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Administración de Empresas

Inglés II

English Final Exam

1- Complete the dialogue with the words from the box:

From- I’m- my-nice- name’s-

are- meet-is-

a) ___________ Emma. Emma Schneider. ________ to ________ you.

b) Good morning, __________ name’s Shi Jiabao. This____ my secretary Yung.
c) My________ Akum, by the way. How ______ you?
d) I’m Anuria Doll, _________ RTA Seguros

2- Correct the mistakes:

3- Complete with a or an:

a) ___ vet e) ___ technician

b) ___ manager f) ___ director

c) ___ assistant g) ___ engineer

d) ___ IT technician h) ___ sales representative

4- Read the text and answer the questions:

Administración de Empresas
Inglés II

a) Why do people think that Carlos Ghosn is a superstar?

b) Why do some people call Ghosn “7/11”?
c) Does he travel to France?
d) What does he do at the weekends?
e) Why is Ghosn’s schedule busy?
f) He has four children.

4a- True or False?

a) Many people think Ghosn is Japanese.

b) Ghosn speaks three foreign languages.

c) He lives in Europe.

d) He often travels between Europe and Asia.

e) He meets international customers at weekends.

5- Write your daily routine as a student of the Business Administration career. No more and
no less than 120 words.





6- Choose the comparative or superlative form in italics to complete the information about
working abroad.
Administración de Empresas
Inglés II

7-Complete with the correct form of the past simple:

8-Your boss is asking you to write an e-mail to a person you met once on a trade fair. Read
the guidelines and write the e-mail to Brian.

Administración de Empresas
Inglés II








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