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Informe especial / Special report

Importance of animal/human health interface

in potential Public Health Emergencies of
International Concern in the Americas
Maria Cristina Schneider,1 Ximena P. Aguilera,1 Ryan M. Smith,1
Matthew J. Moynihan,1 Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Jr.,1
Sylvain Aldighieri,1 and Maria Almiron1

Suggested citation Schneider MC, Aguilera XP, Smith RM, Moynihan MJ, Barbosa da Silva J Jr, Aldighieri S, et al. Impor-
tance of animal/human health interface in potential Public Health Emergencies of International Con-
cern in the Americas. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2011;29(5):371–9.

ABSTRACT This study analyzed the importance of zoonoses and communicable diseases common to man
and animals as potential Public Health Emergencies of International Concern to build an ev-
idence base for future efforts to reduce risk of infection at the animal/human health interface.
The events recorded in the World Health Organization (WHO) Event Management System
(EMS) database for the Americas during the 18 months since the implementation of
the 2005 revised version of WHO’s International Health Regulations (15 June 2007–31 De-
cember 2008) were the main source for this analysis. Of the 110 events recorded
by the EMS for the Americas during the study period, 86 were classified as communicable dis-
eases—77 (70.0%) “within the animal/human health interface,” 9 (8.2%) “not common to
man and animals,” 16 (14.5%) “syndromes with unknown etiologies,” and 8 (7.3%) “prod-
uct-related/ other.” Of the 77 events within the animal/human health interface, 48 were “sub-
stantiated” (the presence of hazard was confirmed and/or human cases occurred clearly in
excess of normal expectancy). These results confirm previous research and underscore the im-
portance of the animal/human health interface as well as inter-sectoral collaboration.

Key words Communicable diseases; epidemiology; veterinary public health; zoonoses; Americas.

In today’s globalized world, diseases country. With this concept in mind, a re- For that purpose and as part of IHR
have the potential to transcend geopolit- vised version of the World Health Orga- implementation, WHO Member States
ical boundaries through international nization (WHO) International Health are committed to strengthening their sur-
travel and trade. It is now understood Regulations (IHRs) was established in veillance of and ability to rapidly detect,
that the economies and livelihoods of the 2005 (effective 15 June 2007) to “help the assess, notify, and report potential Public
entire international community can be international community prevent and re- Health Emergencies of International
affected by a single health crisis in one spond to acute public health risks that Concern (PHEICs) in accordance with
have the potential to cross borders and these regulations. A PHEIC is an extraor-
threaten people worldwide” (1). This dinary event that has been determined,
binding legal instrument covers 194 as provided in the IHRs, to 1) “constitute
1 Health Surveillance and Disease Prevention and countries across the globe, including all a public health risk to other States
Control, Pan American Health Organization, WHO Member States, and aims to pro- through the international spread of dis-
Washington, D.C., United States of America.
Send correspondence to: Cristina Schneider, tect public health through the prevention ease” and 2) “potentially require a coor- of the spread of diseases. dinated international response” (1).

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Special report Schneider et al. • Importance of animal/human health interface in potential PHEICs in the Americas

