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Processing & Quality Assurance of Coca-Cola Beverages


Sahara bakers Private Limited

Submitted in the partial fulfillment

for the award of degree in

Bachelor Of Technology


Food Technology

Submitted by:- Submitted to:-

Santosh Yadav Sahara bakers Pvt. Ltd

Department of Agriculture & Sciences

Lovely Professional University ,punjab


I Santosh Yadav do hereby declare that the project report submitted to the LOVELY
PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment for the award of degree in Bachelor of
Technology in FOOD TECHNOLOGY entitled ‘’Processing and Quality Assurance of coca-
cola beverages’’ is an original piece of research work carried out by me under the guidance
and supervision of

I further declare that the information has been collected from genuine & authentic
sources and I have not submitted this project report to this or any other university for award
if diploma or degree of certificate examination.

Date: 10/07/2019 Santosh Yadav


I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to the all the people who have played a
crucial role in the research for this project, without their active cooperation the preparation
of this project could not have been completed within the specified time limit.

I am also thankful to my project guide Mrs. Rekha who supported me throughout this
project with utmost cooperation and patience and for helping me in doing this Project.

I am also thankful to all the staff of ABPL who supported me throughout this project with
utmost cooperation and patience and for helping me in doing this Project.


With the development of world and human being, the taste, need and the
attitude of human being also changes. India is one of the common market in the
world with a population of more than one billion. Soft drink is a popular
common product which is generally purchased by consumers for quenching
their thirst in summer and also to have cooling refreshment. As far as the market
of soft drinks is concerned, it is facing cut throat competition from the larger
number of soft drinks available in the market. Different brands are available in
every segment of flavors, but the attitudes of the consumers differ from each
other due to several factors. Every company tries to increase their market share
and their sales volume. Discounting system followed by the companies proved
to be an essential factor to boost up the purchases made by the retailers. The
companies try to attract the retailers to purchase more by providing some
schemes or incentives or cash/card discount. If more discount or any other
incentive scheme is given to the outlets, they make purchases to avail that offer.
Therefore, it is essential for any company to have an efficient and effective
discounting system.

Distribution is the spine of any FMCG company. The main function of a

retailer is to bridge the gap between the supplier and the customer. The central
focus of distribution is to increase the efficiency of time, place, and delivery
utility. For any FMCG product it is essential to have a good distribution
network which should be better than that of its competitors.

Distribution is the key area for any FMCG business. For a smooth distribution
network, it is essential to keep the retail outlets satisfied which in turn mainly
depend upon the profitability. Their profitability is checked by keeping a
satisfied profit margin for them. Apart from that, the company also provides
discount on purchase of different pack sizes to some HVOs which in turn
increases their profit margin. Sometimes the company also provides incentives
to the outlets which make frequent and high purchases. To meet stiff and
challenging competition from some of the other brands, it is essential for the
company to have an effective and efficient distribution network. Therefore, the
company tries to keep the outlets satisfied by offering discounts and some other
incentive schemes from time to time.


2.2.1: 1886-1892
Atlanta beginning

It was 1886, and in New York Harbor, workers were constructing

the Statue of Liberty. Eight hundred miles away, another great American
symbol was about to be unveiled. Like many people who change history,
John Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, was inspired by simple curiosity.
One afternoon, he stirred up a fragrant, caramel-colored liquid and, when
it was done, he carried it a few doors down to Jacobs' Pharmacy. Here,
the mixture was combined with carbonated water and sampled by
customers who all agreed -- this new drink was something special. So
Jacobs' Pharmacy put it on sale for five cents a glass.  
Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, named the mixture Coca-
Cola®, and wrote it out in his distinct script. To this day, Coca-Cola is
written the same way. In the first year, Pemberton sold just 9 glasses of
Coca-Cola a day.  A century later, The Coca-Cola Company has
produced more than 10 billion gallons of syrup. Unfortunately for
Pemberton, he died in 1888 without realizing the success of the beverage
he had created.  Over the course of three years, 1888-1891, Atlanta
businessman Asa Griggs Candler secured rights to the business for a total
of about $2,300. Candler would become the Company's first president,
and the first to bring real vision to the business and the brand.

2.2.2: 1893-1904
Beyond Atlanta

Coca cola hires first celebrity spoke person music hall performer
Hilda Clark
Asa G. Candler, a natural born salesman, transformed Coca-Cola from an
invention into a business. He knew there were thirsty people out there,
and Candler found brilliant and innovative ways to introduce them to this
exciting new refreshment. He gave away coupons for complimentary first
tastes of Coca-Cola, and outfitted distributing pharmacists with clocks,
urns, calendars and apothecary scales bearing the Coca-Cola brand.
People saw Coca-Cola everywhere, and the aggressive promotion
worked. By 1895, Candler had built syrup plants in Chicago, Dallas and
Los Angeles.  

