Quali Happy Thursday Final Blando Santos Tankim

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De La Salle University – Manila

College of Liberal Arts

Psychology Department




In Partial Fulfillment
Of The Requirements in Psychological Research 2
For the Second Trimester (AY 2016-2017)

Submitted by:

Blando, Mark

Santos, Jed

Tan, Kim

February 18, 2017

Submitted to:

Mr. Chester Howard M. Lee



Happy Thursday is a weekly event wherein De La Salle University-Taft and

College of Saint Benilde students celebrate the start of their weekends in activities such

as drinking and partying in the local bars nearby the Universities. In the previous

quantitative study, it was concluded that psychological discomfort predicts Happy

Thursdays participation and not family. In this study, the researchers’ objective was to

know how does happy Thursdays affect one psychological discomforts, and how does

family influence one’s Happy Thursday participation. The results showed that Happy

Thursday is an activity where students can social vent, have fun, and temporary distract

themselves. These three things help students to deal with their psychological

discomfort. Some students with family problems like lack of communication and

understanding, strict parenting, and family conflict increases one’s participation in

Happy Thursday. It was also noted in this study that it is the peers that influence one’s

participation in Happy Thursdays not family.

Keywords: Happy Thursday – Social Venting- Having fun- temporary distraction- family


Table of Contents

CHAPTER I: REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE .............................................. 2

I.) LEISURE .................................................................................................................... 2

Types: ............................................................................................................................. 3

Importance: .................................................................................................................... 3

II.) PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF LEISURE ................................................. 4

Good effects ............................................................................................................. 4

Bad effects ................................................................................................................ 5


CHAPTER II: METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................... 9

I. Participants ............................................................................................................ 9

II. Instruments ............................................................................................................ 9

III. Procedures ....................................................................................................... 10

IV. Data analysis .................................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER IV: RESULTS: ....................................................................................... 11

CHAPTER IV: DISCUSSION: ....................................................................................... 14

I. Social Venting .............................................................................. 14

II. Having fun .................................................................................. 15

III. Temporary distraction……………………………………………… 17

IV. Family Problems ..................................................................................18

CHAPTER V: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ............................................................ 19

SUMMARY: ................................................................................................................ 19

LIMITATIONS: ........................................................................................................... 19

CONCLUSION: .......................................................................................................... 20

RECOMMENDATIONS: ............................................................................................. 21

APPENDICES: .............................................................................................................. 22

FGD GUIDE QUESTIONS: ........................................................................................... 23

A. Consent Form ..................................................................................................... 24


B. Guide Questions……………………………………………………………………. 25

C. Transcription………………………………………………………………………..26

REFERENCES: ............................................................................................................. 47



Leisure in the study of (Dumazedier, 1960) is defined as something consists of

a number of activities in which individuals have the choice to do whatever that satisfies

him/her. He has the freedom and the free will to indulge himself/herself- either to rest, to

amuse himself, to add to his knowledge or improve his skills disinterestedly or to

increase his voluntary participation in the life of the community after discharging his

professional, family and social duties.


In the study of (Shinew and Parry, 2005) they cited that there are two types of

leisure activities; serious and casual. Serious Leisure activities a focused goal and

always needs commitment to learning new skills. An individual gets enough satisfaction

from the activities he performed like participating in sports; it gives them deep

satisfaction, sports are characterized by long-term commitments to developing skills

through overcoming challenges. (Finlay et. al, 2012). In contrast, casual leisure

activities are more on little time commitment and are often small skill involved or no skill

involved; one example of this hanging out with friends. The researchers ( Finlay et. al,

2012) also cited both serious and casual leisure are that the activities are intrinsically

rewarding and enjoyable and offer an escape from or an alternative to nonleisure

activities such as work or work like activities (e.g., school). In addition, another example

of a casual leisure activity and very common to the adolescences is partying according

to the study of (Demant et. Al ,2007), party are often associated by teenagers with

alcohol use, with its focus on sociability, pleasure, and low skill or commitment,

represents casual leisure (Shinew and Parry, 2005) and may overlap (conceptually or in

time) with other casual leisure activities. But also according to (Demant et. Al ,2007),

while partying becomes part of the way adolescents spend time together, other forms of

togetherness, such as engaging in sports activities or meeting for video nights, do not



Leisure activities are important based from the study of Australian Council for

Health Leisure is a state of mind which ordinarily is characterised by un-obligated time

and willing optimism. It can involve extensive activity or no activity. The key ingredient is

an attitude which fosters a peaceful and productive co-existence with the elements in

one's environment. Leisure also means that a person have the right to choose what to

do in his free time, leisure activities has found to be a way for people to release stress,

anxiety, and also broadening one’s knowledge, etc… (Dumazedier, 1972).


Good effects

McCay, 2012 cited that past studies has demonstrated that interest in

extracurricular leisure exercises has significant advantages to teenagers, in territories

including mentally prosperity, physical wellbeing, scholastic execution, social well-being,

and lessened hazard taking. It is essential to comprehend the results of cooperation in

extracurricular exercises since they can be both positive and negative. For most young

people, support in various relaxation and diversion action sorts influence them in

various ways. As cited in the study of McCay, 2012 he includes the past studies of

leisure; such as leisure has been associated with the field of psychology based on an

individual’s overall psychological well-being. Many psychology theorists have work

related to leisure rights including Albert Bandura, John Finnis, and Abraham Maslow

(Compton, 1994, p. 9). Albert Bandura’s research states, “leisure experiences are

essential to growth and development throughout the lifespan” (Compton, 1994, p. 9).

Bad effects

There are obvious negative effects in leisure such as wasting valuable time one

could be achieving something more important, the negative effects of leisure can be

traced to a psychological level. According to the study of (Mahoney and Stattin, 2000)

the effects of leisurely activities among adolescents were correlated with antisocial

behaviors wherein it was found that adolescents who participate in casual or

unstructured leisure activities were found to engage in more antisocial behavior

compared to those who participated in serious or structured leisurely activities. It was

argued by (Mahoney and Stattin, 2000) however that it was a possibility that the cause

of the antisocial behavior was due to the influence of the deviant youth to those who

participate in unstructured or casual leisurely activities. However, there was no

quantifiable evidence to support the argument.

III.) Happy Thursday

Happy thursday is a weekly event wherein De La Salle University-Taft and

College of Saint Benilde students celebrate the start of their weekends in activities such

as drinking and partying in the local bars nearby the universities. Students from the

University have always been familiar with the Happy Thursday culture, whether it be

drinking, karaoke, or a very big dinner. After all, the end of the week symbolizes a

momentary release of stress, a celebration of getting through the week, and if not, a last

hurrah before the stress of the week ahead. (Ines & Macalalad, 2016). Let us go back

again to the definition of leisure activities from the of (Dumazedier, 1960) is defined as

something consists of number of activities in which individuals have the choice to do

whatever that satisfies him/her. He has the freedom and the free will to indulge

himself/herself- either to rest, to amuse himself, to add to his knowledge or improve his

skills disinterestedly or to increase his voluntary participation in the life of the community

after discharging his professional, family and social duties. From this we can say, that

happy Thursday, is a leisurely activity.


In the past quantitative study conducted by the researchers, it was noted that

stress, and minor mood disturbances were found to be significant predictors to Happy

Thursday participation of Lasallian students ages 18-22. The results also showed that

there is an inverse relationship between family and happy Thursday participation

however, it is not significant enough.

The recent study and other past studies left us questions that are yet to be

answered, these questions are the questions that we researchers want to answer; 1.)

How does happy Thursday affect one’s psychological discomfort and 2.) How does

family affect happy Thursday participation of Lasallian students ages 18-22. By

answering research questions, the researchers can identify whether Happy Thursday is

a good or bad type of leisure activity and what are the psychological effects of this to

their well-being. The researchers aim to understand how students subjectively perceive

happy Thursday as a leisure activity. The researchers aim to take account all the effects

the “happy Thursday” has for students, and will not just focus on the negative effects of

“Happy Thursday”, the researchers will also look for the positive effects to a student’s

psychological well-being, and all the effects that will be gathered in this study.