Events are identified as potential tional income ranging from approxi- Point, [non-IHR] national government
PHEICs and reported to the six WHO mately US$ 1 000 to US$ 44 000 per capita agencies, and the PAHO surveillance
IHR (2005) Regional Contact Points when per year (6). In addition, the Americas system. The initial source of information
they fulfill at least two of the following contain a wide range of environmental on a particular event may be unofficial as
four criteria: 1) a serious public health settings characterized by diverse plants well as official. Unofficial sources include
event is suspected, 2) the event is consid- and animals. For example, the Amazon the mass media (both traditional and In-
ered unusual or unexpected, 3) there is a region comprises 60% of the Earth’s re- ternet-based). The PAHO surveillance
significant risk of international spread, maining tropical forests, with 45 000 system includes reports provided by lab-
and 4) the event poses a significant risk to plant species, 1 300 species of freshwater oratories and WHO technical units and
international travel or trade (2). For the fish, 1 000 species of birds, 150 species programs. Information gathered through
Americas region, the Pan American of bats, 1 800 species of butterflies, 163 unofficial sources are verified and evalu-
Health Organization (PAHO) has been species of amphibians, 305 species of ated jointly by PAHO/WHO experts and
mandated to undertake certain activities snakes, and 311 species of mammals (7). the country where the event occurred.
to support countries in the detection and This flora and fauna interacts synergisti- Official information comes in the form of
assessment of these potential public cally with the human population to cre- notifications by the IHR National Focal
health emergencies. ate a unique and rich environment that is Point (the entity designated by each
Events that have been reported or de- very im-portant to the planet. On the WHO Member State to serve as its liaison
tected as potential PHEICs are entered other hand, this rich synergy can pose a with WHO on IHR-related matters).
into a database known as the Event Man- potential threat by forming an environ-
agement System (EMS), which is admin- ment in which pathogens/diseases can Criteria
istered by WHO and used by the six emerge and spread across the animal/
WHO IHR (2005) Regional Contact human interface, affecting tourism, trade, Within the context of the IHRs, an
Points as well as the WHO Country Of- and other economic sectors important to “event” is a manifestation of disease or an
fices in each region. The EMS is the cen- the region. occurrence that creates a potential for dis-
tral electronic repository for information A more in-depth analysis of the events ease (1). In this study, events were classi-
related to potential PHEICs and pro- recorded by the EMS and a study of their fied within the animal/human health in-
vides chronological storage of clinical, likeliness to be ultimately verified as terface based on information from the
epidemiological, laboratory, and other PHEICs could be valuable for policy de- third edition of the PAHO publication
types of data used in risk assessment and velopment as well as technical orienta- “Zoonoses and communicable diseases
major operational decision-making for tion of institutional activities related to common to man and animals” (8), which
managing the event (3). surveillance, prevention, and rapid re- describes 174 communicable infections
To date, 61% of human pathogens sponse. The primary objective of this ranging from diseases of bacterial, viral,
worldwide have been classified as zoo- analysis is to identify, quantify the im- and parasitic origin to those involving un-
noses, a subgroup that comprises 75% of portance of, and analyze diseases com- conventional agents. Although this publi-
all emerging pathogens of the past mon to animals and humans in events cation did not cover all communicable
decade (4). There is a growing belief— recorded by the EMS for the Americas diseases, the authors of the current study
echoed in the “One World, One Health” region in an effort to produce an evi- did not consider the resulting data gaps
strategic framework endorsed by the dence base for future recommendations to be a significant research limitation as
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), on how to address and reduce the risk of the current study was designed to im-
the World Organization for Animal infectious diseases at the animal/human prove technical cooperation rather than
Health (OIE), WHO, the United Nations health interface. for academic purposes. Any disease not
Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United found in the above-cited publication was
Nations System Influenza Coordination MATERIALS AND METHODS cross-checked in other communicable dis-
(UNSIC), and the World Bank—that an ease publications to confirm that it was
integrated approach to public health Data sources not common to animals (9).
events is most effective and efficient All events recorded in the EMS are as-
with collaboration between physicians, This study is based on data for the signed a category related to a potential
veterinarians, and other health-related Americas region recorded by the WHO hazard (“animal,” “chemical,” “disas-
disciplines (5). EMS from June 15, 2007, until December ter,” “food safety,” “infectious,” “prod-
The myriad demographic and socio- 31, 2008,2 and includes potential PHEICs uct,” or “undetermined”). These same
economic conditions that exist in the (“events”) tracked by PAHO/WHO. The categories were applied in the current
countries of the Americas imply broad data used in the study were obtained di- study as long as they were deemed suffi-
challenges related to the animal/human rectly from the EMS database, which cient for discerning the animal/human
health interface. The region is home to comprises information from various health interface. When they were not, for
close to 1 billion people (80% in urban sources including the IHR National Focal the purposes of this study, new cate-
areas) distributed across 48 countries and gories related to the hazard(s) described
territories, with national populations in the EMS were created. Based on their
2 Because the study period occurred prior to the
ranging from 40 000 (in St. Kitts & Nevis) assigned categories, events were classi-
A(H1N1) influenza pandemic, the research was
to 300 million (in the United States), and not affected by the subsequent system-wide shift fied into four groups, one of which
purchasing power parity–based gross na- toward coverage of that disease. (Group 1) was further divided into four