Inevitably, the soda's popularity led to a demand for it to be enjoyed in

new ways. In 1894, a Mississippi businessman named Joseph Biedenharn
became the first to put Coca-Cola in bottles. He sent 12 of them to
Candler, who responded without enthusiasm. Despite being a brilliant and
innovative businessman, he didn't realize then that the future of Coca-
Cola would be with portable, bottled beverages customers could take
anywhere. He still didn't realize it five years later, when, in 1899, two
Chattanooga lawyers, Benjamin F. Thomas and Joseph B. Whitehead,
secured exclusive rights from Candler to bottle and sell the beverage --
for the sum of only one dollar.  

2.2.3: 1905-1918
Safeguarding the brand

Coca cola enjoyed in 8 countries worldwide.To combat copycats

coca cola develops unique bottle
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but The Coca-Cola
Company was none too pleased about the proliferation of copycat
beverages taking advantage of its success. This was a great product, and a
great brand. Both needed to be protected. Advertising focused on the
authenticity of Coca-Cola, urging consumers to "Demand the genuine"
and "Accept no substitute."  
The Company also decided to create a distinctive bottle shape to assure
people they were actually getting a real Coca-Cola. The Root Glass
Company of Terre Haute, Indiana, won a contest to design a bottle that
could be recognized in the dark. In 1916, they began manufacturing the
famous contour bottle. The contour bottle, which remains the signature
shape of Coca-Cola today, was chosen for its attractive appearance,
original design and the fact that, even in the dark, you could identify the
genuine article.  As the country roared into the new century, The Coca-
Cola Company grew rapidly, moving into Canada, Panama, Cuba, Puerto
Rico, France, and other countries and U.S. territories.  In 1900, there were
two bottlers of Coca-Cola; by 1920, there would be about 1,000.

2.2.4 1919-1940
The woodruff legacy

Coca cola enjoyed in 53 countries world wide. It introduced 6

In 1925 6000000 drinks per day.
Perhaps no person had more impact on The Coca-Cola Company than
Robert Woodruff. In 1923, four years after his father Ernest purchased
the Company from Asa Candler, Woodruff became the Company
president. While Candler had introduced the U.S. to Coca-Cola,
Woodruff would spend more than 60 years as Company leader
introducing the beverage to the world beyond. Woodruff was a marketing
genius who saw opportunities for expansion everywhere. He led the
expansion of Coca-Cola overseas and in 1928 introduced Coca-Cola to
the Olympic Games for the first time when Coca-Cola traveled with the
U.S. team to the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics. Woodruff pushed
development and distribution of the six-pack, the open top cooler, and
many other innovations that made it easier for people to drink Coca-Cola
at home or away. This new thinking made Coca-Cola not just a huge
success, but a big part of people's lives.

2.2.5: 1941-1959
The war and its legacy

Coca cola enjoyed in 120 countries world wide. Introducing Coke.

In 1961 Sprite is introduced. 1963 Tab Company’s first diet soft drink is
In 1941,
America entered World War II. Thousands of men and women were sent
overseas. The country, and Coca-Cola, rallied behind them. Woodruff
ordered that "every man in uniform gets a bottle of Coca-Cola for 5 cents,
wherever he is, and whatever it costs the Company." In 1943, General
Dwight D. Eisenhower sent an urgent cablegram to Coca-Cola,
requesting shipment of materials for 10 bottling plants. During the war,
many people enjoyed their first taste of the beverage, and when peace
finally came, the foundations were laid for Coca-Cola to do business
overseas. Woodruff’s vision that Coca-Cola be placed within "arm's reach
of desire," was coming true -- from the mid-1940s until 1960, the number
of countries with bottling operations nearly doubled. Post-war America
was alive with optimism and prosperity. Coca-Cola was part of a fun,
carefree American lifestyle, and his imagery of its advertising -- happy
couples at the drive-in, carefree moms driving big yellow convertibles --
reflected the spirit of the times.

2.2.6: 1960-1981
A world of customers

Coca cola enjoyed in 163 countries world wide. It introduced can

in 1960. In 1981 Roberto c. Goizueta became chairman and CEO of the
coca cola company
After 70 years of success with one brand, Coca-Cola®, the Company
decided to expand with new flavors: Fanta®, originally developed in the
1940s and introduced in the 1950s; Sprite® followed in 1961, with
TAB® in 1963 and Fresca® in 1966. In 1960, The Coca-Cola Company
acquired The Minute Maid Company, adding an entirely new line of
business -- juices -- to the Company. The Company's presence worldwide
was growing rapidly, and year after year, Coca-Cola found a home in
more and more places: Cambodia, Montserrat, Paraguay, Macau, Turkey
and more.  Advertising for Coca-Cola, always an important and exciting
part of its business, really came into its own in the 1970s, and reflected a
brand connected with fun, friends and good times. The international
appeal of Coca-Cola was embodied by a 1971 commercial, where a group
of young people from all over the world gathered on a hilltop in Italy to
sing "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke."  In 1978, The Coca-Cola
Company was selected as the only Company allowed to sell packaged
cold drinks in the People's Republic of China.

