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NP9800 SERVICE HANDBOOK (for 220/240V) REVISION 1 JULY 1991 Canon FY8-2365-010 COPYRIGHT — 1991 CANON INC. CANON NP9R00 REV.1 JULY 1991 PRINTED IN JAPAN AN |. MANTENANCE AND SERVIC mE CHAPTER 1 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING i PERIODICAL SERVICING CHART Note: “ ‘Da.not use oils or solvents other than those specified. 4 Clean @ Replace x Oil 5 Adjust Check ia — pan sey oa fey T ena i 12d Sale| enn, tbo conrad as i f eae Ozone ie : hea aa comer cae hota os Scanner i ~ copies nt Seon | [oe mena a | lear Eatin | soluen tren, _ lire: Fatap Sepiontns [8 — | | Pex upuntbg Otte prov [peu unde ges : Sooo ease we cst oct enifopan | fetes] ny 000 ne eeeg cere : contenst Sopra, oe (ee ea i ironies [rooaner Fed gu a i taeepne 4 [rsoestaess 2 oer nent: ‘Lens [ a whichever the 2. ce Samer tig pate ¢ canine pan scomer oe oecen i coger opens [ot ! so pan | anand aie iene pa Pr-expocio ta um | using a moist (pase : ce Purr nee! Racine 8 ea NEN NO vas tem Part covery | every | every | every Romarks: "| sta | sito | aor | eto | een we pinay poset, tant . cian pa separation) 4 using nt re paparon wing cadre na 5 Snsteczon sepa | * cosa |cornmassenby shes |g | (Sean ne pa ascomoy_ [pte Gearing ane ssng amon low 1 areve he bu ce loots role 4 _[teorenor non {chen pan — > losateae er | fe |e pa ey #903 sot ston, rctse-| persone rm . Gene pat tive drum | Photosensinwe arr ‘using tint-free paar rete, hp ores seuzon anton a on se rm |e eal ont an) | unit a (Magnet roller - : | Yetan i pa [raw oe a corer ring [ling oon rews|memald Jassembly |Upperroler £ aa Eas Loner 3 ne heir un) : seprton iw pes, | anh pa fone og shen i atone 8 ' remove [DeiayiFood mena, 1 — occa psu Ford | 8 [pute | - ek, Sepaaibnaie | a Ul, PEHIODICARLY REPLACED PARTS ‘Some paris of he machine need to be replaced on a periodical basis; they may be tree of wear but bring about grave operational consequences when they fa ‘aange the replacement sa that i wil correspond to scheduled visits as of May 1991, No. Pars name Paris No Gly |Life (copies) Remarks Fy3.0090-000 | AR | 160.000 | 100v “Tanster, Pre-transter, +. | Separation corona wires Fya0040-000 | an | 160.000 | 115290v Note: “The values above are estimates anly an subject to change based on future data. [2 [Primary corona wire | Fvt-0275.000 | aR | 160,000 TENANCE NO Nt, DURABLES ‘Some parts of the machine nood to be replaced at least once over the period of warranty they may be replaced only when ty fl as of May 1991 No Pars name Pans No. emarss FH7-3080-090 srasresz icv entaa| 1 [Scanning tamp FH7-3166-000 | 1 | 160,000 | _ 115V FH7-225-000 | 1 | 160,000) _290V 2_| Soparation roller (PF unit) FAS-3449-000 | 6 | 160,000 | Upperibfdcte/Lower 3_|Peseup ror (upoxing uni) | FAS-2615.000 | 2 | 190000 4 [Separation role (upexing uni) | FL9-0070-000 | + | 160,000 5 | Feeder roller (duplexing unit) FLS-0009-000 | 1 | 160,000 | 6 _|Gieaning unit separation claw | FAS-1997-020 | 4 | 160,000 7 7 | Fixing assembly cleaning bet | FA5-3720-000 | 1 | 160,000 fears 3 | Pek rol (PF uni) €9-0010-000 | 2 | 320,000 | Lower | Pickcup roller (PF unit) FAas-2854-020 | 4 | 920,000 | UnperiMidate 10 | Feeder ror (PF unt as-s508.000 | 6 | 320000" UppedMidaedaner 11 |Thormistor (fixing assembly) | FH7-7086-000 | 1 | 320,000 12 | pag upper ralledThermistor” | “F9.2180-000 | 1 320,000 | Tepe placed v3 [Saapeypretaerooens | saeseerono | 1 | 00000 | 14 | Fising Lower rotor Fhe-s2e2 000 | 7 | 480.00 1s [Se mre (Primary Sepsaton | va:-o162.000 | 1 | 640000 16 [Primary corona wire cleaner | FF2-3551-000 | + | 640,000 1 [Primary corona wire cleaner | FF2-3550.000 | 1 | 640,000 1 | jansereparaton corona wie | ero 0957-040 | 1 | 640,000 19 | Prestansier corona wir cleaner| FF23597-000 | 1] 64000) 20 | Developing eylinder FA6-4950-000 | 1 = 21 [Developing assembly rolier Fas-370-000 | 2 — 22 [BRP ESET Se AT 45 os c00 | 1 2 | BRIER SOND Hea oss ano | 4 2 | Ganig age Fawte27-000 | + | e800 | Ban eopes 25, [Separation caw ave uni__| FG2.0966-000 | 1 | 640.000 26 insuring bush (ng assomei), FAB 2668020 | 1] 640.000 | Dales wnt oper sparon ene a0g-oo0 | 8 | a.000 suns 1, MAINTENANCE ANO SERVICING sme Tow) 2 Pans name ransno. law Fomares ba (copies) 2 28 | Pimarycoana assembly | F'G2.0966020 1 1.12000) Transterseparion corona : 29 | Tansiersepar F62.1782.060 | 1 [1,120,000 4 [Prova corona asonBiy | GB 0867-000 | + [1780060 ar [Dulveryenitowa separation rne.as7.000 | 6 [1.12000 Note: “The values above are an estimate anly and subject to change based on future data. IV, IWAGE ADJUSTMENT BASIC PROCEDURE Go through the fllowing in the nor-AE mode with @ copy density o 5. Pentuimet pig te ey ire SEB SERFS BEEBE mane Case an Say Pa ee Ta CEE | Geese | " SS a Clean te standare wha Lt (Reto gen cmc | ' yr een, Esco Ee Pees, sitar ee aa “ » BRenwkoghes ees | oe a= ! ia mamas] | Por oma ao we sermepered = a= Serer som | ala] oer] || 8 = 1 | rents so20, a |aapsaov | vesaaow | 75xa0¥ welt eee es Sees eco Sera ieeaee era \, POINTS TO NOTE DURING SCHEDULED SERVICING ote ut ‘enone ges | Rear aici Dynoee ‘mer Batol oe Fan sib, ot nent Seance — | See om trons | Soe cont 7] seg et Rote Most oth ‘leant 4} Fasano | wasn | Can ao FSS = L | sn CHAPTER 2 STANDARD: MECHANICAL [1 | Leading Edge Nontmage Width (position of white strip on back of glass) ‘Attach the white stnip on the back of the ‘copyboard glass as shown in Figure 2-1 522mm . opyboard glass (oack) 118202mm Figure 2-1 The leading edge non-image wath ‘should be 421.0 mm whan the Test Charts ‘copied in the DIRECT mode. ——o | 21. 210mm Figure22 Two sided eooy orn ZOOM: 4081.5 mm 2. STANOARDS AND ADIUSTIENTS mt AND ADJUSTMENTS 12 | tensa eran ‘Change the setting of SV-8 in the service mode (81 f) $0 that the leading edge margin is 4.04.0 mm in the DIRECT mode. 4051.5 mm Figure 2-9 Two-sided copy or in ZOOM: 4.0:1.5 mm 3] Registration (lot, right; position of eassette holder) “Move the cassette Holder 80 ihal the ‘edge of the copy image and tat of the copy paper are O21 5 mm in the DIFECT made, pe -{f-cutsmm a Figure 2-4 ‘Two sided copy: 042.0 mm 2 OO | De-Activating the Standard | 7)--Put sheet B made in step 2) and sheet C Frame Erasing Mechanism ‘made in step 6) together, and agust the ——e————n_ position of the biank exposure lamp 0 IW tho user desires, the non-image width that the nomimage width on left and rig on the left and right may be set to'0. fare about A 3 me 1) Draw lines about 15 em trom the let ang ‘ight edges of an AB sheet (1 cm from {he leading eoge); cl the paver sheet A. =A sar a | was ° iem| em A-3mm-4=— (©) L a-amm T a “ Figure 27 owe te bank expose ofr ‘amp tthe rear of he | = cop 2) Use sheet A as an original, and make a =O copy in the sheat frame erasing mode: (ee =88 calline copy shect 8. amen ‘ a - oa case 45 —— Figure 28 e 8) Use shoot A as an original, and make a copy it the DIRECT mode: then, check thatthe non-image width on left and right Figure 2-6 s0215mm, 3) Set MS-5 101" service modo( 81618 4) Switch the copier OFF, and disconnect, the power pug 5) Connect the power cord, and switch the ‘copier ON; then, check that the setting for MS-6 is"7 6) Use sheet A as an original, and make a copy in the sheet Irame erasing mad call the copy sheet C. iasimen, the non-image anda! willbe about 3 mm the shot (ame orasing Routing the Scanner Drive Cable | 1) Attach the scanner drive cable in the fotder shown in Figure 2-10, 2) Tighten mounting screw B fully, and fx the mount using mounting screw A. 3). Turn mounting screw E clockwise until the cable fixing ané mount come into contact 4) 5) I L 2. STANDARDS 20 ADLUSTUENTS mam Fix the pulley mount using mounting screw F AAgust the position of the mirer. 6] Adjusting the Position of the Minrors (optical distance ‘botweon No. 1 and No.2 mirrors) Figure 2-10 Adjust the postion of the mirsors when the mirror drive cable nas boon replaced. To adjust, change the position of the metal xing atthe No. 1 miror mount. aa 2, GTANOARDS AND ADUSTUCNTS AAA 41) Draw lines about 1 om from the left and right edges of an A or A3 shot pie A Figure 2-11 2) Use the sheet as an eral. ans make a ‘copy; cal tno paper sheet A. 3) Place a blank sheet on the copyboard, and feed sheet A in the manual mode; call the copy sheet 8 + Shoat B shows oontracon by heat. 4) Put shest A and sheet 8 together along the lines craw on the lft. ft : sunt a Figure 212 5) Compare dimensions x and y shown in Figure 2-12, and move the No. mior aunt so that x and y wil be of the same lengtn;i., oasen two mounting screws (and move the No.1 mitror mount. cy: correct SY: move the No. 1 mirror mount in the rection ofa ey: move the No. 1 mircor mount in the ‘rection of. Figure 2-13 Wien tne cstaice betwoen the: No + ‘ad No.2 mirrors is short, the copy Image. will be enlarged. 