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Noun phrase

Vania Elfreda Amalinda
(AAA 118 012)
Nowadays that most of the students do not understand about noun phrase, because they
lack knowledge about the rule of noun phrase. Therefore, my friend and I are interested in
conducting mini research about noun phrase third semester from 5 students at an English
Education study program, University of Palangkaraya. My mini-research is using Qualitative
research. The method of this analysis is using a data collection technique of qualitative research,
specifically researchers did self-test to analyze the text to find noun phrase as much as possible.
The purpose of qualitative research is to gather the data based on the formula of noun phrase and
data based on understanding. The data is generated by my self on my group of mini research . The
data of this research was directly taken and checked by the researcher who analyzes text that
consist of some noun phrase that they underline, Some steps was done by the researcher to
collect the data. The first step was to choose the text from the internet. Researcher underlines the
noun phrase in the text. The second step was to count how many noun phrases found based on
noun phrase theory. The last step was to classify the data.

A noun phrase is a group of related words that can act as a single noun-like unity within a
sentence.” Nordquist (2009:1) mentions that a noun phrase is a phrase that plays the role of a
noun. The head word in a noun phrase will be a noun or a pronoun. Swan (1980:22) stated that
noun phrase (NP) is a group (e.g article + adjective + noun) which acts as the subject, object, or
complement of a sentence.

The Blackbird and the Monkey

There were a male and female blackbirds who built their nest on a tree. While it was raining, a
homeless monkey who was stricken with cold sheltered under the blackbirds' tree. When the
blackbirds saw it shivering, one counseled it, "Oh, Brother Monkey, you have two hands and two
legs like a man. Why don't you build a home? "The monkey said, "I have two hands and two legs
like a man. Thus I am a nestless animal. The truth is I cannot do it. " The blackbird said, "You do
not need knowledge to build a home. Birds have only one beak, but they can build a nest which
they need for their protection from the cold and the rain. You had better think it over. Am I right
or not? All the animals in the world have their own dwellings to protect their babies and their
mates. If you cannot build a good house, then put branches together and cover them with leaves
for a temporary home. So, you will not have to depend on other dwellings, a branch, or a tree. It
is very difficult for your mate and your young ones. Monkey, you have two hands and two legs, I
think you can do it. Please do it, do not wait for your knowledge to help you. All animals use
only strength to work in their own way. They never work like human beings. You see, even the
worms, locusts and termites which are very small, have their own habitations, but you, why can't
you do it? Other animals have no more knowledge than you, but they are able to build
habitations of their own. You said that you cannot do it because you do not want to do it, so you
are a lazy animal." When the monkey heard the blackbird criticize it, it became very angry,
because it felt ashamed before the blackbirds. So, it swung straight to the blackbirds' nest and
ruined it.
The text "The Blackbird and the Monkey" that analyze by my self to found a Noun
Phrase. We faced difficulty to analyze all the noun phrases in the text. Students need to know
what is the noun phrase that modifiers. The problems, which arise in analyzing, will naturally not
be eliminated at the time of achieving accuracy at the Noun Phrase.
The conclusion is drawn based on the result of the analysis of the data. It is presented to answer
the problem statements of the research.This research has found that from whole students'
analysis. The errors found in the three students’ text contains Noun phrases. The results of the
text have been analysis by students showed that the students still need more information about
noun phrases.

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