2.2.7: 1982-1989
Diet coke and new coke

Coca cola enjoyed in 165 countries world wide. In 1982 diet coke
is introduced.
The 1980s -- the era of legwarmers, headbands and the fitness craze, and
a time of much change and innovation at The Coca-Cola Company. In
1981, Roberto C. Goizueta became chairman of The Board of Directors
and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company. Goizueta, who fled Castro's Cuba
in 1961, completely overhauled the Company with a strategy he called
"intelligent risk taking."  Among his bold moves was organizing the
numerous U.S. bottling operations into a new public company, Coca-Cola
Enterprises Inc. He also led the introduction of diet Coke®, the very first
extension of the Coca-Cola trademark; within two years, it had become
the top low-calorie drink in the world, second in success only to Coca-
Cola.  One of Goizueta's other initiatives, in 1985, was the release of a
new taste for Coca-Cola, the first change in formulation in 99 years. In
taste tests, people loved the new formula, commonly called “new Coke.”
In the real world, they had a deep emotional attachment to the original,
and they begged and pleaded to get it back. Critics called it the biggest
marketing blunder ever. But the Company listened, and the original
formula was returned to the market as Coca-Cola classic®, and the
product began to increase its lead over the competition -- a lead that
continues to this day.

2.2.8: 1990-1999
New markets and brands
In 1993 pet bottkles are introduced. Coca cola enjoyed in 200
countries world wide.
The 1990s were a time of continued growth for The Coca-Cola Company.
The Company's long association with sports was strengthened during this
decade, with ongoing support of the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup™
football (soccer), Rugby World Cup and the National Basketball
Association. Coca-Cola classic became the Official Soft Drink of
NASCAR racing, connecting the brand with one of the world's fastest
growing and most popular spectator sports.  And 1993 saw the
introduction of the popular "Always Coca-Cola" advertising campaign,
and the world met the lovable Coca-Cola Polar Bear for the first time.
New markets opened up as Coca-Cola products were sold in East
Germany in 1990 and returned to India in 1993.  New beverages joined
the Company's line-up, including Powerade®  sports drink, Qoo®
children's fruit drink and Dasani® bottled water. The Company's family
of brands further expanded through acquisitions, including Limca®,
Maaza® and Thums Up® in India, Barq's® root beer in the U.S., Inca
Kola® in Peru, and Cadbury Schweppes'® beverage brands in more than
120 countries around the world. By 1997, the Company already sold 1
billion servings of its products every day, yet knew that opportunity for
growth was still around every corner

2.2.9: 2000 and Now

Coca cola now

In 1886, Coca-Cola® brought refreshment to patrons of a small

Atlanta pharmacy. Now well into its second century, the Company's goal
is to provide magic every time someone drinks one of its more than 400
brands. Coca-Cola has fans from Boston to Budapest to Bahrain, drinking
brands such as Ambasa, Vegitabeta and Frescolita. In the remotest
comers of the globe, you can still find Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is
committed to local markets, paying attention to what people from
different cultures and backgrounds like to drink, and where and how they
want to drink it. With its bottling partners, the Company reaches out to
the local communities it serves, believing that Coca-Cola exists to benefit
and refresh everyone it touches.From the early beginnings when just nine
drinks a day were served, Coca-Cola has grown to the world’s most
ubiquitous brand, with more than 1.4 billion beverage servings sold each
day. When people choose to reach for one of The Coca-Cola Company
brands, the Company wants that choice to be exciting and satisfying,
every single time.

Coca-cola is the world's favorite drink. It is the world's most valuable

brand and the most recognizable word across the world. Coca-Cola has a truly
remarkable heritage. From a humble beginning in 1886, it is now the flagship
brand of the largest manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic
beverages in the world.

In India, Coca-Cola was the leading soft-drink till 1977 when govt.
policies necessitated its departure. Coca-Cola made its return to the country in
1993 and made significant investments to ensure that the beverage is available
to more and more people, even in the remote and inaccessible parts of the
nation. Over the past ten years it has captured the imagination of the nation,
building strong associations with cricket, the thriving cinema industry, music
etc. Coca-Cola has been very strongly associated with cricket, sponsoring the
World Cup in 1996 and various other tournaments, including the Coca-Cola
Cup in Sharjah in the late nineties. Coca-Cola's advertising campaigns Jo
Chaho Ho Jaye and Life ho to Aisi were very popular and had entered the
youth's vocabulary. In 2002, Coca-Cola launched the campaign "Thanda
Matlab Coca-Cola" which sky-rocketed the brand to make it India's favorite
soft-drink brand. In 2003, Coke was available for just Rs. 5 across the country
and this pricing initiative together with improved distribution ensured that all
the brands in the portfolio grew leaps and bounds.