7 Routing the Belt and Chain Positioning the Corone Wires ‘As aru, do not adjust the postion of the corona wies in the file; however, the height of the primary corona wire may be adjusted i the density differs between left and right. Figure 2-15 shows the standara sat forth for each corona wire Corona erat assembly (mm) Standard Values on labot Primary 7.5 or more Prestransfer 10 Teawier | LILAC 10 Separation 152 Sealy Figure 2-15 ilire may be adjust ae ig ‘enn te oxona mcr ee Megson came he coon ee :Bushion to protect against vibra SNocated in the front of each coron Re is poston using & ingertt ‘ofthe wire nas been changed, Figure 2-16 10] Rowing he Seperation corns Aasonbiy Grd Wre | Vei90%9 uo sn sud 2 eeseee 98 984 Viashor Stop seven Figure 217 11) Replacing the Photosensitive 12] Position of Fixing Assembly Brim ‘Thormal Fuse ‘When the photosensitive drum or DC 5 controller PCB has been replaced. change 198 Thoma ise tha VD and VL target values according to the instruction shaet that comes withthe drum, (Bea sv2) vaison ts Toei | @ ‘wor | eov | a0 eco sev av] 7 5 seov | tssv | 5¥ 6 sev | sey a5 7 uv [sv _|75v (tronty Paper guide (rear) mai 71.7405} 71.720 Sto] Paper guide mount Fixing assembly bottom plate Figure 2-19 NN 2 14|_ Points to Note When Replacing the Upper Rollor Whon attaching the upper roller, make sure that the static eliminating brush is in ‘contact wh tha end ol the lier as shown in Figure 2-20 1 State eliminating brush Figure 220 |) csing te nip win poor Figure 221 Distance | Measurements? b 88+05mm tact 0.5 mm or less Table 2-2 ‘STANDARDS AN ADJUSTUENTS. am ‘Adjusting the Position of the Delivery / Feed Deflecting Plate Solenoid fr tach the solenoid so thatthe gap atthe plunger will be 0.2 rm with the dellecting plate butted against ine upper gue plate, setncis _| 02mm opp. Figure 2.22 | 18] ‘Rajusting the Position of the Duplexing Unit Separation Roller 17) Adjusting the Position of the Paper Stopper Plate Solenoid If double feeding or pickup falure occurs wien paper is picked up from the duplexing Unit, detach the holding tray, and adjust the Position of the pressure spring of the Attach the solenoid so that the paper stopper plate butts against the holding tray when the plunger is pulled @) Seraws @ Paper stopper pate Figure 2-23 separation role To correct pick-up failure, move the ‘spring on the pressure mount to the let; ‘one level a atime, thereby stretching the spring To correct double feeding, mave the spring on the pressure mount tothe right fone level at a time, thereby squeezing the spring Spring Figure 2-24 (. ELECTRICAL ‘Mejor PCBs are equipped with vanable resistors (VA), which are adjusted at the factory Some of the VAs require high accuracy: fas such, do not touch thease not discussec herein in tne fel, 4. Using the Verisble Resisiors (VR) ‘VR601 (copier AE optimum age adjust Turning VAIGOI adjusts the FS optimum image forthe AE move. Use the VE ithe density difers between AE and manual modes during text copying ‘operaton. For details, see p. 1-5, 1b] VR606 (optimum exposure aglustment) Turning VA6DE adjusts the standara intensity of the scanning lamp, thereby ‘varying the intensity during copying operation Use the VR i the optimum postion (5 + 1) ot the MANUAL DENSITY key has a iscrepancy. For details, see p. 15. [e \VR on Primary Corona Assembly Turn the VR on the primary corona assembiy fr the following * When the primary corona assembly has bean replaced,” When the VD reading under S24 of the service mode ( S308 ) is not the target value (30 V) with the corona current Control mechanism (SWE02) OF. + When the VD reading under S24 of the service mode ( MLIAX ) is nat te target value (230 V) with the corona current Cont! mechanism (SWE02) ON, Using the VA 1} Connect tne power plug to turn the heater ON; then, wall 10 minutes or 2) Turn the VA on the corona assembly tuly counterclockwise 0 prevent excessive Potential {3} Tum SiW602 on the switchiVR PCB OFF to turn the corona current control ‘mechanism OFF 4) Select S8-12 in the service mode (eee). 5) Press the & key to execute potential ‘conta effective only during standby. 6) Take note of the VD reacing on the massage display ofthe control panel me 2. stauonnos avo anwusruents 7) Turn the VR on the primary corona assembly clockwise slightly I the VD. reading is not the target value (220V). Go to stop 6) ; if within the standard, go to tha next step. Adjust the sensor level when the tower cassette pickup 1 sensor (PO10) or PF unit Controller PCB has been replaced. 1) Turn bits 4 ang 5 of the DIP switen (DSW2) on the PF unit controler PCE. ON, 2) Make sure there is no paper around the sensor. 8) Turn VAI ; keep it where LEDS goes OFF, @ vr Y Figure 2.25 8) Turn SW602 ON to turn the corona ‘curent conrol mechanism ON. 9) Pross the Bl key, and check that the VO feading after potertial contro! is the target value (£40V) ; otherwise, go back to step 7). | Adjusting the Pick-Up/Feed Motor (VRaMVRA) [Adjust the motor when the lower cassatte pick-up motor (PME). interface feed motor (PM7}, or PF unit controler POB has beon replacos, 1) Turn bits 4 and § of the DIP switch (B8W2} 00 the PF unit controller PCB ON. 2) Press the puch switch (SWI) on the PCB to folate the motor turn the VR until the LEDs go ON, 2. Checking the Suriece Potentiat Coniral flechanism When an image problem is noted, try to fing where it has ongnated: ie., electrostatic latent image formation block, which includes, the photosensitive tum and potential contro mechanism, oF the developing and transfer black To do 50, check if the surace potential is. its optimum value in the service mode. Presses on = war | prum | fotnon | va | LED (ower 1 caneete | Lover + | pela” | cassete | towspeed | vre | Le0e mor | cuchOFF (Pa) wieace t teea'metr | Chuehor® | Lowspoos | van | LeDt Pury 7 Lower cessota s ‘iter DOWN tower | Lover 4 | qssete | sone [Highspeed | vee | Le0e pecup | cron ON Interface 7 | mraece | cunon | tgnepees | na | LDH Lower “| s = | cassete Ver UP ‘2. Checking the Surface Potential 4) Open tha front right door and front ltt ‘oor; then, detach the jam indicator PCB 2) Check thatthe switches on the switeVR, PCB are cel as chown in Figure 226. Solid squares represent the lover positions 3) Put the door switch actuator (TKN-0093) into the door switch unit, and turn the copier ON, 4) Enter the service mode ( e401) 5) Enter each address shown in Tablo 2-4 Using the ZOOM key, and check the readings shown on the reproduction ratio, splay ‘sweo1 swe02 swe0s Sws04 “RAAB Figure 226 [neiess | Reading Description _ sb20 1 ‘Shows he conv iit forthe scanning lamp 2 ‘Shows that ne cont smochanisn fo the Seanning lamp s ronal sD-21 1 ‘Shows the control imit forthe primary curont | con mechan. ° "he primary contol mechanism for tho primary cures nora. ao potenial | e200 Vorlesss nat hors tt recone | is 240 Vor ess; more or less not normal. ‘Shows fat ne corrat |_|. is 240 more: noma soz | Suse [Vs Gt aro crn | potential | potenia) S024 | Sulace | VD darkarea suace ental_| _potenta) 8023 | Sufaco | Vio potonal Table 2-4 au Possible causes “Mir Lens, Dust root ss, or Stanard white Bla ton) -Seansing lamp “Lamp requiter “Potential control unt “DG conitalier PCB -Photosenstive drum “deteroraien of) -Primary corona assemsiy “High-votage wanstormer 1 “Potential measuring ui -Potental canto PCB 0G controler PCB “Photosersive drum (deterioration of “Primary corona assembly “Pre-exposure lamp {Geteroraton of -Photosensitive drum (Coteriration of 2. STANDARDS ANG ADLUSTIENTS mm b. De-Activating the Automatic Controi Mechanisms The corona current control, lamp intensity control, or developing bias contro! mechanism may be checked by de-actvating the automatic contral mechanisms (nor: automate control mode), Sometimes, the non-automatic control moda may be made use of as a tentative ‘measure when aulomatic contro! las. Each output is set to the standard value inthe non-automati contr! mode Table 2-5 ‘wich ‘seo! Desowion | ONOFF (Causes alltel | OFF 1090, ‘Causes ne corona | OFF techn 2 r ‘aus ‘mechanism 192 Fe sws02 ‘ewes Causes he OFF \eveepng bias [cnr mactanen ogo OFF I with?sws01 OFF, all control jechanismis (corona current, intensity, developing bias) will bo set to standard ‘settings, Using the Non Automatic Control Mode ‘when an image problem occurs, use the made io decide i the problem is on the input of output side ol me mictoprocessor ‘on the DC controlar PCB, IWthe problem is corrected in the non- Automatic contol, the problem is on the input side; .e., potential measuring unt, DC controler PCB, otc. NOMS NODS LT © Zero-Level Check The zero-level chack may be used to Judge it the eurtace potential control PCE is, {900d or bad evel re Skis wees mee Neoace poms bove ear ‘The check proves a good uncestanding of the condition ofthe micraprocessor on the DC controler PCB, The zerovievel check may be executed in wo different ways; with method 1, the condition of the level shift cireult on the potential contro! PCB may be checked and with method 2, the potential measuring cvcult may be checked, 0) Method 1 1) Sitch the copier OFF, 2} Open the right front door and left front door tien, detach the upper fant cover 8) Disconnect connector ¥3 fram the potential control PCB. 4) Short Jd-1 and -2 on the potential control PCB using a jumper wie, '5) Put the door switch actuator (TKN-00¢9) into the door switch unt, and swrtch the copier ON: 6) Set $0.26 in the senice made ( BIE); at the time, check thatthe reading on the reproduction ratio indicators 020 V. Note: woth vbablng ig guislag ake specification, the, potential contol PGB st. 1 corti PGB may bo Yay. 7) Switch the copier OFF, and detach the {door switch actuator 8) Detach the jumper wire trom the potential contol POB, arc connect connector J 9) Attach the Upper front cover, and close the right front door and let ront door. 10) Swich the copiar ON. ® Method 2 4) Switch the copier OFF, 2) Detach the primary corona assembly and pro-vansler corona aseembiy 3) Release the feeder assombly, cleaning unit, and developing assembly. 