I. Participants

The researchers gathered nine De La Salle University students ages 18-22 7 six

of them are males and three of the are females who regularly participate in Happy

Thursdays to participate in their focus group discussion and interview.

II. Instruments

The researchers made interview guide questions that were based from the

research question and literature review about happy Thursday and family satisfaction

that was used to gather common themes to answer the research questions. The

questions were face validated by Chester Howard Lee, MA, Rpm. The interview guide

questions are composed of nine questions with 2 follow up questions and it was all

about the psychological effects of happy Thursday and family influence.

The researchers also used a voice recorder of Samsung J7 and IPhone 6s plus

to record the responses of the participants in the interview and focus group discussion.

A pen and paper was also used to take down the responses of the participants.

III. Procedures

The researchers looked for Lasallian students ages 18-22 who regularly

participate in Happy Thursdays. The researchers contacted them through facebook and

email, and looked for common time. Unfortunately, two of the participants were not

available during the set date of the focus group discussion, thus, the researchers set a

different interview time for them. Before the FGD and the interview began, the

researchers explained first the nature of the study and the rights of their participants and

they right to withdraw anytime they will feel uncomfortable with the questions being

asked. They also asked for the permission of the participants to record their answers to

the questions. After this, the researchers let the participants signed the consent form.

After answering the all the questions, the researchers then debriefed the

participants, the researchers explained what is the purpose of their study and to answer

any questions the participants had. When the debriefing is over, the researchers gave a

token to participants as a form of thanking them in participating in the study about happy

Thursday and family they conducted.

IV. Data analysis

Days after the data gathering period the researchers started transcribing the

focus group discussion and interview. The transcription lasted for two days. After the

transcription, the researchers looked for common themes that will answer their research

questions with the help of their research professor, Mr. Chester Howard M. Lee, MA,

Rpm. The themes identified will be discussed in the latter part of this paper.


The researchers asked nine questions about psychological effects of happy

Thursday and about their families’ role to their participation during the focus group

discussion to answer the two research questions of the study. The following are the

themes that emerged from the research questions of this study.

The first research question is “How does happy Thursday affect

one’spsychological discomfort?” and the table below shows the themes generated from

this research question.



“ Happy Thursday is the chance
to bond with your friends outside
school by having a drink or go
have some dinner.”
Letting your emotions out, sharing your
“Getting along with your friends
1. Social Venting problems, and opening up to your friend
to let your emotions out.”
or other people.
“Pag naghahappy T kasi,
nalalabas mo yung mga sama ng
loob mo at yung iba pang bagay
na hindi mo malabas normally.”
"inuman, getting wasted, going to
"having one night stand"
Informal leisure activity is getting “Being able to enjoy the night
2. Having fun (formal & informal wasted, getting drunk beyond control. with no responsibilities on your
leisure activity) Formal leisure activity is enhancing mind.”
interpersonal skills “a good medium for you to
engage yourself to other people
socially and it’s probably a
confidence booster”
“Good way to temporarily forget
those problems.”
"temporary happiness"
"It helps me cope with sadness in
It is a temporary diversion of focus in a way that I forget my problems
3. Temporary Distraction different things for this research, happy for the time being since I’m being
Thursday is a temporary distracting. accompanied by new and old
“Happy T’s are like a break from
Table1. Themes for the research question “How does happy Thursday affect one’s
psychological discomfort?”

The table above shows the different themes identified for the question “How does

happy Thursday affect one’s psychological discomfort. One of the themes identified is

called social venting it is a coping mechanism for the respondents where they let their

emotions out and sharing it to their friends or other people. Per the respondents

participating in happy Thursday help them to open with their friends and other people

about their problems in life, being with their friends help them to cope with the sadness

that they feel within, Happy Thursday also a chance for them to catch up with their

friends- to talk with them, to bond with them, and many more.

Anon D: Uhh, one of the main reasons why I participate in happy thursday mainly
because one of my friends have problems, yes, to support my friends, to enjoy, forget
problems, to have fun, make memories and forget memories [group agrees] to release
your stress, and to find ways to spend time with yourself, with others, yourself, and with
yes. [laughs] And with yes.
Anon E: Yung good effect ahh, yung nalalabas mo yung mga karaniwang hindi mo
nailalabas sa normal situation. I mean, sa akin, nangyayari yun. Yun nga nagiging
masaya kasama yung mga kaibigan mo.
S: Thursdays? hmm because my friends are there an it is fun when you’re in alcohol
kase uhm there are also other people like my other friends from other schools who make
dalaw in taft, so yun it’s more fun.

The second theme that emerged from the focus group discussion is that the

participants go to Happy Thursdays because they want to “have fun”. Happy Thursday

for their is both a formal and informal leisure. Formal in a way that Happy Thursday

involves and enhances a person’s interpersonal skills.

One of the participants (Anon B) described Happy Thursday as “a good medium for you
to engage yourself to other people socially and it’s probably a confidence booster” and
that because of Happy Thursday “your urge to socialize is satisfied in some ways”.

Another participant, Anon D, also agreed that Happy Thursday is indeed a confidence
booster. He said that “Happy Thursday is more of a confidence booster. Like sa class
mas nagiging active like naging nasanay ako na makapal mukha ko. Di ako marunong
maki handshake, makipagkilala ganon. Happy Thursday somehow helped me to these
things with more confidence” and other participant answered “it’s about being with the
people you want to be with”.
On the other hand, Happy Thursday as an informal leisure is defined as having

fun, getting wasted and getting drunk beyond control. The participants described Happy

Thursday as “...most likely getting wasted”, “getting drunk” and  “Being able to enjoy the

night with no responsibilities on your mind”.

Based from the answers of the participants who participated in the focus group

discussion, they described Happy Thursday to be a way to be temporarily distracted

from stress and discomforts, openly describing it as such from answers such as “Happy

Thursday is a good way to temporarily forget those problems or find a way to enjoy”

(Anon D), “The atmosphere creates a temporary distraction that could help but not for

the long run; Happy T’s are like a break from reality.” (Anon A).

Along with several other participants who described the joy they find in happy

Thursday being only temporary as they still must eventually deal with the problems in

the days to come, this along with the physical aspects such as hangovers; as Anon E


“yung after effect nun is after ng happy Thursday sobrang you feel like shit, parang
mabigat katawan mo, parang ano lang na regret mo yung iba mong nagawa”.

The after effect of it is that after Happy Thursday you feel like shit, like your body

feels heavy and it’s just like you regret the other things you’ve done. This in turn points

out to the temporary aspect of it, as while the most of them tend to feel good during

happy Thursdays, quite several them feel very negative afterwards as explained by

Anon E in the focused group discussion.

The second research question is “How does family affects Happy Thursday

Participation?” and the table below shows the themes generated from this research


Theme Definition Excerpts

“nagkakaproblema ako kasi parang

nasasakal ako kasi parang sobrang
ang dami nilang like ang dami nilang
sineset na rules kaya nga

naghahappy t ako”
There is a conflict between members
Family problem “i guess may problema talaga sa
of a family

“I feel like they do not really know


“I want to avoid them like i would

rather spend my time with friends.”
Table 2. Themes for the research question “How does family affects Happy Thursday

The table above shows the common and only theme that was identified by the

researchers for the question “How does one’s family affect their happy Thursday

participation?”. It was noted by some of the respondents said that family problem is

what motivates them to participate in happy Thursday- some of the respondents noted

that their family lack in proper communication, strict parents, lack of boding, and lack of


S: Uhmm I do not have a dad so most likely uhm ang kausap ko is my mom, but my
mom is disabled kase. So lagi ko kausap yung boyfriend ko. Bonding? We have some
times naman na we bond during lunch, dinner, but not always. Influence? Well
sometimes I really don’t want to go home; I’d rather be with my friend than be with them
and have some drinks nalang.