Coca-Cola had signed on various celebrities including movie stars such

as Karishma Kapoor, cricketers such as Srinath, Sourav Ganguly, southern
celebrities like Vijay in the past and today, its brand ambassadors are Aamir
Khan and Hrithik Roshan.
Thums Up is a leading carbonated soft drink and most trusted brand in
India. Originally introduced in 1977, Thums Up was acquired by the Coca-Cola
Company in 1993. Thums Up is known for its strong, fizzy taste and its
confident, mature and uniquely masculine attitude. This brand clearly seeks to
separate the men from the boys

Fanta Internationally, Fanta - The 'orange' drink of the Coca-Cola Company,

is seen as one of the favorite drinks since 1940's. Fanta entered the Indian
market in the year 1993. Over the years Fanta has occupied a strong market
place and is identified as "The Fun Catalyst".

Fanta is perceived as a fun youth brand and stands for its vibrant color,
tempting taste and tingling bubbles that not just uplifts feelings but also helps
free spirit thus encouraging one to indulge in the moment. This positive imagery
is associated with happy, cheerful and
special times with friends.

“Lime n' lemoni Limca” , the drink that can cast a tangy refreshing spell
on anyone, anywhere. Born in 1971, Limca has been the original thirst choice,
of millions of consumers for over 3 decades. The brand has been displaying
healthy volume growths year on year and Limca continues to be the leading
flavor soft drink in the country.
The sharp fizz and lemoni bite combined with the single minded
positioning of the brand as the ultimate refresher has continuously strengthened
the brand franchise. Limca energizes, refreshes and transforms. Dive into the
zingy refreshment of Limca and walk away a new person.

Worldwide Sprite is ranked as the No. 4 soft drink & is sold in more than 190
countries. In India, Sprite was launched in year 1999 & today it has grown to be
one of the fastest growing soft drinks, leading the Clear lime category. Today
Sprite is perceived as a youth icon. With a strong appeal to the youth, Sprite has
stood for a straight forward and honest attitude. It’s clear crisp refresh hingtaste
encourages the today's youth to trust their instincts, influence them to be true to
who they are and to obey their thirst.

Maaza was launched in 1976. It is a drink which offered the same real taste
of fruit juices and was available throughout the year. In 1993, Maaza was
acquired by Coca-Cola India and it currently dominates the fruit drink market.

Over the years, brand Maaza has become synonymous with Mango. This
has been the result of such successful campaigns like "Taaza Mango, Maaza
Mango" and "Botal mein Aam, Maaza hain Naam". Consumers regard Maaza as
wholesome, natural, fun drink which delivers the real experience of fruit.

The current advertising of Maaza positions it as an enabler of fun

friendship moments between moms and kids as moms trust the brand and the
kids love its taste. The campaign builds on the existing equity of the brand and
delivers a relevant emotional benefit to the moms rightly captured in the tagline
"Yaari Dosti Taaza Maaza"

Kinley Water, a thirst quencher that refreshes, a life giving force that
washes all the toxins away. A ritual purifier that cleanses, purifies, transforms.
Water, the most basic need of life, the very sustenance of life, a celebration of
life itself.

The importance of water can never be understated. Particularly in a nation

such as India where water governs the lives of the millions, be it as part of
everyday rituals or as the monsoon which gives life to the sub-continent. Kinley
water understands the importance and value of this life giving force. Kinley
water thus promises water that is as pure as it is meant to be. Water you can
trust to be truly safe and pure.

Kinley water comes with the assurance of safety from the Coca-Cola
Company. That is why we introduced Kinley with reverse-osmosis along with
the latest technology to ensure the purity of our product. That's why we go
through rigorous testing procedures at each and every location where Kinley is
produced. Because the company believes that right to pure, safe drinking water
is fundamental. It’s a universal need which cannot be left to chance.

The below table shows the brands and products of different pack sizes being sold by
the company in Kanpur region:


Coca-cola 200 ml and - 600 ml, 1.25l 330 ml Various sizes
300ml and 2l

Thums up 200 ml and - 350 ml, 600 ml, 330 ml Various sizes
300ml 1.25L and 2L

Fanta 200 ml and - 600 ml, 1.25L 330 ml Various sizes

300ml and 2L

Limca 200 ml and - 600 ml, 1.25L 330 ml Various sizes

300 ml and 2L

Sprite 200 ml and - 350 ml, 600 ml, 330 ml Various sizes
300 ml 1.25L and 2L

Maaza 200 ml 200ml 600 ml, 1.2L - -

Diet Coke - - 330 ml -

Kinley Water - 500 ml, 1L - -

The different pack sizes on which discount is given by the company is:
 200 ml RGB1 CSD2
 250 ml juice3
 300 ml RGB CSD
 600 ml Pet4 CSD
 1200 ml Pet Juice
 2000 ml Pet CSD
 330 ml Can CSD
 200 ml Tetra Pack Juice
 750 mL Pet CSD
RGB – Returnable Glass Bottles
CSD – Concentrated Soft Drink
Juice – Maaza
Pet – Plastic bottle

The below table shows the number of bottles in each case and brands available in
different pack sizes.