372 Rev Panam Salud Publica 29(3), 2011

Schneider et al. • Importance of animal/human health interface in potential PHEICs in the Americas Special report

FIGURE 1. Number and proportion of eventsa recorded for the Americas region in the
WHO Event Management System, by group/subgroup,b 15 June 2007–31 December 2008


Communicable Zoonosis/ Syndrome/ Product-

Diseases Not Communicable Unknown related/
Common to Diseases Common Etiology Other
Animals to Humans/
Animals 16 (14.5%) 8 (7.3%)
9 (8.2%) 77 (70.0%)

Zoonosis Animal as Food Safety Animal as

Essential Host Eventual Host
11/110 (10.0%) 19/110 (17.3%)
11/77 (14.3%) 9/110 (8.2%) 19/77 (24.7%) 38/110 (34.5%)
9/77 (11.7%) 38/77 (49.4%)

a Potential Public Health Emergencies of International Concern according to the criteria of the revised (2005) World
Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHRs) (1).
b Based on reference 8.

subgroups based on the dynamic of dis- hosts in the life cycle of the database and classified by group and
ease transmission3: pathogen subgroup according to the above-
• Group 2: Communicable diseases not mentioned criteria. Group/subgroup per-
• Group 1: Zoonoses and communica- common to animals (i.e., diseases in centages were calculated and events clas-
ble diseases common to humans and which there is no direct transmission sified within the animal/human health
animals between animals and humans and an- interface (Group 1) were analyzed. The
䡩 Subgroup 1a—Zoonosis, a commu- imals do not act as “reservoirs” and analysis included determining which
nicable disease or infection whose are not involved in the life cycle of the events were designated as “substantiated”
agent is directly transmitted from pathogen) (presence of hazard confirmed and/or
vertebrate animals to humans • Group 3: Syndromes with no known human cases occurring clearly in excess of
䡩 Subgroup 1b—Communicable dis- etiology (diseases that are not clearly normal expectancy) upon completion of
ease common to humans and ani- defined and for which symptoms may the original event investigation.
mals in which vector transmission be present but no etiology has been
occurs and animals are essential identified) RESULTS
hosts in the life cycle of the • Group 4: Product-related and “other”
pathogen (public health concerns that are not A total of 110 events were recorded in
䡩 Subgroup 1c—Communicable dis- considered communicable diseases the EMS for the Americas region during
ease common to humans and ani- and are attributed to a product, chem- the 18-month study period (Figure 1). Of
mals related to food safety, with ical, or other material). those, 86 were communicable diseases,
transmission through the food including 77 (70.0%) classified as “com-
chain and water supply Analysis mon to man and animals” (Group 1) (e.g.,
䡩 Subgroup 1d—Communicable dis- influenza, yellow fever, salmonella infec-
ease common to humans and ani- Event data recorded in the EMS for the tions, and dengue), and 9 (8.2%) that
mals in which animals are eventual Americas region were exported to Micro- were “not common to man and animals”
soft Excel, version 2003 (Redmond, WA, (Group 2) (e.g., hemorrhagic chickenpox,
USA). Events occurring during the 18- rubella, and meningococcal disease). Of
month study period were examined and the remaining 24 events recorded by the
3 While most diseases had more than one type of event variables pertinent to this analysis EMS, which were deemed noncommuni-
transmission dynamic, for the purposes of this
study subgroup classification was based on the were selected. The selected events and rel- cable, 16 (14.5%) were “syndromes with
one most common in the Americas. evant variables were compiled in a sub- unknown etiologies” (Group 3) (e.g.,

