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Mobile phones are very popular means nowadays.

This modern technology has changed from its

main function as communicative means to media of information and entertainment.

How is the impact to students? There must be good and bad impacts of bringing mobile phone
especially for students.

Some people agree that mobile phone has many benefits. Beside as a mean of communication,
mobile phones can be used when people get bored. They can watch video or listen to music, and
also be active in social media.

The good impact for students in school is as a mean of searching information for lesson
reference. If teachers ask student to find materials in the internet, mobile phones may help to find
the materials.
By using the Media Education Technology such as
computers, multimedia software is programmed so that
students can be actively involved and able to choose a
variety of exercises and questions provided in the
software. Computers also help in creating a strong
relationship between teachers and students, through the
tendency of learning through computers. With this, the
system of effective teaching and learning can be
implemented, as is proven by the test results of 2010
Media usage in teaching and learning intend to
motivate students, coupled with attractive multimedia
use, causing the students’ convenience and enjoyment
in learning. Students will also be more inclined to learn
a new one topic in their learning. The technology aided
learning media can provide an experience that is
different from conventional learning.
1. Make communication easier

It is undeniable that communication today is greatly facilitated by the presence of smartphones.

This also applies in the world of education, where communication between teacher - student -
parent can run more easily and can be done en masse through groups available in communication
applications, such as whatsapp, line or telegram.

2.Entertainment media
Smartphones with many entertainment features and this can be a medium to help students or
teachers to take a break from their boredom.
Many entertainment applications can be a means of learning as well as playing for them.
For example, games that can improve students' abilities that can be practiced in their lives, or
games that hone their memory or numeracy skills.
3.Increase knowledge
One of the positive effects of smartphones is that they can help students get information on
various subjects very easily.
4. Availability of more sophisticated technology
Smartphones are equipped with various applications including educational applications. In
addition, with the help of a search engine such as Google, students can access various
information and check the accuracy of the information they have collected.
Smartphones provide a large selection of useful applications that can help the learning process,
collect the information needed. In addition, with smartphones, classes can be held via
1. Not focused while studying
Smartphones can distract students during the teaching and learning process. Sometimes they get
distracted by checking text messages, playing games, or just checking social media.
2. Can cause addiction
Smartphones can make students addicted and cannot get away from their smartphones. Starting
from waking up to going back to sleep

3. Lack of social interaction in real life

With the advent of many social media, it makes students update what is happening to their lives
through their smartphones.
This causes less social interaction in their lives. They are more engaged in interacting through
social media which often results in disrupting relationships with friends, family and also
disrupting academic achievement because they focus on playing with their smartphones.
4. Decreased academic performance
Improper use of smartphones can lead to decreased academic performance. One of the
reasons is because they cannot remember or capture the information provided during the
teaching and learning process because they are distracted by their smartphones.
By using the Media Education Technology such as Mobile Phone or Handphone, Internet is
programmed so that students can be actively involved and can help students to get more
handphone also help in creating a strong
relationship between teachers and students, through the
tendency of learning through handphone. With this, the
system of effective teaching and learning can be
implemented, as is proven by 2020 all the world has a pandemic covid19 so we have a quaritine
3 month and all the school are conducted online via mobile phones and the internet .

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