4) Detach he photesensitive drum, 5) Attach the potential sensor checking strode (TKN-0197) to the eotentiat ‘sensor. Potential sensor o Tors ~ Electrode (for chock Cip Figure 2-27 6) Attach the cp for the jumper wie to the potential sensor checking alctrade. Not: £2 Desnot bring the'ckp int eo ih ing gt tt ee ‘ort Stsor wren 7) Connect one end ot the jumper wire to ‘check pin PS on the potential contro! PCB, 8) Put the door switch actuator (CK-0093) Into the door swatch unit 8) Switch the copier ON 30) Set $D-26 in the service mode (i= check ‘that the reading on the reproduction rate display is 0 =90 V while the main motor rotates a 2 high speed, Notes: Lf te reasing under motnod 1g within spocitication and in 2is outside of the Specticaton, the sensor-may-be soiled ‘oF the potential measuring uri fat. iL the ceadings in bothrmetiods1-and: 2 are within specication, the’ sigah paths ‘and mechanisms between the potential ‘Sensor unit and the micropracaesat.on the DC convoller PCB may be assumed tabe normal 11) Switch the copier OFF 42) Detach the potential sensor checking electrode. 13) Attach the photosensitive drum. 14) Attach the feeder assembly, cleaning uni, and developing assombly 18) Clean alt corana assembles, and at them 16) Sich the copter ON. m2 STANDARDS ANG ADNUSTHEN TS, d. Checking by Block Block | _Chesk pant Normal Possible cause of evor Potanta! [LED (potential [The LED is ON wile the main | The potential measuring unto high measur measuring unt) | motors rotating; Rowever, kis | voiagewranstormet 2 (F20V power ing unt (OFF when the motor rotates at | Supply) is aul alow speed ‘Votage between | Tho indox ofthe moter swings Tho primary corona assembly, Figh- \Ji-2 and Jé-1 thee mes botwcon 0 and 2 V [voltage Wanslormer 3, potental {GND) potential during contol retationt with Jeonto! PCB, OC eoetrolr PCE, conol PCB. the meter sett 3 VDC. potential measuring unit: Figh- vlage translormer 2 is faut Potential |[Zeo-level check |The readings on the 1 Ite reaging outside the sansor reproduction ratio dsplay on | spacieation In mathod 1, the lercut the como! pane! in both potemtiat conto! PCB or BC. method 1 and method 2 (p.2- controler PCB is faulty. 18) e0=30V 2. the roading is outside the spocticaton ia method 2, the potential measuring unt oc high voltage transformer is faulty, Lamp Voltage betwoon The votlage is about 0 V while |The DC contol i aul intensity | J104-7 and J108. the scanner is moving forware lcontol /@(GND; LAD) ard about 7 V while Ris lorcut moving in reverse x during last olaton, Voltage between |The voltage is between about The DC contol is faulty. 31099 and J108- 10 and 16 V whe the scanner BB(GND;LINT) is moving forware with SWE03 |OFF and at copy density F5;in action he voltage changes \whon VO is turned [Primary LED (HVTP; |The LED is ON between when | The DC controller faulty, corona’ high-voltage | _iniial rotation starts and when jcurrent tansiormer 1) __last rotation stars. onto! |LeDs (nan: the volage i about 9:7 V during erexit|votage output ‘copying operation wih SwW602 OFF, high voltage high-voltage transformer 1, high- ‘ranstormer 1) \alage coed, or primary corona L assombly i faut \Voage between |The voltages about 9.7'V | The DC controller or potential 8 and PS (GND: (during copying operaton with control PCB is faulty. LHVTPC; potential Swede OFF ‘control PCB) Block (Check point Normal Possine cause of ertor Transfer corona |LED2(HVTT; |The LED Is ONtrom the | The DC control is Jeurent control high-voltage | midole of nia rotation to | faulty. cuit transformer 1) _| the midcle of ast rotation LEDS (high the voltage is about voltage output 145 V during copying on high-voltage the fist side and about transtormer 1) |14.8 V during copying on the second side inthe two-sided mode with 'SWE01 OFF. igh- voltage transtormer 1, high-votage cord, or transfer corona assembly L 'stauly, Voltage between |The voltage is about 14.5 | Tha DC controler oF 'P4 and PS (GND) ;| V during copying on the potential contol PCB is (HVTTC; potential | fist side and about 14.8. fal contol PCB) | V during copying on the ‘second side inthe two- sided mode with SWE01 OFF, Pretrarster —_|Vollage (HVPON) |The voltage is O V ftom |The DG contra or AC Jourrent contr! | between CP106-3 |e middie of initial jeantiol PCB is faulty. {+} and P1061, | rotation to ne mide of in last rotavon, Separation | Voltage (HVSON) | The voltage is OV from | The DC controler or AC curent control |petween CP106-5 |*ho middle of intial | contro! PCB is faut. [-) ané CP108-1 rotation 10 the middle of o last rotation, Developing bias [Voltage (ACBTP) |The voltage is aboutV. |The DC controlleris controlercut [between JS-1 when the scanners |taulty (GND) andS-3; mowing forward or | potential contol reverse: at other times, i Pos: ___ is about 20V. Voltage (0080) The vottage is about 7.6 | The DC controler ar between P2 and) curing copying ‘potential control PCB is 5 (GND): ‘operation with W604 | faulty potential contol | OFF. POR, ee OO NN 8. Checking the Photointe:rupter a. Copier ‘The photointerutes inthe copir may be checkeo nthe sence mode 25 Wola 7 thing a mete {2 "sing hieter 4) Sethe mater to he 12 VDC range 2) Connect ihe (| probe of te meter 0 10351 (GND) ofthe DC conver. 3) Make checks as necessary. t5V. 0: 0V ® Using the Service Mode 1) Open the front doors, and put the door ‘swiich actuator into tha door switch unt. 2) Press the switch on the switciVR PCB. 3) Press the Bl,(0, and @ keys on the Control panel in sequence. 4) Prags the ZOOM key, enter the addresses that follow, and check the hotsinterrupters concemed — or 2 dt a ‘Monitors the scanner home position | Monitors the scanner postion (SCHP) (scoP) Probe (+) of meter | s103-A2 J103-At ‘Service mede _[SD-61 = [Move the scanner by hand while he | Move the scanner by hand while checks copier i in tant. the copiers in standby. ‘Scanner present | Scanner absent _| Scanner present | Scanner abeont Reading on ‘i if _ - message display eeaging on meter 5v. ov 3.5 V (approx) ov { No. ea o4 Function ~ Montors delvery (ear; POPT) | Monitors galvery (ort, POP2) Probe (+) of meter | 106-89 103.85 Senice mode _|SD-45 ____|sp-46 Move te tver of G3 by hard while Move the lever of O4by hand while checks tha cope sin standby. ‘he cope is stancby [_ Leverup [Lever siaonary eaaing on Inesage Seay : y 0 Reading on meter ov T Wo. - a5 __L_ 08 Function 'Montors the tearing be out eontion| Montes ihe clearing bet length __esoun (CROP) Probe (s) of meter [108-88 103.87 _ Senco mace —_|S0-68 - S067 Put copy paper over the laver of 5 | Put coy paper over the lover of eee hie the cope in stenaby 06 while the cope isin stand. ii _["ror peso Fam saat | Pauroeion Paper sb Reading on ! message depiy | |? 7 sane ae a wa we a a realest ra | fees taro coniioyperen we bea ‘Toner presen over | Toner absent i 1 Towrrsnew ore) parm | Pawan (POPA) plate (POPS) _| eee ae Z = ee ee pose ae ° ote | 2 TRNAS AND ADIUSINENTS No | are Function “Monitors dalvery (male; PDPS) robe (») of meter {103-811 Service mode | SD-53 Move the lever of Q74 while the Chocks |ecopieris in sinadby _ Leverup | Laver stalonary Reading on 1 message oisplay a leading on meter 5v ov NOS OO 1b. Duplexing Unit No) par oz | Duplexing unit delivery sensor L ‘Duplexing unit delivery sensor M aaa (OPDPS) (POPS) aa Probe (+) of meter |J112-61 lsteB1 a [Sonvice mode | S0-48 peneties | 50%) Put copy paper over the lever of DOT | Put copy pager aver the lever of while the copier i in standby. D2 white the copier isin [Checks ° |S. Paper present_| Paper absent_| Paper present | Papar absent Reading on message display u ° 1 2 [Reading on meter ov 5v ov 5 No. a3) ‘| ‘Duplexing unit delivery sensorS | Holding tay home positon sensor a (0FDP3) (THE) robe (+) of meter |J112-B1 JN283 [Service mode | 80-48 0-63 Put copy paper over the lever of DOS |Put copy paper over the lever of checks while the copier i in standby. DO whe the copier is in sian. Paper present | Paper absont_| Paper present_| Paner absent Reading on ; message display a ‘ a Reading on mater ov Sv 5v ov Ne. Das: os 0 Setg nor ss ee Dupiexing unit piok-up sensor (OPDPS} Probe (+) of meter | J2-A2 112-62 Service mode [S051 Put eapy papor over the leva ot [DOS write te copier i in standby. 