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As we already know, engineering is a profession that requires discipline,

knowledge in various fields of study and other skills such as organizational,
leadership and communication, engineering is a profession with a high value
in the labor market and like other professions, it is perceived as a synonym
of success in the materialistic context that permeates modern is a profession that is based on two fundamental
points: diagnosis and design. The engineer diagnoses problems or needs
and designs solutions. The process is as follows: one of the actors of society
(governments, companies, individuals, etc.) poses a problem and the
engineer designs a solution that satisfies most of the needs and, in addition,
most of the actors of the same but in the Autonomous University
of the Caribbean sends a message or slogan that says so an engineer
always tries to find solutions before the problems not to resort to cause more
problems that is what makes an engineer solve problems, on the other hand
common mistake to think that the engineer is due exclusively to who pays
his salary. The engineer must have strong ethics to be able to serve both his
employers or clients and society as a whole. At times he will have to make
difficult decisions because the demands of one sector conflict with those of
another, but it is here that his spirit of service is manifested. In relation to the
other part or theme of the essay, engineering is not a science because it
does not try to explain the functioning of nature. The scientist tries to answer
why and how things happen in the universe. The engineer uses the tools
and methods provided by science to perform engineering, but is not limited
by them. For example, let's take the times of ancient civilizations building
bridges and aqueducts without needing material science to make mortars or
fluid mechanics to predict the movement of water. In the absence of
scientific knowledge, the engineer relies on experience, his own or that of
others, to find solutions.

Engineering is not an art because the foundation of engineering practice

does not come from a burst of inspiration from deep within. Although the
engineer may have emotional and creative elements that can enrich the
practice, his work is the work of intellect and analysis. In conclusion,
engineering is the expression of human ingenuity for a positive
transformation of society, although sadly it does not always happen.

But on the other hand, it is unquestionable that engineering is an important

factor in the development of society; all the enormous projects that have
helped to solve problems have been designed or created by an engineer.

There are great moments of science, where discoveries and contributions to

humanity have been evident, beyond literature.

Today, the human brain has been able to evolve scientifically objectives that
encompass the improvement or implementation of the facility for human
activities; now fundamental scientific searches and pillars have been carried
out for other specific applications, that years ago the research brains would
have been amazed to see the magnitude of the current innovations of

It is possible to show that science, it is the search for knowledge of

ourselves and the environment around us, starting from the theory that
humans are beings that during our history have been promoters of
transformations in all areas that science can address and the application of
such knowledge, I might dare say that today compared to our ancestors our
quality of life is better, thanks to development and evolution, But the whole of
humanity which day after day benefits from it.

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