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Dela Cruz Jon Nelson S.

Section: EB

Reflection Paper in NSTP – CWTS

As we presented our planned project for the people in Payatas, I’ve realized how
lucky and blessed we are having education and sufficient funds to sustain our
needs while some of the people are striving hard to eat 3 meals a day and afford a
house. I’ve realized that we need to share our blessings to others and by through
NSTP-CWTS, we can give them the help that they need. I have also realized that
these plans that we presented to the people of Payatas are not easy to accomplish
because it requires patience and hardwork, but because of the willingness to help
for their betterment and through God, we can accomplish all of these plans.
All of our plans are active and enjoyable to the people. Since I am a committee
head in one of the groups, I can contribute by being a responsible leader and see
our plans through which about sports and teamwork. I can also contribute to the
other groups and help in their plans by supporting them and help them arrange the
kids in their sessions. By working together and supporting each other, we can
surely attain success and help the citizens in Payatas.
I have learned so many lessons and teachings from visiting the community. Being
helpful and considerate is one of them. I am not a helpful person but when
everytime I see them and the smiles in their faces even though they are struggling,
I can’t help but be helpful to them. They also teach me to be considerate because
some of the kids there are really hyperactive. I’ve also learned to not be
judgemental. At first, I was doubting the people in the community because thought
are appearing on my mind that they are stealers and bad people because they live in
Payatas and are poor, but after we have bonded with the families, the thoughts
faded away and they are actually very nice people. They are nicer than us, they
have given us a warm welcome and did not criticize us. The community also taught
me to become down-to-earth. Studying at De La Salle, I sometimes get a little bit
over my head and be an elitist criticizing others not studying at a top university.
But as I saw them happy even though they are poor, it made me realize that luxury
is nothing. And of course the most important thing that I’ve learned from the
engagement is that loving one another is the most significant thing in one’s life.
I’ve learned why they are happy always even though they are struggling, it is
because they love each other. Their love is sufficient than any other money.
The course NSTP-CWTS let me learn and experience all of these at the same time.
Thanks to them I’ve learned so much. And for the next term, we will assure that all
of the proposed plans will be carried out to them. As a token of appreciation.

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