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Post Opening –The New Normal

Human Resources
COVID Responsibility Roster
COVID related forms, format and registers.

• Every time Regional HR personnel or Unit HR personnel visits the

unit, he/ she will check and sign all COVID related forms, format
and register being maintained and filed in the unit.
COVID Coordinator
A person heading the Unit (Unit Manager, Manager-Operations, Duty Manager) will
be the COVID Coordinator.

Monitoring and
adherence to
COVID related

COVID Coordinator to maintain a daily checklist in the prescribed format as per

the link attached “Daily COVID Coordinator checklist.”
COVID Responsibility
Before start of every shift.
• The Unit Head/ Manager on duty to allocate duties, in every shift, to ensure all COVID
protocols are being followed - area wise – Shift wise, during the shift.
• This has to be filled, signed and kept in records with COVID Coordinator
• Sample COVID responsibility roster
COVID Responsibility Roster
Unit Name : DATE_____ - Shift _____
Areas Name Of Employee Designation
Box Office    
Cinema Entrance and security    
Lobby and Washrooms    
Food & Beverage Areas    
Back Office & Back Areas    
Housekeeping Functions    
Name & Signature of UH / MOD
Daily Duty Roster
Allocation of duties
• Daily duty allocation for unit team members by unit head.
• Day-to-day duty roster for regional resources by RD. To help with
• Entry
• Ushering
• Concessions
• Guest handling
• All COVID 19-related protocols
Employee Training & Briefing
COVID Related Training

All employees would be trained on safety requirements and protocols to prevent

spread of COVID-19 and to provide safe environment to the guests and employees.
• Daily briefing by Unit Head/ Manager On Duty on COVID related protocols.
• Monthly refresher training on COVID SOPs by regional trainers.
New Employee Induction

All new employee joining the Unit will be inducted on:

New Normal – General SOPs.

Post Opening – New Normal - Department SOPs.
Training Self Certification (old as well as new

• Every employee to confirm and sign off that he/she has attended COVID related training
and he/she will abide and follow the guidelines accordingly.
• To be done using Google Form link. Unit Head to download the same every month, and
get signed by employee concerned and file it.
Not to hire candidate/s from containment
zone areas.
Employee Screening
COVID Like Symptoms
Compulsory Temperature Monitoring

• Every employee will be mandatorily screened at the time of entry in the Unit premises for
their body temperature and COVID like symptoms. If the same is recorded above
99.14ºF/37.3ºC and/or displaying COVID like symptoms (cold, cough, running nose, sneezing
and breathlessness), employee will not be allowed to report for duties and would be advised
to return home and get himself/herself checked by a certified medical practitioner.

• The above details of employees to be maintained in a prescribed format. Record for on-roll
and outsourced employees to be maintained separately. Also, record of PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment) to be maintained in the register.

• The said register, namely, “Daily Employee Temperature and PPE Issue Register” to be kept
at the Security Entrance in the custody of security department.

• The above mentioned register to be compulsorily checked and signed by the Unit Head on
daily basis.
Contingency Plan
• Employees with visual symptoms and body temperature of 99.14ºF (37.3ºC) and/
OR above visual symptoms will not be allowed to report for duty and should be
advised to get himself/herself checked by a certified medical practitioner and
follow the medical course, as may be advised.
• This will be immediately informed to COVID Coordinator and the HR personal
responsible for the Unit. They both will take constant updates of the said
employee’s health.
• In case employee is sent back home due to COVID like symptoms, he/she will be
allowed to resume duties only after submitting the medical fitness certificate
issued by a certified medical practitioner/hospital.
• Employees who are covered under ESIC should be advised to go to ESIC hospital for
the check-up.
• Employees who are not covered under ESIC scheme should get themselves
examined by a certified medical practitioner/hospital at his/ her own cost and
follow the doctor’s instruction. In case employee is detected COVID positive, then
he/she can claim reimbursement of hospitalization expenses as per mediclaim
policy of INOX.
Return To Work
Returning to work Circular

• To be Updated as per Government guidelines just before opening of

property, printed and displayed in the notice board.
Self Declaration Form

• All employees before resuming duties post lockdown, will have to

submit the declaration.
• Unit Head must check individual declarations before allowing
employees to enter the unit premises. Blank copies of Self
Declaration Form to be maintained at security desk.
Locker Room And Employee Uniforms
Employees to carry their uniforms and shoes and not wear while
travelling to and from work

• All employees to carry their uniforms to the Multiplex while reporting for duties.
Uniform to be worn when on duty not while travelling.
• While on duty keep their personal clothes and belongings in the individual lockers.
• After finishing duty hours, employees to change back to their personal clothes and
carry their uniforms back home, and leave empty lockers for disinfection purposes.
Distribution of uniforms
Uniform segregation done category wise, size wise and data collated.
Unit Heads                                      
Ø Will ensure that uniforms are laundered as soon as cinema opening data is confirmed
Ø To issue uniforms as per availability in the unit                  
Ø Make list of shortages /excess uniform designation-wise/size-wise
Ø To share the list of shortages/excess uniforms with the City Coordinator    
City Coordinator (CC)                                     
Ø One unit manager per City has been identified to be the City Coordinator
Ø CC will coordinate with all Units in city to arrange required uniforms.
Ø In case, there are shortages of any uniform/ size in the city, CC will coordinate with Regional HR for
transfers, preferably first from same state and then from other states.                              
Ø All inter city transfers of Uniforms will happen from the Unit of CC.
Regional HR                                    
Ø All Regional HRs will have PAN INDIA list of available uniforms                                          
Ø Will coordinate with respective City Coordinators to identify excess uniforms, 1st from within the same
state and then from other states.   
Disinfection of Staff Lockers

Staff lockers to be opened and disinfected at the end of every shift by

Housekeeping department.
Attendance Cards
Radio Frequency Attendance Cards

• RFID (Radio-frequency identification) cards to be issued to on-rolls employees for

registering their attendance.
• All employees including on-rolls and contractual employees should continue registering
their daily attendance by signing the attendance register kept at security desk as per
existing policy
• Employees to use their own pen while signing attendance register.
Employee’s Attendance
Only if employee who don’t temperature above 99.14 ̊F and/or are not displaying
any COVID like symptoms will be allowed to make an entry in the attendance
Cafeteria Protocols
Cafeteria Protocols

• Employees should use disposable glasses for tea/coffee and drinking water.
•Not more than half the capacity of seats should be filled at any given time.
• Employees to have their meals separately by maintaining social distancing.
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Details

• Human Resources manager for the unit and COVID Coordinator to maintain contact details
of Doctors, Hospitals and Ambulance Services in the vicinity of each unit.

• These contact details to be displayed on employee notice board, Unit Head’s office, Duty
Manager’s desk. Security desk and DM phone
Employee FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions For Contractual

Only Regional Manager - Human Resources/ HR manager responsible for Unit and Unit
Head will be allowed to answer any related queries that may be posed by any
outsider or contractual employee or any other person as per these FAQs only.
Tripti Pandey
Corporate Training & Development

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