Pack Sizes No. of bottles per Brands

200 ml RGB 24 Coke, Fanta, Limca, Thums up and Sprite
250 ml RGB 24 Maaza and Minute Maid Pulpy Orange
300 ml RGB 24 Coke, Fanta, Limca, Thums up, Kinley Soda
and Sprite
330 ml Can 24 Coke, Fanta, Limca, Thums up, Sprite and
Diet Coke
400 ml 24 Minute Maid Pulpy Orange
500 ml Pet 24 Diet Coke, Kinley Soda and Kinley water
600 ml Pet 24 Coke, Fanta, Limca, Thums up, Sprite and
200 ml Tetra P 27 Maaza
1 Ltr 12 Kinley Water
1.2 ltr Pet 12 Maaza and Minute Maid Pulpy Orange
2 ltr Pet 9 Coke, Fanta, Limca, Thums up and Sprite
2.25 ltr Pet Coke, Thums up and Sprite
Prior to joining the hands with `PARLE EXPORT’ in 1982 Mr.
Lachhman Dass Ladhani had been `A' class civil construction
contractor and has successfully executed various contracts of
Roads, Bridges and Township etc. in West Bengal, Bihar and
Uttar Pradesh. The best execution of civil work was in `RAM KI
PAIRI’ on the Bank of `SARYU’ River in Ayodhya which was
designed on the pattern of `HAR KI PAIRI’ Haridwar.

In 1982 he was given a challenging and fully diversified job of

manufacturing soft drinks viz: Thums Up, Limca, Gold Spot and
Bislery Club Soda etc. as a franchisee of “PARLE EXPORT
PRIVATE LIMITED”. He brought the production with a short
span of time and achieved the highest growth in India in 1985.
The franchisee co. is named as `Amrit Bottlers Private Limited’.


Bore well 1 Bore well 2

Raw water storage tank (470 Kl)


Coagulation Tank (100KL)

Clear Water Storage Tank (100KL)
Cl2 dosing
Pressurized Sand Filter (25KL/hr)
(3-5 ppm)

Process Water storage Tank (300KL)

Activated Carbon Filter(50KL/hr)

Lead Activated Carbon Filter(50KL/hr)

Lag Activated Carbon Filter(50KL/hr)

10 Micron Filter

UV (254nm)
5 Micron Filter

1 Micron Filter

Syrup making Production

Clean in place (CIP)


Raw water storage tank (470 Kl)

Pressurized Sand Filter (25KL/hr)

Activated Carbon Filter(50KL/hr)

Softner 1-3pmm (cl2


Non chlorinated soft water Chlorinated Soft water

Boiler cooling tunnel Rinser wamer

Conveyer Bottle washer


Treated Water

5 micron filter

R.O membrane

Permeated Water

Reject Water Kinley Line

Testing of Raw water
 Chlorine Test
 Take 50 ml sample in a conical flask
 Add 2 drops of P indicator
 Add 0.2N sulphuric acid ( until pink color disappears)
 Add 5 drops of potassium chromate or .5 ml ( this removes turbdity)
 Titrate it with N/50 AgNO3 ( End point ios Brown color)

 Sulphate test
 Take 100 ml sample
 Add 2 drop of P indicator
 Add 1N HNO3 until the color disappears
 Make up 200 mL volume by adding distilled water
 Cool it and allow it to settle
 From above solution take 50 mL sample
 Add 1mL NH3 buffer in it
 Add black tineti –cation
 Titrae it with N\50 EDTA
 End point is blue color

 Total hardness
 Take 100ml of sample in a conical flask
 Add 3-4 drops of ammonium buffer
 Add a total hardness tablets
 Mix thoroughly until pink color appears
 Titrate it with N/50 EDTA solution
 Development of blue color indicates the presence of total
 Alkalinity
 Take 100 ml sample
 Add 2 drop of pH indicator
 Add 4-5 drops of Methyl orange indicator
 Development of orange yellow color
 Titrae it with N\50 H2SO4
 End point is darking of orange yellow color indicates the
presence of alkalinity

 Chlorine Test
 Take 10mL of sample in microquant bottle
 Keep it in colorimeter
 Add one Cl2-! Tablet in crushed form
 Observe color
 development of pink color
 It indicate the presene of chlorine

 Calcium Hardness
 Take 100 ml sample
 Add 3-4 drop of NaOH
 Add 1 CaH tablet powder
 Gives light pink color
 Titrae it with EDTA solution
 End point is pink color slightly darkens with slight purple touch

 Magnesium hardness
 Take 100 ml sample
 Add 3-4 drop of NaOH
 Add 1 MgH tablet powder
 Gives light pink color
 Titrate it with EDTA solution
 End point is pink color slightly darkens with slight purple touch
 MgH= total hardness –calcium hardness

