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History of Indigenous Barua

Buddhist... - Kanti Sona Barua |

History of Indigenous Barua Buddhist
Tribe of Bangladesh
by Mr. Sona Kanti Barua

Introduction: Lord Buddhaʼs tooth relic was enshrined in the Puriʼs

(Orissa or Kalinga) Jagannath Temple and in 530 A. D. political
Hinduism took over this temple from the Buddhist community with
the help of Hindu king Sasanka. At that time Puriʼs name was
Dantapura (Tooth relic). 2561 years ago Lord Buddha and his
followers were universalistic in outlook and sought to puify their
South Asian (Inidan) tradition of its backwardness, rigidity, tragedy
of caste system and injustices. We are grateful to western scholars
who translated the Buddhist history into Western languages
including English. There was a country of the Vajji (Barua people) in
India. According to the Buddhist Text Anguttara Nikaya (Numerical
Collections of discourses), Lord Buddha taught to Lady Visakha,
“Just as though, Visakha, one might have power, dominion and
kingship over sixteen great states (Maha Janapada) (1) Angha or
Bhagalpur (2) Magadha or Bihar (3) Kasi or Varanasi (4) Kosala or
(part of U.P. (5) Sakya kingdom or Nepal (6) The Country of the Vajji
(7) The Malla region or Uttar Pradesh (6) Ceti was around New Delhi
& Agra (7) Vatsa or Allahabad (& part of U.P.) ( 8) Kuru or
Kurukshetra in Hariyana (9) Matsya or Joypur (& Bairat). (10)
Surasena or Mathura (11) Assaka or Orissa & South India (12) Avanti
or North of Dakkhinapath (Vedisa) (13) Vansa or Rajastan (14)
Panchala or Punjab (15) Gandhara or Afghanistan and (16) Kamboja…-bangladeshby-mr-sona-kanti-barua-i/4770495959643561/ 28/05/2021, 2G20 pm

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or (Northern India).
Indigenous Barua Tribe or citizens of Vajji kingdom (Besar) lived in
Bihar and their mother tongue was Magadhi or Pali language. 2600
years ago Barua people were inhabited inVajji Kingdom at Besar
(Vesali) of Bihar, India. They (Baruas) were originated from several
clans : Vajji, Vedaha, Natika, Licchavi etc. There were Vedaha and
Licchavi clans were ancient Buddhists.
Why should we unearth the horrors of yesterday?” We donʼt want to
embarrass our Hindu, Brahmin and Muslim neighbors and friends.
But we have to share the pain of the events of the historical
Buddhist holocaust in India. Buddhists have left deep wounds on
both of our neighbors, Paharpur Great Buddhist University, Nalanda
Buddhist University, Chittagong Pandit University, Bikramsila
University and many Buddhist Temples. There was an official
account of Archaeological Excavations at Chittagong, Bikrampur
(Munshiganja), Paharpur, Mahasthanghar, Comillaʼs Salvan Vihar
and Rangpurʼs Ancient Buddhist temples etc. carried out by
Government of Bangladesh between the years 1974 and 2011.
Lord Buddha taught many including Royal Sakya family and Royal
Vajji (Barua) family.
History of Barua People :
History recorded that persecution of Barua Buddhists by the Hindu
king Sasanka of 7th century and Sankracharya, 9th century ( in the
lotus shaped Buddha land of India ) is a mysterious land where one
can discover footprints of Buddhas, what could not be found
elsewhere. Originally the Baruas inhabited the Vajji Kingdom in
Besar (Vesali) of Bihar, India. They (Baruas) were originated from
several clans : Vajji, Vedaha, Natika, Licchavi etc. There were
Vedaha and Licchavi clans were powerful. The Vajji country was
governed by the democratic system and the capital of Licchavi was
Vesali, Mithila of the Vedaha and Kunpura or Kundragama of the…-bangladeshby-mr-sona-kanti-barua-i/4770495959643561/ 28/05/2021, 2G20 pm