I: hmm well I am not really close, I mean yung relationship namin is that we love each
other so much but I do not really open up with them like sometimes I feel like they do not
know anything about me pero we’re okay, we’re good yun.

C: Well maybe, you know how they also restrict you in doing what you want and
you have the urge to rebel basically. That’s it.

F: Sakin, I think in general, it's kind of average, kasi parang buo naman yung family, my
parents are together, my brothers are with us, pero hindi kami yung type na talagang
open sa isat isa kasi para sakin yung parents ko medyo may pagka traditional kasi yung
generation nila around, mag 60 na parents ko, so sanay sila na sobrang kailangan mo
maging masunurin sa magulang ganun. so samin, medyo mahirap mag open up sa
parents ko kasi medyo close minded sila. sobrang dinidctate nila sa bahay yung dapata
sa hindi dapat so ngayon medyo nahihirapan ako kasi hindi ko ma voice out yung sarili
ko, kung ano yung gusto ko, na kaya parang sakin mismo nagkakaproblema ako kasi
parang nasasakal ako kasi parang sobrang ang dami nilang like ang dami nilang sineset
na rules kaya nga naghahappy t ako, like hindi naman ako naghahappy T dahil
nagrereble ako, hiwalay na ano naman yun. pero di ko sinasabi sakanila kasi ayokong
magalit sila kasi drama.

It was highly noted that most of them answered that their family has nothing to do

with their attitude towards happy Thursday and they also added that it is their peers who

influence them more to participate in Happy Thursdays.

Anon D: My family doesn’t have any influence.

Anon A: Same goes with anon D.


Anon E: Influence? Wala naman.

Anon G: They don’t. Like I said, I’m a free person, I get to go home coz I let them know
that I went out and stuff then, they really don’t influence anything, i mean, if not, they do
influence me to be extra safe coz these days have been getting more dangerous, you
know happy T is not exactly the safest environment for kids to be partaking in, but its the
risk, you know, with all these experiences there’s risks and it’s up to the person involved
to take them, but my parents don’t have influence.

I: They don’t. Pwede ba yun? They don’t naman! it’s more of my friends and not my
family they don’t add naman.


This study asked the following questions about the attitude of DLSU students’

ages 18-22 towards Happy Thursday and the contribution of their family to their Happy

Thursday participation. This section will discuss the major themes identified for each of

the research questions;

1. Happy Thursday as an escape from psychological discomforts

During the focus group discussions, the question was asked if the Happy

Thursday phenomena affected psychological discomforts such as stress. And in most of

the answers provided by the participants, it was found that most of them stated that

Happy Thursday is indeed a way to escape with these discomforts and the following

themes were observed on how they were able to do so.

Social Venting

Social venting is defined by the researchers as the act of letting your emotions

out with other people. In the study of Barrameda et al in 2015 it was noted that happy

Thursday is more enjoyable if you are with your friends. It is an opportunity for students

to ensure that they maintain healthy social life- in happy Thursdays students share their

worries and problems in life and this allow students to strengthen the friendship.

Being with their friends also relaxes them and somehow free them from stress that

they are experiencing- and happy Thursday as a social leisure activity the respondents

love to celebrate happy Thursday with their friends. It was noted also that talking to

other people who shares your emotional state can help to decrease stress and it will

also help to improve one’s productivity (Towsend, 2014). The reason behind this is

because sharing threatening situation with a person in a similar emotional state will

buffer individual from feeling of fear brought by the stressor. In Happy Thursday

students get the chance to bond with one another, as student they both share different

stressors like academics, personal, relationships, etc.

Spending time with your friends or schoolmates during happy Thursday will most

likely reduce the burden or stress that one is carrying. In happy Thursday friends and

other people are perceived as a social support for a person who is experiencing mood

disturbances and stress. In the study (Regan et al, 2004) it was noted that perceived

social support will most likely decreased the depressive symptoms that a person is

experiencing. Thus, happy Thursday, being social leisure activity in nature can be a way

for students who are experiencing psychological disturbances to vent out by the means

of talking, interacting, partying, sharing, grabbing some drinks with the other people-

and this is how social venting works on students during Happy Thursdays.

Having Fun (Leisure)

Student’s participation in leisure activities like Happy Thursday enables them to

be psychologically detached from the school-related issues that they usually encounter

during the weekdays. According to a study done by Leversen et al., (2012),  the

participation of adolescents in leisure activities, whether formal or informal may provide

them with unique developmental  opportunities for socialization and learning. Their

study extends previous support for the well-being benefit of need satisfaction in core

developmental settings for adolescents - school, family, and peers- to the context of

leisure activities. Leisure activities are most often peer based and usually involve social

relations with peers. This is proven by the participants who answered that Happy

Thursday is “a good medium for you to engage yourself to other people socially and it’s

probably a confidence booster” Another study conducted by Milyavskaya et al. (2009)

talks about the positive relationship between need satisfaction with friends and well-

being plays an important role in an adolescent's well-being. This was proven by an

answer of one of the participants were in he said that “Happy Thursday is more of a

confidence booster. Like sa class mas nagiging active like naging nasanay ako na makapal

mukha ko. Di ako marunong maki handshake, makipagkilala ganon. Happy Thursday somehow

helped me to these things with more confidence”. It was also found that the phenomenon of

Happy Thursday can be considered as a leisure-coping strategy done by the Lasallian

students (Barrameda, 2015). One of the psychological theory that this theme implies is

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs because the participants explained how Happy Thursday

boosts their confidence and help them enhance their interpersonal skills (Feist, 2008).

Because of the academic stress and discomfort that the school brings, this theme


Temporary Distraction

One of the themes that was observed by the researchers during the focus group

discussions was that most of the participants mentioned in why they participate in happy

thursdays revolves mostly around Happy Thursdays being a temporary distraction. As

stated in a study regarding the Happy Thursday phenomenon in 2015 by Barrameda et

al. (2015), “Happy thursday is definitely a time off-school. That relatively short period

gives students a chance to temporarily forget school works.” The study further tells us

that indeed Happy thursdays are times for students to take this time off school to focus

on leisure activities, specifically Happy thursdays. (Barrameda et al., 2015) Given this,

the idea of Happy Thursdays being a temporary distraction is further reinforced.

To solidify Happy Thursday as a means of temporary distraction, we look into the

research of Douglas Kleiber in 2002, wherein he further examined how leisure activities

are frequently done by students in order to reduce symptoms such as stress and

improve psychological well-being, which was also mentioned in the focus group


D: It's being surrounded with friends, people I trust and am comfortable with which

makes me feel relaxed. I feel better with people I like to be around with, not so much the


Kleiber also made the comparison of leisure activities to be like things such as

escape or coping mechanisms. Wherein people would use leisure as a forefront to deal

with stressful and uncomfortable situations. While this may cause relief, the stress and

discomfort will return once the person is done with the said leisure activity, hence why it

is labeled temporary distraction.

2. Family influence in Happy Thursday participation

One of the hypotheses formulated by the researchers at the beginning of this

research was that family satisfaction would play a key role in whether or not a student

from DLSU would participate in Happy Thursdays. The quantitative data showed that it

in fact does not play a significant role. However, the researchers took time to look at the

qualitative aspect on why family was not found to be a significant variable, as well as

cases wherein Family does play a vital role in Happy Thursday participation.

Family problem

Family problems like lack of communication and understanding, strict parenting,

not-so-close-relationship between their family in this study are the factors that increases

participation of Lasallian students ages 18-22 in Happy Thursday. Happy Thursday is

with friends is their way of compensating for the lack of attention and care that they

received from their family.

S: Uhmm I do not have a dad so most likely uhm ang kausap ko is my mom, but my
mom is disabled kase. So lagi ko kausap yung boyfriend ko. Bonding? We have some
times naman na we bond during lunch, dinner, but not always. Influence? Well
sometimes I really don’t want to go home; I’d rather be with my friend than be with them
and have some drinks nalang.

C: Well maybe, you know how they also restrict you in doing what you want and
you have the urge to rebel basically. That’s it.