 Turbidity
 Collect the sample in a clean dry glass beaker
 Transfer the sample immediatily into sample cell quickly
 Rinse the sample cell with the water to be tested
 Fill water in the cell ,avoiding any bubble formation
 Place the cell in the turbidity meter in proper direction and
 Lower the light cover and the turbidity will be displayed

 Total dissolved solids (TDS)

 Measured with TDS meter
Clean in Place

Container Initial Pressure (8-15 bar)
preparation Keeping the neck cool
process by soft H2O at 8-10⁰C

Final Pressure (30-35 bar)

Blowing Of Bottles

Transfer of bottles through air conveyer

To remove any
occurred during Rinsing of bottles by soft water (chlorinated water)
transfer of bottles
(at 1.5-3 bar)

Fill the bottles with CO2

Store the ready beverage in the mixer

When the pressure of bottle and nozzle of filler becomes equal then beverage get filled in the bottle
by removing the CO2

Coding on the bottles

 To ensure there is no
Warmer (29⁰C) change in flavor
 To ensure proper
labelling of bottles
labelling of bottles

Vario packaging (Secondary packaging)





Container Initial Pressure (8-15 bar )
preparation Keeping the neck cool
process by soft H2O at 8-10⁰C

Final Pressure (30-35 bar )

Blowing Of Bottles

Transfer of bottles through air conveyer

To remove any
contamination Rinsing of bottles by soft water (chlorinated water)
occurred during
transfer of bottles
(at 1.5-3 bar)
Fill the bottles with CO2

Store the ready beverage in the mojonier

When the pressure of bottle and nozzle of filler becomes equal then beverage get filled in the bottle
by removing the CO2


Coding on the bottles

 To ensure there is no
Warmer (29⁰C) change in flavor
 To ensure proper
labelling of bottles
labelling of bottles
Vario packaging (Secondary packaging)




 Testing of pet bottles

 Blown bottle appearance
 There should be no major scratch on the bottle
 There should be no interior blemish ,marks , dents , pitting,
dirts or any visual imperfectness
 Test method used is visual

 Base clearance
 It should be >= 3.5mm
 Instrument is base clearance checker

 Height of bottle
 Instrument used is height gauge

 Diameter of all parts of bottle ( upper,lable,lower)

 Instrument used is Pietape

 Thickness of all parts of bottle

 Instrument used is magna mike

 Bottle weight
 Instrument used is weighing balance

 Burst test
 Method used is filled bottle is droped from 6’’ height to check
its quality

 Top load
 It is done to check the number of stacks can be loaded upon on

 Stress cracking
 It is done to check the quality of of bottles under different
o Make 2% NaOH solution
o Dip the bottle in the solution for 8-10 hours
o Check the bottle condition
 Section weight
 Weight of each section of bottle is weight by cutting the bottle
in different part

 Brimfull
 It is done in order to check the total capacity of the bottle

 Making & decoration

 Bottle is checked visually to make sure each bottles have same
degisn and crafting on to it

 Testing on Carbonated soft drink


 Brix
 Done with help of refrectrometer

 Viscosity
 Done with the help of viscometer

 pH
 Done with the help of pH meter

 Gas volume
 Take a sealed bottle
 Fit it in GV appratus
 Press the nozzle
 Note the Reading from Meter
 Match the reading from the sample

Loading Point

 Prerinser With H2O at 1.5-2 bar , Bottle washer ii. DIVO AI
 Sock 1 Caustic 1.5-2% at 60⁰C iii. DIVO LE
 Sock 2 With caustic(2.8-3%) at 74⁰C
Dosing of Divo Bright
 Sock 3 Caustic 0.7% at 50-55⁰C
 Hydrosock Chlorine dosing 3-5 ppm
 Prefinal Dosing of DIVO AI (to maintain pH
of bottle)
 Final Dosing of DIVO LE (helps in
leaching of heavy metals)

All Surface Electronic Bottle Inspector (ASEBI)

Grades of bottles
 Bottle 1 Washable bottles in
 Bottle 2 Bottle having deposited
impurities on inner side.
 Bottle 3 Bottles which are
unwashable (cement, paint,
etc.) It in not used.


Paramix  Vacuum pump For deareation
 Circulation Maintain circulation of H2O
pump in paramix
 Mixing pump Mixes syrup & H2O
 Carbonation Dissolves CO2 in mixture
 Booster pump Increases the liquid pressure
At 4-6⁰C @
650 BPM



Coding Machine

Final light
 For manual inspection of
i. Missing date
ii. Half filled bottles
iii. Foreign matter in bottle
iv. Over filled bottles
v. Other brand bottles or crown

Load to pallet



 Brix
 Done with help of refrectrometer

 Viscosity
 Done with the help of viscometer

 pH
 Done with the help of pH meter

 Gas volume
 Take a sealed bottle
 Fit it in GV appratus
 Press the nozzle
 Note the Reading from Meter
 Match the reading from the sample