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Natika. In the time of the Buddha, Vesali was the city of the Vajjian
country and Baruasʼ ancestors were Buddhists. Today Vesali is
called Besar close to the river Gandaki.
Bangladesh is the land of Buddhism and Lord Buddha is the Father
of Bengali language (including Indian languages as recored in Desh
– the Bengali magazine, dated December 7, 1991, Kolkata, India) as
we read in the first Bengali book (Charyapada). There is no hatred in
any religion as explained including the Holy Qurʼan (22 : 38, 6: 106 &
Chapter Al-Kafirun, 109).
Unfortunately, last Maurya Emperor Brihadratha (of the Maurya
dynasty) was murdered by Commander in Chief Pushyamitra Sunga
in B. C. 185 and religious war was started. This serious war drove
the Baruas to Tripura, Assam, Arakan and Bangladesh
(Pundravardana and Samatat). Lord Buddha taught his teaching in
Bangladesh at the great Buddhist temple where the Mahasthangarh
(Bogra) of Bangladesh stone inscription of Emperor Asoka was
found in B.C. 300 (it is in the Kolkata Museum) refers to paddy
(dhanya) to be given at the time of public distress of different types.
Baruas sing the glory of Buddhism in Bengali and Pali languages.
“The Charyapada” - First Bengali Literature is not what the people
might call a general Bengali book. Based on those horrible events
the Buddhist poets and scholars (Siddhacharya) decided to plunge
into a subject that cried out to be brought to light. Baruas
(Bangladesh Buddhist community) did not believe in Vedic caste
system. So in those days and nights that followed, thousands of
Buddhists monks and people were massacred as “retribution” of
caste system in a carnage organized by king Pushyamitra (and
Manuʼs Law in B.C. 185).
In 1202 A. D.Bakhtiyar Khalji captured Bihar state and destroyed
many Buddhist temples, Buddhist universities including Nalanda
Buddhist University and he was committed crimes against humanity.…-bangladeshby-mr-sona-kanti-barua-i/4770495959643561/ 28/05/2021, 2G20 pm

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Later the conspiracy of King Lakshan Senʼs Prime Minister Halayud
Mishra and Minister Hari Sen with the Baktiar Khiljʼs army and the
carnage that followed in Bangladesh and other parts of India where
infuriated mobs went about killing, burning and looting the Buddhist
community, Hindu and other communities of Bangladesh.
Introduction to the Barua People:
During the time of Emperor Asoka 80% are Buddhists in India. Pre-
Vedic Buddhism of Kassapa Buddha (Nepal inscriptions of Emperor
Asoka) of Mohenjodaro and Harappa (Buddhism by Swapan Kumar
Biswas) of Indus civilization was destroyed by the Ariyan King Indra
who established the Vedic culture of caste system in South Asia.
There is a statue of Avalokiteswara Bodhisattva (Siva) in the
Mohenjodaro. According to the Rigveda 1/36/8 Lord Krisnaʼs first
generation was migrated from abroad to India. Buddhist civilization
was originated in India and Baruas have been dedicating their lives
to protect Buddhism at home and abroad.
Unfortunately, last Maurya Emperor Brihadratha (of the Maurya
dynasty) was murdered by Commander in Chief Pushyamitra Sunga
in B. C. 185 and religious war was started. This serious war drove
the Baruas to Tripura, Assam, Arakan and Bangladesh
(Pundravardana and Samatat). Lord Buddha taught his teaching in
Bangladesh at the great Buddhist temple where the Mahasthangarh
(Bogra) of Bangladesh stone inscription of Emperor Asoka was
found in B.C. 300 (it is in the Kolkata Museum) refers to paddy
(dhanya) to be given at the time of public distress of different types.
The logic is “why bring up a history that is best buried and
forgotten? Why unearth the horrors of yesterday?” We donʼt want to
embarrass our Hindu, Brahmin and Muslim neighbors and friends.
But we have to share the pain of the events of the historical
Buddhist holocaust in India. Buddhists have left deep wounds on
both of our neighbors. There were official Account of Archaeological…-bangladeshby-mr-sona-kanti-barua-i/4770495959643561/ 28/05/2021, 2G20 pm

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Excavations at Paharpur, Mahasthanghar, Comillaʼs Salvan Vihar and
Rangpurʼs Ancient Buddhist temples etc. carried out by Government
of Bangladesh between the years 1974 and 2011.
Baruas in Transitition:
It is also most remarkable that Baruas were served as chiefs ( in
Army) in Tripura, Assam, Arakan and Pala dynasty which had lasted
about 400 years. Generations of Baruas are indicated as Mutsuddy,
Singh, Chowdhury, Chandra, Chakma (Bhutassa Barua was a
Chakma king), Khan, Roybahadur, Bhikkhu, Mahathera (Mahastabir),
Talukdar, and Sangharaj.
In the ocean of humanity there are no human rights in the Vedic
(Hindu) tragedy of caste system. Swami Vivekananda observed,
“And such was the heart of the great Hindu leader monk Sankara
(8th century) that he burnt to death lots of the Buddhist monks by
defeating them in argument. What can you call such an action on
Sankaraʼs part except fanaticism.”(Complete works of Swami
Vivekananda, Vol VII. P. 118).
Barua Buddhistsʼ Educational Movement:
In the meantime when duo to ceaseless efforts Arakanʼs Sangharaja
Saramedha and Barua monkʼs head Highly respectable Guru
Purnachar (Chandra Mohan Barua) ordained Kripasaran
(Chandrajyoti) in 1885. Dr. Asutosh Mukherjee respected Venerable
Kripacharan who was able to get affiliations for as many six or seven
High Schools in Chittagong under the control of the University of
Kolkata. Among such schools the name of Mahamuni Anglo Pali
Institution (1903), Silak Dowling School (1910), Kartala – Belkhaine
Middle English School, Nayapara High School, Andharmanik High
School, Naikhaine Purnachar Pali School, DhakaKhali Middle English
School and Satbaria Girlsʼ School. In 1917. Mr. Beni Madhab Barua
obtained D. Litt degree of London University and was felicitated by
Bengal Buddhist Association, Kolkata, India.…-bangladeshby-mr-sona-kanti-barua-i/4770495959643561/ 28/05/2021, 2G20 pm

