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Answer the sections a, b and c based on the following Vehicle Lease Management System.


The customers who have planned to lease their vehicles is required to register in the system entering
the given Customer data - Customer National Identity Card number, Full Name, Address, E-mail,
Telephone and Mobile number. Each lease has a Lease Reference Number, Lease Total Value, Lease
Start Date, Period, Lease End Date, Lease Installment Amount and the Lease Status. One customer is
allowed to apply for more than one lease at different times. But one particular lease can be obtained
by only one customer. One lease can be used to cover many vehicles purchased by a customer but the
amount of one vehicle cannot be covered from many leases. The Company should record the Vehicle
Registration Number, Vehicle Brand, Vehicle Model, Vehicle Type and the Vehicle Value related to
the lease. The customers are required to pay the monthly installments related to the lease. Each lease
installment payment includes a Payment Reference Number, Payment Month, Paid Amount, and the
Payment Date. One customer will have many installment payments for an applied lease but one
installment payment must be for only one lease.

a) Draw the ER diagram for above scenario.

b) Apply cardinality and participation constraint on the drawn ER diagram. State any
c) Convert it as Schema?
d) Normalize the schema’s to 3rd Normal form?

Answer The Following:

a) Collection of interrelated data
b) Collection of programs to access data
c) Collection of data describing one enterprise
d) All of the above
2. Disadvantage of Traditional file system is
a) Data redundancy and inconsistency
b)Difficulty in accessing data
c) Data isolation
d) All of the above
3. In ER diagram Rectangle represents
a) Attribute
c) Database
d) Connection
4. DML enables user to
a) Retrieval of information stored in database
b) Insertion of information in database
c) Deletion of information in database
d) All of the above
5. Which of the following is a database Language
a) DML
b) DDL
c) Query Language
d) All of the above
6. Which of the following is not a schema
a) Physical schema
b) Logical schema
c) critical schema
d) Database schema
7. A UN normalized Database contains?
a) Atomic
b) Non Atomic
c) Classified
d)None of these
8. A second normal form does not permit ………………..dependency between a nonprime attribute
and the relation key?
a) Partial
b) Multi
c) Functional
d) valued
9. In a 3rd Normal form relation , every ……………. Attribute is non-transitively and fully dependent
on the every candidate key?
b) Non-prime
c) unique
d) none of these
10. What is the query used to remove the Entire table
a) Delete
b) Remove
d) A and C
11. What is the Responsibility of DBA?
a) Updating database
b) Creating user
c) backup process
d) All of the above
12. Which one is best open source Database?
a) MS Access
b) MS Excel
c) My SQL
d) All the above


1) The following tables form part of a database held in a relational DBMS.

Hotel (HotelNo, Name, Address)
Room (RoomNo, HotelNo, Type, Price)
Booking (HotelNo, GuestNo, RoomNo, DateFrom , DateTo)
Guest (GuestNo, Name, Address)

a) Write SQL statements to create the above tables using suitable data types and field sizes.
Clearly indicate the primary key and foreign key constraints.
b) Write an insert statement to insert a record to each of the table created in part (i). use your
own data.
c) List the full details of all rooms with a price between Rs2,000/= and Rs5,000/=.
d) List the full details of all the hotels in Colombo.
e) List the names and addresses of all the guests in Colombo, alphabetically ordered by name.

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