The study of (Robertson, 1999) noted that if the family is not that close or

supportive to a teenager’s needs, the will find other ways of satisfying themselves, such

as peers, and they will likely to engage in leisure activities. For example, in the study of

(Foxcorft and lowe’s, 1995) they found out that perceived family socialization behaviors

were significantly related to a range of self-reported adolescent substance use.

F: Sakin, I think in general, it's kind of average, kasi parang buo naman yung family, my
parents are together, my brothers are with us, pero hindi kami yung type na talagang
open sa isat isa kasi para sakin yung parents ko medyo may pagka traditional kasi yung
generation nila around, mag 60 na parents ko, so sanay sila na sobrang kailangan mo
maging masunurin sa magulang ganun. so samin, medyo mahirap mag open up sa
parents ko kasi medyo close minded sila. sobrang dinidctate nila sa bahay yung dapata
sa hindi dapat so ngayon medyo nahihirapan ako kasi hindi ko ma voice out yung sarili
ko, kung ano yung gusto ko, na kaya parang sakin mismo nagkakaproblema ako kasi
parang nasasakal ako kasi parang sobrang ang dami nilang like ang dami nilang sineset
na rules kaya nga naghahappy t ako, like hindi naman ako naghahappy T dahil
nagrereble ako, hiwalay na ano naman yun. pero di ko sinasabi sakanila kasi ayokong
magalit sila kasi drama.

I: hmm well I am not really close, I mean yung relationship namin is that we love each
other so much but I do not really open up with them like sometimes I feel like they do not
know anything about me pero we’re okay, we’re good yun.

Peers not family

One common answer from other respondents was identified by the researchers.

Some respondents had claimed that it is not their family that influence their Happy

Thursday participation but it is more of their peers. Interestingly it was discovered that

adolescents prefer to spend more time with the people at their own age rather than

being with their family, family time for them is seen more of an obligation for them and

not because they want to bond with them (Bryne et al, 2006). It was also noted in the

study of Barameda and colleagues in 2015 that the leisure activities of adolescence

would involve alcohol.

S: Influence? Well sometimes I really don’t want to go home; I’d rather be with my
friend than be with them and have some drinks nalang.

I: They don’t. Pwede ba yun? They don’t naman! it’s more of my friends and not
my family they don’t add naman.



The researchers found out that Happy Thursday is indeed a form of escape from

their psychological discomforts thru the three themes that were discovered from the

focus group discussion. The participants partake in Happy Thursday’s because it is a

form of (1) social venting, (2) having fun and a (3) temporary distraction. It was also

discovered that some of the participants go to Happy Thursday due to family problems

like lack of communication and understanding, strict parenting, and a not-so-close-

relationship between their family. Nevertheless, according to some the participants, it is

not their family that influence their Happy Thursday participation, but, it is more of their

peers that influence them more to participate in happy Thursdays.


The questions made by the researchers are only limited on the effects of Happy

Thursday on one’s psychological discomforts, how does family influence one’s

participation in Happy Thursdays, thus this study will not be able to answer the after

effects of Happy Thursdays and is Happy Thursday good or bad way of coping with

psychological discomforts. Another limitation in this study was an interview and FGD

were conducted, the researchers should only choose one data gathering technique to

minimize extraneous variables. Another one, some of the participants are close friends

with one of the researchers and this will also lead to familiarity which is not good in

conducting interviews or focus group discussions.


Happy Thursday in the past few years have become part of Lasallian culture and

it is still growing since most of the students now practice it. The themes gathered by the

researchers showed how Happy Thursday affected the students’ psychological well-

being in both positive and negative ways. Due to the stressors and pressure that

Lasallians regularly encounter in the course of their college life, they regularly

participate in the Happy Thursday phenomenon and see it as positive consoler of their

psychological discomfort.

As discussed above they see Happy Thursday for the participants can be

considered as a form of social venting whereas students try to engage themselves with

other people or their friends to vent-out all the negative emotions they are feeling inside.

Happy Thursday being a leisure activity in nature also helps to students to relax, let

loose, and to chill for a while after a long and stressful week of academics. Happy

Thursday is also a social event where students can learn how to socialize and how to

improve their interpersonal skills. Lastly, happy Thursday can also be temporary

distraction or short term distraction from all the problems and responsibilities they have

as a student. Therefore, it has been confirmed that Happy Thursday helps students to

deal with their psychological discomforts and gives them an escape from all the stress

and problems they are encountering. However, it was highly noted from the responses

of some participants that happy Thursday is not a good escape from psychological

discomfort, while it is true that Happy Thursday decreases negative mood of the person

the fact that most of the respondents feel more lonely and sad after Happy Thursdays

thus Happy Thursday is not an effective escape for your problem, it is more of a

temporary distraction that will latter worsen the negative mood.

The importance of family as also highlighted in this study, as discussed above

Happy Thursday is also way of students to escape from their family problem. Students

who have problems with their family be it strict parenting, lack of communication, lack of

support, and lack of understanding will most likely participate in Happy Thursday to

vent-out to their friends- social venting.

In the case of the respondents most of them even the ones who said that family

has nothing to do with their participation in happy Thursday it was worth noting that In

the study of Nash and colleagues in 2003 it was noted that high parental acceptance,

monitoring, and communication will likely increase a child’s self-efficacy of avoiding

alcohol related leisure activities like happy Thursday, will lessen the stress the child has

going through, it will also decrease the possibility of adolescents of peer pressure in

participating in parties and alcohol consumption. In other words, good parenting, good

communication and understanding, and more time together will lead to less participation

in happy Thursdays and tendency to succumb to peer pressure.



Based from the data gathered by the researchers, Happy Thursday beside all the

good effects of it to one’s emotional well-being, it can still be risky for some because it is

just for temporary solution to a problem. The problem will not be solved by just simply

venting-out with friends, socializing, relaxing, and distracting yourself to different things.

Although it is true that Happy Thursday can being a leisure activity it can surely lessen

the negative mood and will help you recover from stress (Sonnetag 2012), deeper

psychological issues such as personal problems, depression, and anxiety will not be

resolved the discomfort will return once the person is done with the said leisure activity,

hence why it is labeled temporary distraction (Kleiber 2012).

Reducing Happy Thursday Participation:

Happy Thursday is already a culture; it cannot be removed anymore- or they will

have a hard time to do this. The best way to address this issue is just to regulate it. The

school administrators together with the psychology department should make a study

about the different leisure activities of its students and from this they can make

programs or recreational activities for students to engage in that will surely reduce their

psychological discomforts like engaging more students to participate in sports, putting a

music studio where students can go, they should create more alternative classes. On

social needs of the students the school should also promote or encourage the students

to join student organizations- building social relationships through organizations and

strengthening the camaraderie. The school should also raise more awareness about

emotional well-being through the help of the counselling department of the school. Also,

make the counselling office accessible to all the students and promote it more.


In the event that future researchers would like to replicate or further this study,

there are a number of ways that this study can be improved on in future research. One

of which is that there were 2 focus group discussions that were conducted, and future

researchers may opt to make use of one on one interviews instead because the

answers of the participants may be affected by the answers or even the mere presence

of other participants as they may find their actual answers too embarrassing to share

with the group. And future researchers can also conduct an experiment where they can

conduct interviews with participants before participating in a Happy Thursday, and

conduct another interview afterwards to measure and analyze its effects.


Informed Consent:
Nature of the Study: about the strongest predictor for participation of Lasallian students ages 18-

22 in Happy Thursdays, you will be asked to answer a series of questions about Happy Thursday and

your Family- relationship, stability, and influence.

If you have any questions regarding the study, feel free to contact any of the researchers through

email and sms.

Mark Blando- 09260527782- mark_kristian_bland@dlsu.edu.ph

Jed Santos- 09158552339 - jed_santos@dlsu.edu.ph

Kim Tan- 09361837662 – mary_jearette_tan@dlsu.edu.ph

Your rights as a participant:

1. The researchers will make sure to avoid including questions that could be sensitive to you.

2. You should not be forced to answer any questions which will make you feel uncomfortable.

3. You are free to withdraw from answering this survey, and the researchers cannot stop you from

doing so.