's0-49 ‘copier isin standby. Reading on meter ‘307 | Checks Paper present | Paper absont Reading on message display a ‘ | ‘ ow ov wv | iw bas Move the lever of 006 while the Teves | avr not auhoa aan Function ‘Monifors paper on the holding Way ‘Monitors paper in the delivery? [Probe (+) of mater \J112-A12 — eee reer) [Service mode 3050 Spa | I Place copy paper on the hoiding tray. | Open the delivery assembly, and eee ee a 1 [8 SOO, c PFUnit Using a Meter 1) Set the moter tothe 12 VOC range or 20 AGAIN VOC range. sd 2) Connect the (-) probe of the metor to Jt= 2 (GND) ofthe PF contaler PCB. 23) Make checks as necessary Fhe lainlbtopiac wh Pont nore oe. ice. No. Pai = _ Function Upper cassette liter position sensor | Mile cassete iter postion Probe (+) of meter |JA10 [eas ‘Siide ou the cassette; then, slide itn, Slide out the cassette; hen, Chocks sido it, | Literup | Liter stationary | Liter up | Liter station Reading on meter 5v ov 5V ov No. Poa _ POS, Function Lower cassette iter postion sensor _| Muttileader paper sensor Probe (4) of meter | Je-A2 8A Slide out the cassette; then, side tin ‘Move the lever of POM wha the copiers in stancy. ‘Checks 1 Lever Lever not Uinerup | Literstatonary | vd | _pesnea [Roading on meter | SV [SeaIov, 5v ov We #5 oe uncion Upper cassie paper | Wd caso paper once weet Praia (ij omiior | SAT a ‘Move the lever of POS while the copier isin Move the lever of POs | while the copier i in robe (+) of meter cooks standby standby ~ teaver | tevernat [Lever | Levernot pushed _| pushed | pushed | pushes Reading on meier vo wv fw rc rar Pas ‘Lower cassetiopaper | Uppercassettepckup face sensor sensor AS Ea checks Mave the lever of POT wine the copier i in standby. Reading on meter Lover Lever nat pushed pushed wv Ey Put copy paper over lever ‘1 POR while the copier is in stancby. Paper ansant ov ONS NO TS No Poa Pare a We cassete pickin | Lowercase iocup 1 toneor senor Fike ehnwiar wee 85 Putcoy pape! overtho | Pu op per over he fever Pas wore” | sensor hie copleris cess copirsimstandy. | stan. Peper] Paper | Paper | ~ Paper prowont_| absent | prevent | absom Reading on meter 5V ow av 7 orless No. I Pair Pai2 Funaon ower bso BEG? | oe seta poston ener Probe (+) of meter (J8-A6 (J12-B5 ut copy paper over ho] Bul cony paper oar ho lovratPortwniete | fever of Pane wets checks Coperisinstandhy. | Cerin sendy Pant | Paper] Paper | Papa prosent_| abcont | ponent | cnet Reading on meier wv | ww ov es 2 erent MO ANUSTIENTS No. Pos — Ierace ver paper Probe (+) of meter [i282 ~ wean ae Put copy paneroverthe | Put copy paper over the lever of PO'3 while the | lever of POT4 wie the Chocks: ‘copier is in sland, copier i in standby. Paper Paper Paper Paper present | absent present | absent Readingonmelos BV ov av ov Ne a a Pare Function Upperimidle cassette Lower cassette pick up pick-up mator clock ‘motor clock sensor robe (#) of meter was [iA area ‘Turn the pulse generaling | Turn the pulse generating plate ofthe molar stowly | plate of tre motor stowly cree ‘while the copier is while the copier isin standby. standby. leading on mater ‘iornately 0 apd SV Altemately 0 and 5 V POI? POIs a ioc oir cock | Lower eatsoto paper sensor ply poston gener Pioke otmdior | eA [ase Tune pls going Move to tavr of POTE plate of mot sony | wis he conta os inte tecoperisat | stand standby. Lever Lever not posed | pushed Feadng on meter Fesiratey Oand4V wv av 4. Points to Note Whon Detaching the Connector Produced by ALP Care is called for when detaching the connector produced by AMP; see Figure 2 28, its receptace is pulled at an anglo as shown in Figure 2-28a or wigalad a shown in Figure 2-20, the receptacle as well as the spring head will be damaged and the ‘continuity wil be lost Damage tends to occur at the portions indicated by arrows. Figure 2-200 ® Pulling Off the Connector 41) Pick the roots of the wires with fingers, and pull straight up Figure 2-30 Correct 2) If the connector feels tight, wiggle it Slighily as shown in Figure 2.34 PF nrc onda damage the portions 8 EEN ircceted by wrone ry D spew Q © aa ure 2-288 Figure 2-91 Correct, SMEARED 2 STANDARDS AND ADUSTHENTS am Do not use point A of Figure 2-31 to provide leverage when pulling off the Connector, oF the portion shown in Figure 2 28a willbe damages, NN HAGE TROUDLESHOOTING ME CHAPTER 3 IMAGE TROUBLESHOOTING | INITIAL CHECKS: © Check that the corona wire sprig isnot ‘usta 4. Checking the Environment 4. Check thatthe ant-vibration rubber piece of each corona assembly is not Check that the following conditions are met ‘a. The voltage ts maintained at 110% of the one rating, , The copier is not subjacted to high ‘Checking the Developing Assembly temperature of Fumidityi.e., away from water, souroes of heat, faucets, water @. Check thatthe rolls on both ends of the boilers, or humidilier, and is not veloping assembly are in contact with subjected to dust. the drum, ‘0, The copiers not subjected te ammonium bs Chock that a uniform coating of toner is, gas. present on the surface of the developing 4. The copier isnot subjected to direct ays ylinder of the sun: otherwise, curtains are provided caciane 1. The copier is located in a well-ventilated peated room: Check if the paper is of @ type |. The copier is level. Fecommended by Canon. 40. The copier is fed with power at night —_b, Check i the paper is moist; try paper also. fresh out of package. 2 Checking the Originals 7. Checking the Periodically Replaced ‘Chock the criginals to determine whether Parts the probiem is due to the originals or the Check the periodically replaced parts ‘copier. against the charts made available for ‘a. Check ifthe copy density is correct. 2.$ tham and vepiaee any that has reached o 1s service ite, Check the orginal nas a yellowish Sacgroun, such a background makes rept of ona ea 8 otmers e. Chock he ype of ong sa azo Copy or hae transparency. the copes tray look soppy fs ono te Siner hand, he copies may ook "00 Moving the copier from a cold to warm room in winter can eause condensation inside the machine, leading Io the ‘allowing problems, font" 3. Shocking the Copyboard Cover eng Condensation nthe scanner lass, ln, Copyboard Glass for Dirt and Damage frre, retlecting plate) tthe copyboard cover or glass is soled. _. Condensation inthe corona systam can clean it with mils detergent or alcohol cause sectical leakage Solution if damaged, replace ©. Condensation the pick-up and feed ‘uid can cause faulty paper movement 4. Checking the Corona Assemblies a ‘Check the corona assemblies for drt anc It condensation occurs, ary wipe the the corona wie for damage. a Hon oqcure, ry b. Clean the corona wie of each corona Ayeted Pats or lave the copier ON for 60 assembly and the shield plate of the fhe densty is diferent between the front transfer corona; it the dt cannot Be Sndsear eri theiinage wees Rant ae ‘emoved, replace the parts. make adjustments according to the Basic ¢. Check the height of each corona wire. Image Adjustment Procedure" betore a Check tnat the ransier corona assemby petng rotsedal procedure, sot coreaty Ul, TROUBLESHOOTING : . 1 ] he imege i oo ight |" | Graitonetenyy Gause__| Siep oheek TYesino, ‘Action 1. | Make adjustments | YES End according 10 the Image ‘Adjustment Basic NS Procedure (p17), Potential 2 | Switch SWEOS on he YES 1. Gieanihe contol ‘swtohVR PCB OFF i standard white ‘mechanism (intensity corto) OFF}. and | Diao, mize. make a copy. Is he ters. and dust problem corrected? prot lass | 2. Check the pole conto! |__mecnansm. DC eantioler | 3. | Sethe copier ote non NO | 1 Replace the DG Poe ‘AE modo ard'e 2 copy controler CB, density of hen. select $0.30 nthe service mode | i (G2Iva), and make acopy. Is the scanningiamp ON. | voltage about 45 10.80 V? | (Koop S503 OFF) | Lamp [ves | 1. Replace the ‘equi, iStpreour Prtosereive 2. Replace na ur photosensitive Sum Check YESINO ‘Acton 1 | ake ajasmens VES | Fed | ato re mae susie ase || Procedie:tihe rosin conctes? | | 2. | Swtchine copier OFFin | NO | Govosep6 \ the mile ot copy rn tml open the Fort dort the toner image on the || potesenstive eur more Cause _| Step Check | YESINO| —_—_Action_ Transfer’, Is the corona wire hooked | NO 1, Re-hook the separation and positioned correct in corona wire. corona | the transter corona 2. Adjust the height assembly assembly? Further, is the of the corona’ assembly set correctly? 