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It is remarkable that Vedic religious caste system is a moral issue. To
exposes cover up behind anti- Buddhist riots in the Sen Dynasty.
Bengali speaking communities at home and abroad respected the
Centenary (1907 – 2007) Discovery Anniversary of First Bengali
Literature “The Charyapada (An Anthology of Buddhist Tantric
Songs).” This is the main source of Bengali, including Assamese,
Marathi, Punjabi, Hindi and Orissa languages and it was discovered
by great scholar Haraprasad Shastri from the Royal library of Nepal
in 1907. In the Buddhist songs ancient Buddhist saints expounded
their focuses on Buddhist philosophy in order to create the
impressive treatise in the world Buddhist history.
Not limiting itself to this life, it interprets present inequalities as the
result of past deeds. As we know Manuʼs Law of Political Hinduism
begins with the tragedy of caste system which is against of
Buddhist heritage of (Kassapa Buddha) in Indus civilization. The
preamble to the Constitution suggests the democratic orientation of
the document. “We, the people of India having solemnly resolved to
constitute India into a sovereign democratic republic and to secure
to all its citizens; JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY,
assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity of the Nation;
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity of
the Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty –sixth
day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO
OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.” May we ask relating to the
human rights of Jammu, Dalits, Minority, and Kashmiri people?
It is also most remarkable that medical surgeon Dr. K. Jamanadas
writes a book entitled “Tirupate Balaji was a Buddhist Shrine” and
this book has potential credibility to accept that Buddha statues
become God Vishnu in Hinduism. Hindu rulers made the shiva linga
in the Buddhagaya temple and declared that Buddhagaya
Mahabodhi Temple belongs to Hindus. Today Indian Buddhists have…-bangladeshby-mr-sona-kanti-barua-i/4770495959643561/ 28/05/2021, 2G20 pm

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no democratic and human rights in the Puri Jagannatha Buddhist
temple and Mahabodhi temple of Buddhagaya, Bihar.

Lord Buddha lived in Bangladesh

According to the rock edicts of (Maurya kings) Bangladesh was
historically proved that Lord Buddha is the father of Bengali
languages, culture and civilizations. For several reasons Bengali
peoples forget their value of Buddhism to present day society. The
Buddha lived in Pundravardana (Bograʼs Mahastan Nagar) and
teaches Buddhism to the people of Bangladesh including the
Bengali monk Bangisha Mahathero, Bangiya putra and the Bengali
SanghaCommunity 2558 years ago.
India understood her (Hindu leaders) mistakes as Chandalikaʼs
mother understood that “Self degradation is a greater sin.” It needs
but a re-awakening with sincere and earnest efforts on our part that
Human Rights and compassion will bloom once again and then the
same fruits as it used to, in the time of the Buddha. Relating to the
Barua history Venerable Upali Sraman (Barua) reported, “Barua
community in Bangladesh is one of the several communities who
had been following Buddhism since long in the history of past
Bangladesh. Among the other communities are Tangcangyas,
Chakmas, Marmas and several indigenous tribes in Chittagong hill
tracts. These communities who live in Chittagong Hill Tracts; have
distinct languages and interesting culture.
According to myths, it is said that ‘Amor Manikyaʼ of the Tripura
Kingdom became a king with the title ‘Baruaʼ. It is mentioned in
‘Rajamalaʼ, the chronicle of Tripura kings;

“I am the zemindar [landlord] of the king Bijoy Manikya;

You, being a ‘Baruaʼ of that king, became a king.”