Rev Panam Salud Publica 29(3), 2011 373

Special report Schneider et al. • Importance of animal/human health interface in potential PHEICs in the Americas

acute hemorrhagic fever syndrome, acute lism (2.6%), and Chagas disease (oral events in this subgroup were considered
respiratory syndrome, and acute neuro- transmission) (2.6%) (Subgroup 1c); and important in the Americas and were
logical syndrome), and 8 (7.3%) were measles (20.8%), dengue (18.2%), and tu- monitored accordingly, the ultimate
“product-related or other” (Group 4) berculosis (5.2%) (Subgroup 1d). number of human cases in more than
(e.g., adverse vaccine effects or chemical Among the 77 events classified in 50% of “events” did not exceed normal
gas/toxic solvent exposure). Group 1, 48 (62.3%) were deemed “sub- expectancy when the events were veri-
The 77 events classified in Group 1 (i.e., stantiated” upon completion of the orig- fied. As mentioned above, Subgroup 1a
within the animal/human health inter- inal event investigation. Subgroup 1a (“zoonosis”) comprised the highest per-
face) were further divided as follows: (“zoonosis”) had the highest percentage centage of substantiated events (81.8%),
Subgroup 1a, “zoonosis” (11 events, rep- of substantiated events (81.8%) while suggesting that events in this subgroup
resenting 14.3% of the group total, with Subgroup 1d (“animals as eventual have a higher probability of being classi-
influenza the most frequent); Subgroup host”) had the lowest (50.0%) (Figure 2). fied as substantiated than those in other
1b, “animals as essential hosts” (9 events, The most recommended interventions subgroups.
or 11.7%, with yellow fever the most fre- for Group 1 events were distributed as
quent); Subgroup 1c, “food safety” (19 follows: vector control (32.5% of events), DISCUSSION
events, or 24.7%, with salmonella in- food safety (31.2%), direct intervention
fections the most frequent); and Sub- in animals (14.3%), and “other” (22.1%). This analysis indicated that approxi-
group 1d, “animals as eventual hosts” In addition to comprising about one- mately 70% of events reported to the
(38 events, or 49.4%, with dengue the third of suggested interventions, the EMS by WHO Member States or de-
most frequent) (Table 1). Events that were “food safety” classification applied to tected by the PAHO surveillance system
recorded at least twice within a particular 17.3% of all events analyzed in the study. were either zoonoses or communicable
subgroup included influenza (represent- Subgroup 1d (“animal as eventual diseases common to man and animals,
ing 7.8% of the subgroup total) and rabies host”) comprised the smallest percent- supporting previous research results in-
(2.6%) (Subgroup 1a); yellow fever (7.8%) age of substantiated events (47.4%, with dicating that 75% of all emerging dis-
and leptospirosis (3.9%) (Subgroup 1b); a large proportion primarily related to eases in humans are zoonotic (10, 11).
salmonella (7.8%), listeriosis (3.9%), botu- dengue). In other words, although This information suggests that carrying

TABLE 1. Type and number of eventsa recorded for the Americas region in the WHO EMSb and
classified within the animal/human health interface,c 15 June 2007–31 December 2008

Classification No. of
Type of event (pathogen/disease) subgroupd No. of events substantiatede events