3, Clean the corona 4, Set the corona, transtrseparation corona. | wie, Copy 4. |Use fresh copy paper YES 1. The paper may paper Does the density become bo moist; advise higher? the user on the correct method | of storage. | | 2. Advise the user tha the use of paper of a type r not recommenc: i ed by Canon a may fail to bring a about the best 5 | results { lranster | 5. [Measure the resistance | VES | 1. Check tat ifthe © lower between the transfer lower | transfer guide is guider guide and the PCB (metal in contact with Varistor Portion) ofthe feeder tho side of the assembly. Is it 02? feeder assembly (nota). | 2, Replace the _ | varistor. | High- NO |. Check the jvoltage continuity of tho cord, High high-voltage voltage cord trans 2. Check high: former, voltage Potential transformer 1, control potential contol PoB, DC PCB, and DC controller controller PCB. pos | Cause Step Check YEsINo | Action Develop- | 6. [Is the developing assembly | NO Set the developing ing set correctly? assembly correctly assembly Develop- | 7, |Has the density become | YES |Dry wipe the D|ing lower after cry wiping the eveloping cylinder ¢ | cylinder developing cylinder? once again; then, v wipe using a e moist lint fee cloth, \ Setit only ator it ° | has dried Pp [completely. ™Tonertval| 8. Is toner preset insiée to | NO Chock i toner © sensor developing assembly? level sensor. * | Develop- Is the roll of the developing | NO Re-set the ing assembly in fim contact developing assembly withthe photosensitive assembly set | | drum? {postion Preransier | 10. |Isthe pre-ransier corona | NO 1. Reshook the corona ite hooked and positioned corona wite assembly ‘correctly? Further, is the 2. Adjust the height corona assembly set cf the corona cortecty? wire 3, Clean the corona 4, Set the corona ascembly JE correctly Photosensitve | 11. [Switch the copier OFF and | YES | Repiace the jécum then ON, and wait until itis photosenstive | im standby; then, select SD- ium 27 in the service mode (BIDE). 1s the reading for | contrast '200 V or less’? Potential | NO | Check the potential contol | control mechanism mechanism, | and developing Developing bias control bias control mechanism mechanism - a [* | emma Cause | Step Chock YESINO ‘Action 1. | Switch the copier OFF and| YES |1. Check ithe problem then ON to execute ‘occurs again potential contro! once 2. titrecurs, check the ‘again, and make a copy. ‘potential controt Is the density higher? ‘machanism, Development| 2. |Swich tne copier OFF in | YES [Go to step 4, the middle of a copy run, ‘and apen the tront door. Is the toner image on the photosensitive drum more for loss corract? [Develoment 3, | Select SD-2¢ in the YES |See “The developing service mode (DB). Is assembly fas the surface potential (VO) operate.” near the target value? Potential contro! | NO Check the potential mechanism _Joontrol mechanism. Transter! 4. Is the wansferiseparation | NO [Reset the corona [separation corona assembly set assembly ‘corona orectly? assembly High-vottage | 5. Is there coninuity between | NO |Rplace the high-voltage | cord oth high-voltage ‘cord. ‘connectors ofthe transfer ‘corona assembly? Potential control] 6. | Switch SW601 (potential | NO |1. Replace the potential | + |PcB, oc: control) OFF. Is the ‘control PCB, + [controler PCB. voltage between Pa (+) 2. Roplace the DC a | and PS (-) on the potential ccontrotier PCB, f [control PCB 14.5 V during 5 |copy operation? |Hign-vottage | 7. |Is LED 4 onhighvotage | NO | Replace high voltage «© |transtormer 1 transformer 1 ON during ranstormer. r ‘copy operation? ‘Transfer lower | 8, Is the resistance between | YES | 1. Check he transfer guide ‘the transfer lower guide lower guide is in | and feeder assembiy ‘contact with the side {metal portion) 02 of the feeder | assembly (metal portion). | ___|2. Replace the varistor Copy paper NNO. | Try tresh paper or paper of aditferent kind darker} The density is not even. (frontis Cause | Step | Gheck YESINO|_Action Primary corona | 1, | Make adjustments YES End ‘wire (position) aecording fo the Image | Adjustments Basic | Procedure (p. 1-7). fs the | problem corrected? Scanner (dit) | 2. [Clean the scanning lamp, | YES [End reflecting plate, side reflecting plate, micro, lens, and dust proof glass. | Is the problem corrected? | Pro-exposure | 3. isthe pre-exposure lamp | NO 1. Replace the pre- amp (ON during copying ‘exposure lamp. operation? 2. Replace the DC controller PCB Developing —4._|Is auniform coating of, NO |1. Dry wipe the assembly toner present on the blade tp ofthe veloping cylinder? pre-exposure | lamp 2. Clean the surface of the developing oylinder using a moist and then [Corona yes | 1, Clean all corona assembly, wires once, and Copy paper check the positon ofthe corona wires conce again 2, Repiace the copy paper i ‘The image is foggy. (all over) Cause _| Step Check [yEsNo| Action ‘VR606 1. | Make adjustments | yes | Ena, according tothe Image ‘Adjustment Basic Procedure (p. 15) Clean the scanning lamp, | YES | End reflecting pat, side rellecting plat, miro, lons, and dust root glass Is the problem corrcted? Cleaning unit | 3. isthe cleaning unit setto | NO |Set the cleaning (setting) ‘Scanner (dit) | 2 (blade the copier correctly? unit correctly. | pressure) | _| Pre-exposure | 4. Is the pre-exposure lamp | NO |1, Replace the pre- lamp ‘ON during copying ‘exposure lamp, operation? 2. Replace the DC | controller. 5. | Select SD-23 in the service | YES Goto step 7 mode (10). Is VL2 of the specified value? Lamp 6. |Make a copy in the non-AE | YES | 1, Replace the regulator, mode, at a copy density of lamp regulator. Scanning lamp 5, in the DIRECT mode: 2. Replace the |then, select SD-30 in the | sarnina ame ‘service mode (ID). Is Potential he ccanning lamp ON | | No | check he ptontal | tage betwoen 5 and 80 contra 7 contol mechanism | mechanism | ae | eneenati OCconrater | 7. |Settnometeriothedd | NO |1. Replace the 06 PCB, Poteal |" | YDC range. Ist vote conoter CB contol Poa eteaneneck pine P2(s) |_|. Replace the land PS (-) on the potential | potential control _ contol PCB about tot | bce | High-voltage V during copying YES | 1. Replace high- vansormer, operation? volage Sevetoing tansormer 2 ascent | 2, Check ine | developing assembly. 7 | The mage isfogsy. (im paperfeod direction) | @ | The image has dark lines. ‘apes fee decton lace TROUBLESHOOTING ma Cause | Step Check YEsino| Action Primary corona| 1. |Clean the primary corona | YES | End. assembly wire, grid wire, and shield plate. Is the problem LL Jeorrecied? ‘Scanner 2. | Clean the scanning lamp, | YES | End. reflecting plate, side | reflecting pate, tens, | rmirtor, and dustproot | Glass. Is the problem corrected? etn Pre-exposure | 3. |Cleanthe pre-exposure | YES End. lamp lamp. Is the problem corrected” i . Developing | 4. | Is there auniiorm coating | NO |Ciean and check assembly of toner on the developing the blade edge of cylinder? the developing | fassembiy. Fixing YES | Check the fixing assombiy, Jassembly and [Cleaning unit leaning unit es. ton, narrow lines) Cause | Stop ‘Check YESINO ‘ation 4. | Make a copy, and switch NO” } Gove steps. the copier OFF while the copy papers in the feeder assembly. Does the copy Image have black ines before it goes through the fixing assembly? ‘leaning unit | 2. | Is Toreign matic found on YES | Remove the foreign the clearing blade ofthe ‘matter, and clean cleaning unit? the cleaning blade and cleaning uit extemal, 3. | Ae scratches found along | YES | Tumoverthe the edge ofthe cleaning blade; it both edges blade? (Feel the edge with have scratches, afinger) replace the } eaning blade Photosensiwve | 4, | Are soraiches ordarkinas | VES | Replace the drum found around the photosensitive photosensitive rum? ‘drum: if scratches are found, investigate the Developing NO | Check the systom, developing system Exposure ‘and exposure system system Fixing 5. | Ave scratches ordark ines | YES | 1. Replace the assembly found around the upper upper roller. roller ofthe fixing 2. Check if the assembly? leaning bet take-up mechanism is normal 8. Chock if the separation law 's positioned correctly and is free of dit NO | Ghock that the inlet ofthe xing assembly is rea of dict. 110] ‘The image has white strips. (in paper-feed direction) Ti} The image has white in (in paperseed direction) Gause | Step Check YEsNo| Action Fixing 1. [Make a copy withthe NO. Clean the paper assembly copyboard cover open, and guide (upper ‘switch the copier OFF | tower) of the le the copy paper is fining assombiy. moving through the feeder 2. Check the upper assembly, Does the copy |" aller of the fixing image have white stip or assembly white lines before goes 3. Check the belt through the fixing | take-up assembly? rmochanism and clearing | ‘mechanism 4. Clean the | separation law._| Primary corona| 2. |Cleanthe primary corona | YES | Glean the wire ite assembly corona wire, gid Using a moist cloth: wire, and shies pate. is ifthe it cannot be the problem correctea? removed, replace the corona wire Developing | 3. |Isthore auniform coating | NO Check the blade assembly of tonor on tne developing ledge ofthe assembly? jsavoloping | ___fassembiy Copy paper | 4 [Useitesh copy paper. 