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Disciplina:Inglês Teacher: Ana Lúcia 3º ANO “A”

Aluno (a):Fabrício Pereira Diniz Nº_____

1.Preencha as lacunas das frases com “regular verbs”.(8 pontos – 1,0 cada)

a.I watched a good film yesterday.( to watch)

b.He visited her friends last weekend. ( to visit)

c.They played the violin at the party. ( to play)

d.They worked hard last month.(to work)

e.You cleaned your living room very well!( to clean)

f.In the afternoon I walked along a lake. (to walk)

g.My cousin played the piano and I prepared the drinks.( to play/to

h.In the morning I watched the birds and the sunset.( to watch)

2.Complete as sentenças com  o ”Simple Past Tense” dos verbos regulares,

em seguida, assinale na alternativa correta. (8 pontos – 1,0 pontos)

I. I visited my friend yesterday. ( to visit)

a.(X)visited    b.(   ) visitied

II. They opened a new restaurant last week. ( to open)

a.(X) opened     b.(   ) oppened

III. The little boy answered your question. ( to answer)

a.(X) answered     b.(   ) answerred

IV. Jonas danced very well yesterday. ( to dance)

a.(X) danced     b.(   ) danceed

V. The children visited the new recreation center last week.(to visit)

a.(X)visited    b.(   ) visitied

VI. You played computer games yesterday. ( to play)

a.(X) played     b.(   ) plaied

VII. We loved the new coffee shop.( to love)

a.(X)loved    b.(   ) loveed

VIII. My father studied Canada at university. ( to study)

a.(   )studyed    b.(X) studied

3. Escolha a alternativa correta: (10 pontos – 1,0 cada)

a) I (listened – listen) to the weather forecast 5 minutes ago.

b) She (Waters – watered) the flowers very early this morning.

c) He ( shout – shouted) at me in the middle of the street.

d) They (cleaned – clean) their room yesterday.

e) We (watched – watches) TV before going to sleep.

f) Sally (washes – washed) the dishes last night.

g) Mrs. Pointers (painted – paints) her house last year.

h) The Roberts (visited – visits) us last month.

i) She (plays – played) tennis when she was young.

j) Tom (return – returned) home without his Money.

4. Empregue o grau comparativo de IGUALDADE: (10 pontos - 2,0 cada)

a) This lesson – difficult – the last one.

This lesson is as difficult as the last one.

b) Peter – intellient – Bob

Peter is as intelligent Bob.

c) Lucy – beautiful – Margaret

Lucy is as beautiful as Margaret

d) I am – happy – you

I am as happy as you.
5. Empregue o grau comparativo de SUPERIORIDADE: (6 pontos – 1,0

a) Bob – intelligent – Peter

Bob is more intelligent than Peter.

b) This chair – comfortable – that one

This chair is more comfortable than that one.

c) Chinese – difficult – English

Chinese is more difficult than English.

d) This car – expensive – the black one

This car is more expensive than the black one.

e) Silvia – beautiful – Sheila

Silvia is more beautiful than Sheila.

f) This book – interesting – that one

This book is more interesting than that one.

6. Empregue o grau comparativo de INFERIORIDADE: (8 pontos – 2,0 cada)

a) Your sofa – comfortable – mine

Your sofa is less comfortable than mine.

b) Peter – handsome – you

Peter is less handsome than you.

c) This matter – important – last one

This matter is less important than the last one.

d) This story – interesting – last one

This story is less interesting than the last one.

7) Complete com question TAG: (10 pontos – 1,0 cada)

a) She isn’t your mother, isn’t she?

b) They aren’t studying, aren’t they?

c) I am not late, Am I?

d) We aren’t bothering you, aren’t we?

e) He isn’t sleeping now, isn’t he?

f) He is a good guy, isn’t he?

g) The wind is breaking up the kite, isn’t it?

h) She is speaking English, isn’t she?

i) They are tired, aren’t they?

j) Paul is a good doctor, isn’t he?

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