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‫نموذج رقم ‪ 3‬بحث مادة اللغة اإلنجليزية لطالب جامعة األزهر – الفرقة األولى‬

‫جامعة األزهر‪Al-Azhar University‬‬

‫‪Faculty of Education‬‬ ‫التربية كلية‬
‫******** ‪Department of‬‬ ‫قسم‬
‫الفرقة األولى ‪First Year‬‬

‫بحث مادة اللغة اإلنجليزية‬

‫‪Prayer: The Second Pillar of Islam‬‬


‫اسم الطالب (رباعي باللغة العربية)‪ :‬محمود جمال بيومي حسن عابدين‬

‫رقم جلوس الطالب‪12021192 :‬‬

‫الرقم القومي للطالب‪30109151404932 :‬‬

‫رقم الهاتف المحمول للطالب‪01154761726 :‬‬

‫‪:‬البريد اإللكتروني‪ 1‬للطالب‬


‫‪Presented to‬‬
‫اسم أستاذ المادة‪ :‬الدكتور‪ / 1‬إبراهيم الجزار‬

‫ بحث مادة اللغة اإلنجليزية لطالب جامعة األزهر – الفرقة األولى‬3 ‫نموذج رقم‬


1. Introduction (10 Pts.)

2. Objectives of Research (10 Pts.)
3. Body/ Research Questions (60 Pts.)
a) Evidence from the Qur'an
b) Evidence from the Sunnah
c) What should a Muslim do before prayer?
d) Types of prayer
e) Names of obligatory prayers
f) Eid prayers
g) Who should be the leader of congregational prayers?
h) How do females perform a congregational prayer?
i) Is prayer obligatory on kids, slaves, and patients?
j) What is supplication or Du'aa?
4. Conclusion (10 Pts.)
5. Bibliography (10 Pts.)

‫ بحث مادة اللغة اإلنجليزية لطالب جامعة األزهر – الفرقة األولى‬3 ‫نموذج رقم‬

1- Introduction
Definition of Prayer
Linguistic meaning; It is worship, meekness and mercy, defined in
the noun as a worship of god-almighty and sublime, within specific words
and ACTS, opened in magnificence and concluded by extradition, for the
reason that it is called in prayer and invocation to god; Prayer, in fact and
in its original meaning, is the name of each invocation, and then when
prayer, in its former terminology, became the name of a specific
invocation; Where prayer was generally the name of the prayer, then it
became legitimate prayer; Because of the interrelatedness and intimate
relationship between prayer and prayer, the linguistic meaning of prayer
does not depart from its terminological meaning, for once the name of
prayer is legally pronounced, this can only indicate legitimate prayer; All
prayer is prayer. (3)
Significance of Prayer
God's imposition on his worshippers of great judgement, great
sacraments, making prayer to prayer, as an atonement for the smallest of
SINS between them, god in all that he commands, he forberies, he omits
wisdom, and he does not ask his worshippers to worship; Because he
does not need them, he alone is rich, but asks his worshippers; God has
ordained all forms of worship that are necessary for the good of hearts
and the good of hearts. Among these are the five prayers that purify
hearts and make them the basis of the bond between the slave and the
Lord. He who goes to pray, he cleans up his inward parts and faces, he
comes into the hands of his Lord, recites his signs, contemplates them,
lives with them, is regarded as from them, he covets the verses from the
almighty god, resumes his gift and torments. Then, after the prayer
magnifies god with his people, the worshiper raises his head, praising
him, and then he recalls the hike, saying: (Lord almighty) god prays with
his grace and peace: [4] after the prayer sits down, the submision sits
down, calls to god almighty, asks him for mercy and forgiveness,
describes him as his own people, prays to him, greets his prophet,
himself, everyone with him, every good slave in heaven and earth, and
returns to pray .

‫ بحث مادة اللغة اإلنجليزية لطالب جامعة األزهر – الفرقة األولى‬3 ‫نموذج رقم‬

2- Objectives of Research
1. Reward and reward from God Almighty
2. It relaxes oneself
3. It's based behavior
4. Strengthen the bond between the servant and his Lord
5. Prayer has a powerful and effective effect on the transparency
of the soul and its purity from the discomfort of transgressions
and defects, and opens a tarmac way to address god almighty.