1s | YES |The copy paperis the problem corrected? | moist; advise the user on the correct { ethos of storage Photosensiive | 5. [Are scratches found YES | Replace the cum around the photosensitive photosensitive rum? rum: investigate the cause ofthe 1 scratches NLC OUEST Tarsiov | 6. [Awihecearng unt | YES. 11, an te 2. Check the height of the separation corona wire. 3. Try diferent Lo _| _ __| copy paper. Blank 7. [Are the blank exposure YES | Check the wiring exposure lamp LEDs corresponding to the between the blank [ie sats or white res exposure lamp and [on the copy image ON DC controller PCB: hile the scanner is moving it normal, replace forward? the DC controller a i Poa. Stray ight | No |Check it the photosensitive | ‘drum is exposed to stray light from outside, ———— NN 511A THOUELESHOOTING fre ‘The image has white strips. (in eross-feed direction) Cause__| Step ‘Check YESINO Action Developing 1 assembly Is the problem noted at Intervals of about 10.3 om? YES 1. Clean the developing rolls. Is the problem noted at Intervals of about 8.5 om? Yes 1. Clean the developing cylinder: dry | wipe it using lint: ‘ree paper and, then, wipe it using a moist cloth. Set it alter ithas dried completely. 2. Ifthe developing cylinder has. | scratches, | replace the developing oylinder. Photosonsitive | 3. Is the problem noted at YES 4. Clean the drum, deur intervals of about 34 cm? 2.1 the drum has. scratches, replace it Copy paper | 4, |Usetresh copy paper. Is | YES |The copy paperis the problem corrected? moist; advise the | ‘sor on the correct __| method of storage. | Scanner rai, | 5, |Doas the problem occurat | YES | 1. Checkit there is Scanner wird the same location of the foreign matter on copies? the scanner rail 2, Adjust the tension of the _ ‘scanner cable. Corona wire | 6. | Are scratches foundon the | NO | Clean the corona Girt) photosensitive drum? assemblies, Photosensitive YES | Replace the drum photosensitive rum AACE THOUS, + 18 The back of the copy is soiled. Developing assembly Drum cleaning unit Fixing assembly Delivery assembly [esessseeeeressees anes Switch the copier OFF hile the copy paper is ‘moving through the feeder Unit. Is the back of the ‘copy paper soiled? Is the problem noted at intervals of about 5 cm? Are the belt take-up ‘mechanism and cleaning mechanism of the upper roller of the fixing assembly correct? YESINO ‘Action NO |Goto step 1. Clean the | reaistration roller. Clean the transfer guide Check if toner is | eakog rom the developing assembly. Clean the feed assembly. Check if toner is leaking from the | dleaning unit. NO }1. Check the belt take-up mechanism. Clean the upper roller and lower roller. |3. Clean the paper | guide ofthe | fixing assem NO jt - le YES [Clean the delivery roller and | separation claw. | wage TROUBLESHOOTING ee eee [Upper roar’! 1, [1s the problem YES | Check the upper jtower noted verialy? | roles end tower oer role | focscratches IHeaier (He, | 2. |Dothe twoheaters | NO | Chock as instructed 49) above {H2, #9} 90 ON inThe txng heater Fixing | immediately alter fas to go ON. Jassem- power-on? —_+—________ oly Is the nip width NO | Adjust the nip width. between the uppet foler and tower aller Jun specteaton? | | irsuaing | 4, [isthe neulatng NO | tach the nsuating [materia mater nda the tatoralcorecty. | Copy paper | ‘xing assembly YES | Check if the copy attached correctly? paper is of a type recommended by Canon: othemnise, recommend the use of such paper. MS MACE TRUEST, [15] Te teasing edge is dspaced. | 16| The leading edge is elspaced. 17 The leading edge is cisplaced Cause step, Check ‘YESINO | ‘Action original 1. |Isthe oignalplaced | NO |Ptace the orginal _leonecty? conectly |Copy paper Is the copy paper of a NO Try paper of a type recommended by recommended ype: t Ganon? the results good, advise the user to use | such paper. Pickupciuich | 3. [isthe areatihe NO ]1. Check the pikcup registration oler ral. cotect? 2. Adjust the are [Sv-8 (Serves 4 | Agust SV. in the NO. |Adjst the registration moda) service mode (3). under SV. Does the dagreo of cisplacement along the leading edge change? ale Registration roler | 5. |Selthemetertothe 30 | YES 1. Replace he clutch, | VOC range. Does the rogistration roller Regstaton oer vollage between J103- ‘utch (C13) 182 (e) and J109-2(-) on 2. Check and i tne DG controler PCB i lenange trom 24toov | DC controtier PCB eae G ane the | No. | Replace the Oc feed contaler PCB, “The image is blurred. 2. MAGE TROUBLESHOOTING mm [— “cause | Step ‘Chock YESINO ‘Action ‘Scanner dive 1. Is the eable around the YES |. Rovoute the cable cable |cabie puley overtap wii 2 tthe cables twisted the scanners moving? Or, ‘or ayed, replace it is the wire toa slack? Scanner rail 2 [Move the No. 1 mitvor NO [1. Glean the scanner rail ‘mount slowly by hand. Using an alcohol Does it move smoothly? solution; then, apply a | ‘small amount of lubricant 2, Check the L'shaped | rail atthe front fr dust. ‘3, Chack if the scanner roll rotate smoothly. Photosenstive | 9, |Doas the protiem occur at | YES | 1. Check he dkum gear. um Imervals of about 35 cm? 2. Cheek the ends ofthe ‘rum in contact with the developing rol for | scratches or e protrusions. Drum drive gear | 4. [Does the probiem ocourat | YES | Check the crum crive interval of about 10 on? goat rum deve NO [Check ihe cru deve mecranism | mechanism. MS AE ROU LESO, 19 | The image is foggy. (In eross-feed direction) Cause | Step Check |YESNOT__Aatlon 1, /Make copiosin the DIRECT | NO |Goto steps | mode, Does the problem ‘occur at the same postion ___ lon att copies? Scanner 2. |Make copies ata reduced | YES Check the (oobiing) reproduction rato, and scanner fo compare them against those Feeder assembly made in the DIRECT mode. | NO [Check the feeder (wodbling) ‘Are the positions of the assembly. a problem aitfarent? | ‘Scanning lamp | 3, |Does the scanning lamp | YES |Gheck the regulator tlcker while the scanner is scanning lamp ‘moving forward? and lamp | ieematnenemaa regulator, Developing NO [Check the assembly coating of toner jon the developing cylinder Cause | Step | ‘Check [eso | ‘Action’ Copyboard glass | 1. Ie oilfoundon the YES [Clean the copyboard copyboard glass? | cma Eee) Minor (postion) | 2. |Is the horizontal NO | Adjust the distance reproduction ratio inthe | between No. 1 and DIRECT mode within No. 2 mivors. a speciation? _ Scanner (ai) 3 [olean the scanning | YES |End lamp, relectng pit, mirror. lens, and dust proot glass. Is the |_| problem corected? Photosensitve | 4. [Select $D-27 inthe | YES | Check the potential rum service mode (26) control mecharism: Is the contrast 200 V or normal replace the ess? hotosanstive drum. Lens dive unit NO | Chock the movement ofthe lons ote unit a8 21| The copy is blank. Cause Step | ‘Check yesino| ‘Acton ‘Primary corona | 1. | isthe primary corona NO]. Sette crea assem assembly assembly set comtecty? comecty. |2. Re-route the corona wire L i and gnd wire. Developing citch | 2, | Does the develoging clutch | NO |See"The developing | ‘operate during copying | assomby falls fo operate: aa operation? DCeontroler PCB 3. Is the biank exposure lame | NO * Replace the DC controlar \ | OFF whe the scanner = |Foe moving forwara? Po Scanning iamp | 4 |Isthescannngiamp ON | NO | Make checks as instucted in ‘during copying operation? "The scanning lamp fails go | 10N. (Connector (paper [Ase the connectors on NO. Reconnect them, eontct) each PCB connected i is correctly? Potential 6. | Swich Swe02 (corona | YES [Check the potential, measuring unit ‘utrent conte!) onthe measunng un swiciVA PCB OFF and make copies the problem corrected? | | (switch Sw02 ON ater __ [the cack) 7, [Switch Swans (caveloping | YES |Check the potental | bias contro} on the swt measuring unit VR PCB OFF and make copies Is the problem i correo (Switch 'SWW604 ON ater the check} ak _ 8! 1s contnuity present NO | Replace the high-voltage cord ‘between both connectors that lacks continuity ‘ofthe high-voltage cond Potental contol Connected io easn corona | YES | Check the potential con! mechanism ‘assomoly (0 2)? | echanisn, _| CERO, 22| The copy is solid black. | Cause Step Check (| YESINO ‘Action 1. [isthe scanning lamp ON | NO | Make checks as | uring the copying instructed in "The a operation? ‘scanning lamp fails to L< - Lee ___ 9 ON. CHAPTEN 4 OPERATION TROUBLESHOOTING i. TROUBLESHOOTING one Bal oes ae 77+ |i ete mein WO ee Tela Same aieage |" Sade Seem Sere Suara oce ao Aes | Brea ego a / epee re / me eons ae / {ning roller and separation caw. ‘Set $0-10 in the sence mode (BD NO Goo stop 5. a). Is the fing temperature dis _ played? 2. | fs the xing tomporature shown as 151° | NO Ifthe fixing main 9 19507 | healer (Hor sub ator 2) is OFF, / see "The fixing / heater fas to oper YW : ate” Thermistor (TH1) 4, | ‘Switch the copier OFF. Is the resis | NO Replace the ther- face beteot 1099 and f054 an Peon ir i the harness se about TOK @wnen | Be conroter the jong roler temperature is about YES Check and reph Poe ” sf necessary. the DC comalier PCB Is J9 inside the fing assembsy con ‘ected corecty? NO Connect it corety, PION ROE, Cause Step] ‘Check Themisior THI) | 6: ‘Switch the copior OFF, and side out he fing assombly. Is the resistance be ‘ween J70-1 ard J7-2 about 150K 0 when the fixing roller temperature is about 25°07 vesnol Acton’ NO | Replace the ther sii (TH). 