4. Your name and any other information that could be used to identify you will not be used in the

study without your consent. The researchers will keep all data confidential for your protection and only the

researchers will have access to your personal information.


I voluntarily join your experiment and the I clearly understand my rights as a participant.

_________________________________ ___________________

Signature over printed name of participant Date/Time



1. What is ‘Happy Thursday’ for you?

2. Why do you participate in Happy Thursdays?

3. How do you feel during Happy Thursdays?

4. What are the good and bad effects of Happy Thursdays to your psychological

well-being? Like; emotionally, spiritually, mentally, socially.

5. What psychological needs are satisfied during Happy Thursdays?

6. How does Happy Thursday help you to cope up with your psychological

discomforts such as negative moods, stress, anxiety, sadness, etc.

7. What are the things that you usually do after Happy Thursdays?

8. Tell us something about your familu;

a. Bonding, closeness, stability, social support

9. What are the leisure activities of your family?

a. Do they know that you participate in Happy Thursdays?

i. What are they reactions for happy Thursdays?

ii. How does your family influence your happy Thursday participation?



I: Alright let’s start with the discussion starting from my left, Anon A, [group

reacts to name] Alright so let us start with the first question which is “What is

happy thursday for you?”

Anon A: Happy thursday is [giggles] being in the company of my friends, and knowing

that there’s no school the following day, and being able to enjoy the night with no uh,

with no responsibilities on your mind.

Anon B: It’s family time. Kasi di ba, ano, parang, you’re like, okay, ito lang ah, for me,

it’s like, what makes Happy thursdays happy kasi, is like, it’s not really the presence of

alcohol but the presence of your friends.

Anon C: So yeah, like what they, like what they said, Happy T is about being with the

people you want to be with. It’s not, [giggles] it’s not just about the alcohol, since I don’t

drink during Happy T’s, I just observe, I don’t actually [laughs] I don’t really drink during

Happy T’s I just observe and it’s fun watching drunk people [group laughs]

Anon D: (deep voice) Magandang gabi po. [group laughs] No seriously, uh, kasi

[laughs again] pero given the 4 days a week ng la salle, Happy Thursdays is basically

how you celebrate the end of a very depressing and stressful week. Or you could just

have it, for example, to sum up your week with your friends, option mo yan if you’re sad

or not, but basically it’s a time for you to let loose and have fun. [group claps]

Anon E: Ako ba? One word, Inuman. [group laughs] pero, depende kasi sainyo kung

inuman talaga trip nyo. Pwede naman kasi mag baraha nalang kayo sa condo ng

kaibigan nyo, ganon. Basta, kung paano nasspend yung time nyo.

Anon F: Wait wait, it’s happy T to na inuman lang? Or in general? Ah, in general, ah,

sige, Happy T kasi para saakin, let’s say na, to celebrate the end of the week and

syempre except nalang kung may friday class, [under breath] syempre friday nalang

umiinom [chuckles], Tsaka kasi, I celebrate Happy T’s, like, kasi, I have curfew now,

shet. So thursdays yung event day like laging 6. So yan yung time I spend for my

friends and it doesn’t matter what we do, basta magkakasama kami, so for me, happy

na yun. And sometimes I go to worships din kasi so, [laughs] during thursdays, so

(directed towards another participant) punta ka? [laughs] So, yeah, I spend it kung ano

yung mood ko nung time ng thursdays, so...

Anon G: Well, Happy T just like uh, Anon D said, is uh, since La Salle is 4 days uhm,

class usually there’s no class on friday. We already start our weekends on friday to

sunday. Sometimes people stretch it to monday if they don’t have class, but it’s all on

their own schedule. So Happy T is just a time for you to, [pause] you know, find, meet

new people, plus you could meet new people, you could do new things. You know,

experiment like in this college stage, I’m not being, I’m not, you can add all the malice

you want because experimentations, uh, experimentation can stretch, can go as far as

uh, any kind of activity. But uhm, popular notion says that Happy T is just, you know,

alcohol filled place, or celebration with mostly friends, hopefully with uh, to find, one

night stands, you know, college things, you just, you just, you’re all kind of growing up

into the adult stage and it doesn’t promote the best things, but, when you’re gnarly,

horny, you gotta get through. Y’know what I’m sayin’? Know what I’m sayin’? So Happy

thursday. You throw yourself, you throw yourself up, you throw yourself away, you throw

it else, on people. But the main goal in the end is to make memories and to enjoy.

I: Okay so, this is a fairly long, fairly long questionnaire, forgive me for this, so

onto question number 2. Question number 2, question number 2, what are the

reasons you participate in happy thursdays?

Anon A: To be honest, peer pressure [giggles] But, yeah, peer pressure.

Anon B: Uhmm, I would like to believe that I get invited into such occasions [group

laughs]. Secondly, I believe that thirst is a part of human sustenance and it is normal for

people to become thirsty. And for them to satiate such thirst, they engage in this Happy

Thursday phenomenon. With that in mind, I believe that they see this as a part of their


Anon C: Peer pressure.

Anon D: What’s the question again? Sorry? Thank you for that wonderful question

[group laughs] Uhh, one of the main reasons why I participate in happy thursday mainly

because one of my friends have problems, yes, to support my friends, to enjoy, forget

problems, to have fun, make memories and forget memories [group agrees] to release

your stress, and to find ways to spend time with yourself, with others, yourself, and with

yes. [laughs] And with yes.

Anon E: Hinila lang ako. Hinila lang ako ng, hinugot ako ng mga kaklase ko kasi wala

syang kasama. Yun lang.

Anon F: Sakin, number one madalas, I look after my friends. Kasi most of the time,

most of the time konti, ako yung pinaka konti madalas uminom. [laughs] so parang, I go

there to have fun, at the same time, be the like, the, party mom [giggles]. Like whenever

someone needs to go home or like vomit or, basta assistance, parang assistant ako pag

happy T. But I also drink to have fun, so I can experience yung parang high moments

and, I don’t drink kasi when I’m sad, kasi I want to think ee. Siguro pag sad ako, siguro

isang bote lang, ganon, so yun.

Anon G: I, okay, what’s the question? G: Well, I usually participate in Happy thursday,

just like the other guy, I’m invited. I actually prefer not to go, I usually go home, I go

home early on thursdays, I’d rather do, like even if it’s night time already, I, I’d rather not

end up at the bars, but unless I’m really in need of some [pause] biological help, I go for

Happy thursday, but, you know, It doesn’t have to be in that certain need in the

malicious area, sometimes the, there are, there are excretions of endorphins and joy

and fun just by hanging out with friends at happy T. So there’s a social, there’s a social

aspect of it, uhmm, to Happy T that makes it one really big reason to go, especially to

like meet new people or to, catch up with old friends.

I: Alright, alright, Question number 3 my friends.  About, 9. There are about 9

questions I’m so sorry. That’s why we should keep going, number 3. How, okay,

guys, How do you feel during happy thursdays?

Anon C: Happy. [group laughs]

Anon A: Uhmm, It depends on my state of being, no, but mostly, syempre, happy and

excited. Not that. Definitely not that.

Anon B: I feel confused. Cause there are a lot of things happening around me, one

corner people are drinking, another corner, people are puking, and another corner

people are making out, and somewhere out there people are probably doing something

else. Sometimes, it happens at the same time.

Anon E: Indifferent. Ah, masaya, pero pagkatapos di na masaya. Yun lang.

Anon D: This is Anon D, yung kanina, that was Anon E. Yes. Uhmm, Kami kasi when

we happy thursdays hindi kami walwal ee. Nakaupo lang kami, ikot, so kapag happy

thursday, calma. Tas chill, masaya.