Angiostrongyliasis (nematode) 1d 1 1
Botulism 1c 2 1
Bubonic plague 1b 1 0
Campylobacter enteritis 1c 1 1
Chagas (American trypanosomiasis) 1c 2 2
Cholera 1c 1 1
Dengue 1d 14 3
Escherichia coli infection 1c 1 0
Hepatitis A (acute) 1d 1 0
Influenza 1a 6 4
Leptospirosis 1a 3 3
Listeriosis 1c 3 3
Malaria 1d 2 2
Measles 1d 16 12
Rabies 1a 2 2
Rickettsiosis (tick-borne) 1b 1 0
Salmonella infection 1c 6 6
Streptococcus Group A 1c 1 0
Tuberculosis 1d 4 1
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 1c 1 0
Venezuelan equine encephalitis 1b 1 0
Yellow fever 1b 6 6
Mixed etiology: Cryptosporidium, giardiasis,
shigella 1c 1 0
Total 77 48
a Potential Public Health Emergencies of International Concern according to the criteria of the revised (2005) World Health Or-
ganization (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHRs) (1).
b Event Management System.
c Based on reference 8.
d Subgroup 1a: “zoonosis”; Subgroup 1b, “animal as essential host”; Subgroup 1c, “food safety”; Subgroup 1d, “animal as even-
tual host.”
e Presence of hazard confirmed and/or human cases occurring clearly in excess of normal expectancy.

374 Rev Panam Salud Publica 29(3), 2011

Schneider et al. • Importance of animal/human health interface in potential PHEICs in the Americas Special report

FIGURE 2. Number and proportion of eventsa in the Americas region (unsubstantiated and subs-
tantiatedb) recorded in the World Health Organization Event Management System and classified
within the animal/human health interface,c by subgroup,d 15 June 2007–31 December 2008

35 Substantiated


No. of Events



10 50.0%
5 81.8%
Subgroup 1a Subgroup 1b Subgroup 1c Subgroup 1d

Diseases by Classification
a Potential Public Health Emergencies of International Concern according to the criteria of the revised (2005) World Health Or-
ganization (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHRs) (1).
b Presence of hazard confirmed and/or human cases occurring clearly in excess of normal expectancy.
c Based on reference 8.
d Subgroup 1a, “zoonosis”; Subgroup 1b, “animal as essential host”; Subgroup 1c, “food safety”; Subgroup 1d, “animal as even-
tual host.”

out proper detection, risk assessment, The results presented above illustrate initial expert consultation in the region
and verification will require collabora- to some extent the need to pursue efforts (25). The reemergence of yellow fever,
tion among the health sciences (veteri- already in place in the Americas. The on the other hand, may be considered a
nary and human) as well as other sec- pathogens/diseases listed in Table 1 new trend for the region (26).
tors. It also underscores the need for a under Subgroups 1a and 1b (20 events Most importantly, the success of sev-
better understanding of infectious dis- distributed across seven diseases, in- eral disease programs in many countries
eases common to man and animals. An- cluding influenza, leptospirosis, rabies, or areas cannot undermine the fact that if
alyzing which diseases represent a plague, rickettsiosis, Venezuelan equine some areas are left behind in the control
higher risk at the animal/human health encephalitis, and yellow fever) are to efforts, it may threaten others that have
interface in the Americas region is an es- various extents the focus of current sur- already achieved an elimination status.
sential step. veillance and control activities devel- An example of this type of situation can
Most of the diseases recorded in the oped by the health and/or agricultural be seen in the reintroduction of rabies in
EMS for the Americas region during the institutions in the region. For example, Cordoba, Argentina, after more than six
period of this study had a known occur- the avian influenza pandemic that began years without canine cases (27), and in
rence in the region. However, the emer- at the end of 2005 in Asia led to the the reintroduction of rabies from bats in
gence of new strains is always a possibil- development of global, inter-sectoral Costa Rica after 31 years (28). This type
ity, as has occurred with the Ebola virus, strategic plans and activities in the of occurrence points to the importance of
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Americas (16–18). Rabies prevention has maintaining surveillance activities and
severe acute respiratory syndrome also been a successful program in the re- the resources needed to control an emer-
(SARS), influenza A (H5N1) with a pan- gion, leading to a 90% reduction of gent/re-emergent disease situation,
demic potential, West Nile virus, and the human and canine cases in the last few even when the epidemiological situation
Novel A(H1N1) influenza virus (12–15). decades (19, 20). Human rabies (trans- has improved.
Estimating when diseases could sur- mitted by dogs) and plague are both part The study results also underscore the
pass the expected number of human of a recent resolution project with the importance of food safety events as poten-
cases or spread to areas where they were goal of elimination in the Americas (21). tial PHEICs in the region. A recent exam-
not previously found requires baseline Many countries in the region are already ple is the introduction of bovine tubercu-
information on the current status and developing surveillance and control losis in New York City, which may be a
trends of the disease. Countries need to strategies for leptospirosis (22–24). Rick- result of the rapid shipment of homemade
have strong surveillance systems in place ettsiosis and Venezuelan equine en- cheeses from foreign countries (29). An-
or other sources of information that allow cephalitis were the subjects of several other example is that of acute Chagas dis-
for evidence-based decision-making. studies in the Americas, following the ease, which is caused by the oral trans-