19, J70, 56, 7 108 DC controler PCB |s continuity present between J70-1 ‘and J1053 and between J70-2 and 105-47 NO | Cred J, JO, J, | and 108 YES | Replace the OC Cortator PCB. Thermistor (THI: shorted) DC contraller POE 100 contoter POE eae wa 1) AC aver PCB. ‘Gear EOOT, open the deivery assem- | NO by, and coal the fxing roller. Does E001 go ON as soon as the capers {3105 rom tne DC conwaler PCB. Is the tesistance between J1054 and 105-3 fon the hamass sde about 5K Mor less? No Does the votlage between J1029 (4) NO ‘and 1108-6 ().0n the DC controle PCB ‘hago fr 24 V0 about OV while the reatg indicated on the message ds: ay 1s between 180° and 180°C? 4 Faeplace the tas. Is the problem cor | VES | rected? No ‘neck ‘YESIN| Action | Go to stop 9, ‘Swiich the copier OFF. and dscannact ' YES | Check the wiring | between J105 and thermistor: if nor- | mal, replace the | thermistor. wer Replace the DC | controler PCB. ‘Check and, it na: cssary, replace the DBC conircler POB. End. Replace the iver PCB. AC fe opennmion TRovsLEsHooTING 3 | E00s Cause | Stop] Check Yesno| Action ‘Cleaning belt 1. | Has the cleaning belt of the fixing as- | YES | Replace the clean- semby boon thon tp? eg bot Lever | 2 | i the movemont of te cearing bet | NO. | Make adustmants | | sensor (@5) and no Gearing bot eon $0 that the overs 07 (05) smooth? move smecty 190 controter Detach QS and 05 from the doivary | YES | Replace the DC Poe 3. | assembly, and dose the deivery ae contol PB, f © | semi then, set 50-68 inthe sence | —_ | 05 ‘mode (SEMIS). Is 0° shown on he” NO | Replace 5 message aspay? | 4 [E010 cause [Sten] Check yesinol Action Main motor can- | 1. | Is the connector of the main motor (Mt) | NO | Gonnect the con: rector comectod? recor. Press the COPY START key in the | NO | Replace tne DC DIRECT mode. Doos the vollage be contol PCB }—~ {ween 3117-86 (4) oF J1T17 (2) ang | ——j SE _ ‘Main moter unit 109.2 () en the 06 ontoter PCE | YES | Replace the main change tom 010 8? mote unt ec 4. OPERATION THOUELESHOOTING mE 'F [eos De contoter Pop ‘check Detach the waste toner tube fom the ‘rum clearing unt. Is the ppe clogged wh asta toner? votlage between JT10-11 (3) and J108- 2 (on the DC conroter POB OV? Press the COPY START key. Is the | YES 1, Replace the yesno’ Action YES | Detach the waste toner pipe, and | remove the waste toner from inside wasle toner toed motor "2, Replace the waste toner feed motor cinver PCB, NO Replace the 00 contoter PCB, EA. OFERANON TROUT 6 | £020 Cause | Stop Check YEsINO] TToner level ser- | 1. | Detach the developing assombiy cover. | NO y sor PCB 's the developing assembly ful of toner? Toner level 2, | Atach the developing assembly cover, | YES | Replace the toner soncor PCB ‘and set the developing assembly. Is | Jayel sensor PCB. ‘$039 (TSP) ‘1’ in the service mode 1 (e0B)? NO | Replace the DC | comirller PCB, Hopper motor | 8. | Attach the developing assembly cover, | NO | See “The hopper and set the developing assembly in the ‘motor fas to oper copier. Drive the hopper motor using ate” 'SS3 in tho sorvice mode (SIDE) ‘or | five seconds. Doss the hopper motor rotate clockwise when viewed from the pulloy ofthe spindle? Developing as- | 4, | Detach the hopper unit from the copier. NO. | Chack the develon- sembly toner Is the shutter ofthe bottom of the hop: | ing assembly toner supply mouth per open? ‘supply mouth and Heber int hu ‘ho hopper shut. tor Hopper unit 5. Place copy papor under the shutter of | YES | The toner supply toner supply the hopper uni then, tum the timing mouth of the hop: mouth | alt of ne hopper unt clockwise, Doos per unt is clogged the feodscraw rotate? ‘ah toner. Feodscrew 1. Detach the developing assembly | NO. | Check the rotaton whe coving eon step) mouth | aha hand ea 2, Choe the sutra he hope nt 3 set the Fopper in he cop. | 9 Sat he dovoopng sssorby machanism of the Feedserow, step) check ~veswo| Action | DC conitaller PCB 6 controler Poe Dupioxing unt ssiver PCS oe us, Du20, Duet, Tray rotor Duplexing unit fiver PCB 7. | Select the twoskied copy mode, and | NO | Go to step 5, press the COPY START key. Does th + | tay motor (O42) of the duplexing unit operate? ! Se 2. | Set SD-69 in the saree mode (aa | YES Raplace the DC 1), Is the reading on the message ds- | controler. play “T’ when the halding tray home | postion sensor (Q) is blocked with | papor and 0’ whan unbiocked? 3. | Does the votage between J112.89 (.) | YES | Replace the OC ‘and 1108-2) on the OC contaler PCE contler PCB. about 5 V when Cd is blocked with paper and about 0 when unblocked? 4. | fs the votage beween J108-87 (4) and YES . Check and, nec | pe asset sone | ane fie te i Mase ae sais! ne | Relay PCB 1D. | Connect the probes of the meter to the | YES | Replace the relay felowng connecoss on a reley PCB, | | PCR Doeste incor segmonenary wher | | | ReOOPY Sta hoy © essa | a elo DC contr | | Peper NE canta) sso2-05 | NO | Replace the DG) | Poe ee ne controler PCB. ica) 1602-85 peep, Ld ‘a4. oPenATION TRoUALESHOOTING 18 | The pickup mechanism fais. (ower cassette) | Cause ‘Chock 'YESNO| ‘Action ‘Does the ADD PAPER message fal to 90 OFF? Yes ‘See “The ADD PAPER message fais to go OFF.” 2. | Is paper present in the cassette” NO See “ADD PAPER message fais to g0 On 3. | Sot the lower cassette. Does the pre- | Yes Go to step 10. pickup operation take place to the sSpecitied position? 4. | Is the lower cassette pick-up motor | NO | Go to step 8. (PMé) rotating? 5. | Is the drive from the pick-up motor | NO | Check the belt and ‘ransmited to the pick-up clutch by way ‘gear. ‘of the belt and gear? 6. | Does the pick-up roller release sole YES | Replace the PF ‘oid fall to go OFF? controlar PCB, Lower cassette | 7. | Connect the probes of the meter io J7- | YES | Check the wiring pick-up cluten 3 (4) and J1-2 () on the PF controller between the PF (Peis) pce, i ‘controler PCB and ‘Does the index swing momentary when pick-up clutch; if the pickup cluich go ON? ‘normal, replace the pickup clutch, PF contralir NO | Replace tho PF PCB | controller PCB, Lowor cassette | 8. | Disconnect the relay connector of the | NO | Reolaoe the pick-up pick-up motor pick-up motor. 1s the resistance about motor (PMs) 56 0 when the prabes of the meter are ‘connected to both terminals? | 9. | Connect the relay connector. Connect YES | Check the wiring ‘the robes of the meter to J7-1 (+) and between the Pr \J7-2 () on the PF controler PCB, ‘controtiar PCB and 's the volage about 13 V whan the pick- pick-up motor: it Lup motor stars to rotate? formal, replace the Bickeup. motor PF controller YES | Replace the PF PCB. contraller PCB, NI {OPERATION TROUSLESHOOTING mm [cause [Step] Gheok ‘vesno] Action PF contoter | 10.| Connect the probes of the meter to JS- | YES | Replace the PF Pos, 187 (+) and Ji-2 () on the PF contol controller PCB. Pee. | | Does he index swing momentary winen the COPY START key pressed? Relay PCB: 11. | Connect the probes of the meter to DC corsair POE, 402.84 (2) ard Jd02-85 (on the Telay PCB. Does the index swing | —— | momentary when the COPY START oy Is pressed? ves, nO FRoplace the olay PCB, Replace the DC ' contratler PCB, OP RATON TROUELE, 16 | The pick-up mechanism fails. (muitifeeder) Cause |S heck vesno] Aten 1. | ie plcapmectrsm nara when | NO-| See "Tho plekup Borers cane eat Pctnan ie Copper cas se 2: | Does hp ADD PAPER massage al | YES | See The ADD wor Paden mosteoe Cee ee | No |'see “Te ADD PAPER message fas to go ON.” 3 | Is paper present in the mutioeder? 4. [Is the muticeder piccup motor M2) NO. | Goo step 7. rotating? 5. | Is the dive of the pick-up motor vans: | NO | Check the belt anc mnited to the pickup clutch by way of gear. the bet and gear? Pick-up roler | 6. | Connect the probes ofthe meter to J2- | YES | Check the wiring ‘engagement so 192 (+) and J1-2 () on the PF contr between the PF lenod (PSL11) POB, controler POB ang | Does the index swing when the COPY solenoid it normal, START key i pressed? replace the sol Pov NO | Replace the PF controler PCB, PF contol POB Muttteeder pick- | 7. | Disconnect the relay connector of the | NO | Replace te pick-up Up moter (PM) | Pickup motor. isthe resistance aoout motor 124 © whan the probes of the meter ate connected to Boh terminals? i Connect he relay connector ofthe pick- | YES | Check the wiring up meter. between the PE Connect the probes ofthe meter to J2 controler POB and At (+) and J2-31 () on the PF unt Pick-up motor: if ‘controler PCB, Pormal. replace he || Tete wotage about 22 v whan the pick Pccup motor up motor slats fo rote? |nam reo 70 | ase Se ‘check “Twesino; Action Connect the probes ofthe meter to J5- | YES Replace the PF BIG (2) and J1-2 () on the PF contolor | controller PCB. PoE, Does the index swing momentary when | the COPY'STAAT hoy pressed? Connect the prabes of the meter to | YES Replace the velay HO2-A1S (+) and JeO2-B5 (3) on the PCB, relay PCB. Does ine index swing | ———~ ‘momentatly whon the COPY START | NO | Replace the DC key is pressed? i controller PCB, mes openanion oveLesHooTNG 17 | The interface feed roller fas to rotate, ‘Check ‘vesno] Action Does the edge ofthe copy paper stop In front ofthe interface toed roller regard loss of which cassetteimuttineder is selected? Yes | Go to stop 5. {5 the pidcup mechanism normal oxy for the lowor cassete? YES | Go to step 4 Interface tower | 3. | Connoct the probes ofthe mater to J12 YES | Check the wiring casseita food | | AB/:) and jh |) on tho PF color betwoon ihe PE ‘hteh (Pots) OB. Does th nox swing mera contolor PCB and |i when te cutch goes ON? teed chit nor ‘at repace POLS PF contoior PCB NO [Replace the PF Corirater PCR Interiace upper | 4. | Comnecihe probes ofthe mterto 2. | YES | Check the wiring cassette “feed |” | Ars) and 1-2 () on th PF conker Between the PE utch (Pots) OB. Does the index swing momenta contol PCB and iy when te ext goes ON? food rch nor mal, replace PCLA PF contol POB No [Replace the PF | I centater PCB Interface feed | 5. Disconnect the relay connector from | NO Replace PM. rrotr 7) | the trae feed tor (PHD). Is ho resstace abet 97 ween the probes ‘tthe meter are connocted 1s both | terminals? 