Pigaty Inquirer 19870806

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.PH ll/1 ~w~v\·

·-~The . magnitude :0( the- pro.ble'm is-;··:
staggering;·~ ,.pingell , ~id. "Ameri." ·:1
can"S use- n~arty 200 .bill1on fasteners · 1: !rJfl)ill (!If_ ' \
annually. Justone .type of.fastener·- ·...1
Grade 8 automotive bolts - is used- 1 4-A .. Thursday, Aug. 6, 1987
by the Department o'f Defense . in . ~'\

about .SOO diff~rent weapons systems. .. ·
And JUSt o~e of the military purchas- '
mg agencres. t he Defense Logistics ·\
~gency, has found 29 percent of its
mventory - ·eight .to 1.0 .million ..

ta~}ty bOlts l
Gr;ade s· bolts __,are substandard."
'fhougli all fastenerS were the sub- -.. :.
ject of the
'inquiry by Dingell's En- · ..
ergy ~t)d Cbmmerce .. subcom111ittee ·
on ov~rsight and investigations, the ·
probl~s ·.'i;vitb Grade 8 l;>olts were ' .~
, ,.. ..... ··. . ,.,... . ,,. .·.. : ·: ·~

examined ·most-·closcly:--·- -~.. .......... :.~ By :-&rt M. Cannon ~~~~-:-;.~.~:·:;::~ ··

Jnqutrer Wasl'li"rton Suruu :. . <\.' .:.j ' ·"'· · · ; "'·... .~
in June, the Defense Industrial ~ · ~Jl :::.. - ~ t...· · -~· .. ... ,.~ ·~:, •: ..-: ~
Supply Center of the Defense Cbgis· · W.ASl'!IN(}TON - · A A.S. ,:(\rmy ,gen- ~
ucs Agency froze all shipments of eral - frustrated because the- Army 1
Grade 8 bo lts from its supply depots has been sold millions of cciunte'rfeit, ~
mismarked or substandard bolts that ··•
have eaused more .than 1.:200 .tanks to .. ~
to military bases that needed them
until each shipment could be tested . ..
"Mr. Chairman. we've.' been. bilked · be.ta~en.Qut of serY.ice acone time or -~ ~
another - told a House subcommit· ~
just Uke everybody '€lse," Pigaty told
DmgeJL ."But we've got il good han- tee y~sterday th?,t "we,~d ~~~ t5> ~ee .a , ~
public hangmg. . , ·· " : t '
dle on it now, and we shouldn't be an
easy prey anymore." · ·· Brig. Gen. Leo J . Pigaty. w.ho.over:- .
sees Defense Department procure- · ;
The members of the subcommittee ment, was speaking figuratively and i
were more critical of the policies of explained that actually he- -hopes a ·-
the U$. ·-Anny. Materiel -Command, distrib\ltor "who ~lls ·substandard
whicb.. does not purchase .fasteners . bolts and other ·fasteners .wUl be sen·
itself but finished vehicles and weaJr-. tenced •tO jail· 8S an example.
ons .systems. many of which have An ihvestigatfon "d!scovere,d that
been found to·have substandard fas- . 1,220 ofthe Army 's 10,000 M-60 battle
teners. . . :.· ~. · :
tanks, 'which.·cast '51.6 t!llllion each, .I
In testimony ye~terday, Seymour J. \ were oi.lt of service acsome :point /
Lorber, deputy chief of staff for prod· ' because of substandard bolts, .said
. uct . assurance and testing for the · subcommittee chairman · Rep. John
Army Materiel Command, told skep- D. Dingell (D .. Mich.). He added that
tical subcommittee members that such .bolts.:Jlut$, ·rivets and scr~ws l
"all major weapons systems ana ve- are comiDQn in the military, where .··~
hicles 'are proof-tested and road- -~· they are used 'in almost all vehiCles
tested pf.ior to· iheir ·~tanee and·;-":'; and weapens systems. and in the 'CI· '
before dellveq tp.:Arrny iriventory.:·...:~ VIhan sector. where they are used in :
. . ..... ,. - . - 1.. everything from bridges to nuclear ··~
power ' p~an~~.:: · - . -~•
- ~

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