3- Body/ Research Questions

A. Evidence from the Qur'an:-

1) "Be guardians of your prayers, and of the midmost prayer, and stand up
with devotion to Allah".
2) "those who, in return for us empowering them on earth, will practice
prayer and give alms.".
3) "When ye have performed the act of worship, remember Allah,
standing, sitting and reclining. and when ye are in safety, observe proper
worshipWorship at fixed times hath been enjoined on the believer" .

B. Evidence from the Sunnah:-

1) On the authority of Ibn Omar, the son of Omar bin Al-Khattab, may
Allah be pleased with both, who said :I heared the messenger of Allah say
:”Islam has been built on five [pillars]: testifying that there is no god but
Allah and that Muhammed is the messenger of Allah, performing the
prayers, paying the zakat, making the pilgrimage to the House, and
fasting in Ramadan.”related by Bukhari and Muslim .
2) Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the
Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The five
(daily) prayers, and Friday prayer to the next Friday prayer, and Ramadan
to the next Ramadan, are expiation of the sins committed in between
them, so long as major sins are avoided.".

C. What should a Muslim do before prayer?

maa yafeal qabl alsala whi st farayda: taharat albadn min alnijastyn,
wataharat althawbi, wataharat almakan wasatir aleurati, waistiqbal
alqiblat, walnita ) 'amaa taharat albadn falqawlah ealayh alsalat
walsalama: <<la yaqbal allah salat amri hataa yadae altuhur
mawadieaha>>. alhadithu, wa'anah yujib altaharat min alnijasat
alhakamiati, waqawlih ealayh alsalat walsalama: <<aghsali eank aldam

‫ بحث مادة اللغة اإلنجليزية لطالب جامعة األزهر – الفرقة األولى‬3 ‫نموذج رقم‬

wasaly>>. yujib altaharat ean alnijasat alhaqiqiat. wa'amaa taharat

althawb faliqawluh taealaa : {wthiabk fathr} [almadthar4 : ]. wa'amaa
almakan faliqawlah taealaa :{wtahr bayti liltaayifin waleakifin walrukae
alsjud} [alhaj26 : ]. wa'amaa satir aleawrat faliqawlah taealaa :{yaa bani
adam khudhuu zinatakum eind kul masjda} [al'aeraf31 : ] 'amma aistiqbal
alqiblat faliqawlih taealaa :{fawlau wujuhakum shatrh} [albqrt150 : ] fukl
(min kan bihadrat alkaebat yatawajah 'iilaa eayniha, wa'iin kan
nayiyanaan eanha yatawajah 'iilaa jihtha) liqiam aljihat eind aleajz
maqam eaynaha, li'an altaklif biqadar altaaqt. wa'amaa alniyat faliqawlih
ealayh alsalat walsalama: <<'iinama al'aemal bialnita>>. wali'anah la
'iikhlas 'iilaa bialnayati, waqad 'amrina bial'iikhlasa. qal taealaa :{wma
'umiruu 'iilaa liaebuduu allah mukhlisin lah aldyna} [alibaynat5 :].

D. Types of prayer
1) obligatory prayer .
2) supererogatory prayers.
3) Friday Prayer.
4) prayer for rain.
5) Prayers of the Two Feasts.
6) Eclipse Prayer.

E. Names of obligatory prayers

1) fajr .
2) dhohr .
3) asr.
4) maghreb .
5) isha.

F. Eid prayers
Islam began the first feast service on 1 khariya shawl each year and the
second on 10 hu 'hijjah each year, in the first year of migration:
imposition of sufficiency in hanabah, imam, [1] and a confirmed year in
al-malikiyah, [2] and shafiah; [3] duty at the tap. [4] prayer shall be on
the morning of idi al-adha and al-fitr, and it is confirmed in the speech:
the prophet muhammad persevers in her, he orders the men and women to
go out for her, and the eid prayer shall kneel, enlarge, and then two

G.Who should be the leader of congregational prayers?

1-albulugh : fala yajuz alaitimam balssby
2- aleaql : fala yajuz alaiqtida' bialmajnun w 'iin kan adwaryaan.