8 | Cont the relay connector f PMT. | YES | Check the wing ernst he probes ofthe meter tot 2. betueen PF oor || RB) andte-as (onthe PF conta ‘ee POS and Pa [erPCB, Isto wotage about 15 aon formal, replace the powup stats? Por ————| PF controler NO | Replace the PF Pos | conotor PC 8 | The er fost 90 up (Sick fon cass) cause | Step ‘Check [yeSINo] Action ‘Does the cassete open button fal to 40 OFF? Liter upper iit 3 ‘sensor (PMS4, folowing conectars on the PF conta PMSE, PMSB} | | lor PCB. Is the voltage about 26 V7 eee wisse cassete 2-814) ute | toner cassone sre | se Liter motor 4 (PMG, PM tlscannect the relay connector of the PM) | ter motor. Is the resistance as folows i i [rte pote re cone termnas? ecistance Upper ease soprox 150 Mido eassote Approx. 1801 Lower easseto Agprox 1701 Does the Mer motor rotate? Connect the probes ofthe meter fo the ‘Sat the mater to the © X 1 range, and YES | Replace the liter Yes ieee YES "Chock he chain ana cable NO Check the wiring between tho PF | controler PCB and Titer upper ket sen | sor; if normal, re: place the liter up per iit sensor. OPERATION TOL CO Cause Step| ‘Check Yvesno] Acton Liter motor | 5. | Connectthe connector ofthe liter motor, | YES | Replace the liter (Pu, PMA, and connect the probes of te meter to motor. Px). the following connectors. on the PF controler PCB. Is the vokage as fo: lows when the cassette openicoced | sensor & tured ON? —) + |= | votage PF conioler = NO Replace the PF Pop. oper ‘Aonrox controler PCB, carscte | J2-82| Je-6a/ 21v ee mote Mize Ape. cagsoto | J2-A0) 42-80) 21 ita ator Lower Approx. | | leassote | 6-1 | Je-2 | IV ter mote | Cassette open | 6. | Connect the probes ofthe meter tote | NO | Check the wing ‘losed sensor folowing connector on the PF contro bemwoen the PF (PMs, PMS2, lec PCB. 1s the voltage 24 V when the | controler POB and pasa) Cassette openiiosad sensor is tuned ‘cassette open’ on? dosed sensor; — oral, replace the [ + =|} ‘sensor. PF contollar Upper cassene | Ja-a | 2 || YES | Replace the PF OB contr PCB, i 3 i ear | ave Lower eascoto | se-ar | ste ‘OpERATION TROUBLESHOOTING mm [18 [Therein oer as 1 ie Check Yesmo! Action Does the roller electrodalcrve cam | YES Go to stop 3. ‘operate as soon as the man motor | ‘slat to rotate? [is Ragataton | 2. | Does he volage beiwean J0282 1) YES Check and frac Faller ctor ‘and J109.2() onthe DC controler PCB ‘essary, replace J42! ‘chang trom about 24 10 about 10.V registration roller ‘a8 soon as the main molor stars 10 ° cluich, rotate? = 1 NO.” Cheok and, it nec: i essay, replace the DC coniraller PCB. Registration 3. | Does the shatt of CL3 rotate for about YES | The registration rater | one cooord immediately alter the scan roller may be sub- er Sars to move foward? fect fo an excessive loads 3.2 4. | Doas the vokage between JTO3-At (+) NO Chack and, it nec- ‘and J109-2() on the DC contol PCB essary, replace JS Change from 0 V to about 4 V while the | and seanner posi pulley of the scanner motor (M2) is | tion sanser (02) fiven a hal ockwse tum when viewed | -| DG conirller from the shat? YES + Check the DC PCB: 1 | contol: POB, '\+ Chock the hex soren on C13. OPERATION TOUELES COT, 20 | The scanner falls to move forward. Cause | Step] ‘Check ‘vesno] Action | + | is zt cated on the message Bs- | YES | Soo “ERO _ play? Sarner dive | 2. | Does the scanner motor (M2) roiae? | YES | Check the tension of cable | the seanner-erive cable DC controler | 3. | Move the scaner io the home postion, | YES | Check and. it noc Poe and pross the COPY START key | essay, sepiace the Dovs tho volage between JT05-11 () DC contaier PCB ———} | and 4108-2 () change trom 0'V 0 3 | © ~ ‘Seaner motor ‘when the scanner moves forward? | NO | Replace the scannor unit motor unit | 21 | The scanner fais to move in reverse. Check | yesno] Action te ERI inated on he message ds- | YES | Soe "E200 play? Does the scanner move forward? NO | Seo "The scanner | falls 10 move Tor | ward. [yes | Replace tne scanner rotor uni eee ‘OPERATION TROUBLESHOOTING wt [ 22. | The blank exposure lamp tails to go ON. Cause | Stop! Check Yyesmo| Action Jot, 437 | Detach the primary corona assembly: | YES | Check J101 and then, wait unt warmup (WMUP) 1s sar. ‘over ang exoou SS-1n the service mode (BEDE). Are all lank exposure LEDs OFF? 101, 437, DC | 2, . instep 4, are the LEDs that are OFF at | YES | Check the con. ‘ontaller PCE regular tervals oF in & ou? nectors (4113, 437) comespond: ing to the LEDs that are OFF for contact + Check” and, if j necessary, ‘re i place the OC con- 7 frole: PCB, lark exposure NNO | + Replace tne blank lamp ‘exposure lamp. SE OFERANON HOLLEN, 23 | The scanning lamp fais to go ON. SS Fur Disconnect the power plug, and re- 2, | move the mouning screw of the ther- mal fuse (FU). Ie coninuty present || between both taminals of FUY? case [ feeno] Adon Tame | 9 eg Ea] Da cone power pg ade Correct te ip “YES | Repioe FUT lat 3. | Sel the motor tothe x 1 range, Does | | the index of he meter swng when tre (probes of the meter are connacted 10 both terminals of LAY? DC controler — | 4, | Execute SS-2 in the service mode Poe (es the voltage between Ji08-7 (+) and J109.2 (en the DC ‘onler about 0 V? Connector (lamp | 5. | le te connector connected to the iamp | NO | Replace Lat (Check end, it nee ‘essary, replace the 1G controler PCB. No | Connect the con- regulator) regulator corecty? necor correctly. sto 6. | Is the votage between J2-1 (4) and ua. | NO | Greck J104 on the 4() of te lamp regulator about 26 V7 DC contraller PCB for contact Ter, T52 7. | Is power supply voltage present be: | NO | Check TBY and TB2 heen JI-t and J1-2 ofthe la rogu for contact. S lator? Lame reguiator YES | Replace the lamp regulator. 2a |The deveoing aseby fais to opto | Cause Grea Yesnor_Aaton via veo oo cones anda au | YES Te seven a / to-secorg sero anfom fe "sembly apertes Cope rer peer one exe | may: Shere | Ste of Reece ner noone wad be (Gat acto ths Y | Silo ain Dovooang cj | 2. Bows ne sah ahs dang ost YES Check dcp oe ea (G5 one vse he amr re fag ones ve ro? a as 2. | me votage batwen J-1 () and” YES Crack ard ae Mbi2 Clete cewopng uch eset «Gan, elce CLS 22.V while the scanner moving? aes a Set, 0, iat) 4 te vag aaa 207M and VES > Chock JBO7-At ‘eass'h on he Be Seer heb on suse Zon Ono te cere ny » Gok voor. | cutee ty eee eee eres anf otal Pe Ogg ge Secs rosar | "°. | sty, tats te | ARAR SS tanece nme (Se chlo Pa oc ower ees | YES | Rooie me 06 ctiver FOB, OPIN OE 25 | The hopper motor fails to operate. Cause | Stop heck lvesno| Action 1. | Execute $S-3in he service mode (B81) | YES | Go to step 3. — Fl). Does the hopper motor rotate? Toner level 2. | Set $0.39 (TSP) in the service mode | YES | Ia sulcent amount sensor PCB (SOs). Ib, ie, toner is present. ff toner isn the Indeated on the massage display? developing assom- i bly, replace the toner | ‘evel senser PCB. DG coriroler YES | Replace the DC. PCE | controler PCB, DC controler | 3, | Activate the hopper molor by SS in| NO | Ghack the BC eon: Pop the service mode (HIG)e3). Is the | troler PCB. volage betwoon J111-B2 (+) and 3108. 2 () an the OC controler PCB about 0 vw 111, 208 4. | Acivate the hopper mesar 6y $5.3 in | NO. | Check 9911-82 and the sence mode. Is the votage be- 1208-82 for contn- tween J203-82 (¢) and J2053 (+) an iy. the DC driver PCB about 0 V? DC ariver PCB | 5. | Actvate the hopper motor by S53 in | NO | Check and, i nec- the service mode. Is the votlago be- essary, replace the tween J204.86 (4) and J2053 {} on DC aver POR, f—~~ |_| the Bc arver PCB about 24 V2 err Hopper motor YES | Repiace the hopoer ‘motor (M5) “mote roo eid tie amount rn rer ctr he as show bob. He ‘Toner amount | Drecion as viewed from pully More than spectod Counterciockwise Less than spectod Clockwise EN «| OFERATION TROUBLESHOOTING mm Check YESNO| Action ‘re both foang main neator (HE) and | YES | Go to step & fring sub healer (H2) OFF? Is He OFF? NO Go to stop & NO + Check and, it ‘Sitch the copier OFF, and side out the ‘xing assembly: then, set the meter 10 necessary, '

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