Activity 1 - Philosophical Thoughts

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1. If a laptop is available, answers maybe typewritten, font size 12 in a short bond

paper. If cellphone only - handwritten, should be legible and use a short bond
paper. Can be uploaded as picture, just make sure it is very clear to read.
2. Answers should be brief, direct to the point and in a complete sentence.
3. Answers should be written right after every question. Follow the format of the
4. Submit by UPLOADING your activity to “CLASSWORK” of the Google
classroom as PDF file.



Major/Year: BSED FILIPINO II-B Deadline: APRIL 27, 2021

Guide Questions:

1. Explain by giving examples the following views of some educators that were discussed to
1.1. Knowledge is not possible without experience.
 Our knowledge comes because of our experience. The more experience we
had the more knowledge we gain. Like a mistake that we had, it turns into a
lesson that we will look up to for our next decision.
1.2. Schooling must be related to life and to the activities needed to earn a living.
 It is important that the job we will take is related on our course. Some people
who doesn’t go to school survive in their job because of the efforts they put in
it but it is important that the job we will have is related for us to put our
knowledge in it.
1.3. Material progress is very evident but moral and ethical development have lagged
 Because we have different opinions on things and we have different taste like
in our clothes. Some people doesn’t like the clothes that we are wearing but it
is comfortable for us. Moral and ethical development in our country is very
slow because we always want being modern and we want every person have
the same taste as mine.
1.4. Education is not a privilege of the few but a right to be enjoyed by all citizens.
 Not because you are poor and doesn’t have an opportunity to go to school, it
doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve to have an education. We all deserve
education whether we are privilege or not. Privilege people is in advantage in
terms of schooling but many people who is not privilege succeed in life
because of their hardwork.

Guide Questions:
1. In your own idea or opinion, are these views still significant in your time or generation?
 Yes, because in our generation we want all people to “sunod sa uso” thing.
Even in education we need to adjust not for others but for ourselves also. We
all have beliefs but respecting each others opinion is the best thing we can do.

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