‫ بحث مادة اللغة اإلنجليزية لطالب جامعة األزهر – الفرقة األولى‬3 ‫نموذج رقم‬

3- al'iiman , w hu al'islam , mdafaan 'iilaa alaietiqad bi'iimamat

al'ayimat alathna eshr aladhin eyanhm rasul allah ( slla allah ealayh w
4- aleadalat : w hi halat ruhiat tamnae al'iinsan min tarak alwajibat w
aiqtiraf almaeasi , w almaqsud bialeadlat huna 'an yakun 'amam
aljamaeat mtsfaan bihusn alzzahir bihayth law suyl eanh mmn
yueashirunah li'akhbaruu bisilahih w taqwah w 'iiltizamuh aldiyniu , w
tuthbit aleadalat bialaitminan alhasil min 'ayi mansha euqlayiyin
kashahadat eadl wahid .
5- tiharat almulid : fala yajuz alaitimam bulad alzanaa.
6- sihat alqira'at : fala yajuz al'iitimam biman la yujid alqira'at fi
alsalat bialerbyt alsahiha.
7- aldhukuriat : 'iidha kan almamum dhkraan , w la bas biaitimam
almar'at bialmar'a.
8- n la yakun al'imam mmn jaraa ealayh alhada alshareiu ealaa al'uhut
wjwbaan .
9- 'an takun salatah ean qiam 'iidha kan almamum yusaliy ean qiam.
10- 'an takun salat al'imam sahihatan , fala yajuz alaitimam biman
kanat salatah batilatan binazar almamum.

H.How do females perform a congregational prayer?

salat aljamaeat lilmar'at tatimu binafs tariqat salat aljamaeat lilrajl
biaistithna'a 'ana almar'at al'imam la tataqadam ealaa almamumin
wa'iinama taqif baynahum, li'ana alwajib fi almar'at hu alsatarat.: kama
'anah lays lilmar'at al'imam 'an turfae sawtuha fi alsalat aljahriat
wa'iinama tuadiyha binafs altariqat libaqiat alsalawat al'ukhraa. wala
tashrie al'adhan wa'iiqamat alsalat lilmar'at fi salat aljamaeati,
wakadhalak la yusharie laha dhlk fi alsalat almunfaridat .

I. Is prayer obligatory on kids, slaves, and patients?

1- alsalat w alsiyam w alhaju w ghyrha min aleabadat tajib ealaa
al'iinsan almuklaf , w hu albaligh aleaqil , w la tajibu shyyaan min
aleibadat ealaa alsibyan w albanat w 'iin kanuu mrahiqyn 1 .
2- do so in place by community. If he can't make it there alone. If it is
difficult for him to pray every prayer at the right time, between
noon and the afternoon, between Morocco and supper, offer or
delay at the same time, according to the deed. God almighty said:
"keep in prayer and central prayer and rise for all of god, [cow
3- Prayer, whether a slave, a woman or any other person, is required,
and prayer for Friday and congregation is not required for the royal
slave. The cassani hanafi said in deed al-sana 'a, which is correct in

‫ بحث مادة اللغة اإلنجليزية لطالب جامعة األزهر – الفرقة األولى‬3 ‫نموذج رقم‬

the hanabaliyah school of law. A slave. It is also stipulated for

shafi 'i in the door of Friday and maleki.

J. What is supplication or Du'aa?

To pray is to ask and to pray; After all, god called for anything that
beseeched him, and he desired what was good. The term means the
minimum demand for action, which is higher in condescending and
condescending terms; Calling the slave Lord subhana means seeking his
attention and receiving help. The prayer has several kinds and conditions
which, god willing, will be mentioned in this article.

4- Conclusion
Prayer is the pillar of religion, which is the second pillar of Islam and the
faith of muslims is based solely on it. Prayer is the last commandment of
the apostle - prayer and peace be upon him - before his death, for it is the
first thing that the slave is called to account for on the day of the
resurrection. If his prayer is damaged, his work is not well done. Prayer is
the boundary between unbelief and faith. Leaving it is the boundary
between disbelief and faith. Leaving it is The slave and god.

‫ بحث مادة اللغة اإلنجليزية لطالب جامعة األزهر – الفرقة األولى‬3 ‫نموذج رقم‬

5- Bibliography
1- The scheduled academic book.

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