Dag Greece

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132 Ea,I.{3"Slrcet, ~o. .{.'>7 - New York NY 10017

19171 577·.{368 - W\-\w.uniournalisl11ieliowship.org

""NOCA" (HA""'AN
H,E 4mbassador 4nastaSSls Mlls,ahs 4 February 2010

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,,,,,'.' """,., ," ,,,.. ,""." ...""" ~ Permanent Repre5entat,ve of Greece

H('NOIA" .. ,.. '101' """'.NC" to t~e UnLted NatLons

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'",,~I ,,.,.,",,,,,," Dear Sir:

.' [ ,w'- N"'I. "'OO1Al1l ",-.,,,,,,.
"""""~, ""',"~'""".'" q",...
•' l ,." ""~I[' 0 .OOINI
"",.....--, ."".•"",g,,, .' i " " ."." The Board of Directors of the Dag Hammarskjold 5cholarsh'J
Ht .," '''LL''''')~ Fund for Journal'sts, respectfully requests that you join our
e..., ...... "' ..'" ""......A' ,,,""'''
HI .,,' "",,,,,~ Honorary Advisory Council as was the case w'th your
".."..... ~, .c'P~"'o"',>< 0' " . , . , predecessors. Greece contr,buted 53,000 to the Fund last year
H' .• It. lOH' .AU ....'''''''''''
Ii' ",'.-,,,,, 'ON"
'''''''''''~'''''~ ." ",.."", and we are grateful for your support.
.",. """"P,"" r;"..,
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The Fund, established in 19b1 as a memorial to the second UN
.. , .,,~ \~[I{o; ,·"h secretary-general/awards fellowships to professional Journalists
"" ....'..." • ., ... ~",."," "i '''~'""
><' ", ''',''''~'()~" from developing nations to observe and wr,te about the
""""'"..." ••"'....0"'''. 0''''''"d organizatiOn during its most active period each autumn, from
'" "'''''''''''''
," '''')'''> "'" ,,',
''1'~...""""" 0' Co"..,.... September to November We could only sponsor four last year
"-, ,,.. T~O"" ''''''~''"~' (from Ghana, Egypt, Pakistan and Ph,llpplnes) out of 400
... ....,.,'P',....
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(" .. appIJCat,ons. The fellOWS report the news to their medial outlets
as they see it Without restrictions,
.. , ''', L ."",.. ".~ '~_"L

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The Board of D,renors Is composed of Journalists based at the
UMe<l N",t,ons who volunteer without pay. They ra,se money
'''''''OI~ 01 ."", from UN miss,ons, foundations and corporatIons. We would be
'" .,...,,,,..,,
H' '"
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"",' '" "'" ," '.~, '-'.,.,,'
" •• "' .... U'(jlJ'''or
~''''' honoN!d if you would jam our advisory council. Kmdly let us
I,...""', l '"d." '''~'. ~ .'"""'.."
know as soon as possible s,nce we are printing new letterheads
NI "~O<OJSTI" ,,,,,,,,,,.
",."'~,_" "'1""-"',,,"" ' 'J ,,..'", ""c"" very shortly.
'''[ "O~O.,"1{n-"orN>
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""'~ ""'C'L "....''", "" Eveiyn leopold, chair
'K'.'_" "~'ff'

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Hufflngton Post contributor
evleooold@gmail ,com
Wi'll';, unjouma hsmfeilowsb iQ.&Ig


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