 Done to test the proper fitting of crown on RGB bottles

Waste Water

It seprates floating materials . Eg-

Bar screen (7KL)
straws caps label etc

Sump Tank (60KL)


Oil &Grease Tank (50KL) Removes oil and grease

with Skimmer belt

Equalization Tank 1(511KL)

Reduces pH of water
Equalization Tank 2(463KL) towards normal

Equalization Tank 3(420KL)

Ferric Alum
(2000LTR) for
coagulation of
Flax Tank (14KL)

Flocculation Tank
LTR) For Settling of Primary Ciarifier Tank
Sludge processing

Areation Tank 1(614KL)

Areation Tank 2(332KL) Bacteria
added to provide
organic material
as a food
Areation Tank 3(1143KL)

Secondary Clarifier 1

Secondary Clarifier 2

Calcium hypochloride(1-
Chlorination Tank (22KL) 3ppm)

Sodium metabisulphie (SMBS)

Dechlorination Tank (22KL)

Fish pond
Treated Water Tank

V notch

Clean in Place (CIP)

 It is of two types:-
Sugar Syrup
 Liquid pulp are of 1. Liquid :-
two types:-  Liquid pulp
1. Totapuri  Flavors
Mango pulp Add Concentrate 2. Dry:-
2. Alphonso  Acidity
Mango Pulp regulator
 Preservative
 antioxidants

Add required amount of water

Blending Tank

 Reduces particle size <3

Homogenizer micron size
 Pressure (2800-3000psi)

Ready beverage Tank

 Tests Performed :- Testing

a. Viscosity
b. Particle size 96-98⁰C for 5-7 sec


Preform Blowing of bottles Hot Filling (84⁰C)

Five steps for blowing of water
I. Preblowing (10 bar)
II. Intermediate (15-20 Bar)
III. Final blowing (30-35 bar)
IV. Flushing of air
V. Exhaust (removal of bottles )
Cooling of base


 Temp of 6 zones in cooling chamber

Coding of bottles

At 110⁰ for >7 sec in

 1st 70⁰C
order to Tilting
 2nd 65⁰C
cap portion
 3rd 60⁰C
 4th 55⁰C
 5th 47⁰C Cooling
 6th <40⁰C Tunnel



Variopackaging (Secondary Packaging)



Clean in Place (CIP)

 It is of two types:-
Sugar Syrup I. Liquid :-
 Liquid pulp
 Liquid pulp
 Flavors
used is:-
II. Dry:-
 Totapuri Add Concentrate
Mango  Acidity regulator
pulp  Preservative
 antioxidants

Add required amount of water

Blending Tank

 Reduces particle size <3

Homogenizer micron size
 Pressure (2800-3000psi)

Ready beverage Tank

 Tests Performed :- Testing

c. Viscosity At 121⁰C in order
d. Particle size to kill all the living
Sterlization microbes present

96-98⁰C for 5-7 sec


Temp of beverage is
brought down to 25-
30⁰C bcoz in refresh cool
filling is done
Cooling chamber

Dip it in H 2O2(in order to sterile it) Paper roll of tetrapack

Paper is passed through roller (to remove H 2O2 ) Hot air is used to remove
reamaning H2O2 adhere to the paper surface

cool Filling (25-30⁰C)

Attaching pipes to tetra pack


Variopackaging (Secondary Packaging)




 Titrable acidity (TA)

 Take 20mL sample
 ADD .1N NaOH
 Increase the pH from 3.2 to 8.2

o TA=(burate reading*.1*6.404)/sample wt

 Brix
 Done with help of refrectrometer

 Viscosity
 Done with the help of viscometer

 pH
 Done with the help of pH meter

 Yeast & mould Test


 Total plate count

 TESTING ON PET bottles of maaza

 Blown bottle appearance
 There should be no major scratch on the bottle
 There should be no interior blemish ,marks , dents , pitting,
dirts or any visual imperfectness
 Test method used is visual
 Base clearance
 It should be >= 3.5mm
 Instrument is base clearance checker

 Height of bottle
 Instrument used is height gauge

 Diameter of all parts of bottle ( upper,lable,lower)

 Instrument used is Pietape

 Thickness of all parts of bottle

 Instrument used is magna mike

 Bottle weight
 Instrument used is weighing balance

 Burst test
 Method used is filled bottle is droped from 6’’ height to check
its quality

 Top load
 It is done to check the number of stacks can be loaded upon on

 Stress cracking
 It is done to check the quality of of bottles under different
o Make 2% NaOH solution
o Dip the bottle in the solution for 8-10 hours
o Check the bottle condition

 Section weight
 Weight of each section of bottle is weight by cutting the bottle
in different part
 Brimfull
 It is done in order to check the total capacity of the bottle

 Making & decoration

 Bottle is checked visually to make sure each bottles have same
degisn and crafting on to it
Clean in place (CIP)

Container Initial Pressure (8-15 bar )
preparation Keeping the neck cool
process by soft H2O at 8-10⁰C

