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Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology
(Deemed to be University Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
School of Computing
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
VTU R 15


B.Tech. - CSE

Course Category : Program Core Duration : 90 Minutes

Course Code/ Title : 1151CS107 Database Management System Max. Marks : 20
Semester : Winter 2020-21 Date of Test : 28.04.2021

Achievable Course Outcomes

CO1 : Identify and explain the underlying concepts of database technologies K2
CO2 : Design and implement a database schema for a given problem-domain K3
Answer all the Questions. Each question carries 1 mark Marks Level
1. List the levels of data abstraction 1 CO1 K2
2. Define Relational Instance and Relational Schema with an example for 1 CO1 K2
3. Identify when can we use group by clause? Also give an example. 1 CO2 K2
4. How does the functioning of TRUNCATE Command differ from the 1 CO2 K2
functioning of DROP Command?
5. Compare UNION set operation with UNION ALL set operation? 1 CO2 K2

Answer any three Questions. Each question carries 5 marks Marks Level
6. For the given scenario, identify the components used in ER diagram 5 CO1 K2
for Tracking a Production which needs to store below information and
create representation for the same
 ProductionUnits (identified by ssn, with weight, type, quality,
Product description phone as attributes)
 Lot (identified by LotNo, with Createdate and Cost of
materials as attributes)
 RawMaterials (identified by materialId with materialtype and
UnitCost attributes)
Below are the requirements for the company:
 Multiple Lots can be created from a number of raw materials
 A lot can be created from multiple production units.
 Number of units of a batch created, should also be stored.

7. a) Create table for the below schema with necessary key constraints. 5 CO2 K3
Faculty (FacultyId, Name, Gender, Deptno, Joindate)
Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology
(Deemed to be University Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
School of Computing
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
VTU R 15


B.Tech. - CSE
b) Illustrate 4 basic DML commands for above given schema (7.a)

8. For the following relational schema 5 CO2 K3

 Hotel (hotelNo, hotelName, city)
 Room (roomNo, hotelNo, type, price)
 Booking (bookingID, hotelNo, guestNo, dateFrom, dateTo,
 Guest (guestNo, guestName, guestAddress)
Give an expression in SQL for each of the following queries
a) Retrieve the number of hotels in each city
b) Retrieve the number of ‘DLX’ type rooms in each hotel.
c) Retrieve the guest details who have booked from 01-May-2021
of any hotel. (without using joinquery)

9. Given the below database 5 CO2 K3

a) For (Name, ProjectID) to be the key for this instance, analyze

and find value of XX (in ProjectId attribute) not be equal to?
Also explain.
b) For (Name, JobName) to be the key for this instance, analyze
and find value of XX (in JobName attribute) not be equal to?
Also explain.

K1-Remember K2-Understand K3-Apply K4-Analyze K5-Evaluate K6-Create

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