Anon F: Me, syempre, the feeling of being high [laughs] hindi, high, high na [laughs]

hindi kasi di ba pag sobrang light headed mo di ba, you just do whatever you want, so

parang naliliberate mo yung [laughs], yung [laughs], sorry, tas kapag, guilty, kasi, di

talaga ako pinapayagan uminom, [laughs]. So takas nalang ako, madalas.

Anon G: What do I feel? In happy T, you feel like, you’re, you’re in a, you’re in like a

[pause] you’re in a place where no one’s there to judge you. It’s like judgement isn’t

there. In happy T, everyone knows the goal is to have fun. Either you go home, you go

home with rewards and treasures and memories, or you don’t. You just still spend

moments having fun and I feel great doing that. I feel really great enjoying a non-

judgemental environment, built on, uhmm, built on the energy of trying to meet new


I: What are the good and bad effects of happy Thursday to your psychological

well-being? Like things you feel emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and socially?

Anon A: The good and bad parts of Happy T is that you make memories, sure, but,

then often time you forget those memories the following day.

Anon B: The good part in Happy Thursdays is that, it’s a (happy Thursday) a medium

for you to engage yourself to other people socially and it’s probably a confidence

booster, in a way but the problem or the bad part about it is that sometimes that

confidence was often misplaced into actions that are usually regrettable. So, with that in

mind I believe that this is not exactly the only way for you to improve your confidence

and social skills.

Anon C: the good and bad effects? Hmm the good effect is you get to hang out with

your friends and watch them do crazy things. Bad is that I never got to do crazy things

because I have to bring them home. The bad effect is that just like what he said  if it is

about confidence, for me, it’s about is that they need to have alcohol to have fun. I don’t

need alcohol to have fun. So that is the bad part.

Anon D: If you’re going to think about the good effects, it is not really, but I think it is still

an effect kase those who go to happy Thursday because of problems, Happy Thursday

is a good way to temporarily forget those problems or find a way to enjoy. Mostly yun

eh, it is a good way to spend your friends and/or to chill if you are chill. But, the bad

effects on the other hand kase for me is mas na outweigh if you consider the happy

Thursday na walwal if we say it. By walwal, I mean, yung no control sa drinking kasi yun

nga just like what anon C said yung dependency towards drinking which is if

nakasanayan masama. Another bad effect would be probably be yung kapag lack of

self control sa sarili like yung iba they walwal and they weren’t able to control

themselves, then they’d end up doing things. I guess andun parin yung kasi technically

drinking- if you consider happy Thursday as drinking- drinking could be a vice eh; when

you let it consume, I guess yan yung bad effects nun- like andun yung connotation of

Happy Thursday is like inom.


Anon E: Yung good effect ahh, yung nalalabas mo yung mga karaniwang hindi mo

nailalabas sa normal situation. I mean, sa akin, nangyayari yun. Yun nga nagiging

masaya kasama yung mga kaibigan mo. Bad effects? Maraming bad effects… While

you’re in Happy Thursday syempre ayun masaya ka, but after- yung after effect nun is

after ng happy Thursday sobrang you feel like shit, parang mabigat katawan mo, parang

ano lang na regret mo yung iba mong nagawa.

Anon F: Ako? Eh syempre yung good, you make memories, you get to the chance to

socialize with other people- madami akong nalaman sa mga kaibigan ko na di ko alam

dati and mas nagging ka close ko pa yung iba. Pero ang bad lang nun, actually medyo

na ssnob ko yung mga tao na nakilala ko sa Happy T. Another bad effect is I felt guilty,

so parang mas naano ako, I realized na temporary lang yung happiness nayun. And

after it I feel depressed like out of ano lang- sobrang high mo kasi so parang biglang


Anon G: Good effects and bad effects of Happy T? The good feelings psychologically?

Good things psychologically- uhm you get to expand your perspectives- with you

meeting all these different people with all different views and with all different state of

minds. You know- you see all these crazy things and your mind just like in-taking all

these new experiences and you can consider it as a good thing, even if you see bad

things at least you know how to avoid it- that’s a psychologically good thing. The bad

effect is when you get kind of hooked to that experience, to the whole mundane

experience of having to having a drink to have fun, having have to be surrounded by

different people, trying to dance to the loud music- you know it’s all mundane in the end

like you wake up the next or even midway and you feel with some deep-dark-hole within

you and you’re just like empty inside like you’re just sitting there and wondering “what

the hell am I doing with my life like what am I even doing here? Where is my family- like

I miss my family, I miss people who actually I am comfortable with- I should be with

them rather throwing myself up out of here?”- you know you’re caught in a conflict and

that is the real bad experience of it! And sometimes if you let your mind stay on that

conflict it could be really depressing and you might not be able to get back up, unless

you resort to the same high that you are trying to get over- the drinks, the experience,

whatever. The dependence and the emptiness are the real bad part of Happy Thursday.

I: What psychological needs of yours are satisfied during happy Thursdays?

Anon B: Psychologically wise? Your urge to socialize is satisfied in some ways.

Usually, it gets too much kase usually what happens in Happy Thursday is that you tend

to do more things. So yun nga, and I also believe that pag inuman di nagbabago yung

gusto is just that your way to get it would be different because you’ll be having more

options like kasi nga you become more confident. So yun, with that in mind, I think

Happy T satisfies your social needs- like hanging out, conformity, and also the

enjoyment and your happiness are also satisfied.

Anon C: Maybe the need to belong and socialize well with other people.

Anon B: My need to belong and my need for attention.

Anon E: Yung need to belong with your friends other than that wala nang ibang na

sasatisfy sa akin, yun lang.

Anon D: Happy Thursday is more of a confidence booster. Like sa class mas nagiging

active like naging nasanay ako na makapal mukha ko. Di ako marunong maki

handshake makipagkilala ganon. Happy Thursday somehow helped me to these things

with more confidence. Like yung mga kakilala mo papakilala ka ganon and you learn

how to continue and to start your conversation. So yun yung social needs ko.

Anon F: Ako kasi it depends on what you’re looking to get out of it. Kase for example

you want to forget your problems syempre hindi mo naman ma fulfill yung need mo to

better social life kasi nga hindi nga yung purpose. It depends sa purpose mo why you

do that for example your purpose is to hang out with your friends andun yung social

needs mona sasatisfy.

Anon G: Like I said kanina you’re kinda exposed to different things and different new

experiences and if you have adventurous mind- like what he said (anon D) it depends

on your purpose on what you are looking for. Like if you look to see new things and to

learn new things and find new perspectives. Then, go to happy Thursday and you let it

all happen and you make more- you stepped out of your boundaries. Such as

psychological needs to learn from you experience also—wisdom comes with

experience- you know you just take it, do it, then again if you’re looking or just going to

happy t to just get that rush that sexual tension release you know- you go to happy T

with that and people with liberal minds are down with it, then go for it- you know. But if

uhm you gotta make sure that you that thing coz if you do not get it that is when you will

start to feel empty, you feel defeated, or something. You were not able to get satisfied

your needs for that night.

I: How does Happy Thursday helps you to cope up with your psychological

discomfort such as stress and sadness?


Anon A: Happy T's are like a break from reality at most times, especially when you're

surrounded by laughter and friends. The atmosphere creates a temporary distraction

that could help but not for the long run. In my case, the joy only lasts during the

gathering but after that, once you're back home, I start feeling more empty inside again.

Anon B: it helps me celebrate after a hard day or to have some sort of escape from

responsibilities to help me prepare for them

Anon C: Because being with my friends relaxes me. It doesn't necessarily have to be

on a Thursday, but most of them prefer it so why not right.

Anon D: Whenever we go happy thursday-ing, the drinking part does (if we go out

drinking) doesn't help at all. It's being surrounded with friends, people I trust and am

comfortable with which makes me feel relaxed. I feel better with people I like to be

around with, not so much the alcohol.