Rev Panam Salud Publica 29(3), 2011 375

Special report Schneider et al. • Importance of animal/human health interface in potential PHEICs in the Americas

mission of Trypanosoma cruzi, possibly of guinea pig raised and consumed to in- tions (51–53). A study developed in
through the contamination of food by the crease protein intake) and where crops French Guyana suggested wild mam-
vector’s feces. Outbreaks of Chagas dis- attract wild rodents (20). In the case of mals in edge habitats can be infected by
eases as a food-borne illness have been re- yellow fever, human cases are related to circulating human strains (54). Also, be-
ported more frequently in Latin America outbreaks in wild monkeys. Monitoring cause dengue outbreaks can occur in tan-
in recent years, mostly in Brazil (30–34). areas where the virus is known to circu- dem with other vector-borne diseases,
Food safety is an area to which interna- late among animals in the wild would such as leptospirosis, investigation and
tional organizations and countries of the therefore seem worthwhile (45). For all correct diagnosis of the event are impor-
region have been devoting significant at- these diseases, inter-sectoral interaction tant for controlling potential outbreaks.
tention, not only to improve public health among health, agricultural, and environ- Proper control of the vector for dengue
but also to protect tourism and trade. mental institutions, at all levels, is crucial. (usually the Aedes aegypti mosquito, in
Tourism is very important to the Ameri- In the case of Subgroup 1d (communi- the Americas) requires multidisciplinary
cas’ economies, with US$171 billion in re- cable diseases where animals do not act teams, including environmental and risk
gional revenue attributed to international as a reservoir for infection but eventually communication professionals, and inter-
travel (35), and represents 14.8% of the become involved in the life cycle of the sectoral interaction (55). Dengue is the
Caribbean subregion’s gross domestic pathogen), dengue and measles are of in- most important arboviral pathogen in
product (GDP) (36). terest given their proportional weight in tropical and subtropical regions through-
In the case of some diseases common comparison to other events recorded in out the world and is therefore a critical
to animals, the investigation alone can the EMS. Although these diseases only af- issue in the Americas (51, 52). WHO con-
have an important impact on trade re- fect humans, they are included in the ref- siders dengue a “tool-deficient” disease,
lated to animal products. This effect may erence book on zoonoses used in this meaning further research is needed to de-
be seen across several countries in the study and are relevant to thorough analy- velop better interventions (56).
cases of avian influenza and Novel sis of the animal/human health interface, For measles, the transmission usually
A(H1N1) influenza virus (37). The eco- which seeks to develop approaches to im- occurs person-to-person and the inter-
nomic loss from a disease related to prove understanding of possible cross- vention activities, such as vaccination,
trade was analyzed by Bio Economic species pathogen transmission. On the are therefore directly related to humans
Research Associates (Cambridge, MA, same note, the definition of zoonoses in a (9), making the importance of veterinary
USA), which concluded that billions of strict sense is too narrow to define all medicine or animal biology in the inves-
dollars were lost, based on several exam- problems that may derive from animals tigation less relevant. Also, in the case of