Final Pressure (30-35 bar )

Blowing Of Bottles

Transfer of bottles through air conveyer

Rinsing of bottles by RO water

RO water from WTP

RO water storage tank

Passing Water through UV light

Adding of concentrate

Passing through filters of 1 & 0.2 micron

Ozonation tank



Coding on the bottles

labelling of bottles

Final light
 For manual inspection of
vi. Missing date
vii. Half filled bottles
viii. Foreign matter in bottle
ix. Over filled bottles
x. Other brand bottles or crown

Vario packaging (Secondary packaging)




 Potassium chromoplatinate solution is used
 It’s unit is True color unit (TCU)

 Take 100 mL sample
 Add 1mL potassium chromate imdicator
 Titrate it with .0141N silver nitrate
 Color changes from yellow to brick red
 CHLORIDE=(BR*N*35450)/vol of sample

 Take sample
 Mix indicator 2-4 drops
 Titrate it with0.02 N H2SO4
 Color changes from blue to winered
 ALKALINITY=(BR*N*15000)/vol of

 Take sample
 Add few drops of NaOH
 Add 0.1 g photo & reeder indicator
 Titrate it with EDTA
 Color changes to blue
 CALCIUM=*(BR*0.4008*1000)/vol of
 Take 50mL sample
 Add 1-2mL ammonium buffer solution
 Add 1 crushed hardness tablet
 Titrate it with EDTA
 Color changes

 pH test
 Done wih pH meter

 Done with TDS meter

 Done with turbidity meter



 Media used CYGA Agar
 Incubation time 120 hrs
 Sample size 250 mL


 Media used PCA or CC1 Agar
 Incubation time 72 or 48 hrs
 Sample size 1 mL
 Temprature 21⁰C OR 37⁰C

 Media used CC3 Agar
 Incubation time 48 hrs
 Sample size 250 mL
 Temprature 37⁰C

 Media used Asparagilus broline broth
 Incubation time 48 hrs
 Sample size 250 mL
 Temprature 37⁰C


 Media used PCA or DRCB
 Incubation time 48 hrs
 Sample size 50 mL
 Temprature 37⁰C
Sugar dumping

Sugar syrup tank

Carbon tank(0.3%)

Dissolving tank (60 brix) THE (75⁰C)

Buffer tank

Plate heat exchanger (85⁰C)

holding tank (12kl)

Padvon filter

buffer tank

0.014 micron filter

Plate heat exchanger

Simple syrup tank(10-30⁰C)

 Done by sensory team

 Done by sensory team

 Done by sensory team

 Done after every 7 days
 Take 1L 54 brix sample
 Add 2N phosphoric acid
 Make pH 1.5
 Add 10mL sodium benzoate (0.1%)
 Take reading after 10 days

 It is done to check suspended impurities in the syrup
 Take 2 filter paper of 0.8 micron each
 Note down weight of each filter paper
 Pass the syrup through both filter paper keeping one upon
 Dry both filter paper in hot air oven at 105⁰C for 1 hr
 Keep it in decicator for 15 min to cool the filter paper without
absorbing the moisture
 Take the weight againt
 Note the diffrence in weight between initial and final
 Take 1L 54 brix sample
 Add 2N phosphoric acid
 Make pH 1.5
 Keep it in water bath at 35⁰C for 15 min
 There should be no change in odour
 Repeat this for 3 time to get confirmed

 Take 50 brix sample
 Calculate it’s absorbance in spectrophotometer

 Measured with the help of turbidity meter
Resin particle

Dryer (to remove the moisture from resin at 160⁰C for 4-6 hrs)

Heating Machine

Moulding machine (72 at a time)


Collecting the preform

 It is 80-85% for CSD & 90-95% for water bottles
 Done on the basis of visual apperance


 Done with the help of instrument called polariscope
 Defects are bubble , flashing , silver strip , white mark , long
gate , sinking etc.

 Done with the help of magna mike
 Done with the help of moisture meter

 Done with the help of height gauge


 Done with the help of go no go gauge
 7- step CIP:-
i. Rinse with treated cold water for 10 min
ii. Rinse with caustic (NaOH 1-1.5%) for 15 min at
iii. Rinse with phosphoric acid (2-3%) for 20 min
iv. Rinse with normal water for 10 min
v. Rinse with Treated water for 10 min
vi. Rinse with hot water (>85⁰C) for 15 min
vii. Rinse with cold water for 10 min
 5 step CIP:-
 Rinse with treated cold water for 10 min
 Rinse with caustic (NaOH 1-1.5%) for 15 min at 60-77⁰C
 Rinse with Treated water for 10 min
 Rinse with hot water (>85⁰C) for 15 min
 Rinse with cold water for 10 min
 3 step CIP:-
 Rinse with treated cold water for 10 min
 Rinse with hot water (>85⁰C) for 15 min
 Rinse with cold water for 10 min

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