Anon E: Pagnaghahappy t kse nalalabas mo yung mga sama ng loob mo at yung iba

pang bagay n d mo malabas normally tapos nagsasaya kyo eh so d mo mna iisipin mga

problema mo

Anon F: Oh okiee. Light drinking helps me think clearly sometimes. Sometimes it's to

temporarily forget your problems kasi magsasaya ka but in the end andun pa din lahat

so it doesn't really help hahahaha

Anon G: Ir helps me cope with sadness in a way that i forget my problems for the time

being since I am accompanied by new and old friends. I focus at whats in front of me.

And at experiencing the monents to the fullest.

I: What are the things you usually do after a happy Thursday?

Anon B:  From my experience, the first thing that happens after happy T is worrying

about going home, like how do I get home, how do I live, how do I live from this

experience, kasi, like ewan ko ha, like for me, like, pag nagiging sober na if ever na

lasing, after that moment, like napapaisip ako, parang napapaisip ako, like naguiguilty

ako, bakit, parang naramdaman ko sobrang patapon ako nung the day before, like how

do I compensate from that, how do I get up from that, how do I improve as a person and

yun nga, fulfill my responsibilities as a decent student.

Anon A: Same as Anon B, mostly about transportation coz I can’t bring a car, like I

can’t drive in that state so, and the after effects is like, sometimes after it happens

already, you start wondering if it ever really happened or if you just imagined it. SInce I

don’t drink, I don’t reflect on my actions, but I reflect on the actions of others. I reflect on

the actions of others then I go to sleep.

Anon C: Personally, ako, I really have a very high tolerance with alcohol, kumbaga, if

we go happy Thursday, ako usually yung sober friend, kahit sakin pinapasa yung drinks

ako parin yung naghahatid sakanila pauwi. Yung concern ko dito is, yung after effects

for me, personal na after effects to diba? Ako, I do what I have to do, kasi, kunwari pag

uwi ko, depende kung anong gusto kong gawin, minsan I have to do a project or I play

League of Legends (LoL) with my friends , or I sleep, depende. Yon, I’m inconsistent eh.

Anon D: Eto ba yung ano, pag pauwi na? Karaniwan naka akbay ako dun sa

pinakalasing or ako yung lasing, ako yung inaakbayan. Tapos ayun kunwari si ***.

Tapos after nun, makikipagkwentuhan kami, makikipag kwentuhan kami kung sino man

kasama ko, pagtatawanan namin yung mga ginawa namin tapos matutulog na kami,


Anon E: Ah ako (laughs). Since bawal nga ako uminom, so nag-aano muna ako, like

kailangan walang evidence, so amoy-amoy (laughs), kapag amoy alak, amoy yosi,

syempre pabango tapos pag uwi ng bahay inom ng maraming tubig, like, never naman

akong nahalatang uminom. Tapos kapag sa friends naman syempre I make sure na

they go home safely like almost all of them, tapos minsan ako rin yung hinahatid kasi

naglalakad lang naman ako eh, so oks lang. Tapos ano pa ginagawa ko? After….

yeah… yun.

Anon F: Well to address the physical aspect, you usually have to sober up first, no one

wants to go home while they’re in a bad state, i mean, you’re intoxicated as heck, if

you’re driving, you’re gonna die, like you have a high chance of  dying ‘cause you’re

intoxicated, you gotta sober up first. By that time at the end of happy T usually people

would end like “Ok we’re done”, some people says “the night’s still young! Let’s go

further”. Some people, but no, the best the night’s still young kind of thing is especially

for the goal of sobering up is people just eat together, you go have a drive thru meal,

actually not even drive thru because you’re not supposed to drive, you just eat, find a 24

hour nearby fast food chain, have your food, sober up. The psychological aspect,

usually if you're alone, you reflect the whole night, you check out the whole situation,

how were you as a person, when did you come out of your shell, how was your friends

as a person, how are they different from their different states. You get to dissect all

these concepts in your mind and somehow you further understand and get closer to

whoever was around you at that time. That’s the physical and psychological aspect. For

the emotional aspect if you’re happy you're fulfilled, you go home happy. If you’re sad,

you hugot, go again next week.

I: Tell us something about your family: bonding, closeness, stability, social,

support, etc.

Anon B: I would like to speak on behalf on Anon A because we are relatives, well as

you can see we are one big not really big but happy family, so i guess uhm.. Happy

Thursdays are just pretty much family reunions. I just happy T nga as side lang, as a

form of reunion but another thing about family wise, I’m not really experiencing any

evident problems when it comes to my family, so i guess it's all good. The bonding and


Anon A: We're pretty close, i can tell my dad things, i can tell my mom things, i can tell

my sister things, were pretty stable naman. For a really emotional family, were pretty

stable, and were pretty close, i can actually tell my dad i go to happy t and its fine.

Anon C: My family, oh my God my family (laughs) joke lang. uhm, okay kami, close,

stable, lahat kami nakakapag aral, may pagkain kami everyday, we have enough to

support yung needs ng family  saka enough for extra, uhm wala naman gaanong away.

Generally okay kami sa family. Nagbabond kami.


Anon D: Stable naman lahat, wala naman problema masyado, nagbabonding naman

kami, pinupuntahan ako dito kapag weekends, so wala naman problem, yung as in

major na problema.

Anon F: Sakin, I think in general, it's kind of average, kasi parang buo naman yung

family, my parents are together, my brothers are with us, pero hindi kami yung type na

talagang open sa isat isa kasi para sakin yung parents ko medyo may pagka tradtiional

kasi yung generation nila around, mag 60 na parents ko, so sanay sila na sobrang

kailangan mo maging masunurin sa magulang ganun. so samin, medyo mahirap mag

open up sa parents ko kasi medyo close minded sila. sobrang dinidctate nila sa bahay

yung dapata sa hindi dapat so ngayon medyo nahihirapan ako kasi hindi ko ma voice

out yung sarili ko, kung ano yung gusto ko, na kaya parang sakin mismo

nagkakaproblema ako kasi parang nasasakal ako kasi parang sobrang ang dami nilang

like ang dami nilang sineset na rules kaya nga naghahappy t ako, like hindi naman ako

naghahappy T dahil nagrereble ako, hiwalay na ano naman yun. pero di ko sinasabi

sakanila kasi ayokong magalit sila kasi drama. pero samin, like when i go home during

weekends, we go out naman, eat out, talk, pero parang di talaga ganun ka lalim and i

guess may problema talaga sa parenting kasi yung isa kong kapatid, 4 kami, tatlong

lalaki, ako isang babae, so bunso ako. tapos yung kapatid ko bago sakin, siya yung

pinaka magulo in terms of kasi naglalayas siya before, so talagang nagkakagulo sa

family namin kapag nangyayari yun kasi hindi rin maintinidihan ng parents ko, kulang sa


Anon G: family situation in like all aspects. in my family ones you get into a certain age

and like given my parents this certain trust, you're pretty much free , me and my parents

we can talk about anything, anything under the sun, in any aspect. as in anything. so

like they guide me when i have questions i really don't know and i guess that how

people live out and experience way more things than the usual families that are coup up

at home and just say go home at this time or curfew, here and there. I don’t have that. I

have a free lifestyle, I get to go anywhere I want, I have my own car to drive. They pay

for the gas. I’m on the super super on the cool side like with happy T, it's just dagdag ng

happy usually, especially because my family is great, but like all things, you never get

enough you really dont, you’ll get lonely, you’re gonna think of other ways that, other

emptiness that you would want to address and that’s why some happy T’s would be

helpful for that but it’s not the main thing, I personally support chasing your passion as a

better alternative to going out and meeting all these people. I personally execute that

instead.My family is great, we’re financially stable , emotionally stable, everyone

communicates, brothers, sisters. Since I’m the middle child, i get most of the benefits of

the freedom, cause yun na. they really gave me that trust just because i'm doing my part

in school and in education, my younger sister doesn’t get much of these benefits

because she's the youngest and they want to make her perfect. She has a tighter grip

because she’s a girl too. I don't wanna be double standard here but that’s how filipino

families work. every family they have that restriction for girls because the biological fact

is they bring home the kid, give birth to the kid, some guys they can have the nerve to

get away with it, like I said, its been free for me and it's been good to have that freedom.