ples worldwide (38). As the Americas re- to human beings (46). Zoonotic patho- measles events, it is important to con-
gion accounts for one-third of global gens have caused more than 65% of sider the potential risk of an anthropo-
meat production (39), better collabora- emerging infectious disease events since zoonotic (human to nonhuman animal)
tive efforts among sectors and multidis- 1950, and because the diseases often are transmission of the disease, which poses
ciplinary teams for the purpose of the new, societies are unprepared to treat a threat to wildlife, in this case nonhu-
IHRs and other epidemic alert and re- them (47). Early detection is essential to man primates. Outbreaks and serologi-
sponse events are crucial to maintaining the control of emerging, reemerging, and cal evidence of nonhuman primate infec-
economic stability. This emphasizes the novel infectious diseases, whether natu- tions have already been reported in
importance of international organiza- rally occurring or intentionally intro- relation to tourism and employees of a
tions supporting the countries with fur- duced. Containing the spread of such dis- monkey house facility (57–59).
ther guidelines and proper training in eases in a profoundly interconnected Integration or collaboration among
addition to existing programs (40, 41). world requires active vigilance for signs sectors that deal with zoonotic diseases is
For most of the diseases listed in Sub- of an outbreak, rapid recognition of its a complex issue involving multiple enti-
groups 1a and 1b, there are cases of dis- presence, and diagnosis of its microbial ties and thus requires the implementa-
ease transmission patterns congruent cause, in addition to strategies and re- tion of integration policies, joint training,
with interactions between humans, ani- sources for an appropriate and efficient expanded access to data, and other ef-
mals, and the environment. For example, response. Although these actions are forts (60).
outbreaks of human rabies transmitted often viewed in terms of human public A model has been established to iden-
by vampire bats in remote areas of the health, they also challenge the plant and tify “hotspots” for emerging infectious
Amazon region could be related to animal health communities (48). diseases, most of them zoonoses (60.3%),
changes in local productive processes The different types of dengue virus through the analysis of variables related
such as gold mining, deforestation, and (DENV) are maintained in two transmis- to demographics and the environment
interruption of cattle raising (42). Also, sion cycles: a sylvatic one between (12). The data from the EMS may be used
several leptospirosis outbreaks have oc- nonhuman primates and sylvatic Aedes by the countries to support institutions
curred in areas following flood disasters, mosquitoes, and an endemic cycle be- in predicting public health risks and may
when contact between animals (such as tween humans and peri-domestic Aedes thus improve efforts toward disease pre-
rats), people, and the environment be- (49–52). The genetic relationships and vention or mitigation.
comes elevated (43, 44). In addition, phenotypic differences between endemic Risk communication informing the
domiciliary outbreaks of plague have and sylvatic DENV genotypes may pro- population of a possible threat is very im-
been detected in the Andean region in vide valuable insight into the DENV portant because in many cases the event
South America, where people occasion- emergence and guide monitoring of fu- will not be covered by the mass media
ally share living space with cuye (a type ture outbreaks and possible interven- until it materializes as an actual emer-