[ Mr. Suniti Ranjan Barua, Bangladesh Barua Jatir Itihas O Oitijyo, p.…-bangladeshby-mr-sona-kanti-barua-i/4770495959643561/ 28/05/2021, 2G20 pm

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Buddhist Barua people fled to hilly regions for the sake of protecting
the originality of this Buddhism. Many Baruas even now are to be
seen in Chittagong which then was a Hilly and forest area. Aladin, a
respected writer, says that the high-land (of Chittagong) was the
ancient dwelling place of Barua-s. There are several other opinions
with regard to the term “Barua”. Opinions with regard to the term
Buddhist Bengalʼs Historical Buddha statues of Pala dynasty

According to the Bengali Encyclopedia ‘Baruas are the descendants

of a powerful dynasty of Buddhist kingsʼ. In 1891, the English Census
superintendent Mr. Hunter also conforms to the above fact in his
‘Statistical Account of Bengalʼ.
4. Late Beni Madhab Barua, the former Prof. of Pali, Sanskrit and
ancient Indian history of the University of Kolkata in 1938 says the
term ‘Baruaʼ is a derivative from ‘Vajji which is derived from ‘Brijji (in
Pali language Vajji)ʼ. Pandit Dharmadhar Mahasthavir agrees with Dr.

There is a documented history of Mr. Hunter and we have

discovered Bengali Encyclopedia in quest of looking at the history of
Buddhist kings in Bengal. History recorded that Barua peoples are
the descendants of the medieval Buddhist kings of Bengal.
Following dynasties of Buddhist kings were recorded in Bengal from
6th up till 13th century A.D.
1. Sinha Dynasty (6th B.C. to 1st A.D.) ruled from Banga [presently
Faridpur and Bakargunj]

2. Barmo dynasty (2nd to 5th A.D.) ruled from Banga [ Faridpur,

Bakargunj, and Mymensing]…-bangladeshby-mr-sona-kanti-barua-i/4770495959643561/ 28/05/2021, 2G20 pm

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3. Shal dynasty (5th to 6th A.D.) ruled from South East Bengal

4. Kharga dynasty (7th to 8th A.D.) ruled from As above

5. Pala dynasty (8th to 12th A.D.) ruled from North Bengal

6. Candra dynasty (10th to 11th A.D.) ruled from East Bengal

7. Candraʼs (Deva Dynasty) 11th to 13th A.D. ruled from South-east


The Dev-Pahar of present Chittagong was said to be the capital of

Deva dynasty. Many ancient Buddhist ruins are found here. Mr.
Suniti opines that these lineages of king are the ancestors of
Indegenous Barua people.
The title of Manik Candra from the Candra Lineage was ‘Baruaʼ. His
subsequent generations dwelt in a place near Lalmai which is
named after ‘Baruaʼ. At present Barua is a name of a district. The
descendents from the Candra-lineage could be seen even today.
They are the people who use ‘candraʼ after their names such as
Satish candra Barua, Sunil Candra Barua etc. “
In the name of Islam Pakistan Government closed Bangla language
in Bangladesh (East Pakistan) in 1948. Several of decades old
Bangladesh state-sponsored campaign of blatant discrimination
and barbaric atrocities against of mankind of Hindus, Chittagong Hill
Tracts Jumma people and Bangladesh's religious and ethnic
minorities turned into one of religious and ethnic cleansing or
genocide. Bangladeshi indigenous Jumma, Chakma, Rakhaine,
Marama, and Barua Buddhists have demanded their constitutional
rights to protect their respects, dignity, democratic human
development and justice “without fear or favor.” Islam is the State
religion of Bangladesh and Bangladeshi Buddhists are appealing to
the world conscience for security in their mother land Above the…-bangladeshby-mr-sona-kanti-barua-i/4770495959643561/ 28/05/2021, 2G20 pm

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circumstances, crimes against humanity demand for independent

Bangla language was started from the Buddhist studies and the
Buddhist Mystic songs of the Charyapada. Bangladesh was the land
of Buddhist Pala kings and Hindu Sen Kings. Muslims took over the
land by force and made it “reign of terror.” August 17, 2005,
Bangladesh nationʼs worst fears came true when the day the
Bangladesh nation shook of bomb explosions at some 500 spots
across 63 districts within a span of 30 minutes began to unfold and
terrorized by the Jamiat-ul Mujahideen of Bangladesh, an Islamic
extremist organization. The violation of human rights in Bangladesh
is directly linked to the rise of militant Islam. Dhakaʼs the Bengali
daily newspaper “Ittefaq” of August 22, 2005 quoted a reliable
source as saying that the groups planned to hit non-Muslim
religious leaders to discredit the Bangladesh government

Islamic terrorist attacked Ramu, Ukhiya and Patiya and destroyed

Buddhist Temples. The foregoing gross violations of Human Rights
by Bangladeshi Islamic Terrorists must stop forthwith. An
independent, transparent, credible and impartial inquiry concerning
these crimes against humanity should be commenced. Justice
should include compensation to the victims, a trial of the
perpetrators in a court of law and begin with an apology from the
Government.…-bangladeshby-mr-sona-kanti-barua-i/4770495959643561/ 28/05/2021, 2G20 pm

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