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A practical Masterclass that dives in and explore the question of Space & Time in Performing

Arts and gives some clues for understanding how performers and creators may deal with them
when preparing a performance.

A live performance is presented to an audience at a particular time and space. Beyond the
stage (and “behind the scenes” or the audience experience), a performance occurs, with
possibly many simultaneous actions happening. The performing stage funnels a single view of
the audience perception at a given time. There could be many such views, but it is not possible
to portray them all at once.

Performance art in many ways has been concerned with space and time: the real time or the
real space of live performance, mediated time, extended duration, the psychological
experience of both. We are creating and need to have a certain knowledge capsules of
spacetime that reveal facets of the contemporary experience and conceptualization of space
and time.

Many times, in the origin of our dramaturgy appears the way in which the creation of space on
the stage also creates a perception and understanding of time. Much narrative and illusionistic
theatre, but also an abstract, surreal, metaphorical, creates a situation in which the time
depicted on the stage is different from that of the audience, and yet the performers and
spectators share essentially the same space.

The question of Space & Time is essential to our creations and can be seen as stemming from
the physical organization of what we are planning to communicate to an audience.

We examine as well the contemporary phenomenon of video and projection on the stage and
how even technology of live action can disrupt time not only between the auditorium and
stage but within the stage itself through a disruption of spatial parameters.

Some aspects to deal with:

Time & Space between a conventional and non-conventional dramaturgy

Multiple vision of Time & Space on Stage

Open and Close Space & Time

The Time & Space of the performer

The Time & Space of the performance

The Time & Space of the Audience

Time & Space and Technology

Interrelation between Space & Time

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