.I: What are the leisure activities of your family? Describe how would your family

react if they are going to learn about your participation happy Thursday.

Anon D:   yung activities ng family namin basically foodtrip.


Anon F: saamin kasi sa pamilya madals kami lumabas so we go roadtrips we go like

ibat ibang, we go out ofthe country sometimes, out of the town, foodtrip. yun na yung

quality time nain pero wala paring personal na nadedevelop, so ayun, movies, pasyal

pasyal, gala, lahat.

Anon A : Wala, minsan ano, kain ng sabay sabay, smaa samang mag ano.so ayun, alis

alis rin kung amy gustong mag bakasyon or ilang days. Mga normal stuffs.

Anon C : We dont go out to the movies cause we can watch movies at home, we

usually go on roadtrips and like what anon D said we go with foodtrips, we go to like

different food parks and try almost everything, siguro karaoke, does that count? i think

that counts, and then hotel hopping

Anon B: What was the question again? Leisure activities, mostly its just me and dad

coz my mom’s always busy in a way, my dad is also busy in a way but every time we

have a chance he plays guitar for me like he just sings then i tried to listen to his songs

and i try to learn it by myself coz he wouldn’t teach me, and maybe watch half a movie

together coz he’s gonna be busy again , but yeah, that’s just like the only time that we

get to hang.

Anon G: The leisure activities in my family is usually the basic stuffs, you know we get

to, pop in any movie and we would watch in the home set up with the big tv and

everything, sit in the couch with some snacks  and stuffs, have side comments and stuff

when the movie is or get really touched by  whatever movie we just watched . Uhm

other activities we go out and eat, we explore the gastronomical adventure and partake

in. Uhm, we go to the beach on some weekends, we also like to take trips abroad if

there’s budget and time. we make time and plan it, either just the immediate family or

the whole family. Other leisure activities, i guess even rides the mass is a leisure activity

coz we all just talk, communicate and we just show each other’s music, well actually I’m

really the one who just shows my music, others share music played. Other leisure

activities, sometimes we play ping pong together in my house, we also play badminton,

every now and then, tennis, sports, its been a while since we play sports  but uh.. I work

out with my dad sometimes, we work out, we watch some movies while working out,

treadmill, those kinds, so really anytime na the kids usually decides “oh let’s do

something new”, “let’s do something else”, my parents, most of the time they would  be

down for it, especially when they have time for it.

Anon E: Well, it’s pretty much the same with him, it’s pretty much the same with

everyone, eat out, bond, watch a movie, typical family stuff.

I: Follow up: How does your family influence your happy Thursday participation?

Anon D: My family doesn’t have any influence.

Anon A: Same goes with anon D.

Anon B: wala. di ko nga siya ginagawa for the sake of disobeying. its just my own

personal desire. para magsaya lang talaga. pero since against yung parents ko, actually

ngayon nakaka influenc yung  hindi ko pag punta ngayon.

Anon F: walang kinalaman yung happy T sa parents. Hinahatak lang naman ako.

Anon C:  Well maybe, you know how they also restrict you in doing what you want and

you have the urge to rebel basically. That’s it.


Anon E: Influence? Wala naman.

Anon G: They don’t. Like I said, I’m a free person, I get to go home coz I let them know

that I went out and stuff then, they really don’t influence anything, i mean, if not, they do

influence me to be extra safe  coz these days have been getting more dangerous, you

know happy T is not exactly the safest environment for kids to be partaking in, but its

the risk, you know, with all these experiences there’s risks and it’s up to the person

involved to take them, but my parents don’t have influence.  


1. What is an happy Thursday for you?

SHAY: Happy thursday for me is the end of the week. When we say Happy Thursday it

is about drinking around taft, most likely getting wasted- not really wasted just having a

drink kase uhm we only have 4 days in class and it’s really stressful na lahat andun na-

deadlines ganun, so you need a drink.

IGGY: Happy Thursday is the chance to bond with your friends outside school by

having a drink or go have some dinner, and even go somewhere far from school. As

long as you’re with your friends and you’re having a good time or having fun.

2. What are the reasons why you participate in happy thusdays?

SHAY: Why do I participate in Happy Thursdays? hmm because my friends are there

an it is fun when you’re in alcohol kase uhm there are also other people like my other

friends from other schools who make dalaw in taft, so yun it’s more fun.

IGGY: Uhm… usually kase especially after a very stressful week.. so… like getting

drunk diba? with your friends you feel better, and relaxed  or you feel happy- you get to

enjoy and celebrate that stressful week so yun.

3. How do you feel during happy thursdays?

SHAY: like before happy Thursday was fun kase everybody was just having a good

time- bars ganun, the hips, the chill, tapos dun sa beach pero the problem now

everytime na pupunta ako dun wala na upuan and I don’t even know the people na like

some of them are just pacool nalang so it’s annoying na. I’d rather drink in a condo


IGGY: I feel happy and relieved.

4. What are the good and bad effects of happy thursday to your psychological

well-being (emotionally, spiritually,mentally, socially)?

SHAY: Well the effects of Happy Thursday to Psychological well-being of the person-

well bad is too much alcohol. Good? Hmmm happy Thursday can help one’s to distress

after an academic week.

IGGY: good effects? well, uhmm you will get over the stress. After Happy Thursday you

feel relaxed again, you also feel happy like in general. Well, the bad effects? the

drinking and the smoking it has effects rin kasi psychologically, that’s the downside.

Addiction is also a bad effect, yeah, you get addicted to it and too much of it is harmful.

5. What psychological needs of yours are satisfied during happy thursdays?


SHAY: Well, na-sasatisfy yung urge to drink, the urge to distress, the urge to have fun

before academics.

IGGY: distressing… so for me that’s it.

6. How does happy thursday help you to cope with sadness, and stress?

SHAY: Getting along with your friends and getting some drinks will let your emotions

out kase. That’s a way for a person to let out stress and sadness. Pero, if sadness,

sometimes you don’t really go out in Happy Thursday, you will just stay at home and

just drink eh.

IGGY: Every happy Thursday, I totally forget about all my responsibilities in school work

and just focus on enjoying with my friends.

7. What are the things you usually do after a happy thursday

SHAY: Most likely, I’m drunk so I need food so yeah- it’s either to get food or to take a

bath kase amoy yosi na.

IGGY: I drink a lot of water and I rest lang coz like  every friday is hangover day.

8. Tell us something about your family: bonding, closeness, stability, social

support, etc….

SHAY: My mom and I are really close, my brother? okay lang, and my aunt- not really?

Uhmm I do not have a dad so most likely uhm ang kausap ko is my mom, but my mom

is disabled kase. So lagi ko kausap yung boyfriend ko. Bonding? We have some times

naman na we bond during lunch, dinner, but not always.


IGGY: My family? hmm well I am not really close, I mean yung relationship namin is that

we love each other so much but I do not really open up with them like sometimes I feel

like they do not know anything about me pero we’re okay, we’re good yun.

9. What are the leisure activities of your family?

SHAY: We bond over food, over a movie, over a with our dogs. That’s all.

IGGY: Going to the mall, watching a movie, eating out together.

9.1 - describe how would your family react if they are going to learn about your

participation happy thursday.

SHAY: Actually, it’s okay with them. Walwal na ako since high school so sanay narin

sila like- “lasing yan”, “di yan uuwi”. Just be respectful na do not let them know na you’re

drunk, don’t let them know na you’re puking, don’t let them know na nakainom ka, and

always be respectful parin.

IGGY: It’s okay with them, actually. As long as I do not smoke. They’re also with

drinking but they do not want me to spend most of my money drinking.

IGGY: 9.2 follow up: how does your family influence your happy thursday


SHAY: Influence? Well sometimes I really don’t want to go home; I’d rather be with my

friend than be with them and have some drinks nalang.

IGGY: They don’t. Pwede ba yun? They don’t naman! it’s more of my friends and not

my family they don’t add naman.



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