376 Rev Panam Salud Publica 29(3), 2011

Rojas Medina et al. • Combined data sources for road traffic injury surveillance in Peru Special report

gency. Events identified as potential noses and diseases common to man and Although the current research was not
PHEICs thus require a comprehensive re- animals in potential PHEICs will allow an analysis of the social determinants of
sponse by the public health sector, in- for more efficient allocation of resources, emerging infectious disease events,
cluding lab diagnostics and expanded ac- both financial and human, and better in- many of the EMS “zoonosis” events
cess to the health system. In today’s country verification and response, sup- studied are related to poverty in the
society, even a rumor of a possible health ported by international organizations. Americas, as mentioned above with re-
threat can hamper trade or travel and Multidisciplinary teams including phy- gard to cases of rabies, plague, and lep-
create significant economic loss. A good sicians, veterinarians, environmentalists, tospirosis (17, 19). A comprehensive ap-
example is the response to the Novel A epidemiologists, communicators, and proach to the problem, incorporating
(H1N1) influenza virus pandemic, which others are crucial to the success of the inter-sectoral partners for joint projects
has put governments and international IHR implementation. (such as improving housing conditions
organizations under recent scrutiny with Evidence-based analysis of the animal/ in areas with rabies transmitted by bats,
regard to their ability to manage PHEICs. human health interface could also support or improving waste management in
The results of this analysis also call at- new directions in research, vaccines, and areas with leptospirosis), is one way to
tention to the current education system treatments, as well as the development of avoid future emergent events.
for health-related sciences and the need to diagnostic tests and other tools, to help Solidarity and transparency among the
integrate the animal/human health inter- prevent, control, eliminate, or mitigate countries in the Americas region is of up-
face into the curriculum. Training profes- emergent infectious diseases. As men- most importance not only for humanitar-
sionals with a holistic vision of potential tioned above, and supported by the re- ian reasons but also because one area af-
risk situations and the practical aptitude sults of this study, the recommendations fected by disease could rapidly threaten
to coordinate actions with different sec- of the “One World, One Health” strategic others.
tors is vital. The veterinary medical disci- framework—particularly the need to de-
pline is one of the sciences that should velop surveillance capacity, strengthen Acknowledgments. The authors thank
consider reviewing their curriculum and public and animal health capacity, all of the IHR National Focal Points in the
accepting more responsibility related to strengthen national emergency response, Americas that provided the World Health
protection of human health (61). and promote inter-agency and cross-sec- Organization Event Management System
In conclusion, it is clear that better un- toral collaboration—provide some helpful with the information that was used in this
derstanding of the occurrence of zoo- guidance for these types of endeavors (5). analysis.


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RESUMEN En este estudio se analizó la importancia de las zoonosis y las enfermedades transmisibles co-
munes a los seres humanos y los animales como posibles emergencias de salud pública de im-
portancia internacional, a fin de sentar una base científica para las actividades futuras destina-
Importancia de la interfaz das a reducir el riesgo de infección en la interfaz entre animales y seres humanos. La fuente
entre la salud humana y la principal para este análisis fueron los eventos registrados en la base de datos del Sistema de Ges-
sanidad animal en las tión de Eventos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para las Américas durante los
18 meses que transcurrieron (15 de junio del 2007 al 31 de diciembre del 2008) desde la puesta
posibles emergencias de en marcha del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional de la OMS (versión revisada en el 2005). De
salud pública de importancia los 110 eventos registrados por el Sistema de Gestión de Eventos para las Américas durante el
internacional en la Región período de estudio, 86 se clasificaron como enfermedades transmisibles —77 (70,0%) como
de las Américas “dentro de la interfaz entre animales y seres humanos” y 9 (8,2%) como “no comunes a seres
humanos y animales”—, 16 (14,5%) como “síndromes de etiología desconocida”, y 8 (7,3%)
como “relacionados con productos/otros”. De los 77 eventos comprendidos dentro de la interfaz
entre animales y seres humanos, se fundamentaron 48 (se confirmó la presencia del riesgo u
ocurrieron casos en seres humanos que claramente superaron los casos esperados). Estos resul-
tados confirman las investigaciones anteriores y destacan la importancia de la interfaz entre la
salud humana y la sanidad animal, así como la importancia de la colaboración intersectorial.

Palabras clave Enfermedades transmisibles; epidemiología; salud pública veterinaria; zoonosis;


Rev Panam Salud Publica 29(3), 2011 379

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