothane

M(C2HBrClF3) = 2MC + MH + MBr + MCl + 3MF

= (2 x 12.01) + 1.01 + 79.90 + 35.45 + (3 x 19.00)
= 197.38 g/mol
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3A. How many grams of Br are contained in 25.00 mL of
halothane (d = 1.871 g/mL)? (Molar mass of Br is 79.904 g/mol)

volume halothane  mass halothane  mole halothane  mol Br  mass Br

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3B. How many milliliters of halothane would contain 1.00
×1024 Br atoms? (density of halothane=1.871g/mL)

atom Br  mol Br  mol halothane  mass halothane 

volume halothane

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Calculating Percent Composition from a
Chemical Formula
1. Determine the molar mass of the compound
2. Determine the contribution of the given element to the
molar mass
3. Formulate the ratio of the mass of the given element to the
mass of the compound as a whole
4. Multiply this ratio by 100% to obtain the mass percent of
the element

Slide 3 - 22 General Chemistry: Chapter 3 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Canada Inc.

4A. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the main energy-storage
molecule in cells. Its chemical formula is C10H16N5P3O13. What
is its mass percent composition? (MC=12.011g/mol, MH= 1.008
g/mol, MN= 14.01 g/mol, MP= 30.97 g/mol and MO= 15.999

Slide 3 - 23 General Chemistry: Chapter 3 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Canada Inc.

Establishing Formulas from Experimentally
Determined Percent Composition of Compounds

1. Choose an arbitrary sample size (100g).

2. Convert masses to amounts in moles.
3. Write a formula.
4. Convert formula to small whole numbers.
5. Multiply all subscripts by a small whole number to make
the subscripts integral.

Slide 3 - 24 General Chemistry: Chapter 3 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Canada Inc.

5A. Sorbitol, used as a sweetener in some sugar-free foods, has a molecular mass of 182 u and a
mass percent composition of 39.56% C, 7.74% H, and 52.70% O. What are the empirical and
molecular formulas of sorbitol? ? (MC=12.011g/mol, MH= 1.008 g/mol and MO= 15.999 g/mol)
Molar mass of sorbitol=182.18 g/mol

Sample=100 g, then 39.56g C, 7.74g H, and 52.70g O

Mass mole  relative number of moles (by dividing all three molar amounts by the smallest

Empirical formula
Empirical molar mass=

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Combustion Analysis

Slide 3 - 26 General Chemistry: Chapter 3 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Canada Inc.

Apparatus for combustion analysis

Slide 3 - 27 General Chemistry: Chapter 3 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Canada Inc.

6A. Isobutyl propionate is the substance that flavors rum extract.
Combustion of a 1.152 g sample of this carbon hydrogen oxygen
compound yields 2.726 g CO2 and 1.116 g H2O. What is the
empirical formula of isobutyl propionate? ? (MC=12.011g/mol,
MH= 1.008 g/mol and MO= 15.999 g/mol)

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Color scheme for use in molecular models

Slide 3 - 29 General Chemistry: Chapter 3 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Canada Inc.

The ratio of the masses of carbon and hydrogen,
C:H in methane is

1. 4:1

2. 1:4

3. 3:1

4. 1:3

5. 1:1

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Without performing detailed calculations, which of the following compounds
has the least percent oxygen by mass?

1. 6 1
12.011 1.00794

7 16
3. 4. 14.0067 32.066

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Without doing detailed calculations or using a calculator, which of the following
has the greatest number of oxygen atoms?

1. 0.5 moles of 2. 6.022 x 1023

oxygen. molecules of
oxygen water.

3. 0.25 moles of 4. 0.5 moles of

acetic acid. glycerol.

acetic acid

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In one mole of the compound acetone (or
propanone), (CH3)2CO, how many grams
of carbon and hydrogen are there?

1. 12 g C, 1 g H

2. 12 g C, 3 g H

3. 24 g C, 3 g H 1 6 8
4. 24 g C, 6 g H H C O
1.00794 12.011 15.9994
5. 36 g C, 6 g H

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Which of the following compounds has the highest percentage
of carbon by mass? 17
1. 3. 9
2-iodoopropane Cl
2. 4.
chloroethane difluoromethane 126.904

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A mole of solid sodium chloride, salt, contains

1. 22.99 g of sodium and 34.45 g of chlorine

2. 6.02x1023 g of sodium and 6.02x1023 g of
3. 22.99 u of sodium and 34.45 u of chloride

4. 22.99 g of sodium and 34.45 g of chloride.

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